disappeared. wowkwan


30.4K 2.7K 2.3K

started 20170730 ended /// ※ "promise me you won't just disappear." More

say the name 17 xvii
xxiv s·


857 69 128

     ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* this chapter is long, whoops ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 

     after waiting a few minutes, changkyun finally trudged out of their shared bedroom and sat down next to byeongkwan on the couch. he smiles satisfying seeing breakfast was already prepared. he looks to byeongkwan, only to see a pouting expression.

   "byeongkwan, what's with the sour face?" he asks, snickering. he picks up his metal chopsticks and plate covered in cooked breakfast food. byeongkwan doesn't budge to touch his plate.

    changkyun looks to byeongkwan for a moment, before rolling his eyes and using his chopsticks to cut a bit of the omelette for him to start eating. he eats in large bites, like an animal. byeongkwan can only watch in disgust.

    byeongkwan waits until changkyun finishes to take his water cup and plate to the sink for him, like a servant. changkyun only leans back into the couch, sighing, being able to relax freely.

   "hey, byeongkwan-ah, you gonna finish your plate?" changkyun asks, grinning when byeongkwan comes back to sit down near changkyun.

    byeongkwan grins, sighing before picking up the plate and walking to the left side of the couch where changkyun sits. he holds the plate near changkyun's face and smiles.

   "no, take it," he says, placing it in changkyun's lap. "it'll be the last meal i cook for you, so enjoy."

   "what are you-"

   "i'm kicking you out," byeongkwan says sternly. "we are through. i no longer want to see you anywhere near my apartment any fucking more."

    changkyun looks at the blonde, shocked, but a wave of anger rides over him.

    "since when did you assume you could talk to me like that?" changkyun spits at byeongkwan, placing the plate on the coffee table and standing up in front of byeongkwan. he was taller by inches, but byeongkwan didn't seem fazed.

    "since i discovered i have a voice, and an opinion on how my life is going to be run," byeongkwan shouts. "i have been so worked up over you, so scared, for years, ever since you started doing drugs with your mates. you never come home to treat me like a human being, and instead come home, high or drunk, or maybe even both, just to fuck me senseless."

   before changkyun can retort, byeongkwan shuts him up by kicking him in his prosthetic, causing changkyun to collapse, losing his balance.

    "now, you will listen to my words, and leave this household with all your shit," byeongkwan says, collecting spit in his mouth before spitting it on changkyun, receiving a disgusted yell from the brunet.

   changkyun finally stands up again, using the coffee table as a balance. he stares at byeongkwan, expressionlessly, as he runs his fingers through his hair.

   he inhales, before swallowing. "fine. i'll leave."

   byeongkwan's lip wants to turn into a satisfied smile, but they don't. he only waits for changkyun to start picking his shit up and start leaving his existence.

  changkyun tilts his head to his right, his neck popping loudly. he wraps his left hand around his right fist, pushing against his knuckles, earning a loud crack from each of them.

   byeongkwan is caught off guard as changkyun swings a punch right in his nose. he falls backwards to the ground, the back of his head hitting the wall. 

   byeongkwan finds changkyun on top of him, pissed as ever. byeongkwan's hands fly up to hold his nose, starting to leak blood.

   another punch is swung at byeongkwan's jaw. another in his stomach. punches continue to pummel byeongkwan as he does nothing to defend himself.

   he hears things like slut, bitch, and whore be yelled at him by the brunet. byeongkwan doesn't regain himself until he balls his fist and shoves it into changkyun's neck, earning a strangled yell from changkyun.

   this is where their fight starts.

   byeongkwan's knee comes up to changkyun's groin and forcefully knees him. changkyun yells out in pain, kneeling down while holding his stomach area with his arm.

   byeongkwan pushes changkyun off of him, who still is moaning in pain. byeongkwan stands up from being cornered and runs toward the kitchen.

   changkyun is already up and running after him before byeongkwan can realise. changkyun jumps onto byeongkwan, forcefully them both onto the ground. byeongkwan, desperate to stay up and running, tries grabbing the counter, only to push off many used utensils from cooking earlier onto the ground with him.

   changkyun, sitting on top of byeongkwan's back, holds the back of byeongkwan's head before slamming it forcefully into the hard tile floor, earning a loud shriek from the bruised and bloody blonde.

   changkyun continues this multiple times at a slow pace before he grips byeongkwan's hair and pulls him back to see his face. 

   "you will learn who runs this house!" changkyun shouts in byeongkwan's face before letting go of his hair. he pushes his strong hand against byeongkwan's right cheek, forcing his left side of his head into the ground painfully.

    byeongkwan's hands search from something to grab. his hand wraps around the handle of some utensil, and immediately, and swings his arm back with the utensil. a yell erupts from changkyun behind him, and the weight of changkyun's body is lifted off of him.

   byeongkwan scoots away, pushing the spare utensils out of his way. he stands up, using one of the counters as a balance. he regains his breath, before looking to changkyun, who was on the other side of the kitchen.

    a metal salad serving fork is lodged deep inside the left side of changkyun's abdomen, crimson blood leaking into his sweatpants and tank top. changkyun's hand hover over the utensil, shaking.

   it isn't long before changkyun grips the large fork, tugging at it until it pulls out of his flesh. he looks at the bloody fork, wide-eyed, before looking up at byeongkwan, with his hands wrapped around a meat cleaver.

   "i think i learned who runs this house," byeongkwan mutters. "now get the fuck out."


    "i said to get the fuck out!" byeongkwan yells. "go! shoo! just fucking disappear, would you?"

    that's when changkyun doesn't fight anymore. he walks away from the kitchen to the door, pulling his coat from the coat rack, and slipping his feet into his slip ons.

   he looks at byeongkwan for a brief moment, his hands still gripped around the cleaver, waiting for changkyun to leave.

   changkyun's hand reaches into his coat pocket, pulling out a set of keys. he tosses them at byeongkwan, missing by a long shot, and having them hit the floor behind the blonde.

   changkyun opens the door and sighs. he starts to walk out before something hits him softly in the back of the head.

    "and take that with you." byeongkwan mutters.

   changkyun turns and looks at the item on the floor. a red locket.

   changkyun looks at byeongkwan, who holds the blue locket in his other free hand. his eyes are flooding with tears, but they're unnoticeable, covered by the blood.

   changkyun's hand reaches to grab the locket. he squeezes the chain tightly in his hand, before leaving the apartment room, shutting the door softly behind.

    byeongkwan drops the cleaver and he sighs.

   he walks up to the door, twisting the lock to assure changkyun won't be appearing again.

   byeongkwan walks back into the living room, gazing over the mess created. furniture placed crooked, blood staining the carpet, and most of all, the kitchen.

   blood covered the floor, both changkyun's and byeongkwan's. the utensils were also splayed on the floor from byeongkwan trying to catch himself on the counter. byeongkwan only sighs and drops to his knees on the soft carpet. he shoves the locket into the same pocket with his antidepressants.

   his face hurt. his nose felt as if it were broken, and his bones felt like they were all snapped in half. his whole body hurt like hell.

    byeongkwan lies there for a while until he hears his phone ring inside his bedroom. he moans, and pushes himself up slowly from the ground, still in pain.

   he limps into his bedroom, the ringing sound becoming louder. he pulls back the bed sheets, seeing his uncased phone laying on the white sheets.

    now calling ...

    + 82 xxxx xxxx

     byeongkwan picks up the cheap phone and presses the answer button. he holds the cold device up to his ear, and murmurs.




  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 

helloO therEe

i have nothing to say

besides the fact i will be updating "elixir" later

so yay :D

k bye


[unEdiTeD aS alWayS]  

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