V younger sister | { complete...

By guksboba

93.8K 1.8K 693

You come back from your holiday in LA. You then discover that you can't live in your house. You move in with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 11

2.5K 73 10
By guksboba

Taehyung's POV

Me, Emily and the boys were sitting on the couch watching Mean Girls. I got a call. It had no caller ID so I didn't answer it.
Emily then got a phone call with no caller ID, she also hung up. Namjoon then got a phone call from the same person and he answered it.
"Hello.... Yes this is.... What .... I'll be there soon." He seemed worried.
"Tae we need to go to y/n. She is in the hospital. Thats why you should've answered." He said as I shot up and grabbed my keys. All the boys jumped in the car. We are all crying, I hope she is ok.

We arrive at the hospital.
"I'm looking for a Kim Y/N" I say with tears running down my face
"She is in surgery right now. You can see her afterwards." A lady behind the reception desk said.
"Ok." I reply.
"Where is she." Harry shouted.
"She's in surgery." I wanted to hit him.
"Well give this to her when she wakes" he handed me a letter. "Oh and don't open it. I have to leave because of work." I nodded at him as he left.

"She's awake, Mr Kim Taehyung. She's in room 394." I sighed in relief.
"Thank you" I said as I ran into her room.


I woke up in the hospital.
"Miss Kim. You had a car accident, lucky we saved you." The doctor told me. I smiled, I was too weak to talk.
"Y/N are you ok. What happened." Tae said. I wanted to make him feel upset because I was evil.
"Who are you?" I ask
"I'm your brother, please remember me."
"Y/N" Namjoon shouted.
"Who are you guys?" I asked as they all looked down and started crying more. "Oh you guys are the ones I just pranked." I laughed and they all started to tickle me.
"Ok this is for you. Harry told me to give it to you."
I opened the letter.

To y/n
If your reading this I guess your alive. Huh shame. I need to tell you that I never loved you. You though I did. I used you. I cheated on you so much. You are nothing to me. You should kill yourself. I wish you died. I don't need you at all. I hope realise that you will never be loved and that you don't deserve to live. It's a shame I had to leave you in hospital, where you should die. So I hope you never find happiness.

Love Harry
P.s your not worth my love

Tears started falling. I handed Namjoon the letter seeing as he is the only one who can read it, as it is in English.
"Please — translate — it" I said in between breaths.
"Are you sure" ?he asks. I nod my head.
He told the boys and I have never seen the boys this angry. Tad punched the wall, making a hole in it. Liv, Alice and Chloe turned up with churros, that got stolen by the boys. They also brought me some doughnuts and cookies. Liv brought the tea obviously.

Time skip~~

It's been about 2 weeks after my crash and I can go home. Y/b came and picked me up. We were joking around and I didn't even realise that we were sitting in the drive for the past 5 minutes. He helps out of the car and we go in.
"You're home. Food is on the table." Taehyung said.
"Ok Oppa I will be there in a minute after a shower." I said as I walked to the shower.

I went to get food. I sat down next to y/b, he smiled at me. I knew I shouldn't of dated Harry. I just made a silly mistake that's all. We heard a knock on the door.
"I'll get it" ,I said.

I opened the door. I was so shocked to see the person at the door.


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