Endings and Beginnings

donmaryfan tarafından

82.7K 2.6K 411

As Don and Meryl's life as empty nesters end; they embark on a new beginning. Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98

Chapter 14

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donmaryfan tarafından

Meryl awoke in a start. It felt like she had been sleeping forever; her first thought was the babies as they still needed to eat every 2 hours or so. She began to panic as she looked at the clock and realized that they had been asleep for 3 hours since they last ate. "Mags! Brady!" Meryl panicked as Don sat up.

"Baby, what is it?" Don said rubbing his eyes as he sat up and turned on the lamp on his nightstand.

Meryl got up to look in the bassinet next to her side of the bed. "DON! THE BABIES!"

"What about them?" Don asked as he went up behind her and kissed her neck. "Darl, you're shaking."

Meryl started sobbing. "Don, they're gone! Where the hell are they?"

"Babe, they're in their bassinet." Don said not exactly sure what was going on.

Meryl pointed to the bassinet on her side of the bed. "THEY'RE NOT HERE."

"Come here." Don said getting out of bed on her side of the bed, taking her hand and leading her to the bassinet on his side of the bed. He stood behind her with his arms wrapped around her. "They've been sleeping in the bassinet on my side of the bed, remember? That way you don't have to get up and I can bring them to you. Look at how happy they are sleeping next to each other."

Meryl nodded as the tears continued to stream down her cheek. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I first woke up in a panic because they've slept through their feeding and then when I didn't see them in the bassinet..."

"Their Mommy filled their bellies and they feel safe; that's why they're still asleep." Don whispered into her ear with a kiss to her cheek. "You might be doing your job too well."

Meryl laughed as she turned around in his arms to gently kiss his lips. "Thank you."

"It's been a lot of ups and downs." Don acknowledged as he wiped her tears away. "They are perfect."

Meryl nodded as she took a deep breath. "If something happened to any of you..."

"Shhhh." Don whispered with a kiss to her lips. "It won't. We're past the worst, baby."

Meryl hoped that he was right. "We better wake them up. It's been over three hours since they've eaten."

"You go get in position and I'll give them to you." Don said placing a kiss on her forehead as she smiled and got back in bed. "Who first?"

Meryl laughed. "Whoever you can get to wake up."

"Okay." Don said as he picked up his daughter and rubbed on her stomach. "Come on Mags, wake up sleeping beauty. Your mama is ready to feed you."

Meryl laughed as Mags scrunched up her face and started crying. "She doesn't like to be woken up like her daddy."

"I hate to break it to you, Mer; but that is the look you give me when I wake you up." Don laughed as he picked up Brady, trying to wake him up and got back in bed beside his wife.

Meryl raised her eyebrow to him. "Not always; I'm usually moaning and smiling when you wake me up in certain ways and positions."

"Touche'." Don laughed with a kiss to her lips. "Soon, baby; very soon."

Meryl looked as Brady slowly woke up just looking around. "He wakes up like you and Henry."

"We're Gummer men." Don winked. "We just take it all in."

Meryl smiled softly as she continued to nurse Mags and laid her head on Don's shoulder as he continued to hold Brady and stroked Mags' head. "This is my favorite time of the day with the four of us." In that moment, in the quiet penthouse in Tribeca, all was right in the Gummer world.


Meryl had just finished brushing her teeth in the bathroom that morning and smiled as she stood in the doorway of the bedroom and watched her husband kneeling in front of their bed singing to the babies as they were falling back to sleep on their parents' bed now that they had full bellies and fresh diapers. It amazed her how she and Don felt like they did when Henry was born; while they were seasoned pros in dealing with babies it also seemed so new now that it was 21 years since they last had a baby. It also amazed her that at a time in their lives when they didn't think they could become closer or love each other more than they already did; they had fallen in love deeper than ever before and were as close as they had ever been. As she watched him kiss on their babies and sing to them she felt this overwhelming need just to be with him. She also smiled that he changed some of the lyrics of the song to include both babies.

Babies mine, don't you cry.
Babies mine, dry your eyes.
Rest your heads close to my heart,
Never to part, babies of mine.

Little ones, when you play,
Pay no heed what they say.
Let your eyes sparkle and shine,
Never a tear, babies of mine.

If they knew all about you,
They'd end up loving you, too.
All those same people who scold you,
What they'd give just for the right to hold you.

From your hair down to your toes,
You're not much, goodness knows.
But, you're so precious to me,
Sweet as can be, babies of mine.

"You know guys, Daddy and Mommy thought they were done. We were traveling and working; then we found out about one of you. Then both of you." Don whispered as he stroked both of their heads. "You absolutely complete our family. People may tease you because you have old parents; but no two people could love either of you more than your mama and I do. We didn't get to hold either of you as soon as you were born but we love you both more than you will ever know."

Meryl was wiping away tears as she walked up behind him and knelt down beside him. "They're pretty amazing. I know it's a lot of work; but having more in our 60's isn't so bad. It's kind of like we're having our first all over again. I love how much time we have with them; and each other. We aren't worried about how we are going to pay the bills. We can not only enjoy time with them; but time being parents and husband and wife together."

"Hey, you." Don smiled kissing her lips. "You shouldn't be kneeling."

Meryl laughed as she shook her head at her husband. "My typical Don Man; I'm fine, baby. Looks like they're out. I don't know about you but I could use a shower."

"Go ahead." Don smiled; totally missing what his wife was trying to say to him. "I'll watch them; then I can shower."

Meryl shook her head as she trailed her finger tips along his back under his shirt. "I was kind of hoping my husband would join me in the shower."

"Baby, you know what our showers together lead to." Don smirked.

Meryl nodded with a knowing smile. "I know it can't lead to that but we can still enjoy each other; come on."

"Darl, we can't." Don sighed as he helped her stand up. "We can't leave them."

Meryl smiled as she picked Mags up kissing her and placing her in the bassinet; and then doing them same with Brady. "The great thing about bassinets is they have wheels; let's wheel them into the bathroom. We will be able to hear them. Just like we've done with all of the other kids; and they didn't suffer."

"I don't know." Don was still hesitant.

Meryl pulled his head down to hers so she could slowly kiss his lips. "Baby, we promised to always carve out time with each other now that we have more babies. I know we can't do anything; but we can still be together. We can take a nice shower together without any nurses or doctors walking in. The other kids are all busy. We've talked to Mamie and she is fine. What do you say?"

"I say I can never resist you." Don laughed as he started to push the bassinet into the bathroom.

Meryl smacked his backside as she grabbed his ass. "I kind of love that about you."


Don made sure the water was just the right temperature for her and then looked back as she was looking in on the babies. "Are you sure? They're okay?"

"They're fine." Meryl smirked as she rolled his t-shirt up his back and off his body; she then kissed his chest as her hands pushed down his pajama pants. "They're eyes are closed; they have no idea what we are doing."

Don threw his head back with a laugh as he pulled her top off her body followed by her nursing bra; kissing each breast. "That's a good thing." He whispered as she pushed down her pajama pants and he ran his lips along the scar on her abdomen which was a reminder to him, not that he needed to be reminded, of all she went through for the youngest children and him. "A very good thing."

"You're easy." Meryl laughed at her husband. "Glad you're not nervous anymore."

Don pulled her into the shower with a squeal as he then pushed her damp hair off her face. "This was a very good idea you had, Mrs. Gummer."

"I'm glad you think so, Mr. Gummer." Meryl smiled as she grabbed his loofa, squirting shower gel on it and then scrubbing his chest. "It's been awhile."

Don ran his fingers through his hair. "Too long."

"You are one gorgeous man, Donald Gummer." Meryl smiled as she washed his body. "You take my breath away."

Don knew what she was doing as he pulled her to him and began to wash her body with her looks and shower gel. "I know what you're doing; you don't have to sweet talk me. I'm better after yesterday and I slept well."

"I'm glad; but what am I doing?" Meryl moaned at the sensation of him washing her body. "I'm just telling my husband how damn lucky I am to have him. I mean if you don't need to hear it after 34 years then I can move on and tell someone else how gorgeous they are."

Don dropped her loofa as he dropped to her knees and began to run his tongue along her scars. "You better not, Mary Louise. God, you're exquisite."

"Baby." Meryl moaned as she brought his head back up to hers, pulling him to stand up as she attacked his lips. "You said...couldn't get carried...away."

Meryl and Don's hands were wild over each other and he finally tore his lips from hers and pressed his forehead against hers; both of them breathing heavily. "Just a little while longer."

"As long as I can touch your amazing arms." Meryl whispered as she ran her hands up and down the biceps she loved so much; and then she tenderly kissed his lips. "And kiss those lips I'll deal."

Don winked as he began to wash her hair. "Think of the inevitable explosion after all this tension."

"It's best I not." Meryl laughed grabbing his shampoo. "Your turn."


"Thank you for being so good." Meryl leaned down in her robe and kissed each of her babies. "That helped Daddy."

Don smiled as he walked into their bedroom still in his robe and a tube. "What are you saying to them?"

"It's between them and their mama." Meryl smiled turning to face him. "What's that?"

Don held out his hand and led her back into the bathroom; lifting her to sit on the bathroom counter. "One last step."

"Lotion." Meryl smiled as he opened her robe and spread the healing lotion on her scars. "How did you know it was bothering me?"

Don winked at her as he kissed her forehead. "This isn't out first rodeo you know."

"I guess not." Meryl laughed. "What do you want to do today?"

Don shrugged as he washed his hands. "I thought the 4 of us could enjoy a day in. I'd love to try out that new camera you got me by taking pictures of my beautiful wife and babies."

"Don." Meryl moaned. "Not me."

Don shook his head as he helped her off the counter. "Yes, you; deal with it."

"What about you?" Meryl asked. "You won't be in them with us; though I would happily take pictures of you with them."

Don washed his hands. "We can have Brigitte come take family pictures with the four of us, all of the kids and Lily. Let's just have a fun stress free day."

"Sounds good to me." Meryl said as she walked out to look at the babies sleeping away. "Looks like they're thrilled."


"Beautiful." Don said taking pictures of Meryl and the twins.

Meryl looked up at him as she ran her fingers through her hair while having Mags was on her lap as she sat up in bed cross-legged and Brady was on her shoulder. "Are you sure I look okay? I'm still in my robe."

"Which is exactly how I want you for these pictures." Don said, smiling, as he clicked away on his camera. "You are absolutely gorgeous; and this is how you are with them in the most intimate moments."

Meryl smirked at her husband. "Once an artist always an artist."

"Even on a sabbatical." Don winked which was what he was referring to his time away from his art. "Okay, I want your robe open just above your scar and them on your chest. Let's keep the blanket how it is on your lap."

Meryl looked at him nervously as he moved Mags to her chest and opened her robe in just the right way so as not to reveal anything and he kissed her scar. "It's repulsive."

"It saved your life and gave them to us." Don choked as he kissed her forehead. "It is anything but repulsive."

Meryl blinked away tears as she nuzzled her head between both babies heads. "How's this?"

"So damn perfect. I am definitely framing this one and it will be on my phone." Don winked at her as he took one the babies and put them to the side on the bed. "Now, take off your robe. You still naked under there?"

Meryl raised her eyebrow at her husband. "Don, the babies are right there. Aren't you the one that keeps telling me we have to wait?"

"I love your dirty mind." Don wiggled his eyebrows at her as he helped her take her robe off. "Not like that. I want you to lay on top of the covers with your legs together."

Meryl did as she was told. "For your eyes only?"

"Always." He promised with a kiss to her lips as he then put their naked babies curled up on her lap covering her intimate areas but not the scar. "Breathtaking; now THIS is a mother's love."

Meryl put on her glasses as she looked at the picture on the back of his digital picture. "I do love that; thank you, Don Man."

"Thank you, Darl." Don whispered with a kiss to her lips as the babies began to fuss. "Have I been putting them off too much?"

Meryl nodded as she laughed. "I really feel like I need to nurse."

"Okay." Don said putting the camera down and helping her get back under the covers so she didn't get get cold; and hold both babies at once and assisting in the latching. "Is this okay? I know you don't nurse both at once very often."

Meryl nodded as she looked down lovingly at their babies. "Yeah; I held them both off for as long as I could."

"This is so beautiful." Don said pulling the blanket up a little bit on her. "Not too cold?"

Meryl shook her head as she kissed her babies and heard the constant clicking of the camera. "I'm perfect. I'm just sad you won't be in any of these."

"This is a mother and her babies photo shoot." Don said. "No one wants an old man in them."

Meryl winked at him. "I do when that man is my husband and their father."

"I'll get my chance." He said as he put the camera down and got in bed beside them. When she leaned her head on his shoulder he got an idea. "Like now."

Meryl didn't look up; she just looked in his eyes as they looked at one another, then they both looked down at the babies as he continued to take selfies. "Thank you."

"Here, I'll take him." Don said taking Brady when he was finished and held him with one arm as he took pictures of Meryl continuing to nurse Mags once he covered her bare shoulder and breast with her robe. "I love watching you nurse."

As soon as Mags was done Meryl covered her other shoulder and breast; bringing Mags to that shoulder to burp as Don burped Brad as she leaned her head on his shoulder once again. "I think we need a picture of this too."


"I can't believe I let you take real pictures of me a week after having twins...naked!" Meryl laughed as she held Brady while sitting on the couch.

Don kissed Mags' head as he brought up the pictures on his MacBook. "So, the other pictures I've taken for the last week aren't real?"

"Those were on your phone." Meryl playfully smacked him. "These are ones you are wanting to print and frame."

Don tenderly kissed her lips. "You look amazing. First of all, you were pregnant with twins and didn't look it."

"I kept saying how I felt bigger than with the others." Meryl pointed out with a smile.

Don winked at her. "And you are even thinner now than before you got pregnant. Are you sure you're eating enough?"

"I promise." Meryl said kissing his lips as they scrolled through the pictures. "They are pretty amazing; and they have a brilliantly talented photographer daddy. These are great, Don Man."

Don smirked at her when he saw a picture of him asleep with the babies on his chest. "And just when did you take this?"

"I have my ways." Meryl smiled. "I forgot how much I missed these little moments of having a baby in the house."

Don gave her a serious look. "You don't feel like our golden years are messed up with having more?"

"Yeah, they've changed things; but never messed up our life. Like you told them earlier; they were always meant to be with us and I am loving doing this all over with you again. Like we're becoming parents for the first time again." Meryl answered honestly. "Why? Do you?"

Don shook his head vehemently. "Now that you all are okay; I am loving every single minute. I am so thankful for them, you, Lily Bean and the older kids."

"Me too, sweetheart." Meryl said stroking his cheek. "I do love these pictures; but I do want some family ones. No Ben, though."

Don nodded as they continued to look through the pictures laughing and smiling. "You really think they're done?"

"I think Mamie has finally seen his true colors. He keeps telling her he's changed; but I think what happened last night shows her he hasn't." Meryl sighed. "You heard her; she said she isn't ready for Larry to file the papers."

Don nodded. "At least he isn't staying with her and she has his key; that makes me feel better."

"Me too." Meryl looked at him seriously. "I can't imagine what if feels like to find out the person you pledged your life to, you committed yourself to, you conceived a child with turned out to be someone who you don't even know."

Don tenderly kissed his lips as he gazed in her eyes. "You never will; I love you."

"I love you, too." Meryl whispered as their kisses deepened until the phone rang.

Don laughed as he switched their daughter to his other arm. "Every time."

"Hello?" Meryl laughed answering the phone.

Brad smiled when he heard his daughter-in-law's cheerful voice. "Hi, honey. How are you feeling?"

"Oh, hi Brad." Meryl looked at Don. "I'm tired, of course; but feel really great other than that."

Brad laughed. "You do have newborn twins. Is my son being a good help?"

"He's my rock." Meryl winked at her husband. "I couldn't and wouldn't do this without him."

Just hearing the love in Meryl's voice warmed Brad's heart. "I know he feels the same."

"I know that as well." Meryl was blinking back tears as she thought about how his dream from the day before was still working on him. "He's right here; I'll give him the phone."

Don shook his head as Meryl offered to take Mags; but he just held her with one arm and used the other hand for the phone. "Hey, Dad."

"You sound good." Brad smiled. "How are you doing? Really?"

Don kissed Brad and then Mags' heads. "I'm really doing good. I'm like Meryl, tired; but we wouldn't have it any other way."

"You're getting your rest?" Brad asked concerned. "You're not refusing to sleep?"

Don shook his head even though his father couldn't see. "We've been sleeping when the babies are; for the most part."

"Good." Brad said. "Don, I wanted to talk to you about something. I know the timing isn't very good for you and Meryl; but we wanted to wait to see when the baby, well now babies, were born and how long all of you would be in the hospital."

Don gave Meryl a questioning look. "What is it?"

"Your mother and I want to get married on Saturday at Geist Lake; it's the anniversary of our first date in high school." Brad explained. "It is really important to us for you, Meryl and all of the kids to be here. Like I said I know the timing isn't perfect; but your mom pointed out it's easier to travel with a newborn than when they get older."

Don rolled his eyes; of course this mother wouldn't think about the toll it could have on Meryl. "Dad, I understand why you don't want to wait to get married. I just don't know about Meryl and the babies traveling this soon. I'll of course arrange things for the kids."

"Don, we don't want to do this without you." Brad was trying not to push. "I'd be happy to arrange whatever is needed to make the trip more comfortable for Meryl and the babies. Maybe if they can't come, you..."

Don immediately cut off that line of thinking. "Dad, if we decide it isn't best for my wife and our babies to travel then I hope you both will understand. I am not leaving my wife who flatlined giving birth to our twins only a week ago, and our twin newborns, to travel hundreds of miles away. I'm sorry, Dad; but the timing isn't the best."

"Baby, we'll figure it out." Meryl said as Don shook his head at her. "Really; you can always fly in and out and we'd only be alone a day or so."

Don shook his head at her. "Let me talk to M, and also their doctors. We'll talk to the kids as well. Can I call you back tomorrow once we talk to Meryl's doctor and the babies' pediatrician?"

"Of course; we only want the best for Meryl, Mags and Brady." Brad said. "And for you of course. We really don't want you to feel pressured."

Don nodded at what his father was saying. "I appreciate that, Dad; I just can't let..."

"Non of us will let anything happen to them." Brad supported Don. "Talk to Meryl and the doctors; and we will figure it all out together as a family."

Don smiled at how his father was acting like a father and grandfather should. "Thanks, Dad. Listen, IF we do come I want to stay in a hotel."

"Baby, we can stay with them." Meryl whispered.

Don shook his head. "I know you now have that big lake house with all that room; and if the kids want to stay there fine. I would just be more comfortable if Meryl, the babies and I are in a hotel. They're not on a schedule yet."

"Of course, I understand." Brad said. "Oh, Larry and Liz are invited too of course. Mike was supposed to be my best man years ago so now he gets a chance to be the groom's man. If you are able to come I would love it if you could be my best man; and your mother would love for Meryl to be her matron of honor."

Don was speechless. "That means a lot to us. Give me the day and tomorrow morning to figure things out then I'll get back to you. Congratulations."

"We love all of you." Brad said. 

As soon as Don hung up Meryl gave him a look. "I heard why he called and no matter what the doctors say you are going to Indiana this weekend; with or without us."


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