Wake. UP. [Book Two]

By excuse_my_charisma

32K 1.1K 342

Mariah is the daughter of Lisa Lovely and Chresanto August. Because of the terrible relationship her parents... More

Wake. UP.
Nothing Wrong With Being Different...
The Final Straw
The Prince and The Pauper
Mr. Perez
He Really Cares
Father Figure
Pinky Promise
Broken Promises And Tech Class
An Artist's Excuse
The Hangover Prt. 1
Binding, I Mean Bonding
Love Potion 24
The Hangover Prt. 2
Children Are Everything
First Class Trip To Hell
Mary Had A Little Lamb
Baby, I Want You
Birds & The Bees
Poolside Ambitions
I-I Did What!?
Playing With Fire
Forced Love Or No Love
Jealousy Looks Good On You
A Sick Game Called Confusion
What's Done In The Dark...
...Comes To The Light
Second Chance [The Truth]
A Letter To My Unborn Daughter
Getting Back To Me
Last Dedications & Appreciations
Book Three!!

Welcome Home, Mija

497 34 9
By excuse_my_charisma

October 15th 2029

I pulled down my blank white t-shirt, and buttoned my black harem pants. I laced up the boots they brought me. Once I was fully dressed, I looked over at myself in the mirror. My boobs were still small, but I still had my curves. My hair was sectioned off into four cornrows down my back. I did them myself. I looked over myself one last time, smiling at my appearance.

"Knock, knock." Dr. Evens was at my door, in his white coat with a brown suit underneath. I turned to look at him.

"How are you feeling?"


He smiled at my speech. That was one of the many things he helped me with, while I was here. The training process felt so long, but he claimed I was only here for two months. But, it didn't matter because he helped with my stuttering problem. I'm almost able to get a sentence out, without tripping over my own words.

"Excellent. Are you ready to go?"

I nodded and walked over to him. He took my arm and walked us down the long, white, clean hallway. We passed the other patients who's cases were worse off than mine was. Some were in straight jackets, while others were able to stay calm. I was just thankful I wasn't one of those unfortunate people under the case of, psychotic. We neared the front entrance, passing through two sets of huge double doors and eventually rolling into the lobby. That's when I looked up and saw Jacob, or Mr. Perez. He stood from his seat with a cup of coffee in his hand. I wasn't sure whether I should let Dr. Evens go and run towards him, or just fall back a bit. I know it's still wrong, and I probably shouldn't admit this, but I still have feelings for him. I guess, because he was my one and only, even if it was all a dream.

"Yes, we'll be checking her out today." Dr. Evens told the receptionist. She smiled and wrote something down on her clipboard, typed in my information and looked down me.

"Congratulations sweetheart!" She rewarded me her applause and I just gave a sheepish smile. Dr. Evens started walking towards Mr. Perez and they exchanged a few words, occasionally looking back at me. I just stood there, playing with my fingernails, tugging on my braids, until Mr. Perez called my name.

"Well, thanks again Dr. Evens. I really do appreciate this." The two men shook hands, then looked down on me. I quickly hugged Dr. Evens as a sign of gratitude, then released.

"Good luck Mariah."

That was the last I heard of Dr. Evens.

"You ready to go home?" Mr. Perez held his hand out for me, and I gladly placed mine in it.


The drive was a little uncomfortable, only because in the back of my mind, I feel like he knows. I feel like he knows about everything, the sex, the lies, the baby. Even if that was all as fake as some bitches eyebrows nowadays, I did keep journal entries. I know somebody had to have shown him, or mentioned something.

"So you know what today is, right?" He said, the corners of his mouth turning up into a smile.

"...N-No..." He looked to me, with a slightly confused, yet playfully expression. He even laughed a little bit, but I genuinely didn't have any clue what today was. I didn't even know the month.

"Are you serious?"

I nodded, and he returned his attention to the road. I just shrugged it off, as we continued on to his house. The busy streets of New York spooked me at first, since I've been away so long. The loud sounds and the mean people. It was crazy, but it was home and I'd rather be here, then anywhere else.

After another ten minutes we were home. I noticed a line of cars up and down the street. I wonder who's having a party. Once he finally found a spot, he parked and we both got out. When we got to the door, he allowed me to go in first, where I was bombarded by a rush of people coming up to me.


A large group of people, some I knew and others I didn't, came up and hugged me. I was shaken up, mostly because I was only back in the real world for two hours. Plus, I had forgotten it was my birthday. Sad, I know.

"Or as we like to say back home, feliz cumpleaños!" A Latina woman with a big chest came up to me, holding onto me. I could hardly breath and was suffocating, until Mr. Perez pried her fingers off me.

"Alright, Tía, I think she gets it. Leave her some room to breathe." He joked, quickly hugging his aunt. That was when someone pushed through the crowd of, I'm assuming Mr. Perez's family, to get to me. I was shocked a little, when I saw it was Trevor. He was dressed to impress, wearing an all leather outfit with Tim's on. There was a gold chain around his neck, complimenting the outfit, making him look desirable. He pressed his body against mine, engulfing me in a hug.

"Welcome back, Troublemaker." He whispered in my ear. My eyes widened. How did he still call me that, if everything that happened, wasn't real? He slowly released, making Mr. Perez's family awwe at us. My cheeks flushed red, and I tried to hide it. Mr. Perez and Mr. Lopez broke up the small gathering and drew the family into the kitchen and living room. Trevor and I stayed in the foyer, hearing the Latin music being played loudly in the kitchen, where Marcelena and all the other women cooked the food. The men shared laughs in the living room, along with the children.

"So you finally sixteen huh?" He looked at me, flashing his winning smile. I blushed, looking down and running my fingers through my braids.

"I-I gu-guess..." My voice was barely above a whisper. He laughed at me, and I just looked at him.

"W-What's s-so funny?"

"Nothing, you just sound so adorable. It's like you're barely a teenager."

I playfully rolled my eyes and pushed him.

"Sh-Shut up! I-I'm a junior n-now." I said proudly. He laughed again, and I did as well. He took my hand, and I feel my heart beat faster while my other hand got clammy.

"I know it's early, and you're probably tired, but-"

"Mariah, aye mamasita you're looking muy asombroso!" Marcelena ran over to me, interrupting our little moment. Trevor looked a little disappointed, but put in a kind smile for her. She quickly hugged me, then looked between Trevor and I. She ranted something in spanish rapidly, and we just laughed.

"Aye, you only been home for less than an hour, and you're already hooking up! Hmm, do you mind if I take her away for a while?" She smiled at Trevor, expressing her thick accent, and I could tell he was a little nervous. She pulled me away before he could even get an answer in. I just mouthed I'll chill with him later.

"There's our mija!" One of Mr. Perez's family members pointed to me, and brought me closer into the kitchen.

"I'm you're auntie, Tía Rosa. This is my oldest daughter, Tania, your cousin." I looked at the familiar face, smiling at her. She hugged me tightly, and smiled jovially at me.

"We are going to be the best friends!" She enthusied. I smiled at her, as she gave me her sunglasses. I gladly put them on, while the women continued on with their conversation. Tania giggled at my behavior then took my hand, and her bag, and led me upstairs to my room. She shut the door and sighed dramatically.

"Finally, I have another girl to dress up! You remind me of my youngest sister, I have three." She rambled on. I just sat and watched in amusement, as she went through my closet. She laid out this aqua dress with a bleached denim jacket to go with it.

"I can't even believe Tío Jacob kept you away from us, for over a year. I know you're not his real daughter, but still. But it's so weird, cause I feel like we've met before..."

That's because we have...

She just shrugged and continued on about how we'll be the best of friends, how lucky I was to have her as a cousin and other random stuff. Eventually, she stopped only for a second, to unbraid my hair. She sat behind me on my bed, carefully unbraiding and combing through my hair with her fingers. Usually, I wouldn't allow her to even breath next to me, but now I don't really mind. She soon started talking again.

"You know that boy downstairs?"

"Wh-What boy?" I asked, folding my hands.

"You know, that boy! That chico who was drooling allover you before Marcelena came and pulled you away!"

"O-Oh, you me-mean Trevor?"

"Yeah, him! He's cute. Are y'all going out?" She pulled my hair back, so I could look her in the eye. I laughed a bit, before speaking.

"N-No, we're not a co-couple. He's j-just a fr-friend."

She rolled her eyes and put my head back to normal, undoing the last braid.

"That's what they all say, Mariah. Anyway, you need to hurry up and claim him, before someone else does, and you'll regret it. And isn't he a senior, now? Ooh, y'all would be so cute..." She continued on, and I just listened to her talk. It reminded me of how I've always wanted my relationship to be with my mother. She would do my hair, ask me hoe my day went and I would tell her. Later, my father would come through the door, home from work and we'd have family dinner.

But I know that'll never happen.

"Okay, I'm done. Your hair is so pretty niña. It's all curly, not like mine. Anyway, I laid out your party dress, so once your done just come and fine me. I'll be in the kitchen, near and close to the food. Bye chica!" She stood off my bed and blew me a kiss, before walking out my room. I shook my head, she is such a character.

By now, it was starting to get dark. The early excitement was dying down into a chill hour. All the adults, who haven't left yet, were all in the living room drinking and talking. Even though Tania wasn't twenty one, she still drank, with the permission of her mother. I guess, only because it was a special occasion. I stood in the kitchen, fixing my last plate for the night. I was about to grab a soda from the fridge, when I felt hands poke my waist. I squealed and turned to see Trevor, wearing his memorable smile.

"H-Hi." I said, my cheeks burning red.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could give you my gift."

I nodded my head, taking a soda from the fridge in my hand. He gladly took my free hand and led us past all the adults, down into the basement. At first, I was skeptical and hesitant. I never really like being pulled away, but I had to remain calm, he wouldn't hurt me. He's my friend, right?

My bare feet hit the carpeted floor of the homely furnished basement. Trevor sat me down on the couch, setting my drink on one of the small tables. He got on one knee and held my hands. I was confused, this isn't a marriage propasal, right? We're too young, and hardly know each other well enough...

"Mariah, I know we just met this year, and you were only in school for like, two months.." He started. My stomach tied in knots.

"...but I'm really into you. You're the only girl I've met who's captured my heart with your beautiful smile and shy manner. I hope you feel the same way, because I want to make you my girl." He said to me, staring me in my eyes. I was speechless.

He let my hands go to take out a small black box. He held it in front of me and opened it, revealing a diamond ring. The diamond was small, but still beautiful. I gasped, my heart jumping to my throat. He took out the ring, held my left hand and smiled up at me.

"Do you?"

"...D-Do I wh-what?"

"Do you feel the same way?"

I nodded with no hesitation. There was no doubt in my mind that I loved Trevor. He smiled again and gently placed the ring on my left hand. It was a bit big, but that's better than being too small. I twisted the ring, staring at how gorgeous it looked on my hand.

"I-I love it, Trev. It's b-beautiful."

He stood me up off the couch, and we hugged. He picked me up and swung me around the room, but when he put me down, our laughter turned into a kiss. I was shocked, but let it go.


We retracted, seeing Jacob looking between us both. He gave Trevor a look, and I guess that meant he had to leave.

"Um..I'll see you later Mariah." He kissed my cheek and walked on, past Mr. Perez. It was comical to watch, Mr. Perez looking Trevor up and down as he gave him an apologetic smile. Trev eventually ran upstairs and Mr. Perez looked back at me, shaking his head. Mr. Perez sighed and looked at me, almost laughing.

"Some birthday party." He said. There was a thick tension, that only I felt. Even after what happened, turned out to only be a dream, it still felt so real.

"Anyway, I wanted you to come upstairs. There's something I have to show you."

I followed behind him, hiding my ring. I didn't want to be questioned, at least not yet. When we got upstairs, he led us to the dinning room, where there sat and old, dingy cardboard box. I twisted my face at it, thinking why the hell he would place this on his table.

"I was actually suppose to wait until your eighteenth birthday, to give these to you, but it can't hurt to read one."

I sat in one of the chairs, while he lifted the lid. He chose a random piece of folded paper, that was slightly discolored. After closing the box, he slid the folded piece of paper my way and I just stared at it. Mr. Perez took the seat opposite me and sighed, wiping his face.

"Before you read it, you should know these were handwritten letters from your father, in prison."

I jumped, feeling teary eyed. I snatched the letter off the table, but he stopped me.

"Don't read it here, wait until you're in your room. There are some nosey people in mi familia." He stated, laughing a bit. I smirked, a tear running down my face. This is what I waited my whole life for.

I took the letter and stuffed it in my bra. Then, I stood up and ran over to Mr. Perez, giving him a quick hug. He patted my back.

"Th-Thank you..." I cried into his shoulder.

"Th-Thank you f-for everything."

I released and he sniffled, smiling at me.

"You're welcome."

It was silent for a while, before he tried his eyes and stood up.

"Well, we should probably wrap this little party up, huh?"

I nodded in agreement, as he put his arm around my shoulder and led us into the kitchen.

Best birthday party, ever!

Was this what y'all were expecting to happen? Just so y'all now, we're almost close to the end....DUN, DUN DUUUUUN!!! lol I don't know how to feel about that...

But OMG how cute are Mariah and Trevor?!

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