I love you //brolby

By dolltearz

100K 2.8K 1.7K

Brennen and Colby always act like they are in a relationship. Like all the time, well what if a joke goes too... More

✖️Thirty-one✖️ (filler)
read this is you love me
Thank you for everything


1.5K 45 54
By dolltearz

(a few days later)

colby's POV

i was laying down in my room mindlessly going through instagram, everything has been calm lately. Elton is never home but what's new, Sam has been with Kat a lot also what's new corey and devyn are being Corey and devyn nothing to really say about them  and Nate has moved in with Jake, we still talk a lot but i think they might have feeling for each-other if they aren't already together. Brennen has been busy with his family a lot lately so i've been kind of lonely lately but Brennen said we could see each-other today which i'm excited about, it feels like it's been forever but in reality it's been like three days, but it feels like forever. Probably just because I've had nothing to do but whatever. We haven't talked all day and I don't wanna be annoying butt fuck it (sorry I had too) I'll talk to my boyfriend if I want too.
(Btw I'm changing the names when they text (: )

Colbear💙: brennnnnnennnnn
Seen 2:04 pm

I frowned at the sight on my phone screen, why would he look at it and ignore me. He never does that, all the sudden all these awful thoughts filled my head, the voices I haven't heard in so long it felt like were slowly coming back. This isn't normal I shouldn't freak out this much maybe he's just busy. Yeah he's just busy that's all he's just busy. I stared at my phone nervously waiting for his reply. It felt like forever until he texted back but it was probably like five minutes, I excitedly picked my phone up unlocking it showing his message.

Brenny😍: hey baby, sorry I didn't reply sooner. Butttttttt I've got a surprise.

My eyes lit up at the word surprise

Colbear💙: OMG!! What is it????

Brenny😍: it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, right? 😂

Colbear💙: if you loved me you'd tell me.....😭😒

Brenny😍: well you're putting me in one hell of a situation but I'm not telling you, Colby.

Colbear💙: ugh meanyyyy1!1!1!1!1

Brenny😍: you love me, baby boy

Colbear💙: shut up, when can I see the surprise?

Brenny😍: come over in 15, oh btw you'll shit yourself

Colbear💙: I doubt that but okay, I gotta get ready, eeekkk

Brenny😍: you're so gay, Colby

Colbear💙: YoU lOvE mY THICC aSs

Brenny😍: Christ.

I laughed setting my phone on the table, but what could the surprise be? I have a thousand things in mind but a doubt any of the are what it really is, I've already showered today so I really just needed to change into some new clothes because I'm only in sweat pants.
I picked out black jeans and I send it shirt, gotta promote that merch, i grabbed my phone putting it in my back pocket. I walked downstairs it was pretty quiet I didn't think anyone was home or at least down stairs but I was wrong, someone called out my name, I turned around to see Sam I mentally rolled my eyes "what" I said bluntly "bro, what's up with you?" He said sounding offended, I rolled my eyes "hmm, I fucking wonder. Maybe cause my best friend is acting like a total dick to me lately, never has time for me. That makes me feel great. and it's all because of Katrina. Listen Sam I'm glad you're happy but I'm not, okay? I gotta go to Brennens, bye" I said walking out the door slamming it, I felt bad laying into him like that but it needed to be done I just hope I don't lose my best friend because of that, I sighed turning the radio on nothing good really played but I hate silence so I just let it play.

I arrived at Brennen's I was eager to get inside because I needed to know what that surprise was, I hopped out of my car running up to his door knocking on it until it opened "hey baby, someone's excited?" He moving out of the way allowing me in "no small talk where is the surprise" I said being completely serious but he was laughing at me "well I wanna give you this first" he said grabbing a letter from his back pocket handing it to me, I took it very confused inside the letter read,

Hey baby I hope you like what I got you even though you still don't know what it is I remember you telling me how much you wanted one a while back and I thought it'd be a good surprise. Love you xx

I stared him confused "what?" I questioned "I'll be right back close your eyes" he said before running off into another room I did as he said and closed my eyes I waited patiently but it felt like forever. I heard him coming back "can I open them yet" I said raising my eyebrows "yep" he said, I opened my eyes, after they adjusted to what I was looking at I squealed at the top of my lungs "A puppy!?!??" I said taking him from Brennen holding him close "it's all yours" he said smiling widely "what's his name" I asked "that's for you to decide" he said shrugging, I thought for a second I went through about 100 names until I stopped at one that I thought was perfect "cookie!!" I said excitedly "cookie?" He asked raising his eyebrow "yeah cookie, got a problem" I said sarcastically "nope" he responded throwing his hands up in defense "thank you so much for this by the way you didn't have too" I said still petting my new puppy, " yes I did" he said chuckling, I couldn't seem to wipe this smile off my face.

The puppy was literally the cutest thing I've ever seen he was fluffy whitish yellow color with the cutest black nose and chocolate eyes, I'm actually in love.

(His pupper ^ )

"Brennen I think I'm in love with this dog" I said laughing as the dog slept peacefully in my lap "but you still love me more" he said, " eh" I laughed "well I'll just take that puppy back" he said pretending to grab the puppy "okay okay I love you" I said not wanting to lose this little thing "thought so" he laughed "not sure how uncle Elty is gonna feel about this though" I sighed "he'll live" he said, I nodded.

I swear to god I love this man....

And the puppy.

This was a shitty chapter but how well, the next one will be better I promise

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