
By idreamibelieve

51.3K 2.4K 359

Red was a very unique 17-year-old girl. First of all, her name was Red. She gained that nickname due to he... More

One: Damon, who?
Two: What are you?! My Mom?!
Three: You're too gullible, Red.
Four: His face is stupid.
Five: Scar killed my Simba
Six: Let's play truth or dare!
Seven: Out of all the people in the world, it had to be you!
Eight: I will personally kill you.
Nine: I'm going to hurt you so bad you're going to wish you were dead.
Ten: You brought a 14 year old to a bar? How classy.
Eleven: We're going to take Sawyer down... for good.
Twelve: You're trusting a delinquent with your life?
Thirteen: We're associating with the devil now?
Fourteen: They're both irrational and stupid!
Sixteen: There's so much blood, oh my god.
Seventeen: Is he always so over-dramatic?
Eighteen: I'm not into this sentimental bullsh**
Nineteen: My parents are disowning me
Twenty: Let me tell you a short story about a girl called Sally
Twenty-one: I took a bullet for you, little Red.
Twenty-two: I love you, - Damon.
Twenty-three: Robert and Cupcake?!
Twenty-four: The bad boy never cries, Damon.
Thank You Message

Fifteen: Let's go bowling!

1.4K 75 8
By idreamibelieve

It's been a little over a month and so far Sawyer hasn't approached them in any way. That little stunt he did was just a simple warning to aware them that he's planning something bigger, scarier, wickeder. Which is why for the past month they have been extremely cautious about Red. Taking extra care of her but she didn't seem to notice the extra affection she was receiving from her friends. After the little incident, Red returned normal in a couple of days, she managed to hide wound on her leg from her parents and she told them that she was running at school and tripped and fell on a rock that made a huge gash on her arm and she had to get stitches at school. She was even feeling a lot safe now with her friends constantly around her. However, Damon and Johnathon still despise each other, they can't even sit together on the same table without bickering about something. Their friends found it very funny and they called them an old couple which would piss them both off but everyone else would laugh. Everything seemed to be going fine with them all. And they hoped it'll last.

"LETS GO BOWLING!" Red suggested as they all sat at the lunch table eating their food silently. No one even brought up the idea of going out but Red was Red, always random.

Gina and Holly started laughing "I swear to God, Red. You and your moments"

"It's a good idea, we haven't been bowling in a while" Norman said, taking a bite of his cheese sandwich.

Luke nodded "Yeah, why not?"

Leo shrugged "I don't mind"

The only two left to talk where Damon and Jonathon and they were both glaring down at their food, eating it furiously.

"Do you guys want to go?" Red asked the two angry boys.

"No" They both said simultaneously making the whole group laugh except for these two who were now scowling at each other.

"Come on, John! You used to love going bowling" Holly said "It's a good idea!"

Johnathon shrugged angrily and Leo rolled his eyes.

"Please!" Red begged giving them the puppy dog eyes when they sighed at the same time "Fine" They all burst out laughing. These two were so much alike it wasn't even funny.

"SHUT UP" They also said at the same time and everyone was now crying from laughing so hard.

School finished almost immediately and everyone decided to go back home and meet up at the bowling center around 7. Since it was Wednesday, it was Damons turn to drop Red home. They all made a deal to never leave Red alone so everyone picked a specific day where they would pick up Red and drop her back home wherever and whenever she wanted. Damon, for instance, chose Wednesday and Sunday. In these two days he will dedicate it all to Red. Jonthanon picked Friday and Monday, first day of the week and the last. Leo picked Tuesdays, Holly Thursday and Gina Saturday. Everyone was comfortable with their schedule and they didn't mind picking Red up at all.

Damon walked to his car quietly and Red followed suit. He was oddly quiet and it made Red worry a little. He usually talked a little to her but she decided to give it time, she thought he might talk to her in the car but he didn't utter one word. Red didn't say anything either and the silence was killing her. She was fiddling with her thumbs, moving around the seat uncomfortably and chewing her bottom lip.

"Stop" Damon suddenly said startling Red making her jump a little out of her seat "Stop what?" She asked innocently wondering if she had done something wrong to irritate him and make him not talk to her but she couldn't think of one reason to why he was playing the silent game.

"Stop moving, relax. You look anxious" He said taking a left.

"Are you mad at me?" Red asked quietly and Damon sighed staring at her gently "I'm not, I'm just thinking too much"

"What about?" Red chirped. She felt relaxed and relieved once she found out that he wasn't mad at her.

Damon shrugged and took a right almost getting near her house "Just some stuff"

"What kind of stuff?"

"Drop it, Red" He sighed heavily turning his blinker on as he stopped right next to Red's house "I'll pick you up at 6:30, be ready by then" He said changing the subject. Red nodded and grinned at him "Thank you, Damon" She pecked his cheek lightly and got out of the car waving goodbye to Damon who was kind of blushing. He waited for her to get inside and once he knew she was safe, he drove off.

Damon has been having lots of mixed emotions towards Red. He sometimes likes her but other times she just drives him crazy. He's still not sure about his feelings and he's hell not sure about Red's.

She's just too friendly around everyone and acts the same way around her friends so he couldn't really distinguish if she actually likes him or not.

He didn't even want to fall for her.

But Red was too hard to resist.

Around 7:30 they were all inside the bowling place with their shoes on and ready to start the game.

The 8 of them were as ready as ever, even Red who wasn't really good at bowling was extremely hyped about this.

"Loser buys dinner!" Red announced and it was her turn first. She grabbed a pink bowling ball and stood in the middle of the lane, she swung her hand backwards and threw the ball.

"YAY!" She yelled staring with amusement as the ball hit all of the pins leaving one. Her friends laughed and clapped for her.

"Yes! Beat that suckers!" She rubbed it in Gina's face as she was next in turn. Gina poked her tongue out at Red and grabbed a ball standing where Red was "We'll see little Red"

The ball rolled down and hit 7 pins which made Gina groan "I'm just warming up!"

Norman came next and he sucked the most at this game so when he threw the ball, he managed to knock down one and he was pretty happy about it.

"I think it's obvious who's going to buy us dinner" Norman grumbled and sat down "Leo's turn"

Leo moved with all of his glory and confidence plastered on his face, carried the ball, threw it, knocked down all of the pins like the badass he is and walked away with a huge grin.

Red high fived Leo as he sat next to her feeling triumphant but he knew that he was going to lose to Damon who's turn was after Holly's who only struck 5 pins.

"Wooow! Damon!" Red cheered and he rolled his eyes, grabbing the ball, swung his arm and let go of the ball, it rolled towards the pin with such speed that it struck them all.

Damon moved back to his seat with a poker face while everyone stared at him with shocked faces.

"I'm used to this" Leo whispered to Red "He's almost good at everything and I don't know how"

Red laughed and then watched Jonathon as he got ready for his shot. Jonathon was fairly good at this game, not the best, but he can score well.

"Strike" He chanted under his breath as he threw the ball with all his might and it knocked only 1 pin causing all of his friends to burst out laughing as he scowled at the ball.

"Hard luck buddy" Damon winked at him and Jonathon just rolled his eyes and sat down.

By the end of the night, Damon had the highest score most of them were strikes and spares, Luke was after him and then came Leo, and Jonathon, Gina, Holly, Red, and finally Norman who had to buy them all dinner at mac. They were all having fun, Jonathon and Damon were avoiding each other throughout the night but it didn't really bother them.

By the time it was 10, they were all full and ready to go home after a long fun night. They all said their goodbyes at the parking lot and rode in their cars and drove away. Damon was the one dropping Red that night and so they rode in his car. Damon turned his car on but didn't move the car and waited for all of Red's friends to drive off.

"Why aren't we moving?" Red wondered staring at Damon who had his hands wrapped tightly against the steering wheel, his knuckles were turning white.

"When do your parents want you home?" He asked, in a very low tone.

"Midnight, why?"

"Stop asking questions. I'm taking you somewhere" Damon put the car on reverse and reversed out of his parking space then drove off out of the parking lot with Red wondering curiously where the hell Damon was taking her.

He drove for another ten minutes in complete silence and Red decided not to ask him questions or she might make him angry and she didn't want that.

Once they reached their destination, Damon stopped the car and stared at Red with glossy eyes. Red was taken a back, she never thought she would actually see Damon cry.

She stared out the window and saw that they parked in front of the cemetery.

"Don't ask, I will tell you everything Red" He shut down his car and both him and Red got out closing the door behind them. Red shivered because it was starting to get a little windy and she rubbed her arms up and down.

"Are you cold?" Damon asked and Red nodded.

He then went back to his car, opened the back door, grabbed something and closed the door again. He walked over to Red and handed her a jacket "Here, wear this"

Red took it from him and shrug it on herself before following Damon inside the cemetery. It freaked her out a little to be here late at night so she kept close to Damon. Her heart was thumping like crazy as she kept hearing an owl hoot and the sound of crickets filled the air freaking her out a little.

"Damon" She caught up to him, grabbing the back of his shirt to stay next to him.

"What?" He asked softly staring at her.

"I'm scared" She mumbled and he chuckled placing an arm around her pulling her close to him "I promised to protect you Red, not only from the bad guys but from scary cemeteries as well"

Red felt safe and warm in his arms, it was much better than walking by herself and it made her feel something very different that made her tummy tingle in a nice way.

Damon came to a halt in front of a grave and let go of Red. Red was slightly disappointed but she didn't show it. Damon bent down and brushed the grave staring at the name with tears swimming in his eyes.

Red bent down next to him and looked at the name immediately recognizing it.

"Sally Cooper

Damon took a look at Red and rested his back against the grave stone "It's time for you to find out the truth"

Red was definitely not expecting that.


Sally's story next chapter! Don't miss it! Thanks for reading you guys <3

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