Not My Alpha (Completed)

By mquistey

2.6M 97.1K 18.4K

#1 in Werewolf - #1 in Mate The world is at war with something they told themselves didn't exist. Samantha w... More

Authors Note
Chapter One - The Beach
Chapter Two - The Beach Continued
Chapter Three - The Window
Chapter Four - The Woods
Chapter Five - The Woods Continued
Chapter Six - The Bedroom
Chapter Seven - Today
Chapter Eight - Goodbyes - Part One
Chapter Nine - Goodbyes Part Two
Chapter Ten - Trucks
Chapter Eleven - Discussing a Mutual Hatred
Chapter Twelve - Into the Woods
Chapter Thirteen - The Safe House
Chapter Fourteen - Sunset
Chapter Fifteen - Guns
Chapter Sixteen - One of Us - Part One
Chapter Seventeen - One of Us - Part Two
Chapter Eighteen - Fire
Chapter Nineteen - Chances
Chapter Twenty - Wolves - Part One
Chapter Twenty-One - Wolves- Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Two - Bound
Chapter Twenty-Three - The Alpha
Chapter Twenty-Five - You're Not Going to Run
Chapter Twenty-Six - Faking
Chapter Twenty-Seven- Pain and Panic
Chapter Twenty-Eight - I Didn't Want to Freak You Out
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Just Call Me a Saint
Chapter Thirty - I'm Not So Dense
Chapter Thirty-One - I Don't Need a Wheelchair
Chapter Thirty-Two - What a Pleasant Surprise
Chapter Thirty-Three - Go On, Ask Me
Chapter Thirty-Four- Something I Should Know
Chapter Thirty-Five - I Promise
Chapter Thirty-Six - Three Days
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Eden
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Something's Happened
Chapter Thirty-Nine - I Have to Go
Chapter Forty - I Can't Let You Go
Chapter Forty-One - I Exploited It
Chapter Forty-Two - We Followed the Screams
Chapter Forty-Three - The World Seemed to Hold Its Breath
Chapter Forty-Four - The Night Turned to Glass
Chapter Forty-Five - The Pack House
Chapter Forty-Six - A Sermon in Syllables
Chapter Forty-Seven - For Now
Chapter Forty-Eight - It Was In The Tree Line
Chapter Forty-Nine - Living Hell
Chapter Fifty - He Cares
Chapter Fifty-One - A Liability
Chapter Fifty-Two - Bite You
Chapter Fifty-Three - It's Possible
Chapter Fifty-Four - Your Family
Chapter Fifty-Five - Unless I'm Not Alpha
Chapter Fifty-Six - Unconcious Vegetable of a Brother
Chapter Fifty-Seven - Everything Except You
Chapter Fifty-Eight - Too Good
Chapter Fifty-Nine - The Night We Live
Chapter Sixty - Should'a Known
Chapter Sixty-One - Making Everything Right
Chapter Sixty-Two - A Disgrace
Chapter Sixty-Three - To The Death
Chapter Sixty-Four - Not Fine
Chapter Sixty-Five - Chiefs

Chapter Twenty-Four - All Hell

41.8K 1.6K 857
By mquistey

The minute Riley snapped the girl's neck, Kade screamed. It was a sound, unlike anything I'd ever heard. He immediately lunged forward and broke free from the person holding him back. He wasn't the only one charging the wolves, though.

Countless figures burst from the trees behind us. Men and women brandishing silver weapons charged the three men, their screaming drowning out Kades. Damaria slipped behind them as she and Margaret barked orders. The werewolves, however, had been expecting this. The minute people emerged from the trees, wolves appeared across the clearing. Though there weren't as many of them as the humans, there was enough. Even I could tell it wasn't going to be much of a fight. Each wolf was a different size and color and each one seemed to have some sort of feral air to them. There wasn't a single shred of humanity in their eyes, as it seemed they'd abandoned that long ago.

The original three didn't bother to shift. Instead, the wolves parted around them as they watched the scene unfold. My blood ran cold as the first human met the first wolf, and chaos ensued. Weapons were being lunged into fur, teeth were cutting through skin. The only thing I could hear was the countless cries of pain as a new target was met.

Through the chaos, I watched two familiar figures stalk towards me, a fire blazing in their eyes. Margaret was following behind Damaria who was lifting a gun out of her waistband. For the first time since I met her, I saw something shine in her eyes.


Before they could come any closer, Samuel was screaming with rage. I whipped my gaze just in time to see him burst forward from the tree and lunge at Damaria. Before she could fire her weapon, Samuel was on top of her. I heard her scream, but it was cut short by two gunshots ringing through the trees. Margaret stood next to the duo, arms extended and pointed at Samuel. His roars echoed through the trees and then suddenly he wasn't alone. Riley appeared next to Margaret, hitting the gun out of her hands. She whirled around to face him, but before she could, her head was ripped clean from her neck.

I heard myself scream, but the noise was drowned out by everyone around me. My hands pulled desperately against their restraints as I watched Margaret's body crumple, blood spilling from the gaping hole where her head once was. Riley paid her no mind as he stooped down to where Samuel rested. He raised him from the ground, but his body was limp. Riley wrapped his arm underneath Samuel and started carrying him away, but not before he sent a sickeningly forceful kick to Damaria's head. Her head fell to the side and blood started oozing from her ear. I stayed silent, frantically working on the rope that had my hands tied, as Riley dragged Samuel back through the chaos.

Then, suddenly, my hands were released. I quickly brought them forward as I heard someone move from behind me. My gaze rested on a dark figure holding another man at his side and I recognized Kade immediately. I looked at him and the ropes, confusion lacing my features.

"I'm sorry this happened," he started, breathlessly. His eyes darted behind me before he continued, his voice pained and cracking. "I just wanted my family back."

And with that, he was gone.

He disappeared into the trees and I was left kneeling on the ground, in shock. It only took another second and a glance at the fight behind me before I tore after him.

I wasn't running after Kade, but I knew he'd be going in the right direction to get away from everything. I didn't pay attention to the noise behind me, the burning in my side, or the warning signals sounding in my mind. My eyes scanned the terrain as I expected to pass Kade and the other man at any second, but I never found them. That didn't thwart me though, as I wasn't concerned with finding them. The only thing I could think about was running.

My limbs were heavy and they tripped over every fallen branch, every random twig. I wasn't making a lot of progress, no matter how desperately I tried. My body was tired. I hadn't eaten. I'd barely had any water or sleep. In the last few days, I'd walked miles upon miles without stopping. So, it was in this moment where I needed my body most, that it was deciding to fail me.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry and throw my fist into a tree, but I focused every last thread of my energy into putting one foot in front of the other. I listened carefully to the forest behind me, trying to detect any signs that I was being followed. I didn't hear anything, but I knew that meant nothing. The forest was the wolves domain and they could easily conceal themselves.

As I stumbled forward once more, I tripped over an uprooted tree. I couldn't catch my footing before I fell and I ended up lying face first in the mud. I quickly tried to lift myself back up, but the atmosphere around me suddenly changed. I don't know if it was a shift in the air or perhaps the trees warning me of the danger, but somehow I knew something was terribly wrong. Someone was here. Fear coursed through my veins as my limbs froze in place. My heart pounding in my chest was the only thing I could hear. I stayed plastered to the ground, somehow knowing what was going to happen before it hit me.

Pain. A flash of red. Then, darkness.

When I awoke, I only knew one thing. I was cold.

My body was shivering and my limbs were curled around myself, trying to conserve what little heat I had left. However, as I laid there, I knew there wasn't any more to be found.

I slowly opened my eyes, not eager to face reality. Though I desperately tried not to, I remembered everything. The fight, the run, the flash of red, and then the darkness. I wanted to stay there and let my mind be filled with its seclusion, but I never got that mercy. Life wasn't even kind enough to slowly guide me back to the light. It didn't allow me to forget a thing. Reality was hitting me like the daggers of ice spreading across my skin.

My eyes slowly adjusted to my surroundings and what I saw surprised me. A familiar stoned room with a used firepit in the middle. The door leading outside and into the forest was to my left, the small back room I'd snuck out of was directly across from me. I was in the hold safehouse.

At first, I thought I was alone. But, as I scanned the room my gaze landed on a heap by the firepit. I immediately recognized the heap as Samuel. Scenes from the clearing entered my mind and all I could think about was Riley dragging away Samuel's lifeless body. But sitting here, watching his chest slowly rise and fall, I knew better than to think him dead.

My body twitched violently as I tried to adjust my position. I tried to hold back my groan, but I wasn't successful. At the noise, the door to the small room opened and two figures emerged. I kept my gaze down though, as I knew exactly who they would be.

"Looks like one of you is finally awake," Riley suddenly spoke.

I didn't respond, but I heard the two men's footsteps draw closer to me. My heart started pounding in my chest as I closed my eyes, fearful of what they would do.

"Oh, come on, Samantha. We don't bite," he sneered. "That's Samuel's job."

My breath caught in my throat and I suddenly looked up. Riley was standing next to Samuel's unconscious body, but he wasn't watching me. His eyes followed the other man as he walked around the room and towards the front door.

"Don't be too long, Bray," Riley voiced.

The figure of Payton Bray paused, nodding towards Riley. "I won't."

He quietly exited the building and I suddenly found myself alone with Riley. Fear twisted my heart and clouded my vision as I watched him slowly walk the length of the room. I tried again to sit up as he got closer to me, but my body wouldn't move. He watched me curiously as I flinched again, my hands flying to hold my side.

"You're bleeding," Riley stated.

I tried not to roll my eyes. I had a few things I wanted to say, but I knew I wouldn't have as much forgiveness with Riley as I did with Samuel.

"You're allowed to speak, you know."

I shook my head, avoiding his gaze.

He sighed. "Well then, this is going to be rather boring." I watched him and he slumped against the wall next to Samuel. He breathed heavily once more, watching his lifeless figure. "He's going to be okay, you know."

I stayed silent, but my eyes were trained on Samuel as well. The sound of gunshots kept ringing in my ears, and I couldn't help but wince.

"Do you even care?" Riley suddenly asked.

My eyes shifted to look at him. He didn't seem angry or hostile, merely curious. I thought about not responding, as I wasn't even sure what I would tell him. Did I care?

"Yes," I slowly responded. I hoped it was the correct answer.

Riley laughed. "Interesting."

I shuddered at his laughter, holding myself tighter. I felt unbelievably weak and vulnerable, lying there in the fetal position, but there wasn't much I could do about it. Riley said a few things to himself, none of which I caught. After his voice died off though, he abruptly got up and walked towards the front door.

He hesitated as he put his hand on the wood. Suddenly, his voice was much darker. "Don't do anything stupid."

And with that, he left. I was alone in the small building, breathing heavily, freezing cold, and dying to be anywhere but here.

I tried to ignore my body's protests as I again attempted to lift myself off the ground. I knew it was stupid and feeble, but that didn't stop me. If I was given the chance, I would run. I refused to sit idly by and let the monsters kill me.

I managed to pull myself up into a sitting position. As I was mustering the strength to kneel, I eyed Samuel warily. He was still passed out on the floor, lying next to the fire. His limbs were awkwardly positioned around him and the moon sent shadows dancing across his body. I didn't know how much longer he would be passed out, but I hoped it would last a bit longer. I just needed one more chance.

Almost as if he sensed my hope, Riley sauntered back into the shanty building to crush it. His red eyes quickly scanned the room once over, resting on me for just a moment. He smiled to himself as he moved to the center of the room and dropped a bundle of wood into the firepit. I watched his movements carefully as he took a lighter from his pocket and lit the wood on fire. He then pulled Samuel closer to the flame, warming his body. As I watched the flames grow larger, I suddenly wanted nothing more than to be next to them. But, I stayed put. I didn't think I'd be able to move, anyway.

When the fire was stoked and Riley was satisfied with Samuel, he moved to the back room where he fished out some old blankets. He came back and laid a few across Samuel before surprisingly tossing one in my direction. I caught the soft material and quickly wrapped it around myself, welcoming the warmth I knew it would bring. Not only that, but the new weight on my shoulders calmed me slightly, acting as an anchor for my anxious heart.

Riley's voice suddenly rang out. "You know, if you were a good mate you'd be doing all this."

I furrowed my eyebrows and buried my head in my knees as I slowly raised them to my chest, relishing in the new warmth creeping across my body. I didn't respond to Riley, as I didn't know what he wanted me to tell him. I could hardly move, let alone carry firewood and coddle my 'soul mate.'

I heard Riley sigh heavily. I watched him through pieces of my hair as he repositioned a few more things and then slowly wander to my side of the room. My breathing hitched the closer he came, but he didn't stop his advances. My eyes quickly darted between him and Samuel, and I suddenly prayed he would wake up. If he did, Riley wouldn't be able to come after me, or at least I hoped. Of course, my prayers were never answered, and Riley came to sit right next to me. I quickly tried to move away, but he held up a hand. I froze my movements, fear taking control of my body.

"We need to have a talk," he started.

I slowly raised my gaze to meet his eyes. They were cold and calculating, entirely different from before. Questions were dancing in my mind and it seemed Riley knew every single one could be answered with one name.


I looked over at his lifeless frame. Riley followed my gaze, his shoulders stiffening. I didn't want to respond, but he seemed to be waiting for me to answer him.

"What about him?" I slowly asked, my voice cracking.

"Well, I should clarify. Samuel and you."

I waited breathlessly as Riley settled himself, shifting his weight to lean against the wall. His frame seemed relaxed, but I knew better. His hands twitched and his eyes never rested.

When I didn't react, he continued. "Samuel is a good man. He's my Beta for good reasons. We've been waiting for the day he'd find his mate since we were kids." He paused, grumbling the next part to himself. "I should have known, after everything, he'd get stuck with a human."

Red eyes were staring at me once more. This time, they held me hostage. I couldn't figure out where he was going with his words, or what his statements were intended to suggest.

"Ok," I trailed off, trying to catch the next few grumblings he made. However, his voice only grew lower so that only he could hear his words.

Riley then shook his head, exasperated. "Mates are supposed to make their mates happy. Not make their lives a living hell. Ever since Samuel met you, his life has been that. I can only assume it's because of what a pain in the ass you are."

I raised my eyebrows, quick retorts coming to my tongue. Riley waited for me to voice them, but I bit them back. He smiled, knowingly.

"Nothing to say?" He taunted, frowning.

I sighed heavily, though it did nothing to calm me. I refused to play his game.

"Smart choice. As I was saying," he gestured grandly to Samuel. "He deserves to be happy. So, you will make him happy or I will make your life a living hell." He pursed his lips, catching my wide eyes. "It's simple, even for a human to understand."

I tried finding my voice. "He wouldn't let you hurt me."

"Maybe," Riley mused. "But you have a family, don't you?"

My breathing stopped.

He smiled.

"Ah, you do. I believe one of them is already in the hospital, is he not?"

"This doesn't involve them," I breathed.

Riley raised his eyebrows in clear amusement. "Oh, how little you know."

His words played on my mind and a hard glare found its way into my features. I was beyond angry at him threatening my family, but more than that, I was scared.

"You see, Samantha, I can make things very difficult for you and your family. It'd be easy, really." He paused, flicking something off his shorts. "Or, you can do as I say and we can all be happy."

My breathing quickened as the blood rushed to my heart. It wasn't enough for Riley to drag me back from the brink of freedom. No, he wanted me and everyone I knew put in a cage that only he had the keys to. He wanted to pull my strings and make me play a role I could never fill.

"What do you want me to do?" I bowed my head, my hands curling tightly around my legs.

"It's easy, really. I'm sure you can manage it."

The hard glare sank further into my face as I stared at the ground, waiting for his response. He plastered a smile on his features, clearly enjoying the fact that he had complete and utter control.

"Let Samuel turn you."

My breathing stopped.

Riley took my silence as defiance. "Listen, if you really love being a human that much then I guess I'll put my warriors to work. Your brothers name name is Will, right?"

He took the phone out of his pocket and began dialing a number. Panic struck my heart as I lifted my head and threw my hands at his phone. He'd been anticipating this though, and only tossed it to his other hand.

"What could be the matter, Samantha?" He raised his eyebrows in mock surprise.

I struggled with the pain that was rising from my side as I struggled to speak. "Please, please don't hurt them." My hands started to shake as my eyes darted from him to the phone.

His expression darkened with sick pleasure. "It will take one call. One." His hand held up the phone, his thumb hovering over the deadly button.

"Please, please just leave them alone. They have nothing to do with this," My voice broke. I broke with it.

Riley suddenly snarled. "If you don't want them hurt then I suggest you do what I say."

I bent my head. My heart ached. My limbs sagged. Even though I knew what would happen to me, I didn't think twice about Riley's deal. I would not risk their lives for anything.

Tears started forming in my eyes, threating to spill, as I whispered my answer. "Okay."

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

I slowly lifted my gaze, fat teardrops falling down my cheeks. "I'll do it. I'll do whatever you want."

Riley smiled. A putrid, triumphant, smirk. "Yes, you will."



What are your thoughts on Riley and his proposition? How do you feel about Margaret's death? What about Kade freeing Samantha? What was that all about??

So I just want to thank you all SO SO SO FREAKING MUCH for how amazing you are! Thanks to your support, we hit a new high of #73 in the Werewolf category. (Nov. 15th) On top of that, we're close to 40,000 reads. 40 freaking thousand!!! Just wow. Just holy crap is all.

Ok, I will stop my incessant gratitude ramblings. Just please remember how amazing you all are! 💛😁


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