Kawaii!! Akatsuki Kitties! ♪D...

By Akatsuki_no_Koneko

29.5K 982 249

Kitten is a girl in the real world. She reads and writes and sings. One day her favorite organization comes f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Read: Notice of Possiblility to NOT Return to Wattpad
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Confusion For Koneko-chan
A New Developement
It's Up!!

Chapter 3

2.6K 103 17
By Akatsuki_no_Koneko

Hey I am back! I hope you liked the last chapter. Here is the next chapter everyone and remember I do not own anything Naruto related or Call of Duty related and the story will be un-censored. As I said Naruto characters aren’t mine and this is a Tobi/Obito love story.

“So what are we going to do now?” Cheshire asked me.

I thought long and hard then got an evil grin.

“Let’s teach Deidara and Hidan how to play Call of Duty Black Ops 2!” I exclaimed.

Cheshire let a small smile adorn her face that quickly went as she nodded.

“Wait, we have to show everyone around first!” I said. “Go and get me a marker and paper.”

She nodded and within a few seconds she was back with my requested things.

“All right everyone follow me. I am going to label rooms. Any rooms not labeled are ones that you can’t go into unless I give permission.”

They nodded to me and followed me through the house. First I labeled the kitchen, pantry, living room and bathroom. I didn’t label the music room or my art room and weapon room though. They are not getting my stuff. I labeled the dining room and skipped the basement room.

“Now onto the upstairs!” I yelled with a grin.

I labeled everyone’s rooms starting with mine and Tobi’s, then Itachi’s and Kisame’s, Sasori’s and Deidara’s, Zetsu’s, Pein’s and Konan’s, then lastly Hidan’s and Kakuzu’s. I skipped over my parent’s and my sister’s old rooms making sure no one got those. I labeled the bathrooms, my work shop, and the game room then I was done.

“I think you will like it in here Sasori and I hope you realized you are no longer a puppet,” I said to him.

He sighed and nodded.

“But as I was saying this is my workshop where I work on my puppets I have or my sculptures that I do so you might like it too Deidara,” I said to him with a smile.

They both perked up and walked into the room. They seemed content.

“Hey Zetsu, my green house is outside. Just go to the kitchen and go to the door on the left near my sink,” I said.

He nodded and phased into the floor. This was definitely going to be interesting.

“All right, Hidan and Deidara, Cheshire wants to show you something that I think you guys are going to like. Just follow her,” I said sweetly.

Deidara’s head poked out of the workshop door and he and Hidan hesitantly followed Cheshire.

“Everyone else can do whatever I guess,” I said.

I walked down stairs with a majority of the members following me and the rest going to their rooms. I went to the living room and sat on the couch with Itachi sitting on my left and Kisame on my right. I smiled at them and looked at the TV to which I had failed to turn on before sitting.

“Hey Pein, could you give me that?” I asked him as I pointed to the remote.

He nodded and gave me it and as soon as I got it I let out a devious smile.

“I wonder...can you guys stand horror movies?” I asked.

“What the fuck did you say bitch?” Hidan yelled from upstairs.

“Cover your ears please.” I said to those in the living room who were Itachi, Kisame, Pein, Tobi, and Konan. “I SAID COME AND WATCH A HORROR MOVIE!”

“FUCK YEAH!” He yelled.

I smiled as I choose the scariest movie that was on. Couldn’t remember what it was called though.

“Um…Kitten-chan…Tobi doesn’t like scary movies...” Tobi said. “...so Tobi is going to go.”

It was then Hidan came down dragging Kakuzu.

“Sorry Tobi but you stay and watch too Tobi!” I said with an evil smirk.

“AH!” He yelled as I tackled him.

I smiled as I dragged him to sit in front of me and the others came in the room. Deidara laughed seeing Tobi tied up sitting in front of me.

“I would stop or you will be in the same predicament,” I said to him with an evil grin.

He immediately stopped and sat down beside Sasori on the floor and Cheshire sat beside him. I smiled as everyone got in their places and I started the movie. I then got up and remembered popcorn! I went to the kitchen and rummaged through the cupboards to find it.

Looking for this?” a voice asked from behind me.

“Shit!” I said rather loudly.

Zetsu chuckled holding a pack of popcorn out to me.

“You really do pop out of nowhere!” I said to him as I glared.

I took the popcorn from him and heard him chuckle.

“Well we are going to be watching a movie so go in the living room and wait there,” I said to him.

I turned around to the microwave and felt Zetsu leave the room and I sighed.


“Holy fucking Jashin all right!” I yelled back.

The popcorn finished and I walked back into the living room with it in a big bowl. I sat back in my spot and took some.

“You two want some?” I asked Itachi and Kisame quietly.

They both hesitated but took some. Their faces brightened up, Itachi’s very little of course and Kisame full out smiled.

“So you like it?” I asked.

They nodded. I nodded back and got up again putting the popcorn back in its spot. They gave me a questioning look but I motioned to the popcorn and they got it, well Itachi did. I walked back to the kitchen and got out more popcorn and made those.

Once all of them were done I got enough bowls for everyone and walked back out into the living room. I gave each member and Cheshire their own bowls and I sat back down. It was right in the middle of my favorite part. The girl had just walked into the house where the killer was.

Tobi looked like he was going to piss himself and I laughed as he squealed when the girl’s throat got cut open and Tobi tried to break his ropes. Unless he had a kunai he could get out though. I tied those really tight and when I wanted to keep someone tied up no one got out of my knots.

“How the fuck did you get out?!” I yelled at Tobi as he ran from the room. “You little shit come here!”
I chased him around the house and saw him duck into our room. I got in the room and the door closed behind me.

“Where are you, you little shit?!” I asked in the darkness unable to find the light switch.

I was then pinned to the wall and I thought he must know I knew.

“Hey Tobi...” I said cheekily. “...or should I say Obito.”

His eye widened as I could tell. Since it was dark his Sharingan was easily seen.

“How do you know?” he asked in his natural voice as he took of his mask and released me.

“Dude, anyone who is as far as me into the Naruto series knows. I am a walking Narutopedia. I can tell you anything and everything but I so will not just in case you guys go back to your world some day. I don’t want to interrupt your plans,” I said with a cheeky grin.

He nodded.

“You know, you really do look cool and don’t worry I’m not going to tell anyone,” I said.

He looked at me in suspicion but it quickly faded at my smile. He sighed and closed his eye.

“All right, so what do we do now?” he asked me.

“We go back to watch the movie!” I said happily.

His eyes widened and I snickered. I grabbed him.

“No! It’s not just Tobi that doesn’t like that movie! I don’t either!” He said.

“Awe, the mighty Uchiha is afraid of a movie?” I asked in a baby voice.

All of a sudden there was a scream heard from the living room. It wasn’t very manly and I could swear it was Deidara. Obito and I ran to the living room to see Deidara pasted out with Hidan rolling on the floor laughing as well as Kisame with the others looking amused.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Everyone got killed and Hidan scared Deidara. It was actually amusing,” Kakuzu said with amusement lacing his voice.

I started laughing.

“So…that was…his scream?” I asked.

Everyone nodded and I started laughing the same as Kisame, maybe as hard as Hidan.

“T-that was the…most girlish scream…I-I’ve ever…heard!” I said between laughs. “Holy Jashin…that’s funny!”

I saw Deidara get up form where he was sitting and his hair made a shadow cover his eyes. I got one of my swords from the wall.

“Deidara, I wouldn’t scare her. She is skilled with swords,” Cheshire said to him.

“She can’t be that good, yeah...” he said through gritted teeth.

I made two swift moves and rested the sword on my shoulder.

“You didn’t even do anything, hmm!” He exclaimed.

“3, 2, 1…” I counted off then his pants fell down.

I smirked.

“You were saying Deidei?” I asked.

He grabbed his pants and ran into another room.

“Anyone else?” I asked.

No one said anything.

“Good, thought not,” I said smugly.

My eyes then widened and I started coughing. It was worse than the night before and I could feel the blood on my hands and running down my mouth already.

“Shit, did you take your medicine today?!” Cheshire asked.

I couldn't answer. I dropped to my knees.

“Kisame pick her up and take her to her room! We need to get her pills!” Cheshire barked out.

My body was still shaking violently with coughs. We finally got me to my room and I was sat on my bed by Kisame as I heard someone shuffling through my drawers. My coughs started to get worse and I saw someone I front of me. They were blurry but I could make out the blurry shape of pills in their hand and a cup of water in their other.

I took the pills and gulped down the water. My vision started to return to normal a few minutes later and once I could see all the Akatsuki were around me. My coughs stopped completely and I took in a deep breath of air. I pointed to the bathroom and Cheshire took one of my arms while Itachi took my other.

I got a washcloth and wetted it. I sat on the toilet and started to clean my hands then my face where blood was running down from my mouth making me look like a vampire. Itachi handed me a new shirt and I took it. He went out the door and Cheshire helped me put the shirt on.

“I’m good now...” I said to her.

I tried to stand but my legs collapsed. Cheshire and Itachi caught me and Itachi picked me up and set me back on my bed. The Akatsuki members stayed around my bed and one by one they all disappeared until it was only Pein, Itachi, Tobi, and Cheshire.

“I will be fine within a few minutes. I am just weak for the time being...” I said to them.

“What is wrong with you?” Itachi asked.

My eyes flickered to him and I became emotionless.

“I was diagnosed with a very rare disease at a very young age. They didn’t even expect me to live this long. They say that I should have been dead when I turned 10 but they say with how I am that I will most likely die before my 22th birthday which gives me a year to live because I am turning 21 in a few months.”

I didn’t look at anyone as I said it. All I did was stare at the ceiling of my room. I remembered the day we painted cherry blossoms up there, me and my sister. That was the only spec of pink in my room. The rest of it was red with black rose designs on the walls.

“I could try to heal you,” a voice said.

I looked in shock at Konan. I didn’t even notice she came in.

“Y-you think you can heal me?” I asked.

“I don’t know but I can try,” she said with a smile. “Besides you did take care of us and are letting us stay here.”

I let a small smile on my face as I nodded to her.

“If she can’t I will try,” Itachi said.

My head snapped to him. I didn’t think that he would offer to do it. I knew he was a good person but I didn’t think he would care about someone like me and it was then I remembered he was sick too. I nodded to him. I was grateful that they would try to help.

“Thank you...” I said before I passed out.

Me: A lot of passing out I know.

Kitten: Why am I like this?

Me: It is a part of the story, your story. It all ties in so be patient.

Kitten: All right, just help me!

Me: All right, all right, you will get helped and a few other things but I am not going to say anymore. Remember to comment everyone. I love reading them because they show that I can actually so something right. Thanks and see you next time.




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