Safe in your arms

By Rydengivesmelife

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Scorpius and Lily Lily and Scorpius Scorlily. More

⚡️Chapter 1⚡️: Broken Hearts
⚡️Chapter 2⚡️: Secrets
⚡️Chapter 4⚡️: Quidditch Trials
⚡️Chapter 5⚡️: Rose Granger-Weasley's Jealously
⚡️Chapter 6⚡️: 3 Simple but meaningful words
⚡️Chapter 7⚡️: Liar Liar
⚡️Chapter 8⚡️: Jump Lily Jump
⚡️Chapter 9⚡️: Promise to love her forever.
⚡️Chapter 10⚡️: Professor Severus Snape.
⚡Chapter 11⚡: Stay
⚡️Chapter 12⚡️: Will she leave me

⚡️Chapter 3⚡️: Hospital Wing and Funerals

764 22 5
By Rydengivesmelife

Scorpius disarmed Lysander when he saw what he was doing to Lily.

"STUPEFY" He yelled at Lysander.

Lorcan looked lost and said "I'm so sorry for my brother."

Lorcan didn't like trouble, but he didn't know how to stop it from Happening. No one can stay mad at Lorcan he's too sweet to everyone.

Lorcan ran back to his friend group of Hufflepuffs which Hugo was in. 

Scorpius picked up Lily's fragile body in his arms and kissed her forehead. Scorpius heard someone running towards them.

"Who was screaming?!?!" Al yelled

Scorpius showed Al Lily and Al marched toward Lysander and stomped on his nose.

Scorpius brought Lily to the Hospital Wing and stayed with her.

Albus' POV:
I can't believe Lysander! I stomped on his nose a couple of times till it started bleeding and when he woke up I brought him Headmistress McGonagall's Office.

I ran to the Hospital Wing and saw Scorpius and Lily. I slowly walked up behind Scorpius. He kissed her hand and I could see a single tear roll down his face.

"Hey Scorp" I said quietly.

"Hey" He said weakly.

Poppy soon came out and Took care of Lily. She told me that we have to go to Our Last Class: Divination.

Divination dragged on forever.

It was soooooo boring.

When class was over I went back to my dorm to send a letter to Mum and Dad about Lily. When I got there I saw a Brown Owl at the window. I let the Owl in and I took the letter.

It had Scorpius' on it and being the nosy friend I am.

I opened it.

Dear Scorpius Malfoy,
I am regretting to inform you Scorpius that Your cousin Delphini has killed your Mother and Grandmother. I want to speak to you as soon as you can. I love you so much.

Lots of Love,
Draco Malfoy

I read the letter over and over again and It hurt to read the letter. I put the letter on Scorpius' bed and tried to go to sleep.

Scorpius POV:

I was sitting with Lily all night. 

I didn't want to leave her side.

I am a loser aren't I?

I felt her moving a little. 

She started to curl into a ball. She screamed and woke up. She was sweating and looked over at me and wrapped me in a tight hug. I hugged her back and she was shaking badly. I kissed the top of her head and we both fell asleep after awhile.

In each others arms.

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