90 days to live

By Bestfootforward

85.3K 3.4K 569

'My mother used to tell me that life is just a series of battles; it is up to us whether we are brave enough... More

90 days to live - Chapter 1
90 days to live - Chapter 2
90 days to live - Chapter 3
90 days to live - Chapter 4
90 days to live - Chapter 5
90 days to live - Chapter 6
90 days to live - Chapter 7
90 days to live - Chapter 8
90 days to live - Chapter 9 pt. ii
90 days to live - Chapter 10
90 days to live - Chapter 11
90 days to live - Chapter 12
90 days to live - Chapter 13
90 days to live - Chapter 14
90 days to live - Chapter 15
90 days to live - Chapter 16
90 days to live - Chapter 17
90 days to live - Chapter 18
90 days to live - Chapter 19
90 days to live - Chapter 20
90 days to live - Chapter 21
Please read:)

90 days to live - Chapter 9 pt. i

3.9K 133 9
By Bestfootforward

My hand is raised, poised to knock upon the door. I shake away thoughts of my impending failure with a sharp breath. I blink a few times, trying to shoo away my doubt. I thrust my lips into an upward curve, trying desperately to prove to myself that the damage is not irreparable. My arm droops, my smile becomes a frown.

Iron will never let me see Ally and I highly doubt the proposal that she would accept my apology.

I activate the control pad and enter my name. Without hesitation, the large red button in the middle of the device flashes crimson.

"Access denied" The machine says.

I slam my fist against the wall in irritation. What was I thinking? Of course Iron would have taken away my unrestricted entrance to the compartment. The spitefulness of even such a meagre action hurts me.

But its all the more to apologise for. I'll just have to attempt a different method.

I shake away my scepticism and lift my fist once more. My three brisk knocks rattle through the thin white door. My arm drifts back to my side, where my fingers play and pinch with my suit. I cannot hear any sign of movement apart from my own nervous twitches. I raise my fingers to self-conciously smooth my uncombed hair into a swirled bun.

The control pad beside me suddenly realeases a muffle blare as it gurgles to life. I feel my heart lift as the groggy voice of my bestfriend begins to speak.

"Hello?" She sounds tired. I feel the bond tingle in the base of my stomach.

"Ally, its Lara" I say slowly.

Immediately the button flashes and the line is disconnected. I sigh and rub a weary hand over my face. I try and remain as emotionless as the blank corridors that surround me. My attempts are futile. The pungent odour of the spotless hallway reeks of cleaning product. However the stench of seclusion is more effluvious than any sterilization scent.

Carefully, I haul my hesitant arm to activate the control pad once more. As soon as the connection is made, I rest my head upon the cool walls, seeking the comfort of their cradle.

"What do you want Lara?" She snaps.

"To talk to you, I need to apologise"

She doesn't answer yet I hear her scoff.

"Apologise for what Lara?" She snarls, in a tone more vicious than I have ever heard. "You think saying sorry can make up for almost allowing me to be killed? I would be dead if Carlisle hadn't figured out the situation so I don't give a crap how sorry you are"

My hand collides with my mouth as I hold in my whimper at her harsh tone. Her altercations no longer carom insensitively off my skin. Instead they mar and scar my cognitions as I finally realise the depths of her deprivation. How could I do that to my bestfriend?

I run my tongue over my lower lip. "For that yes, and for causing you to despise me as much as you do now. I've finally fully grasped your detestation because I feel the same way about myself; I hate myself more than you could imagine"

"Lara just leave"

"I will, I'm going to I promise. I just needed to apolgise" I sigh and draw my fingers through my hair. "At the very least please listen to my reasons"

"Achilles told me" She replies curtly.

"I should've known it wasn't you" I whisper, leaning my forehead against the cool corridor walls.

"You don't trust me; you never have. Even in the Leto palace you doubted me" She replies without a trace of emotion in her voice.

My muteness fills the silent void with unforgiveable tension. Its not brittle, it won't be broken.

Meaningless tears pool in my eyes but I know drops of water will never solve a problem. I use the face of my thumb to fling beads of repugnance everywhere. I turn to face away from the control pad, from Ally even though I know she cannot see me. My back collides with the wall and I sink to my knees.

I hear the line buzz before disconnecting. The quiet corridor becomes my only companion; I seem to have lost every other one of them.

My heads backs up to crash against the wall as I decide I've wasted too much time. Slowly, I push myself off the wall and the momentum drives my legs forward, causing me to stumble. I cast a fleeting and longing glance at the door of compartment 22 as I progress forward.

"Lara wait"

Her voice halts me and my body responds immediately by turning to face her. I almost think I dreamt the noise until I see Ally's head poking out of the door. She shuffles out in the hall looking pitiful, as if she feels sorry for me. But why would she?

Her cropped blond hair has been cut since I last saw her. The shaved sides of her head emphasise the dark purple bruises on her face. I cringe, cowering away at her broken body. It's exactly last time. I'm entirely too grateful for the puffy dressing gown that cocoons her. Despite the gloomy appearance, her azure eyes still seem to sparkles, radiating life.

"You're going to find Jared aren't you?"

I nod slowly.

"How did you know?"

She falters and her eyes tear up. "You're too easy to read"

I nod my head as my lips curl in.

"Well, I guess I should get going then" I say slowly. The uncomfortable atmosphere prickles at my skin. "I'll see you if I come back"

"Lara, please" she calls frantically. "I accept your apology"

I pause, spinning slowly round to face her once more. In a split second, I'm charging towards her. I sob euphorically as I fling my arms around her neck. My body shakes violently, unable to contain my cries of joy. I feel her tense beneath me and she whimpers at my adamantine grip. I lessen my firm clasp around her neck.

"I'm so sorry" I whisper.

"I know"

"Do you think you'll ever be able to forgive me?"

She pauses and my breath hitches in anticipation. I hold tightly onto my thumbs as my compelling gaze scavenge her face. Her lips part slowly.


"You never forgive people easily though"

"I guess I've decided to break a few of my own rules for you and Achilles' for that matter" She smiles wickedly. I bite my lip guiltily.

"How do you do that?" I ask.

"Do what?" She replies.

"Manage to forgive me on every occasion no matter how many times I screw up?"

"Because I know, when I screw up, you will be there for me like I'm here for you"

"But why?"

She smiles. "Because that's what friends do. As for the trust issue, there is one way I know you'll trust me"

"I'll do anything" I declare.

She grins malevolently. "Do you swear?"

I falter. What will she ask me to do? I release her hand from my captive grip. I eye her speculatively as I ponder over her curious, mysterious request.

"It depends what it is"

She shakes her blond hair firmly before lifting her fingers to trail over her swollen bruises. I gulp uncomfortably and avoid her glance.

"You need to promise me Lara" She says firmly. "I want you to take me with you to find Jared"

"No" There is no falter, no hesitation and no weakness in my voice. My voice rings clearly. Her forehead immediately crumples into wizened lines. She stares severly at me, assessing my facial expressions. She is not impressed.

"Ally you cannot be serious?" My eyes widen as she nods firmly. "It is far too dangerous and not to mention that Iron would have my head"

"Then we won't tell him. Please Lara" She begs beeschingly.

"Ally, why are you doing this?"

"I need to prove myself Lara and I want to help you. I failed my weakness test, everyone sees me as a liability; a failure. Achilles and Carlisle treat me as if I'm a juvenile who needs protection" She says, staring up at me wistfully.

"Ally you're not strong enough yet; you're body is still recovering. This is going to be extremely precarious. I don't even know where Jared is being held" I try and reason with her yet the stubborn blond simply folds her arms across her chest.

"Exactly!" She exclaims, before I ram my hand against her mouth in an attempt to hush her. When I remove my hand she smiles apologetically.

She begins again. "That is exactly my point. You have no semblance of an idea where Jared is and you will get lost no matter how hard you try. You have a horrible sense of direction. You need to let me help you"

I bite my lip to hold in a stream of bitter and whiny responses. All of which will achieve nothing. For the second time in our brief encounter, she is correct.

"Well you don't know where he is either"

"I know where Vicarius is though" She smirks. "If he tells me the location of the Sicarii base, I can access any file within their system. I will blend in, unlike you who will stick out like a sore thumb" She points out, surveying my body.

"I know where Vicarius is too" I protest weakly.

She gazes at me doubtfully. "Where did Carlisle tell you Vicarius was being imprisoned?"


"Vicarius is not in the dungeons Lara, he is in your compartment" She replies simply.

My breath hitches. How could Carlisle leave him in the compartment?

Ally immediately notices my flushed and panicked expression. "Don't worry, he is being guarded and he is restrained"

"Why is he not in the dungeons?"

"Because Carlisle knew you would go after him" She shrugs. "Carlilsle knows you Lara, and now he has been informed of the letters, he has taken every precaution. Everyone can see your desperation to rescue Jared"

Everything eventually registers in my mind as I realise the reason Ally has spilled Carlisle's engima.

"Let me guess, if I run off and don't take you with me, you will notify Carlisle before I have even reached compartment 2?"

She nods fervently, a smug smile playing upon her lips. I sigh slowly.


"You'll bring me with you?"

I nod slowly. She claps her hands excitedly and gives me a quick squeeze. Her milky complextion suddenly appears to be drawn into life. I roll my eyes at her dramatic reaction and shake my head. My hair flicks in front of my eyes, bouncing across my face. With every skip a lock makes upon my forehead, a new shadow of doubt crosses me. I should not be taking such a weak warrior with me; I cannot fight for both of us. I don't want to risk her life either.

"Hold on, I need to change into my suit" She says indicating at her dressing gown. Her smiles falls from her face. "I must leave Achilles a note...just in case" She whispers. I nod in agreement, feeling my own smile droop.

"If you're not standing here when I return, I'm calling Carlisle"

Before I can respond, I'm left with the wind of her movement as she darts back into her compartment.

I smile sadly at the space where she stood. I've somehow managed to retain Ally's friendship and now there is the possbility I may lose her again. Despite my agreement, I know deep down that she is not physically powerful enough to manage this mission.

I embed my face into the comforting support of my palms. What have I agreed to? However. the selfish soul of myself chants monotonously that she could be a worthy and useful addition to my set of skills. Nothing is more useful within a base of Letos than a half-breed.

A base of Letos. The thought sends a shiver crawling up my spine; its chilling effect is notoriously stagnant. I shake my head to remove the mental abuse from my mind yet it continues to hover. My fingers entwine themselves within the tied strands of hair as my shallow breaths quicken.

The swiping gust of air of the opening compartment door hits me and dulls my feverish panic. I take a few deep gulps of air to regulate my breathing. Ally comes creeping out of the compartment, her downcast eyes reveal her guilt-ridden expression. Her fluffy teal dressing gown has been discarded for a stealthy black suit that is identical to mine. She has done her best to band the remaining blond strands of her shaved head into a managed fashion. The most evident change is her face. The bruises that covered her left cheek, eye and the sides of her head a mere two minutes have disappeared. She notices my gawping and shrugs.

"The control pad can work miracles" She says. "I can't stand out; we must not draw attention to ourselves"

I nod in understanding. "Did you leave your note?"


I sigh heavily. "Ally are you sure you want to do this? There is no point risking your life for something this trivial"

She shakes her head. "I wouldn't exactly call this 'trivial' Lara. This isn't just to prove myself but it is also to support you. If we don't go now, it could be too late. The Sicarii will not hold onto him for another 75 days or however long the allocated time is"

"Its 73" I reply meekly.

"Precisely. Not even Carlisle knows what they're doing to Jared but I have no doubt its not something that he can walk away from unharmed" She says.

"Ally, I know they're torturing him. Whenever I've had pains in my stomach or when I seem to lose my mind, I can't help but feel its linked to Jared" I wince at the various memories. "Can you tell if Iron is hurt?"

"Lara, I think what you're saying may make sense" She says slowly, deliberating her words slowly as she mulls out an answer. "After my trial, I had my concussion and various other injuries but the worst damage was to my head. Achilles has been complaining about a headache since the trial and relentless aches all over his body"

My eyes widen in disbelief.

"If Iron can feel aches for a severe concussion and major bruising, then they must be trying to kill Jared, Ally. I don't feel pinches or knocks; my stomach felt like it had been covered in gasoline and then set alight"

"Lara we need to find Vicarius now" She orders.


I await around the corner with bated breath as she whispers furiously. I press my body further into the unyeilding walls. My onyx Lycra suit does nothing to help camouflage against the steamed white walls. I allow myself a quick peep around the corner to see how Ally is doing. I sigh as the two henchmen gaze impassively at her, nodding upon occasion. I sigh quietly and return around the corner, pull my wristwatch up to my view; 3:30am.

I grit my teeth in frustration.

"Are you sure there are no other Warriors that can fulfill this task? Kappor knows we are on warden" I hear one of the henchmen grunt.

"I have explicit orders from Kappor. You two have been requested and are to meet Kappor in the control room. I am to take over your warden" Ally responds. I smile smugly to myself; the control room is at the other end of the Block.

"With all due respect Alarena, after your recent trial, it would not be responsible to leave the Torpen here with you on warden" The other henchman says. 

I rub the tingling sensation where my collar bone meets my shoulder. I hear the crunch of bone before the grunt of the henchman. My fingers smother my lips to retain any mocking sounds of derision. I allow myself another glance around the corner, unable to reign in my curiousity.

Ally stands in front of the two stunned henchmen. While one clutches at his distorted nose, the other one pulls out a tissue from his pocket to stem the flow of blood that seeps through his fingers. Ally glares at them at she shakes out the obvious pain of her knuckles.

"Kappor has deemed me to be fit" She snarls. "If you should like to challenge his orders, I suggest you take that up with him"

The henchmen shrug at one another, before the bloody nose one nods his head. From behind his back he produces a golden key and places it in Ally's palms. 

"Only use it in emergencies and under no circumstances, must you allow Lara Hall to enter this compartment"

"How do we know she won't let the girl in?" One the henchman asks.

"Because she is not friends with the girl. What kind of friend stands by when you're screaming for help?" Ally interjects. Her voice resonates bitterness.

I flinch. The men fall silent and begin nodding between themselves. I retreat back around the corner and lean against the wall, breathing heavily. I place a palm to my forehead. I know that Ally is trying to convince the henchman but it doesn't make me feel any better; I still did those things. I hear the men sigh before they respond.

"Do not go inside if you hear any noises; the Torpen may try and decieve you" 

"Ok, only use the key in emergencies, don't go inside if there are noise and don't allow Lara Hall in the compartment" Ally repeats.

I huff in indignation before I hear the clumping of the henchmen trudging down the corridor. I spring back immediately and dive into the alcove at the top of the stairs. I draw as much air into my lungs as possible and freeze. The henchmen go stomping by, murmuring quietly between one another.

"Lara Hall better not turn up, the girl won't be able to stop her" 

"Have you heard the rumours going around?"

One of them chuckles. "Seems her pretty boy ain't gonna be so pretty by the time Kappor sends in the rescue opperation" 

My attention is caught. Carlisle's planning a rescue mission?

Squinting my eyes, I block my ears with my palms until I am certain enough time has passed for them to descend down the stairwell. I release my ears from their enclosed muteness and sigh with satisfaction. They've gone. 

I cautiously poke my head out of the alcove and am met with the silence of an empty hallway. I dart down the corridor and round the corner to face Ally. I decide not to mention the friend issue as she frowns and shakes her head.

"Don't listen to them Al"

"I told you I had to prove myself" She replies a litle sadly.

"You don't have to prove yourself to anyone except you."

She shrugs her shoulders and holds up the key the henchman gave her. As I ponder what it could be for, she turns and slots it into a hole in the control pad. Immediately, the red button lights up and Ally activates it. The door to compartment 2 slides open.

I hold my breath in anxiety. I fear my return to this room could lead to my downfall.

"Lara, we have to be swift; no messing about" Ally whispers. "Those two will be back soon with the entire Warrior army to try and prevent us from leaving. If we can reach the tubes before they notice, they will not be able to do anything"

"Do you even know where the Leto ship is?"

"Yes" She replies firmly. 

After a moment of deliberation, I reply. "There is one person who will never give up" 

"He is still asleep for now. Lets not talk about him though; I can't let anything hold us back" 

I nod in understanding. Hopefully Iron will not awaken before we've left.

We proceed into the dark compartment, snapping light switches on everywhere to try and brighten the terrifying scene that lies before us. The wrecked compartment is in the same state I left it in. My intense fear of the mysterious, dark unknown is only intensified as the location of Vicarius remains hidden.

I deliberately step over the smashed glass and overturned sofa cushions. I head forward towards my bedroom. They won't have moved him; he doesn't even deserve that.

A swell of bile rises in my throat, the acid taste causes me to grimace. I turn around to see Ally still hovering at the door of the compartment. I nod her forward yet her body stills. Her fear is as evident as her bruises. My jaw hardens as she remains frozen in position. We have to be quick and she needs motivation.

"Prove yourself Ally; prove you are not weak, prove you're not frightened, prove to me that should be fighting for the STO" I say, my lack-lustre tone free of any emotion.

"I thought you said I only had to prove myself to me" She squeaks.

"You do but sometimes others need to see that you're strong enough to be relied upon" I nod. "Now come on. We can only do this if we are fast and work together"

She bites her lip before slowly nodding her head. Moving forward, her heavy boots prancing carefully through the shards of glass.

"What happened to you in here?" She asks as she reaches me. The burst pillows and smashed crockery make the situation seem worse.

"Iron didn't tell you?"

"He told me Vicarius was a Torpen and then left. He was angry"

"He found out what I did"

"I figured. He forbade me from seeing you"

I sigh. "You obviously didn't listen"

An uninviting chuckle ripples through the door, raising the hairs on my arms once more. Ally grips on my arm, her fingertips digging into my skin. I nod at the door. 

"I think we just found Vicarius" She whispers.

I set my jaw in a firm grimace and slowly grab onto the doorknob. As I twist the door doesn't shift; it merely rattles as I use my shoulder to ram into the door. 

"I've got it" Ally says, pushing me to the side. She draws out the warden keys and slots them into the keyhole. 

"I must not let Lara Hall into the compartment under any circumstances" She mutters under her breath. A ghost of a smile creeps onto my lips. The lock clicks and the door swings open. My smile vanishes as quickly as Ally's body tenses.

I stare with unadultered disgust at the room I once called mine. Everything is in the same position it was when I last came in. The hateful crimson petals remain arranged delicately on my bed. The only new addition to the room are the thick silver chains that are attached to hinges on the wall. What disturbs me most are the chains that lead to the captive wrists, the wrists that adjoin to the arms that strain against the tightly fitted black shirt and the arms that follow the path up to the face that glares right at me. Vicarius' onyx eyes dance with glinting light as the sinew veins on his forearms bulge.

"I was wondering how long it would take you" He smiles. "You came more slowly than I expected"

"Tell me where Jared is being held" 

"No hello Lara? What would your mother say? I thought Elizabeth taught you better" Mock disapproval rings through the room. My fists clench. His straightens his spine and sits back against the wall, his arms still suspended in the air.

"How do you know my mother?" Despite my calm response, my gritted teeth hide nothing.

"Lara focus" Ally whispers from behind.

"Ah Alarena, how lovely to see you as well. The Leto Rex informed me to let you know that he can't wait for your arrival" 

Ally flinches. 

"Why have you been in contact with the Leto Rex?" I ask.

Vicarius shakes his head and tuts. "So clueless" He mutters, turning his head to the side. I glower at him and lift my foot to step forward. Ally's arm suddenly latches on to mine, holding me back. I shake off her grip and turn my focus back to the grinning Vicarius. My palms twitch with the urge to make the smile fall off his face.

"Don't Lara. If you knock him out we won't find Jared"

"Alarena is right Lara. In any case I have no real allegiance to the Leto Rex so I feel it is my duty to inform a fellow being of her current predicament"

"I am not a Torpen" I growl.

"Touchy touchy Lara" He licks his chapped lips. "You can do whatever you wish to me but the irritation and anger will never cease. It burns like fire in your veins; you can never escape it"

"You are a twisted human being" I snarl.

"That is true" Vicarius grins. "But then so are you"

"I'm not a Torpen" I repeat slowly. His words sink into my flesh and I grip onto Ally's arm. I feel the blackness cross my mind. I inhale deepily, embedding my thoughts with ones of Jared. His laugh, his smile, his-

Come find me.

The words ring like bells, wiping away the wisps of advancing darkness. His cry for help gives me strength. The delictable velvety timbre of his voice forces back any previous fear I had. 

"You will be a strong one Lara. Nothing, not even your 'bond-mate' will obstruct your path to destruction" Vicarius comments.

He pauses and gazes around thoughtfully. "I wonder if anybody will be able to stop you after the transformation is complete; all your attachments will be gone. You may join form an alliance with Jared but who knows what or if you will even have a connection anymore."

"We will always be bonded" Jared's voice plays through my mind. Be strong I tell myself, be strong for him.

"Tell me how you know the Leto Rex" I reply, avoiding Vcarius' topic. I can't become the thing I despise most though it looks like I already have.

"So eager for knowledge" He chuckles. "Perhaps you would like to know what they are doing to Jared currently"

I falter. "What are they doing to him?" I hiss.

"Lara" Ally whispers from behind. I silence her with my hand. Her blond head droops respectfully.

"No no no" Vicarius tuts. "You asked about the Leto Rex my dear" 

I run my fingers through my smooth ponytail, yanking a few strands of hair out in the process. He is deliberately torturing me. Vicarius traces his lips with his tongue as I wait expectantly for the information. I feel even more frustrated when my answers do not come. I'm hanging on to my sanity by a thread.

"God dammit Vicarius, tell me what you know now or I will personally kill you with my bare hands" I glower.

"Would you not like to know where Jared is being held?" Vicarius asks too sweetly for me to consider it to be a genuine comment. My vexation fizzles away. "You can't threaten me with death sweetheart, there are far greater challenges out there"

"If you do not want to experience those challenges I suggest you start talking" Ally interjects from behind me. Her cool tone is blunt and her lip is firm.

"Of course Alarena, we do not want Achilles appearing soon. That would be a horrible end for both Lara and I" Vicarius grins. This time it is my turn to restrain Ally.

"The Leto Rex" I glower.

"As you wish Lara. The reason I have been in contact with the Leto Rex is because he is the one my orders came from. Since I will die either way and as I do not care for neither yourself, the STO or the Sicarii, I will tell you now that the Leto Rex is the leader of the Sicarii. He has never wanted humanity to thrive and you are the only way to ensure it does not" 

"And Jared?" Ally asks.

"Lara feels what Jared does. They make him Torpen, they make her one" Vicarius shrugs his shoulders and the chains rattle against one another.

"But why?"

"Because she is crazy and strong enough to take down this whole resistance should she want to and trust me, as a Torpen she will want to"

Tears prick at my eyes. Once more I have been set up. I am the precarious timebomb that nobody trusts and now I know why. The Leto Rex knew this would happen all along.

"They planned this didn't they? Right from the beginning; the conditions, the kidnapping, the extraction. It was all a set up. Those conditions were merely the opening act for the real show" I choke out. 

"They knew she would fall in love with Jared and bond with him; they were both specifically chosen to fall for one another" Ally mutters under her breath.

"I'm surprised you didn't know Alarena with all of your...connections" A smug smirk sneaks across Vicarius's face. My arm that was weakly restraining Ally before tightens around her waist. She lets out a small grunt of pain before I remember her bruises and throw apologetic glance at her. Her blue eyes linger on mine for a moment before signalling back to the Torpen.

"Where is Jared located on the ship?" I exhale carefully.

"I do not know Lara" 

"You're lying!" I exclaim. The volume of my voice is louder than I anticipated and echoes around the room.

"If you did not already remember Lara, I cannot lie" 

"You can withhold the truth though" I retort. Removing my hand from Ally's warm skin, I fold my arms over my black chest.

"I am not withholding the truth by simply stating that I do not know where Jared is being held. I have been here undercover. I have not returned to the Sicarii base"

"Where is the Sicarii base?" Ally asks saving me from my tongue-tied state.

"Go to the tubes in the ship" Vicarius shrugs and sets off a chain reaction of clattering.

"I asked for the location not how to get there" Ally replies harshly. I bite my lip to contain my smirk and her new found bravery.

"The location of the Sicarii base is Corruptio city" Vicarius flashes a victorious smile in my direction. I suddenly realise the reason for his obvious joy and gleeful smirk.

"The city of Torpens" I mutter under my breath.

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