stuck on you || draxler

By wukasz

71.2K 2.2K 850

"because you, marcelle vaugrenard, are going to be so fucking in love with me." More

vingt et un
trente et un
one shot: roomies
one shot: nicknames
one shot: baby fever
one shot: sunshine


1.6K 59 34
By wukasz

dimanche 12:36

marcelle vaugrenard
hey ju

marcelle vaugrenard
can you come over to my place? it's really important

Julian's eyes widened as he read those two text from Marcelle as he sat with his fellow teammates for lunch. While they were off and about chatting away with each other, he was focused on his phone and the two messages from her.

What was it that was so important for her to text him? Usually, it's always Julian who bothers to text first, never Marcelle.

julian draxler
Why what happened

marcelle vaugrenard
just PLEASE come over

"Julian!" Thiago leaned over, roughly patting (more like slapping) Julian's shoulder, causing his drop his phone on his lap, face up. "What are you—woah! I didn't mean to intrude on a steamy conversation between you and Marcelle."

"Wait, they're dating now?" Kevin asked, trying to get into the conversation.

Julian quickly took his phone and turned it off his cheeks getting red by the moment. Why did God have to be so harsh on him?

I mean, yes, he wanted to date Marcelle, but to have his teammates think that they were—ahem, sexting—was way over he limit. He understood Marcelle liked privacy, so he'll respect that.

Julian quickly went to deny the claims. "We're not dating....Well, not yet, though."

"Not yet, though my ass." Thiago scoffed, snickering at Julian's remark. "I don't think you're absolutely telling us the truth, Jule. She sent you a text asking you to come over, and it looked pretty urgent."

"And who said you could go and look at my personal texts? Hm?"

"Woah!" The Brazilian exclaimed, almost laughing at the same time. "Personal. Yes, I bet those are some personal texts from Marcelle, Jule."

"Marcelle and Julian?" one asked from down the table.

"Are they finally dating?"

"I heard they were. Or at least, the news articles online said so."

"Yeah, those pictures of them kind of actually do scream romance when you look at them."

Shit, Marcelle's going to kill him when she finds out about the increasing number of news outlets branding her as Julian Draxler's new French girlfriend.

He rolled his eyes at the chatter among the team. "Say it as you want, but Marcelle and I aren't dating yet, and I'd feel much better you left the situation alone."

"Yeah, he's right, guys," Verratti commented, making Julian crack a small smile. "But at the same time, he and Marcelle do look kind of cute together." And then like that, Julian's smile is nonexistent.

He works hard, so why can't he get good things? Why can't he get some friends and teammates who aren't as annoying as sixth year olds?

Finally, Julian decides to get up from his seat with the intent to leave.

"Where are you going?" Kimpembe asked,

"I'm going to Marcelle's place," the German admitted, despite all the chatter and talk erupting from it.

Thiago wiggled his eyebrows, which Julian rolled his eyes at. "It's alright, guys. Let Julian go and tend to his—"

"Okay, you can stop right there!" Julian didn't want to be embarrassed even more in front of his teammates, let alone everyone inside the restaurant they were sat at. "I'm going to Marcelle's place because it obviously seems like she need me right now."

"Yeah...she needs you, Jule." Kevin sent him a wink across the table, making Julian absolutely want to die as he left the table.

Let's just say that tensions kind of rose within the accusations of him and Marcelle dating simply because she posted a picture of her watching the PSG - Rennes match on Saturday, whilst wearing a PSG jersey, and tagging Julian in the photo.

The result of that, after she gained about over a thousand followers over the course of a few days (thanks to Julian) were more people thinking that they were dating, and Marcelle really regretted having her account on public. Now, there wasn't anything she could do about it, so she's just going to have to deal with it.

As Julian made his way out of the restaurant, a young fan, donning a Cavani jersey came up to him, asking for an autograph, and of course, he had to.

He signed a piece of paper the fan gave to him, grinning as he gave it back. God, he loved his fans. He loved all the support they gave him.

"I really hope your girlfriend plays really well for PSG Féminines," he said, pulling the paper close to his chest. "She's really good."

But Marcelle isn't signed to a club yet.


Julian's eyes widened as the fan skipped away happily, leaving him standing near the exit, almost frozen. "She what?"


Paris Saint-Germain Féminines signs 21-year old sensation Marcelle Vaugrenard

Julian's eyes skimmed over the article over and over again, trying to soak in all of the details of this even if it doesn't effect him at all. But he knew it was incredibly important to Marcelle, so bothered to take the time as he walked to her flat on the fifth floor.

She actually made it.

It only took twenty-one years, two knee surgeries, one ankle surgery, and a whole lot of crying, but Marcelle did it. She's actually living her dream right now, and it feels so unreal.

Unreal. Totally unreal.

Never did Marcelle ever imagine playing for a professional club. One year ago, she was stuck serving people at the same old Les Rosiers, and today, she's finally been discovered under dirt and dust and signed to her favorite club since childhood.

Julian can't even begun to imagine her reaction when as he knock on her door.

Marcelle is a wonder, a beauty at the same time. One day, she'll be all nice and genuinely sweet to him, even just for a second, and then the next second or minute or day, she'll be back to the normal Marcelle Vaugrenard everyone knew. The sassy, snarky, epitome of I do whatever the hell I want twenty-one year old who never changed.

When the door opens, he's greeted with a whole new Marcelle, however.

There's nothing physically different, but she's smiling as they stand on opposite sides. Her eyes are watery, putting double the emphasis on her oh so green eyes, making them look so bright that Julian kind of wants to lean over and kiss her.

"I heard of the signing," he spoke, taking a step closer to her. "Congratulations. You absolutely deserve it, one hundred percent."

"Thanks, I just—" She paused. Was she about to cry? Julian's not too awfully good with crying girls or people who are crying in general, but Marcelle honestly looked a little too emotional out here. "Can we go inside? I don't want to—"

"Yeah, yeah, of course."

Out of all the emotions Julian's seen Marcelle display, he's never seen her so sentimental, so tender. It's always been her with her tough guard set up, difficult to touch her emotionally, but suddenly, he's met with a Marcelle he's never seen before.

She takes a seat on the couch, almost immediately putting he face into her hands. What was wrong with her. "Sorry."

"Sorry?" Julian was astonished. "Why are you sorry? You're supposed to be happy because you just signed with PSG!" If anything, she should be partying right now! The biggest dream of her entire life was about to begin!

Marcelle inhaled sharply, and that was a sign that made Julian sit on the couch next to her. "I just...I never expected my life to take this turn. Really. After I had my second knee surgery when I was nineteen, I thought it was over. I thought I was going to work at some café and be behind on my rent for the rest of my life."

"Now you won't." He tried to switch the topic onto a more lighter subject, looking to the positives. "Now you can you go and wear that PSG jersey in front of thousands of people and play the most beautiful game in the world. Football."

She smiled at his remark. "Football is the most beautiful game in the world."

But I think you're more beautiful. "It doesn't matter if it took twenty-one years for you to finally get discovered and sign a contract. Life is now."

"You know, for once, you're right, Draxler," she admitted, nodding her head. "Let me just—" she sniffled. "Let me have my moment."

Her eyes started to water, her body looking for comfort as it found itself in the arms of Julian. He kept her close, her head resting on his chest, just below his chin while she went to soak his shirt with her tears, but it wasn't like he cared.

All he cared about right now was Marcelle, and she was honestly the best thing that's ever happened to him in Paris. Well...her and PSG, but she made every day of his new life were a thrill to live.

He was grateful for her, and now he wished he had the ability to vocalize it.

She exhaled, separating from him. "I got your shirt wet."

"It's fine," he chuckled, ruffling her hair. "Well, what are you going to do now? Are you going to quit your job?"

"I already did," she told him. "This morning during rush hour when we usually have like, twenty tables to serve. I came in, and Sonia was so relieved I came in, but I told her I was quitting. To be honest, I didn't feel bad because Sonia was kind of a bitch anyways."

Julian fell back against the couch, laughing. Well, we have the good old Marcelle Vaugrenard back with us now. "Well, now that you're officially apart of Paris Saint-Germain, I say that we should go somewhere tonight. Your choice."

"Mm...I'm kind of hungry."

"I swear, everywhere we go, you're always hungry!"

"You don't seem to be complaining about it whenever we go out."


"What did you get?"

"Hm? I got strawberry."

"Can I taste?"

Julian took a small scoop of his strawberry gelato onto his spoon and handed it over to Marcelle, who apparently wanted him to feed her, so that happened instead.

"Tastes good," she told him.

Marcelle and Julian were walking side by side near the Eiffel Tower in the seventh arrondissement with cups of gelato in their hands from their visit to this little gelato shop that Marcelle literally gorged about during the car ride here. Just before, they had dinner at a Italian restaurant (which took Julian forever to get to by navigation) because she wanted to and wasn't going to take no for an answer.

This also might be one of the few times Marcelle may be dressed nicely with jeans, a grey sweatshirt, a jean jacket, and those wretched white slip on Vans Julian is firmly against. Either way, she looked nice, and Julian thought she looked cute.

But she was always cute, especially when she was happy. The smile on her face suited her so good, Julian might as well make her smile even more just so she'll be happy.

"It still feels unreal."

His ears perked up. "What does?"

"All of this. Do you expect me to come to terms that I just signed with one of the biggest clubs in Europe that quickly?" she asked, eating another scoop of her own green tea gelato. "Julian, my whole life just changed."

"Well, it changed for the better," he told her, trying to reassure her.

A whole six hours later, and everything still hasn't sunken in for Marcelle. Her past, her future, her all changed, and she has no idea what to expect now.

It was goodbye to the boring old café and semi-pro life she used to live, and hello to the new professional and wow, you're famous! life.

She and Julian stopped by a bench where the Eiffel was in full view of them, its light shining and being its own beautiful self (though, the German would say that there are two beauties near him).

"What's it like?"


"What's like it being famous? Or, what's it like being Julian Draxler in the football world?" Marcelle thought it was a stupid question, but it was worth asking considering the fact that she was literally about to be the center of attention.

Julian sighed. "Well, first of all, it's not that bad. The fans, the support you get is absolutely overwhelming, and I'm grateful for every second I have of it, but it does have some downsides to it. Like, criticism. When you're famous and millions of people around the world know you, you're going to get criticism."

"Well, I already have that."

He raised his eyebrows. What the hell? Already? "How?"

"You know that video you posted of me and the thousands of people that flocked to my account? Turns out that multiple people accused me of using you for my supposed 'rising fame.'" She made sure to put the last part in air quotes to put emphasis on how ridiculous that was because honestly, it was bullshit.

Even Julian thought it was bullshit, and he knew that the friendship between him and Marcelle was genuine, and what he did was out of pure belief that she could kick ass if everything went her way.

"Bullshit," he said. "That's bullshit. They don't know what real skill in football is, then. I think you, on a scale of one to ten, are a twelve. If you can destroy my career in five minutes, then you can humiliate Neymar in three."

"That's some dangerous words you're talking about there," she laughed, shaking her head.

So this is what's become of them.

Not even a month of knowing each other, Julian's found himself head over heels for Marcelle, and she's been happy enough spend time with him no matter the situation between them.

And none of them have even noticed how close they've become in a short amount of time. It's always Julian—this or Marcelle—that, but never did they ever stop and look at themselves because everyone was right. They spend way too much time together to be just friends, and they're way too comfortable with each other to be just friends.

Nevertheless, Marcelle's found her herself in Julian's embrace as he pulls her close with an arm around her shoulder as they look at the Eiffel Tower in front of them. And suddenly, in the moment, everything feels perfect.

"Oh, wait! I almost forgot—" Well, almost perfect. "Marcelle, I got a Snapchat today."

He quickly fished his phone out of his pocket brought it to the app, holding his phone up to take a picture.

"Julian, you little shit, no!"



3,478 j'aime
marcellevaugrenard: ici c'est paris 🇫🇷 #psg
marcellevaugrenard: this photo has no relevance to psg but jule took me out to dinner and said i had to post something about signing so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
matiasv09: Félicitations! 🎉
laureboulleauofficiel: Bienvenue!!
s.23tg: Should have signed with OL
pvlinebaschxt: !!!!! Félicitations
_nessagomez: excited to see you play!
draxlerofficial: Date me
kevintrapp: ^^ Pls date him
marcellevaugrenard: @draxlerofficial no

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