Imagines 'n' Stuff

By No-copies

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Bunch of imagines of different people who i adore. Also some short stories I've written but never completely... More

Live by the Sun//Love by the Moon
You Can't Kiss Girls
The Diner
First day--->Normally
Road Trips

Inaccurate history (but it's funny though)

89 1 0
By No-copies

Once in a far off kingdom, lived a prince. No this is not going to be one of those cliché fairytales. There are no monsters or goblins, there is no damsel in distress. Just a prince and his dog (victor).
Queen Ryan and Queen Angel fell in love, but unfortunately, science wasn't as up-to date as it is today. They so desperately wanted a child, so they took off to the orphanages, in search for a youngling to call their own.
They held kids here and there but none of them felt...right. The royals basically had given up. That is until...Evan stumbled in their path. Literally stumbled. The poor kid was bull riding and was chucked into the air! He landed on his feet but that bull wanted to show no mercy. The bull came raging after him so Evan's fight or flight response kicked in and he was running. Evan ran for about half a mile before his legs gave out. The young boy tripped over a pebble and tumbled down a hill.
Down at the bottom stood the two royals, heartbroken and frustrated. He came crashing in, the bull gave up running after him— seeing as though it was no longer worth it, but did Evan know that? No, ya idiot. His heart was in his ears and throat. Damn boy couldn't hear a thing! He rolled so quickly down the hill, his arms and legs flailing all over the place. It was madness! He was stopping by Queen Ryan's legs, more like she was shoved on top of him by him, of course.
Queen Angel was about to yell at the kid, but the sight in front of her was too funny not to laugh at. He was heaving, Ryan was confused. One minute she was facing her wife the next she sees a lizard shaped cloud. He was squirming under her, trying to wiggle his way out from under the weight.
", you fat cow!" He shouted.
"Well I️ was going to until you insulted me. Now I think I'll just enjoy the view." She challenged.
"Who in the holy world of fuck do you think you are last? The Queen? Shit!" Her weight was crushing him.
"She is kid, one of them at least." Angel spoke, tucking her hands under his armpits and bring him to his feet. She then helped her wife up, brushing her off.
"Shit shit shit shit shit shit fUck, I'm so sorry your majesties. I️f I'd had known...fuck. Don't kill me please." He cried.
"Quit your blubbering kid, why do you smell like a pig's pen?"

"Why do you weigh so much?"

"Listen here you little twirp, you stink, I️ like food. You can either shut that little mouth of yours or I️ take you back to the top of the hill and push you again." Ryan was feisty. He contemplated his answer, choosing what to say very carefully. He looked at the steep hill, then back at the two women. "I️ think...maybe.." he bolted up the hill. Ryan took that as a challenge and took off not too long after. See, she was competitive to say the least and her not so much. Racing this poor kid was the only sense of real competition she's had in a while. It was hard to keep up with him considering he had beaten up sneakers on and she had heels on. "This is not gonna end well." Angel mumbled to herself and she walked toward a street vendor. Hey, if her wife or the kid (but most likely her wife) was gonna lose she might as well get something out of it. Angel bought six churros, and she tread up the "stairs" composed of rocks, not too far from where the two idiots were running. They were neck and neck. "Holy fuck." Angel wheezed as she reached the top. "That...was horrible. I️ should've bought a water." She shook her head; some how the runners began running sideways instead of just a clear shot (up and done) but no. Now they're running off to the sides. Evan's shoe was slipping off but that wasn't gonna stop him from beating this "fat cow's" ass.
"You're going down, kid." Ryan laughed then focused at the task at hand. He managed to take remove both his shoes. His bare feet were hitting the ground, he picked up his speed just a bit.
He wasn't looking where he was going. They were running...on a grassy hill...he was nOt looking where he was placing his feet. His left foot stepped in something warm and somewhat moist, which caused him to lose the grip...he slipped and by the time he started falling, Ryan was catching up. She tripped over his feces coated foot and they both went down. Angel lost it. She fell into hysterics, laughing so hard, tears brimmed her eyes. She wanted to help them up (again) but this was even funnier than the last time! He had shit on his foot and her wife fell? It was too much for her to handle. She sat on the floor and laughed.
The two were sat on the floor, a frown toying at their lips. Neither of them won. Technically speaking, Evan won a while ago but now he's got horse manure on his foot and clothes, so did he really win? Angel was able to compose herself just enough to get up, get the boy's sneakers and trot over to them. "That. Was. Hil-arious! I️ wish I️ could replay that for hours on end." She wiped a few stray tears from her cheeks and plopped down next to them. "Oh yeah babe, thanks. I'm not hurt or anything." Ryan grumbled. "Ah, shut up. Here I️ got you two churros." The grey eyed girl's mood lightened as she happily munched on her churro. "I️ didn't forget about you, kid. Here," he was hesitant. Was she really offering him some food? "Go on, take it." Reluctantly he took the sweet treat and scarfed it down. That was his first "meal" in days! He was supposed to get more food from the kids in the village if he stayed on that bull for a total of 15 seconds or longer, but now he had no idea where he was or if he was going to get back. "Where should we drop you off? It's getting pretty late, your parents must be worried sick." Ryan spoke, a bit more tenderly than earlier. "I️ can walk." He simply stated.

"What? No way! You're not walking, smelling like that and in the dark. You'd get mistaken for a small animal, you'd be mauled out there!" Ryan said almost immediately. "Yeah, tell us where to take you, kiddo. We can drop you off. It's no trouble."
"I️ can't." He shrugged as he tugged at the grass between his finger tips.
"Well why not?" Angel brushed a few strands of hair from his face.
"I️ don't...I️ don't have anywhere. I️ just wander aimlessly until I️ can find some shelter or something... it's not bad, though! Except when it's raining...or gets too cold." The women's frowns deepened.
"Would...would you like to come with us?" Ryan asked tentatively. "You don't have to, it's uh a suggestion. It doesn't have to be forever, either."
"Why would you want a street rat in your castle?" He pressed, trying to find their angle. "Better question, why would you let a stranger into your castle? I'm just a random kid you raced. I️ stink, I'm sweating, I'm not 'proper'...I️ wouldn't fit in." The women burst into laughter.
"Pfffft! He thinks we're ahahaha," Evan stared at them in bewilderment, had he said something funny?
"Kid, I️ dont think 'proper' is the best terminology you're looking for. That doesn't fit the criteria. My idiot wife, who I️ Love, just raced you. After you knocked her over! Proper is not the way we do things." Angel spoke, looking at him with a soft smile. "Did you just call me an idiot?"
"Mm..I️ do not recall."

The married couple broke out into a small argument, once it was settled, they turned back to the boy. "You don't even know my name."
"Well, can you tell us? We're not letting walk to whatever destination you choose, it's dangerous, honey." A fresh sense of warmth was building in his tummy.
"Evan." He stuck his hand out to his former opponent. "Evan Derek."
"Well, mister Evan..I'm Ryan Quinn Garcia and this is my wife, Angel Leilani Hansen." They shook hands.
"Now that we're not strangers anymore, the offer still stands. Would you like to come with us? Your answer has to be yes because neither one of us is letting you say no." Angel smiled knowingly.
"Hm, fine okay. I'll go but only for tonight. I'll be out of your hair tomorrow afternoon."
"No you won't."
The three of them walked to the awaiting carriage down the road, recalling today's event they laughed.
"Your majesties," William, their driver, bowed before them and opened the door helping each of them in. He knew better than to ask questions about that god awful stench the young boy had.

The ride to the castle was short and they were able to learn a bit more about Evan. They found out that his parents abandoned him somewhere in the woods when he was about 3 or 4 years old, and how he managed through life for the past six years. He was a brave soul and a smart one, too. "I️ had a dog, well, he was a fox but still counts right?" The women nodded as they made their way in. "I️ named him, trunk because I️ found him near a tree truck. He was just a baby! I️ miss him sometimes." He rambled lightly.
"Where is he?" Angel probed gently, not wanting to upset him.
"He died. We were walking along the road but we had to cross and this horse was on a rampage and crushed him." He shrugged. As upset as the story made him, he knew there was no use in getting worked up about it anymore. "He was my best friend, man." He frowned.
"I️ bet. You know, we have five dogs, would you like to meet them?" His eyes brightened at the mention of the creatures.
"Hell yeah!"
"Well, first you have to shower then we can have some dinner and go out to the garden for a bit with them. You can play with them for a while, but only after dinner." Ryan said.
"Yes ma'am." He saluted with a big smile showing off his missing teeth.
Angel showed him to the bathroom and filled the tub with bubbles and warm water. "When was the last time you bathed?"
"Jesus...uh I️ dunno? A long time, I️ guess."
"Is it alright if I️ give you a bath? I️ don't think your tiny little baby hands are gonna get you clean." She laughed.
"Mhm, my momma used to give me baths all the time when I️ was little!" He thought back to all those times, she would sing to him while washing his hair. He never understood why they left him out there in the cold.
"Alrighty champ, why don't you step in there while I️ go get you a towel and some clothes, I'll be right back." She ruffles through his filthy "curls," if you could even call them that anymore. He nodded and began stripping out of his clothes once she was out of sight. He sat under the mountain of bubbles, splashing here and there. Angel came back in with the supplies, and in a different attire. She sat at the edge of the tub, wetting his head then combing it out. "My god you've got leaves in your hair! How does one even? I'm surprised you don't have lice."
"Leaves are the least of your problems right now. The water is turning black!"
They shared a laugh as she continued to wash and untangle his mane.
His bath took longer than expected, Angel went through so many bottles of soap.
"Alright, kid, I️ don't think your skin can take anymore scrubbing."
For the first time in months, he felt like himself again. She was warm, she kept him safe. He wasn't sure how long the feeling would last but he knew he never wanted it to end. "Shall we see what's for dinner?"
"Mhm mhm, I'm hungry. And I️ wanna meet your dogs!" She smiled at the little boy in her arms.
They made their way to the dining area where Ryan was already seated, scarfing down her third plate of pasta.
"My oh my, who knew that there'd be an actual boy under all that gunk?" Ryan teased.
He hid his reddening face in the crook of angel's neck.
She set him down in a chair and a plate of food was placed in front of him. He looked dumbfounded. All this food...for him?
"You don't have to eat it all, bud. If you do that's both impressive and concerning, but there's more in the pot." Angel commented then began eating a lot slower than the woman across from her.
"I️ can have more afterwards, i-if I️ want?" They nodded as he began eating with his fingers.

Dinner continued with light conversation and a small banter.

After dinner, as promised they played in the garden for a few minutes with the dogs. "Over here, Lex!" He called as he tossed the ball in the opposite direction.
It began to get chilly, so they decided to call it a night and head inside. They showed him to his bedroom for the night.

The one night turned into two...then a week...a month. Yeah, no, he wasn't leaving. Eventually they sat down to discuss the legal issues. After weeks of the simple back and forth, they were finally able to adopt him. As a gift to him, for being the best son they could've asked for, they took him to a shelter.
"I️ can pick whichever one I️ want? And it's mine?"
"For the 50 thousandth time, yes!" Ryan chuckled at his excitement. Suddenly she was pushed back by a weight. "Thanks, momma." He sobbed into her waist and tried pulling her closer, if possible.
"You're very welcome, baby." Her voice wavered, she was a mom. That's all she wanted and now she had it.
He chose the puppy in the back, the pup wasn't as excited as the other dogs.
"Him?" Angel asked.
"Mhm. Momma said I️ can choose whichever one I️ wanted and I️ get to keep him, and name him, an' an' an' love him forever!" He cheered and picked him up carefully. He pressed his forehead to the puppy's face, who in return gave him a kiss. The puppy was later named Victor.

The duo grew together, the other dogs were still there, but they weren't Evan's. The other dogs were his moms' dogs. Victor was Evan's, as much as Evan was Victor's. He was happy. He found a new home. He found two loving parents and got a new dog along with it! They taught him everything he needed to learn in order to live the greatest life he could. Maybe he wasn't just a street rat after all

A/n: this is technically not an imagine but I'm talking to a girl and she wanted a story so I️ told her this one. Hope you enjoyed it as much as she did.
THIS WAS NOT EDITED it was merely copied over from my messages here so please if you found a mistake lmk so I️ can fix it thank you ❤️

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