I love you //brolby

By dolltearz

100K 2.8K 1.7K

Brennen and Colby always act like they are in a relationship. Like all the time, well what if a joke goes too... More

✖️Thirty-one✖️ (filler)
read this is you love me
Thank you for everything


1.6K 46 88
By dolltearz

Brennen's POV

I woke up and Colby was no where to be seen, I roll over to see a paper in front of my face, which somehow scared me

Hey babe, I had a photoshoot I needed to go too, I didn't wanna wake you so I just left hope to see you soon. Love you xx

~Love colbear

I sighed throwing the paper on the floor, okay but he has to send me the pictures like HoT damn he looks good all the time but when he does photoshoots I could bust a nut just looking at them. . . Okay too far.

I rolled out of bed, I didn't even bother putting in clean clothes or anything I wasn't doing shit today.
I sat on my couch, I got my phone out of my pocket I guess I never took it out, I checked the time 12:48 well shit I slept a while, I wonder if Colby's done with his photoshoot yet

B: you done with you photoshoot yet? Also I need to see the pictures .

I wasn't expecting a reply so fast but he replied no less then a minute later

C: yeah, I just finished. Why do you wanna see my pictures ;)

B: so I can masturbate to them


B: you asked, I'm joking tho just wanna see them.

B:kinda joking

C: alright ig give me a minute



C:there ya go


C: not really but thx


C:please don't die

B: no promises

C: also, how about we hang out at my place today. There isn't much privacy but ya know whatever.

B: well then You'll just have to stay quiet ;)

C: Jesus Christ, why do I love you?


B: I don't even know

C:well I gotta drive, meet me at my house?

B: alright see ya, love you

C: love you too

I put my phone in my pocket, while walking to my bedroom grabbing a random shirt throwing it on I didn't bother with my hair that shits messy anyway. Should I leave now? I mean I dunno how far away he is. Ah fuck if I basically live there anyway

~small time skip~

After walking half a mile (I'm being over-dramatic) to their house I opened the gate considering it's easy, I walk up to their door of course it's not locked so as per usual I let myself in "and whose here" I heard Elton yell from somewhere in the house "who do ya think" I yelled back laughing "Ohh Brennen" He said walking out from I think the. Garage "that's my name, daddy" I said sarcastically "nope that's not me that's Colby" he said crossing his arms, I could feel my face getting kind of hot "well that's not 100% true or so not from what Colby was yelling last night" I laughed "TMI BRENNEN" he yelled throwing his hands in the air "I'm joking, kinda" I said nudging him I heard a car pull into he drive way I looked out the door because I haven't closed it and it was Colby, I walked out to his car opening his door for him "hey baby" I said as he got out of his car, he hugged me "hey daddy" he said as he pulled away and he was laughing "damn straight" I said and he giggled "you gonna kiss me or leave me hanging" I said acting hurt "I'd like to go inside but sure" he said before pecking my lips "alright we can go inside now" I said walking behind him "already was" he said half sarcastically "may I just say y'all are couple goals" Elton said smiling like a dumbass "I know" I said proud making both laugh "where's everyone else" Colby asked setting his stuff down "sam and Kat are in the pool, Arron is asleep and Corey and devyn are upstairs, devyn probably doing Corey's makeup" Elton said, I saw Colby roll his eyes when Elton said Kat's name, I mean I don't mind her but she is annoying "wanna go upstairs" I asked Colby "yes" he relied "you guys work fast, Fuck" Elton said before going back into his 'man cave' "nah we just don't wanna be around you" Colby said, I grabbed his hand pulling him upstairs "what're you doing, Brennen" I heard Colby ask from behind me "nothing" I said in a low voice, once we got in his room I closed his door and locked it ;) I sat down on his couch, hand signaling him to sit on my lap which he obeyed. I kissed him lips deeply, while my hands got lower and lower on his waist "Brennen what are you doing" he asked pulling away "am I not allowed to make out with my boyfriend" I asked raising a eyebrow. He didn't say anything before pushing his lips back to mine, I tugged at his lips softly making him groan, I put my fingers in the loops of his jeans pulling his closer to me "I love you" I said against His lips "mm I love you more" he said in return and I laughed, we both know that ain't possible, I began lifting his shirt slowly but before I was even half way up with his shirt he ripped it off "don't do it so slow please" he said in-between kisses, just as I was about to answer him there was a knock on the door and a jiggle at the door knob "well shit looks like we will have to continue this some other time"I said kissing him one more time before he crawled off my lap, he walked to the door still shirtless unlocking it and opening it but not enough for who ever it was to see I was there "y-yeah, Corey" he said, k it's Corey "you good bro" he said before pushing the door open and pushing Colby out of the way, Corey and I made eye contact I was still sprawled out on the couch with my belt un done and Colby's shirt on the floor "um yeah ya know what I'll come back later" Corey said trying to hold back laughter, he left shutting the door and Colby and I just looked at each other "well shit he definitely knew I mean C'mon" I said breaking the silence "maybe we should just do things like this at your house?" He suggested "nah everyone else gets to fuck here why can't we" I said shrugging "true" Colby said grabbing his shirt off the floor and I buckled my belt again "ya know" I began making Colby look at me "your a tease" I said "yeah well so are you" he said back sitting down next to me "yeah yeah, anyways whatcha wanna do?" I asked "wanna prank someone" he suggested and I smiled evilly "of course, who and what?" I said exited "I say sam, and I don't know what we should do" he said "I mean we could...pretend I got hurt and then you like freak out?" I offered "sounds fun, so what about like you 'pass out' and won't wake up so I call for sam and like freak out then once he says he's gonna call 911 or whatever we say it's a prank" he said and I smiled "okay wanna do it now?" I said raising my eyebrows "yaSsS" He said, I swear he's so gay sometimes "alright imma go downstairs for a second and your gonna put a bit of fake blood on your head and I'll come back up and start yelling alright" he said and I shook my head in response.

Colby's POV

I walked out of my room downstairs, I stayed down there for like 10 minutes so he could figure his shit out, once I thought I've waited enough I walked back up-stairs and before I opened the door I re-thought everything so I had it all planned out. Once that was over I opened the door and Brennen was laying on the floor lookin hella dead "ready" I whispered "ready" he whispered back, I knew sam was up-stairs so I didn't have to yell very loud, I took a deep breath in and out and then I started yelling "BRENNEN BRENNEN OH MY GOD SAM SAM COME FAST PLEASE" I screamed, and while he was coming I tried to make myself cry which worked "Colby what is i- OH MY GOD BRENNEN WHAT HAPPENED" he yelled run in up to him next to me "I-I DONT KNOW I WENT DOWN-STAIRS AND THEN I COME BACK UP AND HES LIKE THIS AND HE WONT WAKE UP SAM" I cried "calm down Colby it'll be okay" he said trying to comfort me while still trying to 'wake up' Brennen I gotta say he's a good actor "Please baby wake up please" I fake cried still shaking him "alright I'm gonna go get my phone we have to call 911" he said standing up and running to his room then Brennen broke character "alright so I'm just gonna act like you woke up so get in my arms" I whispered and he did as I said and right then sam walked in with his phone in his hand "wait did he wake up" sam asked "y-yeah but he's weak" I did with fake tears sill coming out of my eyes "good" sam said walking over to us and getting on the floor "Brennen can you say your name" He asked "b-Brennen" he 'struggled' to say "can i just say one thing" I said "yeah?" "WELCOME TO THE MEGA PRANK WAR" I yelled and Brennen jumped out of my arms "Jesus Christ I thought BRENNEN DIED" he yelled and I laughed "well im fine" Brennen said "I'm done" sam said before walking out shutting my door "good acting Colby but even though your tears were fake it still broke my heart" he said Turning to me, wiping the tears that were still on my face "and it broke my heart to see how well you were acting because it made me think, 'what if this wasn't a prank' " I said "well all it is, is a prank so don't worry" he said getting closer to me putting his hands around my waist and I threw my hands over his shoulders "kiss me" I said smiling and he obeyed, pecking my lips "I said kiss not peck" I said raising my eyebrows "fine" he said before pulling me back towards the couch and falling on it which also meant I fell on him, he grabbing me by my shirt and pulled me to his face, kissing me roughly, which made me moan "is this what you meant" he said break the kiss "yes" I said back "okay I thought so" he said "also playing dead is tiring, wanna take a nap" he offered I mean I could sleep "sure" I said getting off him but I still had my head on his chest, I grabbed the blanket off my bed and put it on us "love you" I said snuggling my head into his chest "love you too"

Heyo this was a pretty long chapter I liked it and a lot happened kinda so yeah anyway see y'all later baiii

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