𝘱𝘴, 𝘴𝘡π˜ͺ𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘰𝘡 𝘰𝘷�...

By niazddavajkilam

149K 9.8K 4.5K

Five boys gifted with super powers, formed a group known as the Elite Five, and vowed to protect the world ag... More

ps, still not over you Β» zarry
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty five
chapter forty six
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight
chapter forty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
chapter fifty three
chapter fifty four
chapter fifty five

chapter fourteen

2.4K 171 17
By niazddavajkilam


It was dark out and being at the tower in my room probably getting ready for bed was something I was wanting to be doing, but instead I was out on look out duty. We got a late night call about some snoopers hanging around by the museum of natural history. There had been various reports of stolen artifacts, minerals, jewelry, and even fossils. You would think what would anyone want with fossils, but you could definitely make a ton of money off of selling those items. And around here, money hungry criminals weren't uncommon.

I was leaning against the side of the building, bored and tired. It was nearly midnight and I hadn't seen any suspicious activity for the past twenty minutes. Niall was inside at his post while Louis stood all the way on the other side of the building, and Liam doing whatever he was doing. I was getting pretty restless just standing here and not actually doing anything. I wanted to pull my communicator out and tell the guys this was stupid, but I stopped myself. I talked to Niall a few weeks ago about my broken communicator without actually telling him what happened to it and he happily made me a new one.

I was gonna try to keep this one in tact..

I sigh and let out a yawn, looking at the time on my wrist band. Eleven fifty seven, it read. I groan, it's been too long it felt like. It was cold out here, and only being in hero outfit wasn't helping. I could care less about my internal complaints. Just because I was a super hero, didn't mean I wasn't allowed to. We're human too. And humans need sleep, which I haven't been getting lately. Between all the crime fighting we've been doing, keeping up with this on going romance between Liam and I, and my now reoccurring dreams that keep me up at night, I haven't been getting much sleep. Henceforth, my grumpy state at the moment.

I was about to take out my communicator and contact the others when I heard something from behind me. I quickly turned around and shot a ray of light from my hand in that direction. Though it hit nothing because no one was there. I frown, using a ball of energy to light up the darkened area but finding nothing. Suddenly, I felt a breeze from behind me and something touch my shoulder. I quickly react by grabbing the stranger's hand and flipping them. Although my eyes widened when I realized who it was.

"Oh crap, Lou."

He groaned and sat up, rubbing his back, before looking up at me. "Um, ow H." He says, before slowly getting up. I sigh, my shoulders slumping as I get out of my fighting stance.

"I'm sorry, you can't just sneak up on me. I thought you were someone else." I tell him. Louis shakes his head.

"It's okay, but damn you reacted quicker than I thought you would." He says. I smile and cross my arms.

"Maybe I'm getting quicker than speedy himself." I joked. Louis scoffs and rolls his eyes, doing an imaginary hair flip.

"You wish." He says sassily. I giggle and leans back against the wall. "There's literally nothing out here, how long is Liam gonna make us stand here?" I asked, eyeing Louis. Louis shrugs and leans against the wall beside me, placing his hands behind his head.

"I dunno, you know Liam. Once there's a mission, there's no early release." He replies. I nod in agreement. Seconds later there's a click, and suddenly I'm being roughly pushed to the ground just as I hear a loud shot go off. I yelp, but look up to see Louis with someone in a headlock. The fun that I'm assuming Louis just saved me from was discarded onto the ground and the man was struggling in Louis' hold. Soon, he started to lose consciousness and Louis let go of him as he fell to the ground, picking up the gun and taking the ammo out.

Louis looks at me, "You are so lucky I'm super fast." I nod with a breath of relief as Louis leans over and helps me up.

"I feel like you're always saving me nowadays." I mumble. Which is pathetic, I wanted to say but I refrained. Louis chuckles.

"What are friends for?" I smile, pulling out some restraining cord from my pocket and tying the criminal's hand behind his back while Louis does the same to his ankles so he wouldn't be able to escape when he came to. Then we brought him around front where we were met was Niall holding another guy in an iron grip, having him groaning in pain and begging Niall to let go. We sat the crook down on the steps.

Niall looks over at us and smiles, "Hey guys."

"Oh baby, are you torturing people again? I thought we talked about this." Louis says in a joking voice as he walks over to Niall. Niall laughs and lets the guy fall to the ground, his steel hand turning back to normal skin.

"We should have that talk again, I didn't quite understand it the first time." He says. Louis smirks walking closer to Niall, grabbing him. I roll my eyes at their playfulness and kneels down tying restraints around the other guy as while. Although before I get a chance to stand back up I feel a sharp pain in the back of my neck as something is shoved into it. I scream, falling forward. Niall and Louis quickly react, Niall dropping to his knees next to me while Louis is immediately grabbing the person responsible.

"What the fuck?!" I hear Louis shout. I hold the back of my neck expecting for there to blood gushing out and to slowly bleed out and die, but instead I was only met with a small drip of blood and a very tender area that was sore to the touch. What the hell was that?

"Harry, are you okay?" Niall asked in concern. I turn around and sit down on the steps, moaning slightly from the small pain, but nod anyway. Niall moves my hand and examines the area. "It's not bleeding bad, but your skin looks very red and irritated." I look over at Louis holding the guy's arms behind his back with the side of face smoshed into the concrete, with clenched teeth.

"What the fuck did you do to him?" Louis asked angrily. The guy only smirks and refuses to answer. Louis roughly grabs him by his hair and bangs his head harshly against the ground, causing him to cry out in pain. "Tell us!"

"No!" Louis proceeds to beat the guy up.

"Lou stop!" I yell.

"Not until he talks." He demands. I shake my head, trying to ignore the pain that still resides in my neck.

"It's fine, I'm okay. It was just a little poke, whatever he was trying to do he didn't succeed." I tell him, although I was unsure about that myself. I don't possibly know what he could've done. Louis still looks angry and unsure but I tilt my head at him with a look in my eyes. He rolls his eyes and sighs, instead just putting restraints on the guy instead of beating him to a pulp. Louis stands up and walks back over to us. I nod at him and look back to the guy. Our eyes meet and he has a bit of a smirk on his face. I shake my head and quickly look away. Finally Liam joins us, walking out of the museum with yet another one, letting him drop to the ground.

"I guess this is all of them." He says, walking over to us. "Louis, make a quick run to make sure no one else is creeping around." Liam says. Louis nods before he zooms off, leaving a harsh breeze rushing past us. Liam comes over to me after he contacts the authorities, placing an arm around my shoulders. His arm brushes against my neck causing me to flinch a little. He frowns. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just sore." I reply.

"Are you-"

"Don't worry Li, I'm fine." I give him a small smile, which he almost didn't go along with, but decided to for now. He instead wraps an arm around my waist.

"Sorry we had to stay out here so long guys, I just wanted to take precautions and well I guess I made the right decision." He says proudly.

"No problem, it's our job." Niall says. I agree. Once Louis comes back and the authorities arrive we are finally able to leave. In the car, I sat in the middle of the backseat next to Liam who took the window seat. He has his arm around my shoulder with my head against his shoulder. Music played quietly in the stereo while Niall and Louis talked amongst themselves in the front.

Liam rubs my arm slightly, catching my attention. I tilt my head up slightly to look at him. "Tomorrow is date night." He says with a smile. A small grin slowly appears on my lips. I nearly forgot he'd planned a date for us tomorrow. But now I remembered. I didn't know what we'd do, he wouldn't tell me.

"It certainly is."

"We're gonna have fun."

"It'd be more fun if you tell me where we're going." I asked wriggling my eyebrows at him. Liam chuckles and shakes his head.

"Nope, it's still a surprise Harry."

I sigh, "Worth a try." Liam grins leaning down to kiss my temple and pull me closer.

"Don't worry, you'll love it, I promise." He says. I nod, resting my head back against his shoulder. I was feeling a lot more better about this thing with Liam. I was more open to it and I had to admit, it kinda felt good. It was time for a change for me. It was time for me to stop my dwelling in the past. A new beginning wasn't such a bad thing.


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