Love&Basketball (Camren)

By CC__5H

403K 8.2K 2.2K

《CONVERTED》to Camren Camila Cabello a teenager about to begin her senior year has been dating her boyfriend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 24

8.2K 164 30
By CC__5H

~*not proof read*~

"Austin...Isn't this considered stalking?" Brad asked his friend as they pulled up an expensive looking lounge.

Austin chuckled a bit. "Come on dude. The flyers said that camila would be preforming here tonight."

It had been over a month since camila's first performance and summer was quickly coming to a close. Austin had attended every event that camila was scheduled to preform out much to her discontent. Luckily for camila whenever austin tried to approach her, Shawn, lauren, and once Dinah had returned from her trip even she prevented the boy from getting to close.

"I'm just saying...She's an amazing singer and all, but dude...How are we going to even get in here...Unless you know somebody it's pretty much impossible." Brad stated.

"Well..Look what my father managed to get his hand on." Austin replied as he flashed two tickets in front of his friend.

Brad gave a small smirk. "I forgot your father's connections weren't to be trifled with."

Austin nodded in agreement. "It's amazing though right! She has only been preforming for a short time and an exclusive lounge like this specifically asked for her to come here I heard."

"Your scaring me dude...How did you 'hear' that." Brad asked becoming worried that his friend was becoming a bit obsessed.

"I'm not crazy brad..Everybody has been talking about it, it's only natural that I heard about it." Austin replied a bit annoyed that his friend would actually believe that he was losing his mind.

Brad chuckled. "I guess. I was about to say."

"Yeah, yeah. Come on loser, the show probably already started." Austin told his friend as he stepped out of his car.

Brad followed. The two flashed the tickets to the bouncer and he allowed them to go inside. As soon as they opened the door they were greeted by shawn beginning to play the piano.

"Great, they're just starting." Austin said in a happy tone as he found a table for him and brad to sit at.

"Now you finally tell me how you feel
Guess your words just came a little too late
All the drama boy it's overkill
Don't be mad at me cause you've been replaced, know your place"

"Seems like a new song, I don't recall her singing this before." Brad said as camila began singing.

Austin nodded in agreement although the lyrics slightly bothered him. Was camila singing about him?

"But if you woulda maned up, put your hand up, stand up
Tell me how you really felt
Then maybe it'd be different
If you spoke I would've listened
But now I'm with somebody else
And he loves me, too much for me to mess this up
And it sucks to be all in your head, wondering
Where this thing could go, but..."

Camila's eyes scanned the crowd as she sang. She wasn't extremely surprised to see austin in the crowd. He clearly intended to come to all of her performances. They locked eyes for a few seconds. She had written this song with austin's actions during her first performance in mind. At least he would get to hear it's debut.

"You will never know"

Camila's eyes never left austin's as she said the line of the song.

After she sang the line she allowed her eyes to drift to the rest of the crowd. Shawn had told her multiple times that eye contact was important when performing.

"What we could have been
If you would've shown (ha, whoa)
Your way back then
Boy you gotta (yep, yep)
Boy you shoulda (yep, yep)
Cause you didn't know, so
Now you'll never know
You'll never know"

Austin felt his heart drop to his stomach. It definitely wasn't his imagination. He was pretty sure the song was about him. The thought alone made him frown.

Brad noticed it also as he looked towards his friend. "Do you wanna leave dude?" Brad questioned.

Austin shook his head. "No..I deserve this." He answered as he continued to listen.

"Now it's probably hard for you to hear
But there's nothing left for you to say
Had my heart all in your hands
Boy, what you don't understand
Is a girl like me don't have no time to waste around

But if you woulda manned up, put your hand up, stand up
Tell me how you really felt
Then maybe it'd be different
If you spoke I would've listened
But now I'm with somebody else
And he loves me, too much for me to mess this up
And it sucks to be all in your head, wondering
Where this thing could go, but..."

The people who were in the lounge were all extremely well known in the city and they were clearly enjoying camila's performance. She would definitely gain some notoriety after this.

"You will never know
What we could have been
If you would've shown (If you would've shown)
Your way back then
Boy you gotta (yep, yep)
Boy you shoulda (yep, yep)
Cause you didn't know, so
Now you'll never know
You'll never know.."

"You'll never know
(Boy you should've told me, told me)
You'll never know
(Boy you should've let me know)
You'll never know
(Boy you could've been there for me)
Now you'll never know
You'll never know"

Camila had to resist the urge to single austin out as the next verse she had written came up. Singing this song while austin was in the audience no longer made her sad..She was over that stage the only emotion she had left for the boy was anger. She wanted him to feel as broken as she had, but her parents had raised her better than that. She wouldn't be so low as to try and embarrass her ex boyfriend in public.

"It's not my fault
You're a little bit too late
You're the only one to blame
Wipe that look off your face
You can wish a thousand times, but
None of that will change my mind boy
You had a chance you'll never get back (get back)"

Austin closed his eyes as he listened closely to the lyrics. If camila had written them herself she had nailed it right on the head. He really only did have himself to blame.

Brad looked at his friend and sighed as he listened to the rest of the song.

"You will never know
What we could have been
If you would've shown (If you would've shown me)
Way back then (way back then baby)
Boy you gotta (yep, yep)
Boy you shoulda (yep, yep)
Cause you didn't know, so
Now you'll never know
Oh baby

You'll never know
Boy you could've told me told me
You'll never know
Boy you could've let me know
You'll never know
Boy you could've been there for me

Now you'll never know
You'll never know

You'll never know
You'll never know
You'll never know
You'll never know"

The crowd clapped their hands as camila bowed and thanked the crowd for their support. She gave shawn a hug before she walked backstage leaving the brown haired boy to preform.

Camila smiled at a waiter as he handed her a bottle of water when she got to the waiting area.

Lauren had been unable to attend this performance due to her and dinah being tired after what they called "Hell Week." She and dinah had been extremely focused ever since dinah returned from her trip, she had even occasionally joined camila and lauren during their morning workouts. Camila rolled her eyes as she remembered the lame excuse the basketball player had given for not being able to attend.

It was probably for the best however since she didn't even know if she would have been able to get him inside.

"That was a great performance Mila." Normani told her friend.

Camila smiled, normani was the one who had managed to get her a performance in the Lounge since her mother owned it.

"Thanks again mani, it's amazing that your mom let me perform here." Camila thanked her friend.

Normani nodded. "You know my mom would do anything to help you Mila! I asked her if dinah would be able to come, but you know she immediately shut that idea down." She joked causing camila to laugh.

"It's a good thing lauren didn't come after all then if you couldn't even get dinah in!" Camila replied causing normani to smirk.

Camila instantly picked up on the smirk and frowned. Whenever normani smirked nothing good was going to come out of her mouth.

"So Mila any new developments with your relationship with a certain  green eyed girl." Normani teased as she got in her friend's face.

Camila blushed. It was true over the course of the summer camila couldn't deny that she wasn't feeling attracted to the basketball player. She was athletic, cute, charming, and extremely caring. It was impossible not to.

"Stop, you know lauren and I are just friends. Jeez, you would think after all these weeks you would get that through your head." Camila replied although the smile never left her face.

"Well! While you and lauren play games, dinah asked me out on a date next weekend." Normani informed her friend as she grabbed camila's hand.

It was no secret that normani like dinah, proving that despite the bad rumors about her she was a sweet when she wanted to be. Plus lately even lauren would admit that dinah seemed to focus on normani.

"I'm so happy for you mani!" Camila told her friend as they calmed down.

Normani gave a small blush. "Thanks. Now it's your turn! When you and lauren stop pretending we can double date!" The excited girl said causing camila to frown as the went into her thoughts.

Did she want something more with lauren? Before she would deny it blaming it on the fact that she had just broken up with her boyfriend, but now two months later that was no longer an excuse. She knew no longer had feelings for the boy, but did she want to get into another relationship so quickly?

Camila seriously doubted it..She just wasn't ready, plus if it didn't work it would ruin a great friendship.

"Lauren doesn't even have those kind of feelings for me, so it doesn't even matter." Camila told her friend hoping it would make normani drop the topic, but it only caused her to groan.

"Oh please, you don't actually believe that do you?" Normani questioned with an eyebrow risen.

Camila nodded her head as she took another sip of her water.

Normani put a hand against her face in annoyance. "Come on Mila, you'd have to be blind to think that lauren only wants to be friends with you."

Camila simply ignored her friend as she began to gather her things.

The girl rolled her eyes. She had told dinah she would try and help speed up the process of getting camila and lauren together, but clearly it wasn't going to be easy.

"Come on mani, shawn told me before the show that he had a ride home alright, so we can leave without him." Camila told her best friend.

Normani looked at camila with a frown. "You don't want to watch him preform?"

Camila sighed. "I want to...But you know I'm still hiding this preforming thing from my parents and I can't get home late otherwise they'll question me and I really don't want to lie any more than I have to."

"Wow, your still hiding it? I thought you were going to tell them before tonight?" Normani replied the frown not leaving her face. She really didn't understand why camila was afraid to tell her parents her new career goal. She had met aljandro and Sinu multiple times and they seemed like great people, they would definitely understand.

Camila let out a sad sigh once more. "I just don't want them to say I should stop...I'm having so much fun...I'm so glad that laurem got me immersed in this world..If I had to stop I wouldn't know what to do anymore and I don't want to feel like that anymore." She replied as her and normani began walking towards the exit.

Normani shrugged. "I guess..." She replied figuring camila would know when the right time to tell her parents would be.

As the duo got to the door camila groaned as a familiar figure approached them.

"Austin what is it?" Camila asked in a bored tone as the boy and his friend met them in front of the door.

Austin didn't allow camila's tone to discourage him. "I wanted to say this was a great show. Like always camila." The boy complimented. His voice was full of confidence like usual.

Normani couldn't help, but get a bit annoyed at the tone of austin's voice. Camila however didn't notice it.

"Thanks." Camila replied her face not giving any emotions.

"The song was new right?" Austin asked although he already knew the answer.

"It was about you." Camila stated bluntly already knowing that austin knew. She didn't want to entertain the boy at all. After what he had done he was lucky she was even talking to him.

Brad couldn't help, but cringe a little. Even he knew austin was pressing his luck. It was extremely obvious that camila didn't want to talk to him.

"Listen austin, I appreciate you coming to all of my performances, but can you please stop...I really just want to move on from all of this." Camila continued causing austin to frown.

"Camila..Do you really hate me that much?" Austin questioned his confidence leaving his voice.

Camila closed her eyes before she spoke. "I don't hate you austin.."

Austin started to smile until camila continued her sentence.

"But I don't want to associate with you anymore." She finished. After all the time that had passed she no longer had the urge to cry, she could firmly say the statement.

Brad was about to tell austin that it was time to go, but austin spoke first.

"Like I said camila, I love you and I'm prepared to deal with whatever you dish out at me. Just know I'm only ever going to love you." Austin stated his confidence coming back as he pulled out yet another rose and handed to camila.

Camila looked at the rose before walking to a trashcan and throwing it away.

Austin had no visible reaction to camila's action, but it was clear that he understood that his presence wasn't wanted at the moment.

"School is starting soon...I hope we can get along." Austin said before he and brad left the Lounge.

Normani was the first to speak as austin left. "I wish lauren would just beat his ass so he will leave you alone." She stated as she crossed her arms.

Camila laughed a bit at her friend. "You know austin would have to do something pretty bad to make lauren do something like that."

"So following you around isn't bad?" Normani questioned

Camila shrugged. "Well technically he's just coming to my performances...In the end I don't really care. Like I said I'm over him regardless of what he does my feelings won't change."

Normani nodded. "You've gotten a lot stronger over the summer you know that right mila?" The  girl complimented her friend.

Camila smiled as she and normani also left the Lounge and headed towards normani's car. "I don't think so...I guess I just realized I have more important things to think about than a guy who cheated on me."

Camila smiled "Exactly! Like when your first record deal will come! I promise your blowing up so quickly! It won't be long now before your name really starts to leave the city!" She said changing the subject, figuring camila was tired of talking about austin.

"Oh come on mani, if anything shawn will definitely get noticed before me." Camila modestly said.

Normani nodded. She couldn't dispute the fact that shawn was extremely talented so it wouldn't surprise her if he got discovered. "Well in any case your time is coming mila, I have a feeling."

Camila smiled as the two got in the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

Lauren's Apartment

"God, I can't move my arms!" Lauren cried as she fell on her couch.

"Lauren! You know I don't like when you lay on the couch all sweaty! Go take a shower first!" Lauren's mother shouted towards her daughter as she walked out of the kitchen.

The worn out girl a moan as her reply.

The older woman was going to kick her daughter off the couch and force her to shower, but she could only smile as she looked at her. She had grown up to be such a respectable. She was happy that despite their area she had managed to raise lauren to be somebody who she could be proud of.

"Why are you so tired sweetie?" Clara asked her giving up on asking her to take a shower.

Lauren shuffled on the couch for a few seconds before replying. "You know it's "Hell Week" for Dinah and I mom. My arms feel like jello."

Clara chuckled a bit. "DJ parents  gave me season tickets today for your senior year. So i'll be in the stands supporting you two like always."

Lauren merely gave her mother a thumbs up signalling that she was to tired to talk.

Clara just laughed at her before walking back towards the kitchen.

"Good luck this season laur.." clara whispered to herself.

One Week Later at Morning Practice - Last Friday of Summer Break





As camila counted the last shot she smiled as she watched lauren sit down on the court, clearly tired the day's workout.

"If only you could shoot like that during games, our team would be unbeatable." Camila joked as she walked over to the worn out girl who had already shed her sweaty shirt leaving her in sports bra, a pair of jogging pants and tennis shoes.

Lauren gave a dry laugh. "Well nobody is playing defense on me out here so it's much easier."

Lauren nodded in agreement. "So you think your ready for the season?" She questioned.

The girl just shrugged her shoulders. "You tell me. You've been watching me practice all day for the whole summer."

"Well I think you can work on your ball handling more." Camila teased as she stood up and placed a finger on her chin. "You post game also needs some work...Oh Don't forget about your horrible mid-range shot..."

Lauren laughed. "Oh really? Sounds like I haven't made any improvements at all."

"Guess you should have worked harder." Camila replied with a serious expression as she looked at lauren.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds before camila could no longer hide the smile that wanted to appear on her face. Lauren simply rolled her eyes at the laughing girl.

"Jerk." Lauren muttered as she stood up and picked up the basketball that camila had just let roll down the court.

Camila laughed for a few more seconds before walking towards lauren. "Oh come on! You already know how good you are, If you never hear criticism you might get cocky."

"Please, every time I watch a sports program I hear criticism if they talk about me." Lauren replied as she shot the basketball although camila could tell he hadn't put to much effort in the shot since dhe didn't go through all of the motions of her form.

The ball bounced off the rim and rolled to the side of the court.

"Well that's there job lo, you can't let what they say get to you." Camila encouraged her friend.

Lauren groaned. "Yeah, yeah I know."

"Well enough about basketball! How about you tell me about this date dinah has planned for normani." Camila changed the topic.

Lauren chuckled as he walked and picked up the basketball and started walking towards the car. "I have no idea. Dinah is usually pretty good when it comes to that kind of stuff so don't worry. I'm sure normani will have a blast."

Camila just hummed as she and lauren got into the car.

Lauren hesitated a bit as she put on her seat belt. She quickly took a deep breath before speaking.

"You know...Since dinah and normani are going out...We could maybe do something tonight to?" Lauren asked.

Camila was a bit caught off guard. "Sure lo we can hang out?" She replied a bit unsure as to why lauren was making it seem like a big deal, they went out all the time.

Lauren frowned. "No..I mean like a date kind of thing camz..." she corrected as she looked at the girl. This was her first time asking a girl out on a date and she was extremely nervous.

Camila blushed as lauren admitted his intentions. "Oh.."

"I mean it's cool if you don't want to..I mean I get you're still getting over the whole austin-" lauren started to backtrack before camila interrupted her.

"NO! This isn't about austin at all..It's just...I don't know..." camila said her blush intensifying as she thought about her reason. She couldn't bring herself to tell lauren.

Lauren rose an eyebrow. "So are you rejecting me or...?" The girl asked with hesitation.

"I'm not rejecting you lo..I just don't want our relationship to become weird...I mean..your great, but...I don't know what i'd do if me and you didn't work out and it ends up ending our friendship..." camila admitted as she looked at the girl.

Lauren sighed. "I guess I get it...But you know we can at least go out as friends right and no need to put a label on it." The girl stated as she smiled at camila finding a loophole.

Camila rolled her eyes. "Of course we can go out lo." She replied causing lauren's smile to widen as she finally started up the car.

"Great! Call shawn and tell him we won't be coming by today!" Lauren told the girl as she pulled out of the parking lot.

Camila rolled her eyes at the childish girl, but she couldn't help, but think about normani's words a week earlier. Did lauren want something more with her? And if she actually did...Did she want the same?

"So what should we do tonight?" Lauren questioned as she saw the girl call shawn and inform her that they had plans.

Camila's phone call was relatively short as she hung up and looked towards lauren. "I thought you already planned it and arent you the one who asked me out?" She asked raising an amused eyebrow.

"I suppose.." lauren replied as she began to think. She had known camila for a few months now and he was pretty confident that she knew her likes and dislikes. What would be the perfect place for the two to go?

As the girl put more thought into it the realization hit her. She and camila really haven't planned to go out anywhere alone before to just hang out. It always had involved studying, playing basketball, or helping her with her singing career. Now that she had the chance to go out with her, she had no idea where to begin. The thought made lauren frown.

Camila noticed this and sighed.

"Lo, you don't have to strain yourself thinking of a place to go. I'm fine with whatever we do." Camila reassured her.

Lauren simply shook her head as she continued thinking. Although camila didn't see it as a date, she definitely wanted this night to be different. Something that the brown eyed girl would never forget.

Lauren took a deep breath getting a little annoyed that she wasn't coming up with any good ideas. Right as the girl was about to give up she glanced out the window. The girl's eyes widened as she passed a billboard.

Moonlight Festival. Come Have Fun Before Classes Start.

All Booths only One Dollar!

Lauren smiled. That sounded fun. The moonlight festival was famous in the city, it came around every summer.

"What about the Moonlight Festival?" Camila questioned knocking lauren out of her thoughts.

Lauren immediately groaned as he heard lauren's suggestion.

"Well excuse me! I didn't think it was that bad of an idea." Camila responded a bit surprised by lauren's rude reply.

"No, no. It's just that I was going to suggest that and now you beat me to it." Lauren pouted as she continued driving causing camila to giggle.

Camila gently put a hand on lauren's back. "It'll be fun. Come on."

After a few seconds the basketball player finally gave in. "Fine, but if anybody asks it was my idea."

Camila chuckled at lauren's. "Alright." She agreed.

Lauren nodded. "Well let's head to your house so we can get ready. Have your mom washed my clothes?" The girl questioned.

Since camila and her had been working out all summer she had developed an habit of leaving a few changes of clothing at the girl's house so he would be able to change for when they went to shawn's house afterwards

The brown eyed girl shrugged her shoulders. "I wouldn't know."

Laurwn gave a mocking sound. "So useless." She joked causing camila to playfully push her.

"Just shut up and drive." Camila laughed

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