Breaking Free (ManxMan)

Af EnigmaWings

470K 13.2K 2.7K

[Sequel to Savior or Prisoner] Sky Grey has a normal, peaceful life. He has the job that he worked hard for... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Dear Readers, This is NOT a Chapter

Chapter 24

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Af EnigmaWings

Hey guys, It's been close to two months? I can't count since the last time i uploaded. I've been buuuuusy. I gots meself a job, yesh. Gonna spend all that hard earn cash on something very necessary: Pokemon plushes and merchandise. Yes, Pokemon is my lifeblood. Without it, i shall wither like an old man's pee pee.... oooookay, i just grossed myself out. 

Nothing interesting really happens, but that's my opinion. So enjoy the chapter. 

©All Rights Reserved 

Chapter 24

(Alan's POV)

It's been three days since the last time I saw Chase, but I'm not all that surprised since his work literally devours up a person's free time. Hopefully he's getting enough sleep, what with those prominent black smudges underneath his eyes when he visited. He should at least take a nap every chance he could get. I don't want him getting sick or collapse from exhaustion. Maybe i should bring him something nutritious that'll boost up his energy, but i don't want to be a bother. It's not like I'm his boyfriend or anything.

Which brings me to the question that's been plaguing my mind since i woke up the next day after Chase visited: What is our relationship? I cannot say that we're friends anymore since we've already kissed multiple times -- cue the blush -- but i also cannot categorize ourselves as lovers or even a couple. So what does that bring us? I don't know. Why did i have to kiss him? Our friendship has been doing great with little to no problems and i had to muck it up by kissing him back. I could have pushed him away, stopped him from doing anything that would ruin the relationship we both had, and now... I sighed wearily.

I trudged my way through the hallway of the animal hospital, belongings in my hand as i made my way to the check out to leave for the day. Let's not think about Chase and relationships for now. All i want to do is go to the nearest Ross, buy some new bed sheets -- Shadow decided to be mischievous with Mochi and tore up my bed with his claws -- and head on home to shower off animal gunk i have on me, then sleep the rest of the day away. Shadow trailed behind me, claws clicking on the tiled floors while Mochi took a nap in my coat pocket.

I checked myself out and took a step out of the doors of the exit when my phone rang. I absently slid my phone from my coat pocket and answered without checking caller ID. "Hello?"

There was a bit of static before a voice answered. "H-hey Sky."

"Ian?" I asked as I made my way to my car.

"Yeah. I hope you're not busy." He replied.

"Oh no. You called me right when I checked out from work. What's up?"

"Can you pick me up? I didn't drive my car today and I forgot to bring change for a bus, if that's alright with you of course." Ian stammered at the end nervously.

"Sure thing. Where are you?"

"At the park next to my school."

"Okay. Give me half an hour. Just stay put and don't wander off." I said in a teasing manner.

"O-okay." Then he hung up.

I stared at my phone in confusion, already feeling that something is off. Usually Ian isn't all that forgetful or clumsy, considering how he would always double and triple check everything before heading off to who knows where so it's a huge surprise to hear that Ian forgot something as simple as bus money.

I gave out a high pitched whistle, catching Shadow's attention since he wandered off a little to sniff the concrete sidewalk a bit away from me. He trotted towards me and followed as we quickly made our way through the parking lot to my car and drove away to pick up Ian.

The bed sheets can wait for later.

It was exactly half an hour before I stopped the car by the curve where the park is. Ian was sitting on a slightly rusted swing, using his leg to slowly sway himself back and forth, kicking the sand beneath his feet. The hood of his navy blue sweater is up so i couldn't see his face. I honked the car, startling him enough to almost cause him to fall off the swing. Luckily he found his balance and saved himself. I waved my hand and he answered back with the same wave as he grabbed his bag and a duffel from a nearby bench and headed over to the car.

"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to startle you." I greeted him as he shut the door behind him and buckled his seat belt.

"No problem. If you didn't honk then i would have never noticed that you were already here." He gave me a smile that didn't reach his eyes, giving me a glimpse of a split lip and discoloring on his left cheek. My suspicions are correct; something must have happened to him. I really want to ask him what happened, but i didn't want to be nosy and pry into his personal life, but I'm sure that he'll tell me when he's ready and there are times where asking right off the bat would be counterproductive if I wanted to know the details. I would know since I'm like that as well.

"So where do you want to go?" I asked as i maneuvered the car back onto the road.

"Anywhere. I don't have school tomorrow and my parents are out of town so i don't have a curfew to worry about." Ian mumbled softly. Shadow whined from the back seat and pressed his wet nose against Ian's cheek, nuzzling him as to comfort. He could also sense Ian's negative emotions.

"Then you can come with me to do some errands. I need some new sheets since someone tore them up." I said pointedly, causing Shadow to lick my cheek. "then you can come over to my place and i can cook you up some grub."

"Sounds good." He replied with little to no enthusiasm.

I parked the car a half hour later by a strip mall and we got out, heading over to Ross. To take Ian's mind off of things and make his mood lighter, we decided to have a competition to see who can find the most ridiculous item in the store, to which he won since he found a see through button up shirt in the men's section. It was such a vibrant pink, I'd almost gone blind. But the most ridiculous part of the shirt were the blue cartoon tropical fish and pineapples with googly eyes patterning the entire thing. Why in the world would anyone want to wear that monstrosity, i have no idea, giving me another insight on how much i do not know about fashion these days.

The both of us mounted the shopping cart with a pile of bed sheets that were on sale, a toy bone that Shadow adores, some bath essentials like towels and soap, some Pokemon toys -- i may be old, but that doesn't mean I've given up my love for Pokemon -- i couldn't help but buy due to my rekindling love for the popular game, and a few other random things like plates, ties, and some snacks before we purchased it all and headed over to my place.

Ian seems to be in a better mood now that we're both settled into my place, sitting on the loveseat in the room, snacking on random things we grabbed from the pantry while watching One Piece -- an anime about some guy who ate a fruit and turned him into a rubber man, going on a journey to become king of the pirates. Shadow and Mochi curled up with us, Shadow smothering Ian's lap with Mochi on top of his head.

There was silence once the latest episode we were watching ended, the credits rolling on the screen before Ian said in a low voice, almost a whisper. "My parents found out about me being gay."

I didn't say anything, knowing that he wanted to say more.

"They found out yesterday after school. I don't know how, but they did. I was wondering why the house was so eerily quiet this morning. The place was deserted of my parents. They never told me anything, but left me a note saying that they were leaving for a few days and wanted me to pack up my things and leave before they got back or else, so i grabbed whatever i could and left as fast as i could." His voice cracked at the end. "I didn't know what to do so i went to school, and even there it's painful. I have no where else to go and no one to count on, but when i was scrolling down my contacts on my phone, i saw your number. I couldn't help but call you because you've helped me so many times before and I--" His voice got shakier and shakier as he continued to explain.

I pulled him toward me, resting his head on my shoulder. "I'm glad that you called me."

Ian gave me a grateful smile before it dissolved back to his depressed frown. "My dad beat me up right when i closed the door. T-they called me an abomination and told me to go to hell because they would never birth something so d-disgusting." Ian whimpered. "They said i should have never been b-born and my mom said she should have taken the pill to have prevented this sin from tainting them. "

"They're wrong. You are not a sin or an abomination and I'm happy that you were born. You're such a good kid and no one should be subjected to this verbal assault. They're just pig-headed, self-righteous bigots who are using religion to justify their means. They're idiots who cannot see that you are a lovely boy with a bright mind. They don't deserve to be called parents."

Ian wrapped his arms around my waist, his body shaking. "I've always hated them. They were never decent parents. They would yell at me for the tiniest mistake and forced me to go to church and go on these blind dates with the daughters of their friends from church which i hated since i don't even like girls." He sniffed. I reached out and grabbed a tissue, handing it to him. "T-thank you." He blew his nose. "They would watch TV and rant about how gays shouldn't be given rights, that the world is going wrong and how much they hated gays and everything." He paused before continuing, "I was planning on never telling my parents of my sexuality and go to the furthest college away from them, but somehow they found out and now..."

I frowned, already thinking about how wrong Ian's parents are and what to do to help Ian. He is my friend and I will do whatever i can to get that smile back onto his face. This depressed, sad Ian is not the Ian that i know. An idea came into mind. "Hey, why don't you stay here with me? I don't have a spare bedroom, but i do have a futon that i recently got as a present from someone and never put it to use. There's room in my bedroom to roll it out and i have extra space in my closet for your things as well."

Ian frowned, but i caught a small glimmer of hope in his eyes. "B-but, are you sure? I don't want to be an inconvenience and mooch off of you."

"If i wasn't sure then i would have never made the suggestion." I replied back.

Ian squealed and glomped me. "T-thank you so much! I'm so glad that i met you. You're the most generous person I've ever met." Ian cried happily. "And i won't overstay your welcome. It'll only be until i get a job and find a place for myself."

I shook my head. "Nonsense. You focus on your studies and enjoy being a kid."

"B-but i can't let you do everything for me." Ian argued back.

I tapped my chin with my finger thoughtfully. "How about this: You can get a part time job and use that money to pay for whatever it is that you need like clothes and personal items and I'll support everything else until you're eighteen and graduate from high school." I suggested.

"W-why are you doing all of this? I know I'm your friend, but I'm really a stranger you helped out not that long ago." Ian asked, confused.

I only smiled and shook my head. "Actually, to me, you're more of like a brother. I have this weird paternal feeling when it comes to you and i can't help but do the things that i do. You're like the sibling I've always wanted."

Ian's eyes turned glassy with tears before he bawled and latched onto me, crying his little eyes out all over my clothes. All i did was held him together and let him break apart so he can pick himself up again and heal.

After an hour of crying, Ian finally stopped, blushing when he saw my tear and snot-stained shirt. "S-sorry about your shirt." Hi eyes are red and puffy, breaths now hiccups, but otherwise, he seems a lot better. His eyes are still dull and sad from his parents' bigotry, but at least he's a bit more livelier.

I waved it off dismissively. "No worries. Nothing that a shower couldn't fix up. Why don't you go get yourself comfortable? We can have dinner after we get ourselves clean."

Ian nodded and gave me a small smile. "Okay."

I got up, stretching my back with a satisfied grunt as i felt and heard my joints crack. I held my hand out for Ian. "Let's get you all set up and turn this place into your new home. After that, I'm going to cook up a dinner with all of your favorite dishes to celebrate the newest member of the family." Shadow barked while Mochi glided around us.

Ian's eyes teared up again, but he held it in and took my hand. "Yeah!"


I woke up from another good night's rest thanks to my pills, feeling refreshed and ready for the day. The sounds of light snoring filled my ears and i turned around to see Ian sleeping right next to me, curled up in a little ball with his hair all over his peaceful face. Last night was pretty fun. After we both took a shower, i cooked up a storm of all of Ian's dishes, which I know since I’ve seen him favor a few dishes more than the others whenever he came over to eat. Then we had dessert, which were double decker fudge brownies that literally gave us heartburn and ended the day with us conversing about random things on my bed until we both fell asleep, forgetting to set up his futon in the process.

Which reminds me, that small little duffel bag couldn't carry everything Ian owns. He probably grabbed whatever he could stuff inside and ran out. There's bound to be more items that he wants to take.

I slipped out of bed and headed over to the bathroom to do my daily routine before i whipped up a breakfast of crispy bacon, toast with sunny side eggs on top, sliced apples and bananas and a big glass of guava juice. Then i refilled Shadow's food bowl with some of his favorites and changed his water bowl, the same for Mochi.

Ian came out of bed, looking all rumpled in his dark green Star Wars t-shirt and baggy gray sweat pants. His hair's a mess, but he looked more refreshed than yesterday. "G'morning." He mumbled sleepily.

"Morning. I cooked us some breakfast so go freshen up and eat." I told him as i grabbed some forks and sat down to eat.

Ian nodded absently as he trudged into the bathroom, yawning along the way. I shook my head and stabbed at a bacon, munching on the greasy goodness.

Ian came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, more awake than before. He sat next to me and started eating as well. "I'm getting the funniest feeling that you're trying to fatten me up." He started with a teasing tone.

It seems to me that Ian's coming back to his usual self. "Well your feeling is right. I mean, you're all bones and skin." I replied, poking at his side.

Ian squealed and slapped at my hand, frowning. "Hey!"

"Well it's true." I retorted, grinning.

"Same goes for you. How can you eat so much but stay that skinny?"

"High metabolism and plenty of exercise. It's not like 'm starving myself; I eat plenty of food. I just burn it all off easily." I told him matter-of-factually.

Ian frowned. "That's not fair."

I shrugged. "That's what Rydia said too, but she doesn't seem to be complaining when she eats my food like a beast." I put my fork down and got serious. "I was wondering when i should bring this up."

"Bring what up?' Ian asked as he bit into his toast and egg.

"I know that the duffel you have isn't everything that you have and i wanted to know if you want to go to your place to bring the rest of your things over."

Ian chewed thoughtfully before nodding. "Yeah. I don't want to be in that house any longer than necessary and leaving that hell hole really is for the best."

I nod. "So when do you want to go?"

"How about after breakfast? But don't you have work today?" Ian asked.

I shook my head. "It's my day off. I can drive you there and pack up the rest of your things and pick up your car."


We quickly finished up breakfast and changed our clothes before we headed out, me ordering Shadow and Mochi to stay out of trouble before I locked the door. The drive to Ian's house was quiet, more awkward than comfortable. From the corner of my eye, i can see Ian ringing his hands together nervously, the pace getting faster and faster as we came closer to his house.

"Ian?" I called out to catch his attention.

Ian turned his head to staring out the window towards me. "Huh?"

"If you're not ready to go back then i understand. I can get your things if you want." I suggested.

Ian chewed his bottom lip nervously for a while before shaking his head. "No, it's best to do it now than procrastinate and do it at a different time. Why wait and torture myself? I already gave up on my parents and that house hasn't been a home to me for a long time." He paused as the car stopped in front of the driveway of the house. "There's nothing here for me to hang onto to; no happy memories as far as i can remember. All i can think of is the many times they would berate me for the slightest of mistakes, force me into going to dates with little Christian girls when i don't bat for their team, blame me for anything that happens when it is clearly not my fault, and mostly left me alone in that house to fend for myself. I never thought of them as my parents, more like strangers who are obligated to financially support me."

I took his hand into mine and gently squeezed. "Well now you have me."

Ian stares at our entwined hands before giving me a thank you expressed by his eyes.

The two of us got out of the car and walked up the driveway to the house, which gave me the same bad vibes as it did the first time i came over. Ian paused by the front entrance, his hand clutching the key. I'm not surprised by his hesitation and stood behind him, giving him his time to catch his nerve again.

Ian took in a deep breath, holding it in for a few seconds before letting the air slowly blow out of his mouth. Finally, he pressed the key into the lock and opened the door. stepping inside. I followed suit. The first step inside of the house and already, the bad vibes hit me. Usually I’m not this sensitive to negativity, but from what Ian told me about his parents and how long his mistreatment has been happening, as well as the years of resentment and strife built up in this house, anyone with decent instincts would feel it. Although, people these days have instincts as sharp as cotton candy.....

"Come on, let's pack quickly. I don't want to be in this house anymore than necessary." Ian announced before heading upstairs. I agreed and followed behind him.

Ian opened the door to his closet and pulled out two suitcases and a few empty cardboard boxes. "Let's get this done fast."

"Right." I answered before i rolled up my sleeves and began working.

It took us around three hours to get everything Ian wanted and needed all packed up and carried down the stairs to his -- he's definitely taking that with him -- and my car, putting everything in the trunk. His room is practically empty excluding the basic furniture and what he didn't pay for with his own money -- he works during the summer and did some odd jobs here and there to pay for anything that he needed like his laptop and the game station he recently purchased. Ian locked the entrance door and dumped his house key onto the small patch of lawn, stomping on it a few times before spitting on it. "I'm never stepping foot into this hellhole anymore. The people living here can rot in hell," he spat before turning his back onto the house and make his way to his and my car.

I grinned and pulled him into a hug. "I'm so proud of you."

Ian laughed, his body trembling both from the nerves of being in the house and from his own elation of the deed finally being over. He returned the hug with a healthy squeeze. We both stood this way for a little while longer before we let go. "Let's go back to your new home."

The both of us drove away from the house and headed back to my apartment, but first making a pit stop at Luckys, another supermarket chain for a whole bunch of items to make for lunch and dinner. Ian wants some hand-made sandwiches for lunch where everything to make it is of his choice and who would refuse that? Of course, I’m going to be the one fixing up any ingredients that needs to be cooked, but any choices of what to be used in the sandwich is up to the individual's choice.

As we parked our cars by the apartment and got out with the groceries first in hand, I spotted a familiar silhouette sitting in the lobby of the apartment. My heart fluttered as I instantly knew who it is and I tried hard to fight off the automatic blush forcing it's way to my cheeks. Clutching the bag of groceries, i made my way into the building, catching the attention of that certain someone. His head turned, curious and i watched as his lips lifted up to a beautiful smile.

Hey Alan" Chase asked as he came over to Ian and I, the former glancing back and forth between Chase and I in curiosity.

"Hey." I answered back. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came over to say hi and see if you're available." He glanced at Ian, who gave him a shy wave in greeting. "But i can see that you're a bit busy."

I was about to say yes, but Ian cut me off. "Would you like to eat lunch with us? We're making sandwiches."

Chase grinned. "Sure. I could never refuse Alan's cooking. Here, let me take that off your hands." He snatched the bag of groceries from my hands before i could comprehend what he said.

I opened my mouth to argue, stopped myself, then shook my head and lead them up to my apartment, where i told Chase to place the bag on the kitchen counter so i can sort it all out later. I headed to my room to charge my phone -- i forgot to charge it at night -- as well as a few other things like change and my wallet.

I heard someone come into my room while i scrolled through my email and didn't think anything about it until Ian surprised me with what he said, "Hey, Sky, why does Chase call you Alan?"

I put my phone down and turned toward him. "Well, that's my real name i guess."

"Real name? I thought your name's Sky?" Ian asked, flabbergasted.

I nod. "That's also my name. You see, i have a heavy past and needed to start a new life in order for me to move on. Hence the new name. My real name's Alan Thorpe, but my current name's Sky Grey." I clasped Ian's shoulder. "I'll give you the entire story later. Now let's get some food before we turn this place into a real home for you."

"Yeah." Ian agreed.

Chase already took out a few ingredients for sandwiches, the rest of the groceries not needed are gone. "Hey. I put away some of the things in your bag, like the celery and snacks and brought out what i think we're going to need. I hope you don't mind."

I shook my head. "Thanks. Now," I clapped my hands together. "Pick out what you want in your sandwich. All cooked ingredients like patties or eggs and anything else will be made by me."

"You don't need to tell us twice." Ian said as he ran over to the fridge and began to rummage through it.

Chase and I laughed at his antics before we followed his lead.

Let me tell you, the sandwiches we made are monstrosities. Almost as big as our heads with layer upon layer of different ingredients like lettuce, tomatoes, beef patties, chicken patties, sliced ham and turkey, cold slaw and more. And the most craziest thing is, we finished it all, although we had to waddle our overstuffed selves to the living room, plopping our butts onto the couch and let our stomachs digest everything. I glanced over at the kitchen to see the mess we made, but the laughter, teasing and friendly conversations while making that mess was worth it.

I glanced at Ian, who was slumped in his seat, his hands rubbing his stuffed belly as he let out a long, loud belch and I'm glad to see that he's all relaxed and not worrying himself over the whole moving out thing. In fact, ever since he left that house this morning with all his things, he seems to be happier, more relaxed, as if a weight has left his shoulders. Usually it takes a person a lot longer to get over what he went through, but now I know he's one tough cookie.

"So....." Ian started after a while.

"Wanna start unpacking?" I asked.

"Unpacking?" Chased asked, confused.

"Yeah. Starting today, Sky and I are roommates." Ian explained with excitement.

"When did the two of you discuss this?" Chase asked, surprised.

"Yesterday." I answered.

Ian got up and stretched. "C'mon, let's start."

I got up as well. "Might as well work off all the food we ate."

"Since I'm here, I'll help out as well." Chase volunteered, following suit.

"You sure?"

"Yup. I finished up most of my work yesterday and there's nothing urgent I need to do." He gave me a wink. "Besides, three pairs of hands are better than two."

"Well I can't argue with that."

All three of us went downstairs to where we parked our cars and began grabbing boxes. Each of us went up and down the building, unloading the cars and leaving Ian's things in the living room until the last item was finally settled down.

"Okay." I announced once we shut the entrance door. "Now let's sort everything out." Ian and Chase cheered in agreement.

For the next half hour, Ian, Chase and I moved around furniture, cleaning up the apartment while fitting in Ian's things. Sometime along the way, someone began to blast music from their phone at full volume as Panic! At The Disco's Calendar reverberated throughout the entire apartment.

"Hey Sky?" Ian asked as I rummaged through a box, taking out a handful of books.


"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"This is a single bedroom apartment right?" Ian questioned.


"Then what does this door lead to?"

Confused, I placed the books in my arms onto a table and headed over to where Ian is. He's standing by a blank wall next to the door to my room, along with Chase, who heard the entire thing. The small drawer - one of the few furniture that came with the apartment - that stood there before was moved to the side.

I stared at where Ian pointed out and I can see the outline of a door. In fact, I can see the hinges as well, but because everything was painted the exact same color as the wall and the hinges were practically torn off and painted over, I never noticed. "What the...?"

There isn't a doorknob at all so I couldn't open it. "Chase, can you head into the closet and bring out the crowbar?"

Chase raised his eyebrow. "You have a crowbar in your closet?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "So what? I keep it with me just in case I need it. And I need it. Can you get it for me? Please?"

"Sure." He turned and walked away.

I stared at the door some more, wondering why I didn't notice this door when I moved in here? Maybe it's due to the excitement of finally having a place to myself that I didn't examine every corner carefully. I touched the door and used my knuckles to knock on it. The hollow echo of the knock told me that there really is a room on the other side.

Chase came back with the crowbar. But before he did anything, another thought came up. "Wait, we should check with the landlord to see what he knows first before we do anything."

Chase puts the crowbar down. "Alright. Let's go."

All three of went over to the landlord's place a floor above my own. I knocked on the door and waited, hearing some shuffling before the door opened, revealing Linda, Carl's wife. As you remember, we met Carl at the beginning of the story, who was having a difficult time with Linda due to suspicions of him cheating on her. I somehow convinced her to calm down and give Carl a chance to explain, which she did. Things turned out pretty good in the end, since she's still here.

Linda is a lovely lady with a sweet, round face. Her expressive brown eyes greeted us, along with the welcoming smile gracing her pink lips. The cream sweater and black sweat pants covering her voluptuous figure gave her a homey atmosphere. Her sun-kissed hair's tied in a messy bun.

"Oh Sky. What a lovely surprise. Who are your friends?" Linda asked, her voice has a bit of a rasp due to her smoking, but she's been off the cigarettes for quite some time since I don't detect the scent of smoke on her anymore.

"Hey Linda. This is Ian and Chase." I gestured to the two who politely greeted her back. "I was wondering if I can speak to Carl."

"Sure. Come on in. Carl's a bit tied up on a phone call at the moment so you will have to wait."

"No problem. There's no rush right?" I glanced at Ian and Chase, who nods in confirmation.

Linda shuts the door when all three of us pass through the entryway. "Wonderful. Sit down and make yourselves comfortable. Would you like something to drink? I have water, juice or maybe a snack?"

I refused her offer politely. "No thank you. We already had lunch not too long ago."

Ian rubbed his tummy. "I feel like the food hasn't even begun to digest yet."

"No kidding." Chase retorted back with a satisfied grin. "I'm going to need to add an extra hour to my workout to get rid of all the extra carbs I consumed."

We all laughed and chat a bit more about random topics when Carl finally appeared from out of his room. The apartment here is almost exactly the same as the one i have, only with different furniture, wallpaper, carpeting on the floor and so on. There is also the second bedroom where their son Jeremy sleeps. He's a good kid with a good head on his shoulders. Pretty cute too, which explains the line of girls wanting to be his girlfriend, but his top priority is getting into his ideal college so dating is not an option.

"Hey Sky. What's the visit about?" Carl greeted us as Linda handed him a steaming cup of coffee. He thanked her with a swift kiss on the lips, causing her to blush like a school girl. How sweet.

"The lease for my apartment, it's a single bedroom apartment with open concept kitchen and bathroom right?" I started.

Carl sat himself on an empty seat. "If I remember correctly, yes. Why?"

"You friends here and I have been doing some early spring cleaning and we discovered something odd about the wall where my bedroom door is." I explained.

"Odd?" Carl asked. "Is there some sort of crack or molding on the wall?"

I shook my head. "No. We sort of found a door."

"A door?" Carl asked, perplexed.

"Yes. That's why I asked if my apartment is really a single bedroom. My place has almost the same structure as yours and I was wondering why my room seemed so small compared to the wall expanse outside of it." I concluded.

Carl scratched his head thoughtfully. "I can check some older documents. Give me a few minutes." He got up and headed back to his room.

Fifteen minutes later, he came back with my lease contract, as well as a few other papers. "These are all the papers concerning room 312." He handed the papers to me. "From what I discovered, your room was indeed a two bedroom apartment, but the former landowner, my father, decided to turn that room into a one bedroom due to the amount of damage the former renters, a couple and their son, did. Seems that the son had a bit of an anger problem and went on a rampage in the room, forming holes on the wall by throwing things, burning items that left scorch marks, broken wiring, and holes that came from a knife. My father tried to fix the room, but the damages were too extensive and expensive so he decided to turn the place into a one bedroom apartment."

I glanced at the papers and read the report on the family he mentioned. "Didn't your father sue the family for all the damages?"

Carl shrugged. "I guess not. By the time he wanted to file a suit on the family, they disappeared without a trace."

I gave the papers back. "That explains the hidden door then."

Chase frowned. "Makes me wonder how the room looks like now after all these years."

Carl got up. "As the landowner, I have to keep the rooms in shape. Mind if I go take a look?"

"Sure. We actually came over to learn about the room and get permission to pop that door open." I said.

Ian got up. "This is so cool. I can't wait to see how the room looks like."

Linda smiled. "Have fun."

All four of us headed back to my apartment, where Carl examined the hidden door. "This door is really well hidden. No wonder I didn't see it before." He turned an held out his hand. "Give me that crowbar over there."

Ian fetched the crowbar with enthusiasm. "Here."

"Thanks." Carl took out a utility knife and chiseled out the outline of the door, paint chips and wood falling onto the floor in tiny chunks and flakes. Then he grabbed the crowbar and placed it by one of the gaps and began to pop the door open.

It took a while, but after a few failed attempts and more wood chunks falling to the ground, the door finally came loose. The first thing that hit was the smell of dust, mold and musk. A whole lot of dust hit us and we all coughed and sneezed, turning away from the door to catch a breath. Ian ran over to the window and opened up the window, the breeze blowing away all that dust.

"I need some help pulling the door open." Carl said.

Chase came over. "Let me do it."

Carl nods. "Okay. We pull on three."

Chase and Carl grab hold of the door. "One, two, Three!" The two yanked at the same time. There was a huge crack before the door finally opened all the way. The two stumbled as the door broke apart, the old wood crumbling in two.

"Whoops." Carl laughed, causing the rest of us to laugh as well.

With the split door moved to the side, all four of us cautiously made our way inside. I thought the room would be in worse shape, but it's not too bad. Some of the work seems to be finished, one wall completely fine. The ceiling light's not installed with wires hanging from above. The light switch is gone as well. Some of the walls still need work, the plaster missing in some areas. The wooden floor's all scratched up, the window covered in grime and dust. Spider webs are hanging from every corner, a few of those spiders scurrying away due to our intrusion.

Carl examined the room. "Doesn't seem to be too bad in shape." He began to grumble about the problems under his breath, categorizing and listing everything in his head.

Ian looked around. "I've never seen so many spiders before."

I went out and brought out a jar and cardboard. "Let's catch them and release them outside."

"Okay." Ian agreed happily.

While Carl examine the room some more, Ian and I ran around, catching all the spiders. Sadly, I forgot about how vicious spiders are. When we caught the last spider and placed it in the jar, I saw spiders that are and were eaten by the bigger ones. Whoops.

Ian frowned as he stared at the jar. "Fudge! I didn't think the spiders would eat each other."

I pat his shoulder. "I forgot as well so it's not your fault. Why don't you go down and let those spiders go? You can leave the jar down by the dumpster."

"Okay. Be back real soon." Ian said before he ran out.

I clapped my hands and stepped out of the hidden room, heading to the bathroom to clean myself up when I spotted Chase with his back turned, talking on the phone. I didn't want to bother him, so i tiptoed my way into the bathroom and washed my hands. When i got out, he was still on the phone, and it seems to be something serious from the tone of his voice. He was speaking softly, but his body was all business, probably about work or something. 

Carl came out of the hidden room, patting his shirt to get some of the dust off of his clothes. "I listed everything that needs to be fixed, so I’ll call one of my friends who's a professional at this stuff and get him to fix it up."

"Does this mean i have to pay extra now that it's a two bedroom apartment?" I asked.

Carl shook his head and took out a stick of Orbit spearmint gum, unwrapping a stick and tossing it in his mouth. "Nah. You helped me out a lot since you moved into this place and you're always on time when it came to rent."

"Okay, but i have something else i would like to ask about the room." 

"Shoot." Carl said as he brushed off a spider web from his arm.

"You see, I have a friend who needs a place to stay." I started.

"And now that you have the second bedroom, you're wondering if he can be signed on the lease and if the rent will raise up with two people living here." Carl finished.

"Yes. My friend's turning seventeen this year. He has some personal problems that left him homeless so i told him he could stay here, if that's okay." I said. 

Carl shrugged. "The small guy that just left? Sure. As i said, i won't raise your rent. You already helped out a lot and you got Linda to stop thinking that I’m cheating on her with my distant cousin. You also bring over some of your delicious food. I think i can let this slide. Besides, you're the one paying the rent, not him right?" He asked.

I nod. "Right."

"Then he doesn't need to be on the lease, at least, that's what i think. Just let me tweak the lease a little so it'll be two people instead of one who's living here now. I'll hand you the new lease when it's done."

"Great. Thanks a lot Carl."

Carl waved his hand dismissively. "No problem. Well, i gotta go call my guy. Sorry about the door there. Didn't mean to break it."

I shrugged. "It's alright. The wood's rotted so it's bound to break at some point."

Before he left, he helped me carry the rotted door pieces out into the dumpster, where Ian helped throw the wood. Ian and I headed back up, where Ian animatedly talked about the room. When i told him it's going to be his new room once the repairs are finished, he started coming out with ideas on how to customize the room to make it his, like paint pictures on his walls and carpeting, etc. 

Chase finished his call when we entered my apartment, his expression grim. 

"Are you okay?" I asked as i shucked my shirt off and dumping the dirty thing in the hamper, leaving me in only a loose navy blue t-shirt that has seen better days.

Chase nods, but it's obvious he's lying. "Something came up so i have to go." He came up to me and took my hand in his. "I was hoping i could take you out today, since our dinner date before was a bust, but i guess that's not happening."

I squeezed his hand. "That's okay. We'll go out some other time."

Chase smiled, his silvery gray orbs shining as he examined my face. "I promise that the next time we go out, you'll be in for a shocker."

I gave him a shy smile back. "I look forward to it."

His hand gently lifted my chin, the one holding my hand released mine, only to be wrapped around my waist, pulling me flushed against his body. I can fell every ridge of his body, the powerful muscles underneath the clothing. I blushed from the dirty thoughts going through my head. His head bent forward so his lips could capture mine in a mind-boggling kiss that left me dizzy and a little weak in the knees. 

"I'll call you." Chase said before he released me and left.

I was standing where he left me for a few minutes before i finally gathered enough brain cells to move. Ian was perched by the kitchen counter, watching the entire exchange with a small lift of his lips. "I’m happy for you."

I walked over to Ian and swung an arm around his shoulder. "Thanks. Now let's cover up that hole on the wall. We have a lot of work ahead of us."

*When the door was being torn down*

Eni was sitting in her giant snorlax bean chair reading smutty yaoi when she hears cutting sounds by the hidden door. 

Eni: Oh noes, they has found meh hiding place!!

Eni jumps from beanbag chair: Code red! Code red! We have been discovered!!

Loyal subject one: Quick my queen, you must run while we hide the evidence!!!

Eni: Oh my loyal subjects, when you finish, you must flee as well. We cannot let them discover that we've been camping in this room, taking pictures and videos of Alan, as well as stealing bits and pieces of his things to sell on the fan girl black market. How will i pay for my four-ply tissues?

Loyal subject two: Hurry everyone! They are coming!

Eni opens grimy window and jumps out: This isn't going to be the last time I’ll stalk you Alan!! mark my words! I will steal strands of your hair and sell it to crazy fan girls again!! MWA HA HA HA HA!!!

And, that's what's been happening in the hidden room. True story. :D

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