Endings and Beginnings

By donmaryfan

85.3K 2.6K 411

As Don and Meryl's life as empty nesters end; they embark on a new beginning. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98

Chapter 5

1.2K 34 9
By donmaryfan

Don and Meryl had fallen asleep after Henry and Susie had mysteriously dropped gifts off for both Meryl and Don; Don explaining that what Henry gave him was for Meryl, and Meryl explaining what Susie gave to her was for Don for their anniversary the next day. Don was happy that he had at least picked up Meryl's BIG present the day she went into labor so he at least had it with him. The other gifts occurred to him after the babies were born and he thought it would be a fun gift for her; not knowing she had come up with similar gifts for him, feeling awful that she hadn't been able to plan or shop for anniversary gifts for him as she usually did. As soon as she could she wanted to plan something for him; not just for their anniversary but just for him being who he was. Don wasn't sure when he would give her the gift he was the most excited about but as they were feeding the babies late that night he had his chance.


Don smiled as he was holding a sleepy Margaret in his arms while Meryl was feeding Bradley. Don happened to look up at the clock and realized it was now just past midnight on September 30th; their anniversary. He smiled as he placed a kiss on Meryl's sleepy head where it was resting on his shoulder; and he started to get up. "Baby, I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?" Meryl asked as he got up with Margaret.

Don winked at her. "Wardrobe change for this little princess."

"We just put both of them in their pajamas that Liz and Larry brought up not that long ago" Meryl was confused as she leaned over and sniffed. "She doesn't smell dirty."

Don shook his head at his wife. "Trust me on this. It is an important wardrobe change."

"Okay." Meryl laughed; not exactly sure what was going on but she could tell by the look on her husband's face that he was up to something. "We'll be here."

Don placed a kiss on her lips. "Good."

"What do you think they're up to Bradley?" Meryl whispered with a kiss to her son's head as she finished nursing and Meryl covered herself back up and brought Bradley to her shoulder. "We need a nickname for you and your sister like we do your siblings and niece; don't we? Bradley and Margaret seems a little too formal for us Gummers. You already have a Grandma Maggie and Grandpa Brad; so that doesn't seem to fit for the both of you. We'll need to talk to Daddy about what he thinks. Your daddy is sure up to something in the other room; trust Mama on this, he can't keep anything a secret from me."

Don shook his head at his infant daughter as he heard his wife talking to their son. He leaned down and whispered. "Your mama doesn't like not being in charge; or not knowing what is going on. She's going to like this little surprise; well, at least I hope she does. She thinks I can't keep a secret from her; but I think I did pretty well on this one, baby girl. I'm glad your brother picked your new outfit up so quickly for Daddy. You look so perfect and adorable." Don reached into his bag and took out a small velvet box. "Here we go." Don smiled as he walked back out into the main room of his wife's private hospital room and smiled as she was holding their son. "Why don't you lay him down on the boppy on the bed?"

"What are you up to?" Meryl laughed as she did as her husband told her to do.

Don winked as he handed their daughter to her and he slowly kissed her lips. "It's officially September 30th; Happy Anniversary, my love."

"Happy Anniversary, my Don Man." Meryl smiled as she laughed at her daughters onesie that said, 'Mommy will you marry my Daddy?' Meryl shook her head. "What is going on?"

Don smiled as he took Margaret back from her now that she saw the onesie and he laid her down on the other boppy on the bed. "About a month ago when we first came in here before we were surprised with our beautiful daughter I told you that I wanted to marry you again. That together forever would never be enough time for me to spend with you. This past year has been scary, not to mention these past few months; but it has reminded me, not that I necessarily needed reminded, but it reminded me that not only do I not want to do life without you but that I CAN'T do life without you. So I will ask you again, marry me again?"

"Don." Meryl cried as he handed her a small box and gasped as she opened it. It was a beautiful princess cut diamond engagement ring with tanzanite and blue alexandrite stones around the band. She had never seen anything like this before. "Baby, this is beautiful."

Don smiled as he took it out of the box and placed it on her finger in front of her gold wedding band. "Alexandrite is your birthstone and tanzanite is mine; a symbol that we are together forever as we start on this new beginning."

"It's perfect." Meryl cried with a kiss to his lips. "You're perfect; I have NO idea how you had time to do this and without me knowing. I'm speechless."

Don smiled as he wiped his tears. "Baby, I'm glad you liked it but you never really answered mine and Margaret's question."

"Yes!" Meryl laughed through her tears as she kissed all over his face. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I will marry you over and over. You make me so incredibly happy, Donald Gummer; so happy and so safe. I love you so much."

Don grabbed her head in his hands as he whispered. "I love you, baby." He continued to look into her eyes as he gently pressed his lips to hers. After a few moments he could tell that she needed more and so he opened his mouth so his tongue could stroke hers; as soon as he gave her just a little bit more they were both losing control. He knew he had to stop them when he felt her begin to roll his shirt up his back. "Baby, as much as I want to, we can't. You just gave birth to twins and had two surgeries yesterday."

"And they're right here." Meryl giggled as she pointed to their babies on the bed. "Thank you so much baby, this is beautiful; not to mention Margaret's onesie. Pretty clever there, Gummer."

Don winked at her as he couldn't resist kissing her lips again. "I'm glad you like it; and that you don't mind I used our baby to bribe you into marrying me again."

"I would marry you over and over and it still wouldn't be enough." Meryl smiled. "A great beginning to our anniversary; I am just so sorry I don't have anything..."

Don shook his head. "I mean it when I say spending my anniversary with our babies and you is the ONLY thing I want."

"I'm glad." Meryl smiled down at the babies. "Hun, I wanted to talk to you about Bradley and Margaret."

Don got a serious look on his face. "Of course; are they okay?"

"Oh yes; they're perfect." Meryl said quickly. "They need nicknames like the other kids. I love the names we picked out for them; they just seem a little formal for us Gummers."

Don laughed. "They do; and we do already have a Brad and Maggie. Any ideas?"

"Actually, yes." She smiled as she picked up Bradley. "How about we call him Brady for short? It would combine Brad for your dad and then add a y for Harry and Henry."

Don loved the ideas of incorporating both of their fathers' names. "I love it. Even though I finally have my true father; your dad and Mike will always be my dads."

"I know, baby." Meryl whispered with a kiss to his lips. "Now for that one."

Don laughed as he picked up his daughter. "How about Mags?"

"You don't mind even though you sometimes call Maggie that?" Meryl asked.

Don shook his head. "I think it fits her."

"I agree." Meryl said as she laid her head on his shoulder. "Brady and Mags."

Don sighed contentedly. "Perfect. Now; about this wedding."

"When?" Meryl asked excitedly.

Don had been thinking about this. "I don't want it too soon because I don't want it to be too much for you; and I want it to be a big celebration symbolizing all we've been through."

"I don't want to wait though." Meryl said making him laugh.

Don nodded in agreement. "11 years ago this Christmas Eve we renewed our vows; how about we do it then on Christmas Eve? Their first Christmas."

"It's perfect." Meryl said softly as she kissed his lips. "So are you."

Don winked at her as they cuddled their babies. "As are you. Is the white gold okay for the ring? I just thought it looked better than the yellow gold though your original band is yellow gold."

"My others are white gold so this is perfect." Meryl said happily. "And a perfect start to year number 35."


"Okay Darl, they are both down and you need to be asleep as well." Don said after placing the babies in their bassinets after their early morning feeding. "You need a much sleep as you can get."

Meryl patted the bed. "Get in bed then."

"Yes, ma'am." Don laughed as he got in bed.

Meryl laid her head on his chest as Don stroked her hair. "Oh, you never told me what happened with your parents."

"Baby, you need to SLEEP." Don laughed. "We can talk later."

Meryl shook her head as she looked at him. "One of my fears of now having two babies is that we won't make time for each other and talk; please, I want to know."

"We will ALWAYS have time for each other." Don said strongly as he kissed her lips. "If I tell you then will you sleep?"

Meryl laid her head back on his chest and answered honestly. "Maybe."

"Good enough." Don laughed. "It went fine. As you know, Mom was quiet during our visit and that's why I suggested the walk after your silent prodding." He said making her laugh. "She continued to be quiet which I'm sure Dad picked up on so he said he was going to pull the car around and give us time to talk."

Meryl nodded. "I felt bad they didn't have much time with the babies and now they won't be coming by tomorrow because of my tiredness."

"THAT is NOT your fault; you need to rest and heal. That is more important than ANYTHING. If anyone has a problem with it then they can take it up with ME." Don said strongly.

Meryl kissed his neck. "Okay; don't get worked up, Don Man. You're right. What then?"

"Mom and I talked. It didn't go well at first cause she was upset we haven't named the kids after her." Don said as Meryl lifted her head. "I pointed out Gracie is named after her; and she said she meant their first names. She started in on you by saying it was about you as always and I..."

Meryl looked up at Don as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Please tell me you didn't go off on her; baby, her saying that isn't anything new."

"I didn't go off on her; but I also didn't let her get away with it. ESPECIALLY not after what you had just been through." Don pointed out. "She said she was just hurt that the babies were named after people who weren't family."

Meryl sighed. "I wondered about that."

"It's not about her; Mer." Don said. "I told her I didn't want to hurt her but Mike and Maggie were there for me, for us, when she wasn't. She acknowledged that she realized how she has hurt and failed not only me; but us, our family, as well. It was actually a good conversation. She's fine now. She said she is having to come to grips with the decisions she's made. She then said how proud she was of both of us and who I have turned into."

Meryl looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "I am so glad you heard that from her; it's about time. I was able to tell Mike and Maggie how much I appreciate how they have been there for them."

"These babies are a symbol that the pain of the past is over; they signify the ending of betrayal and hurt for us and our family." Don said wiping away her tears. "And signify a new beginning for everyone; and on our anniversary."

Meryl smiled as she kissed his lips. "Thank you for giving them to me."

"That's my line." He winked as he played with her hair. "Now, will my beautiful wife get some sleep?"

Meryl looked up at him. "Will you? Don, you have BARELY slept since Friday night. It is Sunday! I'm worried about you. I can't let anything..."

"Shhhh." Don whispered with a kiss to her lips; he knew she would be worried about him anyway but all of the extra hormones didn't help. "Nothing is going to happen to either of us. I will sleep. Now close those eyes because I have a feeling these little miracles of ours are going to want the boob in a few hours."

Meryl winked at him. "Just like their daddy. Night my Don Man, I love you."

"Night, baby, get some sleep." Don whispered with a kiss to her head. "I love you too, my girl." Don laid there with his eyes open as he held her tightly. Regardless of what he told her, he wasn't going to sleep. He couldn't. He couldn't let the flashes of her flatlining when he closed his eyes come true. If that meant he stayed awake then he would do that. He couldn't let his worse nightmare come true; not on his watch.


The next day the family stayed away as Don had asked so that not only could Meryl get some sleep; but so that the 4 of them could have some time together to get used to having two new babies whenever Meryl wasn't nursing and that wasn't very often with twins. Meryl was inwardly worried that Don didn't seem to be sleeping much; but she didn't want to upset him by saying something so she decided to keep it to herself. Carrie Fisher did stop by on her way out of town to see them new babies as well as her friends. She didn't stay long; and Don and Meryl teased her saying she was the exception that day and not to tell anyone she got special permission to stop by. It was a wonderful anniversary for Don and Meryl, but it was only just beginning.


Meryl smiled as she pulled her hair up into a pony tail after taking a much needed shower. She knew she couldn't dress up or go anywhere for their anniversary, so she had asked the girls the week before to bring her purple silk pajamas to her; knowing how much Don liked her in purple. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw her gorgeous husband in his t-shirt and sweatpants laying their babies in their bassinets; not only that but he had lit candles all over the room and it looked like he had dinner brought in for them. "You are something else, Mr. Gummer."

"All for you, Mrs. Gummer." Don smiled as he reached out his hand and pulled her to him and kissed her neck. "You smell amazing and look even better. How was the shower?"

Meryl smiled in delight. "Amazing; though I wish you would have joined me."

"Soon, love." Don winked. "In case I haven't said it yet; I love you so much. Happy Anniversary."

Meryl smiled as she kissed his lips. "I love you too, handsome, Happy Anniversary. What all did you do?"

"I brought our anniversary celebration to us." Don smiled as he led her to the table. "Hungry?"

Meryl laughed. "I'm nursing twins; I'm starving."

"Good." Don smiled as he pulled her chair out for her and pushed it back in. "The babes are asleep for now; let's eat."


"Would you care to dance, Mrs. Gummer?" Don asked as he had been playing music from his phone. "Feel up to it?"

Meryl nodded as she accepted his hand in hers. "I would love to, Mr. Gummer."

"This is perfect." Don choked as he heard their babies making noises and he pulled away to look into her eyes. "Two nights ago I momentarily lost you; WE momentarily lost you. Those were the worst minutes of my life. I was afraid we wouldn't be here tonight but here we are, together, with two amazing babies."

Meryl blinked back her tears as she wiped his. "I wasn't going to go anywhere, my Don Man; you wouldn't have let me. I am so damn happy; yeah, I'm tired but I've never been happier. Happy Anniversary."

Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you

Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?

Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be

Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be

Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you

"I love you." Meryl whispered as he leaned his forehead to hers, whispering the same.

Don captured Meryl's upper lip between his, while his hands traveled down her still perfectly tones ass and pulled her hard against him. He knew this couldn't go anywhere; he just enjoyed being there with her like that. Well, that was until they heard crying. "Sounds like he's hungry. I'll bring him to you then will change her. I know this anniversary is a little different but I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Me either, Don Man." Meryl winked. "Me either."


"Happy Anniversary." Meryl said to Don handing him a gift bag as they were in bed later that night while the babies were laying on their boppies in front of them. "It's not much; but I had some help from Suze. Just a little something to make you smile."

Don reached down by the bed and then handed her a bag. "You always make me smile. This is just a little something to make you laugh and smile."

"You always do." Meryl laughed. "Sweetheart, you already gave me this amazing ring."

Don winked. "And you already gave me our wonderful family."

"Touche'." Meryl laughed. "Open."

Don laughed as he pulled out 2 little boy onesies; and 2 little girls onesies. "Looks like we had the same idea."

"I guess so." Meryl laughed thinking about the 'Marry My Daddy' onesie he put Mags in earlier in the day.

Don laughed as he looked at them. "Well Brady, looks like you have new onesies that say, 'Back off ladies my Daddy is definitely taken,' and 'My Daddy is jealous I had boobies for breakfast and he didn't.' Very nice, babe. I love them."

"Look at the ones for Mags." Meryl smiled.

Don laughed as he held them up for Mags. "You, little miss, have ones that say, 'My finger may be small but I have my Daddy wrapped around it.' Very true." Don laughed harder at the next one. "Not as true as this one, 'I'm proof my Daddy doesn't golf all the time.' Now that one, is very true. They are perfect Meryl; thank you, sweetheart!"

"You are more than welcome." Meryl smiled. "I'll do more for you when I can."

Don shook his head as he stroked her cheek. "You do everything for me; now, open yours."

"Great minds." Meryl laughed.

Don nodded. "I already put Mags in one of them."

"'I'm cute, Mom is cute, Dad is lucky.'" Meryl laughed as she read the first one. "I LOVE it." Meryl then pulled out the ones for Brady and laughed. "These are perfect as well. 'Mommy's perfect gentleman,' and 'Ladies Man in Training (currently a Mama's boy).' I love them, Don Man. Thank you."

Don reached for the flutes of non-alcoholic cider. "To another 34 years."

"And more." Meryl clinked her glass to his after he handed it to her. "The best is yet to come."


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