Curse Turned Blessing [UNDER...

By Lemon_lemonz

156K 3.8K 2.4K

[NARUTO VARIOUS X GENDER NEUTRAL! READER] This book is currently going through very thorough editing to make... More

1. Welcome, (y/n)!
2. Graduation!
3. Celebrations and Uneasiness
4. Team...?
5. Meeting Guy-sensei
6. First Day Off
7. The Truth Behind The Past **WARNING**
8. First Mission
Eek! (Part 2)
Eek! (Part 3)
Turning The Tide
One Kiss, Or More?
Awake But Not
Operation: Save (Y/n)!
What a Drag..
Lunch Date!
Moving On
Definitely Not Like Training!
Definitely Not Like Training! (Pt. 2)
Questions [OPEN!]
Answers! [07/15]
PLEASE READ (Updated: 10/28/23)

One Kiss, Or More? (Part 2)

4.1K 114 45
By Lemon_lemonz

GUYS!! Do I have your attention? :)
I am SO sorry for being away for so long, I've been wayyyy too busy, but guess what? I'M BACK, BABY!! Ok, from now on I'll try to update way more.

*Sasuke's P.O.V*
I watched as Naruto approached (Y/n)'s side, and then did the most unexpected thing..
He kissed her!! Well, her cheek, but still! Ok, keep your cool, why am I overreacting anyway? Not like I care.. she's just another pest in my way. I watched as Naruto rested his forehead against hers for a while, then stood back up, clenching his fist. "(Y/n).." He muttered, his face scrunched up in worriment. Suddenly, he turned to face me, an idiotic smile stretched across his face from ear to ear, giving him more of a monkey-look than he already had. "Come on, Sasuke! Aren't you gonna wish her luck?" He gestured towards (Y/n). I shrugged in response. No way was I going to wish her luck! Especially in front of Naruto- or anyone else! "No. She doesn't need luck." I muttered, avoiding his gaze as I glanced towards the door. I slowly turned towards the exit, but Naruto grabbed my wrist. I looked back sternly at him, narrowing my onyx eyes. "Come on, Sasuke, I'm not letting you leave until you wish her luck!" His hand around my wrist tightened and I gritted my teeth, annoyed with him. "Fine. Good luck." I hissed, turning to leave. But apparently, Naruto had different plans. He stepped in my way, glaring at me. I smirked a little, watching his futile attempt to stop me. "What, you're going to block the door so I can't get out? I don't even know how you got past the exams, you're so childish!" I crossed my arms in satisfaction as I saw him set his jaw, clearly provoked. "You need to actually mean it! Go on, kiss her!" He commanded. Taken aback, my eyes widened in surprise, and I took a step back. I accidentally inhaled my own saliva and choked on it from being so shocked. After a coughing fit, I glared at Naruto for getting that reaction out of me. "What do you mean kiss her!? I'm not doing that!" I growled, standing straight again. "Why? Are you too chicken???" He started making chicken noises and danced around, flapping his arms as if they were wings, and at one point, shaking his butt at me as if that would somehow taunt me. Well, it surely scarred me. "Alright, alright, fine! As long as you quit whatever that is and never speak of this moment again, ok?" I sighed heavily, taking my face into my hand as I pinched the bridge of my nose, waiting for him to respond. "Ok!!" Naruto enthusiastically replied. Again, I sighed, and walked over to (Y/n)'s side. Scrunching up my face, I hesitated. "Come on, already!" Naruto shouted impatiently. "Shut up, idiot! This is a hospital, keep your voice down." I growled as he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. Leaning down until my cheek grazed hers, I breathlessly muttered a "good luck" into her ear before softly, but quickly, pecking her on the cheek. Standing back up, I hung my head so Naruto wouldn't be able to see my burning face. I do not like (Y/n)! I'm, never mind, I'm not even blushing!! It's only because that idiot Naruto wanted to embarrass me! I'm not embarrassed!! It's just hot in here... speaking of which, why is it so hot in here?? "Naruto-" I looked back up, but didn't see him. Then, on the floor, I spotted Naruto by the A/C with a glass of water in one hand-the glass of water even had one of those tiny umbrellas- and a fan in the other hand fanning himself. "Yeah Sasuke?" Naruto panted, taking a sip of the glass of water that suddenly had a bendy straw in it. "Where in h*ll did you get that!?" I shout, my eye twitching. "I dunno. Hey, why is it so hot in here?" Naruto shrugged before asking the same thing I was just wondering. "How should I know, loser?" I huffed, turning towards the door. He jumped up, ready to follow me. "Hey! Where are you going!?" He hollered after me. "I'm going to ask why it's so hot in here, this can't be good for the hospital with all the sick and injured." I informed, exiting the room with a scrambling idiot behind me. As soon as we left (Y/n)'s room, I halted as a nurse scurried past me, a frantic look on her face. I walked up to a medical ninja, who was handing out small boxes of ice packs to doctors, nurses, and other medical nins. "Hey, why is it so hot all of a sudden!?!?" Naruto blurted out, stepping in front of me. I elbowed him in the ribs and glared at him, he glared back. "Keep it down, idiot!" I seethed, before turning back to the medical ninja with an emotionless expression. The medical nin didn't pause handing out boxes, but glanced at us to let us know he heard us. "Something about the heater getting stuck, but I can't be for sure.. No one bothered to tell us what was going on, we were just ordered to keep the patients cool, so they won't overheat." He shrugged, still handing out the boxes. "You should get out while you can. Sorry, but all the staff here are pretty busy and we can't have anyone in the way. Don't worry, we'll make sure everyone here is safe!" He smiles in our direction, clearly dismissing us. I narrowed my eyes, but turned to leave. "Hey, Sasuke! Where are you going!?" Naruto yelled in dismay. "Leaving, like he told us to." I growled, walking away towards the stairs. Naruto rushed up to walk beside me. "But you can't just leave her!!" He whined childishly. "Yes I can, because I was told to. You should too, if you don't want to be in the way. They're doing everything they can, we have no reason to be here." I walked ahead of him, leaving the idiot behind, and walked down the stairs, exiting the hospital once I reached the main doors.

*Shikamaru's P.O.V*
Walking into the hospital, I glance around at the chaotic scene. "What a drag.." I sigh. Apparently the hospital's cooling system had broken down and everyone had gone into hysteria trying to fix it before the patients got a heatstroke, which could never happen, even though it was quite hot in here. Yet, because it was so humid in here, sickness could easily spread. Either way, I was assigned by the Hokage to come and help fix the problem, and to organize this mess. "Why'd it have to be me?" I mumbled, walking past rushing nurses and dashing doctors. I walk towards the stairs, deciding to investigate how far the problem ran, and mentally noted that upstairs was even worse than downstairs. The heat had risen, and as I walked past more nurses, doctors, and medical nins, I realized they left all the doors open but one. Finding this intriguing, as it piqued my interest, I advanced towards the closed door. Observing that no one had tried to stop me, I creaked the door open and stepped in. I eyed the room, my curious gaze landing upon the occupied hospital bed. Noticing something in particular, I approach the bedside with a bit of hesitation. Immediately I recognize the figure, my usually steady eyes now widening at the horrific scene that lay before me. "Wha-(Y/n)!??" I stutter, cautiously laying a hand upon her arm. I instantaneously pulled my hand back, as her skin was cold to the touch, yet the room felt as hot as the rest of the hospital. Shaking my head, I pinched the bridge of my nose, closing my eyes tightly as I reflected upon the situation. I open my eyes once again, having regained my posture, as I gazed down upon the seemingly frail frame of the girl. I sighed heavily, lowering myself to my knees, taking (Y/n)'s hand in mine and subconsciously making circles on the back of her hand with my thumb, deep in thought. "I'll have to ask someone later what happened...this is so surreal.." I murmured to myself, my eyes landing upon her stitched face once again. I swallowed nervously, wondering if she'd be alright. Worrying. Gently, and ever so slowly, I moved her hand to my mouth, placing a soft kiss upon the back of her hand, then resting my head against it, sending the best of luck to her. "I hope you make it through this- whatever it is." I sighed once again, leaving her hand back beside her. Standing, I put my hands into my pockets and turn, retreating from the room just as I had left it, delicately closing the door behind me as if it were made of fragile glass. Glancing about the disorderly hallway, I then went on my way to try and fix the problem I was sent to solve. (Screeeeee! I can't..this was the sweetest one yet, ahhhhh!!!! Ok, sorry, I'm done, continue!)

*Shino's P.O.V*

As soon as I was done talking with the Hokage, and found out the hospital was in chaos because of the cooling system breaking down, I rushed to check in on (Y/n), along with Kiba and Hinata. As soon as we reached her room, Kiba burst in, Hinata and I following. Kiba had a snarl on his face, every part of his body tense as he stared at (Y/n) with a protective gleam in his eye. For no reason irritated with Kiba, I turned away to look at (Y/n). Hinata came up from behind me, eyes shining in defeat. "I-I....I c-c-can't believe...t-that something th-this awful could h-happen..." she whispered in her usual soft, whispering voice. She whimpered, turning completely the opposite direction of (Y/n). "Hinata." I spoke in a monotone voice. She turned, looking at me with tearful eyes. "If you can't handle this, you can step outside. It's alright." I urged, for some reason unknown wanting to be with (Y/n) alone, even though she couldn't speak, see, or hear. At the edge of my vision, I saw Hinata nod and quickly exit the room. I had forgotten Kiba was in the room until he moved towards (Y/n), head hanging low. I scowled under my shirt collar, feeling an intense feeling I could not describe as Kiba walked closer to her. Instinctively, I pushed my way towards her, cutting Kiba off and arriving at her side first. A small smile crept upon my lips as I watched with satisfactory at Kiba gritting his teeth angrily. I showed no sign I saw, but deep beneath, it felt like I had just been promoted to Hokage, seeing Kiba unhappy. Then I stopped myself, drawing back mentally as if I had just been slapped in the face. I shouldn't be glad that Kiba is angry with me...we are teammates... but, then why do I feel so happy about his misery? I never feel like this any other time... I'll make it up to him later. For now, all I care about is (Y/n)'s health. I reached out my hand, just placing my fingertips upon her stomach as my bugs crawled out onto her. Immediately my bugs drew back, and I watched with curiosity as they retreated back to my arm. The last bug stayed on my finger, so I drew my hand up to my face, waiting to learn what had set them off. (I honestly don't know how Shino talks to his bugs, or whatever, so I'm just making this up as I go) "My bugs sense a strange chakra....... in (Y/n)'s stitches. But, for some reason, it's faint." I tell Kiba, lowering my hand as my bug retreats back into the sleeve of my arm. Keeping my eyes on (Y/n), I lower myself to get closer to her face, studying the stitches. Kiba rushes over, almost climbing over me to get a look. In the process, he knocks the side of my head, making me face plant into (Y/n)'s upper stomach (NOT there, just her upper stomach, so like above the little place where your cord use to's called a belly button, you know that place? Yup. Ok, bye!) I tried pushing myself back up, but Kiba's hand shoved my face down as he tried literally crawling over my back to get closer to (Y/n). Finally, his hand frees me and I immediately stand up, turning to glare at Kiba. "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!?!? YOU COULD'VE ASKED ME TO MOVE ASIDE, FLEA BAG!!!" I raged. Kiba turned back, surprise on his face for a second, but it turned to an annoyed look. "Well you wouldn't have moved aside if I asked, anyway, termite!!" He huffed loudly. Before I could retort back, (Y/n) shifted and let out a quiet groan. Immediately Kiba and I turned to each other in panic and hope. "Get someone, quick!" I commanded Kiba, who raced off in an instant. I gently shook (Y/n), trying to see if she would wake up. "(Y/n)?" I called out to her, once again trying to get a reaction out of her. She neither responded nor moved at all. Suddenly, medical nins and doctors came bursting through the door, crowding around her, and ultimately pushing me out of the way. Kiba stood breathless in the doorway, until the doctors wheeled (Y/n) out of the room, many of them shouting to one another. Once they were gone, Kiba reappeared in the doorway, staring wide-eyed at me. "You think she's alright? The doctors made a pretty big deal out of it!" He exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with worry and something else I couldn't quite place. "I don't know." I responded truthfully, staring at the doorway where they had taken her away. "All we can hope for the best."
OH MY LORD I'M TERRIBLY SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE!!! My mind's been somewhere else, forgive me!!! :-: Love y'all!!!

-love, Blair <3

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