Haunted Love (One Direction)...

By blxckbxlloon

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{COMPLETED} "You don't deserve all this happiness," she smiled cruelly as she placed the knife to my neck, "A... More

Haunted Love
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 12
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Please Read :)
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Please Read!
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 14

221 18 7
By blxckbxlloon

Honestly, when me and Zayn started dating... I thought it wouldn't last for too long, but here we are... married. 

Zayn had been the only person who understood me. He always knew what I was thinking. There's no way, I'm loosing him. 

"As your husband, do I have the right to ask to anything?" Zayn asked.

"Well, yeah..." I replied

"So If I ask you something, you'll answer it?" His face lit up.

"yes!" I said

" alright then, how many kids do you want?" He asked

"ZAYN!" I blushed

"you said you'll answer it" He reminded me

"I don't know!" I told him.

"tell  me!" He said stubbornly. Did I mention that guys can be really annoying? 

"no!" I laughed and pulled myself away from him, but before I could, he grabbed my hand.

He started to place kisses  and I tried to change the subject but he kept bringing it back.

"Tell me!" He said again and started tickling my stomach , I basically fell on the bed. 

"Zayn, stop!" I giggled

"not until oyu tell me" He said

He didn't stop, so I had no choice but to tell him.

"I want three!" I smiled

"three... works for me" He grinned.

"Boys!" I rolled my eyes

"what do you mean boys? Girls are the more annoying ones!" He said

"how?" I asked

"well, it's usually the guy, who asks out a girl and girls get mad so easily!" He responded. I am not going to lie, but he did have a point.

"well, you have to deal with it" that was all I was able to say. We stared at each other for a while, but then my phone rang! It was Lisa. I pulled myself away from Zayn and reached for my phone. 

"Hello" I answered

"Hey! GUESS WHAT" She exclaimed over the phone.

"What?" I said with no interest

"Me and Harry are going for a vacation... alone!" She told me

"That's great!" I said. 

After we finally hung up, I told Zayn what she told me.

"talking of vacation, I was thinking Niall, Bella, Taylor and Liam can go to Paris and we can stay alone" He winked

I did like that idea, and in fact going me and Zyan just got married, so we sure can use some privacy. I agreed with Zayn and then my stomach grumbled.

"are you hungry?" He asked while I nodded

We headed downstairs and Zayn handed me a large bowl of cereal. He opened his mouth to talk but right then the door bell rang.

"I'll get it" He said and headed for the door. My friends were back, and they seemed tired, or annoyed.

"Where were you guys!" I asked

"At the movies" Emma started "There was this really annoying lady sitting in front of us!, she was talking her phone... so loud!

"you guys went to the movies, without me and Zayn?" I almost yelled

"yeah, Zayn told us you guys had plans"  Niall explained

"we had plans?" I asked Zayn, raising one eyebrow.

"We did, but not anymore, they came back too early" He frowned

"Well, better luck next time!" Liam said, not caring and hoped on the couch and turned on the T.V.

"Anyways, Lisa when are you going with Harry?" I asked Lisa in private, because I wasn't sure if the others knew or if she wanted them to.

"tomorrow" She responded with a smile. Harry joined our conversation and he seemed so happy that his dimples were tired and were about to fall of.

"when are you going to Paris? Harry asked

"PARIS!" Emma shouted "my parents live there"

"do they know that me and you are not coming?" I whispered to Zayn, who nodded.

"It'll still be fun, even tho it's just me Liam, Bella, and Taylor going" Niall said, trying to sound cheerful. But he failed.

"why are the other's not coming?" Emma asked

"They have plans!" Taylor smiled.

"even I am leaving tomorrow, I have some important things to do, or else I would have come with you guys" Emma said.

"oh, well keep visiting us" Zayn smiled

"I will..." she said and looked away from all of us.



anyways, this chapter probably wasn't as good. But trust me the story is going to get really interesting.... i mean it. does anyone think they know what's gonna happen? if u do plz comment!

if u liked this chapter or my book, plz vote, comment or even follow!

bye<3... I love you!

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