Guardian For Life

By TransformersRules

54.8K 1.3K 262

Scarlett Lee Anderson is a 7 year old girl with special abilities. All her life, she's seen things no one els... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

7.8K 152 31
By TransformersRules

Many people have told me that they wanted this book published so here it is. Keep in mind, this book will be updated every MONDAY.

Scarlett POV

I silently cry as I hide behind a large rock. Two.....things.....are fighting. One is red and blue the other silver and purple. I flinch every time their metal collided. Luckily, they won't be seen with the thick forest around us. Every once in a while I could hear a grunt as they get punched.

I keep pleading for them to stop but my voice goes unnoticed by the robots. I continue to shake in fear. Eventually, the noise stops and the world around me goes silent. I turn around to leave and scream. Giant blue eyes stare at me.

"Scarlett!", Diego, my brother, said and shook me awake, "Get up, your going to be late."

I groan and roll over, "Why?"

"You have school today, remember? I have work. I have to leave in 5.", Diego said, "Come on, I'm not waiting around for you."

I slowly get up and make my way to my dresser. I didn't get a lot of sleep yesterday. Mostly due to the fact that I had that nightmare. I told my dad and he said I was crazy. That it was made up. Well, I'll show him. After getting ready for school, I grabbed my white backpack and walked down the stairs.

"Finally you're ready. You getting ready for a date?", Aiden, my second oldest brother, said.

"No. I'm getting ready for school. What about you? I hear you're in love with one of the teachers.", My sister, Amelia, smirked.

"Shut up.", Aiden growled.

"Come on, Aiden. Lighten up.", Andy, the middle child, said.

We walked out to the bus. Diego had left a while ago for work. When the bus arrived, we all got on and sat in our usual spots.

"Something wrong?", Aiden asked me.

"Just tired.", I lie.

"Scar, you look like you're going to cry.", Amelia said.

"I'm fine, okay?", I growl and face the window.

I didn't mean to growl at them but I left it the way it was. I really didn't sleep at all last night thanks to my nightmares haunting me. When the bus stopped, I walked over to my elementary school and headed straight to my locker.


I sighed and sit alone in my usual spot. I started eating and played with my wrench. My brother owns a repair shop in town that I help with after school and sometimes on the weekends. My phone buzzed as a group of kids sit at the opposite end of the table.

'Rhyan is coming over tonight. Make sure bedrooms are clean and the living room isn't trashed.' mom texted.

'Okay.' I text back and continue eating.

End of school day

I walk out of school and head over to the high school where my bus drops me off. I start to play with my wrench while I wait. I spot a Camaro and walk over to it. A grin forms on my face as I inspect the car.

"Cool, huh?", a boy Amelia's age asks, "My friend owns it."

"It's really cool. I love the custom paint job and the decals. What's the engine like? Is it a high-rise double-pump carburetor?", I ask.

"I don't know what that is.", he said and I smiled.

"I work with my brother as a mechanic so I know a lot about cars.", I said sheepishly.

My siblings came out of the high school and walked over to me.

"Hey, kiddo.", Aiden greeted me, "You ready to super-clean the house?"

"No.", I groan, "Besides, aren't you, Andy, and Diego doing that?"

"Well, mom texted Diego a list of stuff she wants to be done. We won't know what we have to do until we get home.", Andy said.

"Yeah. I hope that all I have to do is clean my room.", Amelia said and groaned, "Great. Overly healthy dinner tonight."

My older siblings all groaned. I smiled though. I loved eating healthy. It was one of my favorite things of all time.

"Oh! I almost forgot! Dad texted me at lunch. He's coming home from his business trip.", Andy said.

"Rhyan and Dad in one night? Oh boy.", Aiden said, "Dad and Rhyan haven't met."

This will be interesting.

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