By sundaysmoon

133K 2K 50

He's going straight for the barriers with full speed. I look away before I can see him crashing, again. I can... More



16.3K 147 12
By sundaysmoon


Stupid phone, stay. Trying to balance it against a water bottle, but it keeps on slipping down and it is f-ing anoying. Ugh! I throw it across the room, how hard is it to stay up right.
'Stay fucking still.'

'Alright, I wouldn't dare to move.'

Looking over my shoulder at the speaking male, I do not know him. His arms up at the height of his shoulders, like I'm going to hurt him, but then again a big smile on his face. Not sure if I find it creepy.
'I wasn't-'

'I know. Let me help you film, I saw you struggling.'

I get up, the man isn't too big. He is muscular, judging by his arms, but he is not big muscular, like a bodybuilder. And not big qua height, maybe half a head, guessing 1.80, somewhere around there. 'You were laughing at me?'

'No, no!'

The smile he had fades, but I can tell he is struggling a little to not make it appear again. It wasn't a creepy smile. He doesn't look like a creep, by far, he seems very friendly. He is not bad looking. Some of the brown curls are out of shape, attached to her forehead because of the sweat.

'Marly, hurry up!'
My brother is calling me, he is still hopping from his left foot to his right, keeping himself warm. He has been so kind to train me one a week and because he is a nice brother he does it all for free. I enjoy working out with him, it is always fun. But he is still my brother so he is still a dick.

Handing the stranger my phone, not explaining how it works, because living in this, I expect him to know how a phone works. He's older than I am, but not 50. And all you have to do is press one button and hold the phone, so, not the most difficult task in the world. Picking up my boxing gloves up from the floor and put them back on as I walk back to my brother.

Handsome gym man

Hello, apparently handsome gym man?

Hello woman who punched the man way too hard
And apparently? I feel hurt

Hihihi, I guess yours was a compliment as well?

It was! Maybe..
Just take it as a compliment

I should thank you for the amazing videos!

Yeah no problem! Could you send them to me?
Don't punch me please!

Maybe I will
Why'd you put your number in my phone?

Well, I thought you were cute and a bit scary, but I am very proud of it :)

Right... Thanks...?

And i would like those beautiful videos

Yeah you're not getting those ;)

You live in Monaco? I'll come get them

I do, maybe sorta

Mmh.. sweet i guess.. I can come get them

yeah I do not live in Monaco

Now I am confused

No yeah i live in Monaco

Sweet! Wanna grab a drink with me?

Asking me on a date?

No? Just trying to get those videos

hahaha I think i have time between work on Tuesday,
how bout you?

What time?

Around 2 PM?

Yeah sounds great

May I ask what the handsome gym man his name is?

No, just handsome gym man
Yours was something with the M


Like Bob thats nice

Reading that so sarcastically

I mean it! It is cute

Don't make me blush

'Who got you smiling like that?'
Apparently I have a smile on my face. Shit. My cheeks do actually hurt. Gosh and I am only texting him. What is wrong with me? It isn't even that funny. It was a smart move though, not gonna lie. But he also breached privacy.

'No one, I am just smiling.'
Lying to my little sister, who probably sees right through me. Trying to stop myself from smiling, but I am failing big time. She doesn't need to know who I am chatting with. Maybe one day she'll find out, that day is not today. I've barely talked to him other than a small chat. And we're only grabbing a drink together. It is nothing.

I have to go, guess I'll see you on Tuesday, how about the fountain?

Yeah sounds good, see you there


I squeeze my phone between my legs and start watching the movie that has been on for about an hour. I haven't been paying attention at all and I have no clue what it is about. I have been thinking what to text the man, who is called Daniel, and before I knew it I had actually sent him the message. Stupid, but I am glad i did it. I am meeting with someone again. Not gonna lie it's kinda scary.

A knock on my bedroom door. 'Yes.' With the light of my phone screen I light the person, not that it works because of the low brightness. But I can tell it is my little sister Hanna.

I am staying at my parents' house, I don't live here anymore. I moved out a couple years back, into a small apartment, not far from here. But I like staying over, I like being around my family and I miss them, don't judge me. Sometimes you're just lonely living all by yourself. Although my siblings stay over at my place often.

I move away from my warm spot, making room so she can crawl in next to me. Even though Hanna and I don't have the same father, you can definitely tell we are sisters, she is a younger version of me.

'Who were you texting?' Softly poking me with her elbow underneath the sheets. 'It was either Julie or a guy. But if it were Julie you would have said it, so it is a guy.' Rolling my eyes, not that she can see. That's Hanna, very sharp.

'Smart pants. You should come work with me.'
Giggles. I know she doesn't want to, but she would fit.

'Don't you miss having a boyfriend?'
Grabbing my hand. I know she is worried for me and she means the best. I hate conversations like this, because they all know the reason. Knowing it is not me, but I still think that way. I can't help it, it is hard to let go. You learn how to live with it.

'I kinda do. But I am also scared that he'll be taken away from me again. I don't want that, I don't wanna go through that pain again. I don't know if I can.'

It was and still is awful. Losing the one you love so badly, the love of your life, thinking you're spending the rest of your life with him. And then it all gets ripped away. So no, I'd rather avoid it. I've become careful when it comes to guys.

'Third time's a charm.'
Trying to brighten me up a little, and it works, because I can't help but smile. They do say so, yeah. But I don't know. 'We shall see, I don't know him, yet.'

'So you are going on a date?'

'I don't think it is a date, we're just going for a drink and we'll see what the future brings.' I don't have high expectations, because I am not setting a bar, actually I am expecting nothing to come from it.

'That sure sounds like a date to me.'

Not in my eyes. He also said no. 'I just hope he is nice, like what if he is a total dick?' I really hope he isn't. He didn't seem like it. And the videos were weird, but funny, while he didn't do much, just some stupid face. It's probably not even that funny, I thought it was.

'I don't think so.'

I turn to her, only seeing a vague outline of her face.
'How? You do not even know what he looks like.'

'Yeah, true. I dunno, I just have a feeling.' Yeah sure. She is trying to keep me positive, I know because I would do the same to her.
Together we fall asleep.


I play with the straw of my drink. Not nervous anymore. I definitely was, a little, meeting him again, but everything is fine now. I think it is him, he just seems so relaxed, in some sort of way he calms me down, makes me feel comfortable, maybe it is his stupids jokes. It's the energy he has.

'So what do you do for a living?'

'I am a forensic scientist.' Shocker. Working with dead bodies and crime scenes and I am scared to have a boyfriend. I can tell he is surprised by that, nodding, probably not expecting that. But then again who does when you tell that.

'Tough job?'

I shrug. Yes and no. 'I like what I do. And it may sound weird with the job I have. But I think if you like what you do it makes it less hard.' Yeah, it is hard sometimes and gross, but I find it interesting.

'What about a dead body, how do you feel when you see it?'

Softly smiling, because of his question. Definitely wasn't expecting that question.. Swallowing my drink, before speaking. 'You need to- how do you say that?..' English, where has my English gone? 'You need to be able to handle it?' He nods in understanding. Ok, great. 'You need to have a strong stomach, that is for sure. It can smell awful.' Yeah, it can be really gross.

He smiles weakly, he's probably thinking about it. It only makes me smile. 'And what do you do?' Waking him up from his thoughts.

'I am a F1 driver..' I can tell he is hesitant, but then again there is a proud look on his face.

'What is F1 again?'
I feel stupid. It sounds so familiar and I feel like I know what it is, but I can't put my finger on it.

'Formula 1, it's racing.'

'Ah, right. I knew that. Tell me more..'
Resting my head on the palm of my hand. Curious to get to know him more, who is Daniel the F1 driver?

It seems dangerous, the high speed, through corners! I don't wanna know how many people have died in the sport. I don't like it. But who am I to tell him off, he is an adult, it is his life. I am nothing. It is his job, not mine. Why would he even listen to me?
'Something wrong?'

Shit, I am probably expressing too much with my face. Should keep that in mind.

'Uh..' I am not going to tell him. I barely know him. Or should I? I feel like I can. Maybe it is good he knows, because as far as I know, I am the bad luck. Fuck it. 'My former two boyfriends passed away... And going through that pain is not something I am looking forward to going through again.'

Swallowing away the small lump in my throat, at least I am trying, because it stays there. I avoid his brown eyes.

Daniel is a nice guy, like really nice, i could see us going on another date, maybe a future relationship -thinking far ahead- so I have admitted it to myself. If it weren't for his job. I shouldn't reject him for his job, I know. But I can't help myself, it scares me. And Maybe I am thinking way too far ahead, maybe he doesn't wanna see me again.

'Deadly crashes don't happen that often anymore, it's been a while. The sport has made big changes to make things safe. Yeah, sure crashes happen, but that part of the sport. They're usually small.' Trying to assure me. I don't know if he is telling the full truth, I'll have to look for myself. 'I am sorry you had to go through that.'

I smile at him. 'You seem to like it a lot, you talk about it with pride.' Ignoring his last comment.

'I am, yeah.' A silence follows, not awkward, it just right, at the right time. 'May I ask how they passed away?' Shit. I was kinda hoping he wasn't gonna go there, let it be. How good is this topic? On a first date, about the death of my former boyfriends.

'My first real boyfriend died because of cancer and the other one had a car accident.'
Keeping it short, not too much detail. He doesn't need to know more as of right now. Although I must say, it relieves me more than I thought it would. It's been a couple years, so I feel okay talking about it, but it is still hard.

'I'm sorry.'
Placing his hand on top of mine, warming my skin underneath his. It feels nice, for someone to touch you again. It is a comforting touch, even that is nice, it doesn't need to be sexual. This is the first date I've had since the accident. I always told myself I couldn't fall in love, because I was the bad luck. I was meant to be an old lonely cat lady, but with dogs, because I am not much of a cat person.

Watching him remove his hand off of mine.
'Where are you from? Because you have this small accent, it is not French. I just can't put my finger on it.'

I giggle. He hasn't figured it out. It does suck that I have an accent, I am trying my best not to have one. 'Holland.'

'Like Max.'

Nodding in agreement. I do know that name. 'Yeah, Max Verstappen, I know him.' Not that I really have a face, but his name swings around the house sometimes. Daniel's name probably too if he races too, but I guess it never stuck.

One of his hands to his chest. 'And you didn't know who I was? Very hurt and disappointed.'

'Sorry!' Now I feel bad again. I just don't really watch it.


First part!
The next chapter will be a time jump, they already been on a couple of dates.

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