We are the Dark Children

By Jubbly-x-Bubbly

50.3K 1.3K 574

This is story based off my other one called "Who am I, Hermione Granger or Riddle?" Sirius and Caeli will ne... More

Hide and seek
Family Dinner.
Hermione Baby sits
Sirius is not having a good day.
Bella Can't Sleep
Bella's Birthday
Finding out/Telling
School Shopping
Bedtime Stories
Bedtime stories part 2
Sibling rivalry
Sick day
New pet
Drunken secrets.
What's in a name?
Another night out.
Oh no
Duel Part 2
Mummy's Makeup
Family Trouble
Christmas Decorations
Where's Mum?
Peeves the poltergeist
Clean your room!
Stupid Nicknames
Finding out/Telling 2
I want a little sister, Mummy
The attic
The kids actually hate each other.
Prank War 1 -Camping 1
Where do Babies come from?
Rainy Day
Quick Authors Note
Voldemort sees Hermione again
Drunk Sirius
Nagini's Adventure
Let's Prank Dad
New Teacher

First words

1K 37 5
By Jubbly-x-Bubbly

Doing something different again, meaning each part will have each of the kids first words. So first up will be Hermione, Next will be Sirius and then Caeli.

"Hello" Bella laughed as she walked into the nursery, Baby Hermione was standing up in her crib and was looking at her expectantly. Bella held her hands out and spoke in her baby voice "You coming to mummy?"

Hermione laughed and clapped her hands as Bella reached in the crib and pulled her out. Bella then picked up a pacifier and put it into her daughters mouth. Hermione pulled a face and spat it out, shaking her head, Causing her mum to laugh again.

"You are too cute Mione" Bella booped her nose and made her giggle again. "Are you gonna speak for mummy?"

Hermione tilted her head.

"C'mon say Mama" Bella prompted, bouncing her up and down. "Mama. Mama. Can you say mama?"

Hermione just laughed.

"Bella, If she doesn't want to speak, Don't make her" Narcissa's voice came from the hallway. Bella glared at her

"Shut up Cissy" Bella snapped. "Go see to your child at home, Why are you even here?"

"I'm bored, Lucius can handle Draco for now." Narcissa came into the room and grinned at Hermione "Hello baby"

Hermione stuck her hand out and high fives Narcissa's outstretched one.

"I think baby Draco will be missing his mother" Bella hinted. Narcissa rolled her eyes and sighed.

"I can see where I am not wanted" She frowned at her sister who just smirked. "I best be off then"

"Bye Cissy" Bella waved with her free hand, Hermione copied her and also waved at Narcissa. Bella smiled at her daughter as Narcissa apparated away. "Why are you so cute?"

Hermione clapped her hands.

"Should we go see daddy before breakfast?" Bella asked, already walking out of the door. Hermione looked up at her and grinned. "I'll take that as a yes then"

They walked down the long corridor and eventually came to Voldemort's office. Bella put her ear up to the door to check to see if Voldemort had anyone in there and when she realised that no one apart from her husband was in there, she swung the door open and walked in.

"Hello Darling" Bella smiled as she kissed Tom's cheek. "Some body wanted to say Hello" she shifted her body so that Voldemort was in Hermione's line of site

Hermione squealed and clapped her hands upon noticing her father and began to struggle against Bella.

"Alright, Alright!" Bella laughed as she set Hermione down on the desk, the baby crawled over to her father.

"Hi" Tom put his quill down and picked Hermione up an placed her on his lap. "Good morning Mione"

Hermione smiled at him before turning her attention to his desk. She tilted her head as she looked over it and then picked up Voldemort's quill. Her parents watched in amusement as Hermione dipped it in the ink and then turned to Voldemort. Voldemort raised an eyebrow at her as she giggled and raised it higher.

"Don't you dare" He warned her. Hermione laughed again as she touched the quill to his cheek and then dragged it over his face. Voldemort squeezed his eyes shut while Bella broke out in laughter.

"Come on Baby" Bella laughed as she stood up. " Lets leave daddy to work"

Suddenly the window blew open and a owl flew in. Hermione cried out in fright and curled into her father as Bella grabbed letter hanging from the owl's beak. The owl hooted and immediately flew off, back to where it came from.

"James Potter and others attacked some Death Eaters in Diagon Ally" Bella told Voldemort, who just nodded.

"Go to help" He ordered her. "Bring Greyback, Malfoy and the LeStranges"

Bella paused when she heard what he said.

"The LeStranges?" She questioned. 

"They are my best duellers" Tom told her with a sigh. "Go Bella, I'll watch Mione for now"

"Ok, Love you" Bella said as smoke swirled around her feet.

"Stay safe!" Tom yelled as she disappeared. "Now Mione, you sit over here......."

He produced a small play pen for her with his wand and sat her in it.

"......While Daddy does his work" He finished with a smile.

Ten minutes passed without a peep and then he heard it. It was loud and enthusiastic.

"Daddy!" Hermione shouted. Tom's hand stopped moving and the quill snapped in half as he looked at his daughter.

"What did you say?" Tom asked, with a big smile. He stood and walked over to the play pen.

"Daddy! Daddy, daddy" Hermione repeated. Tom laughed and picked her up.

"Thats right baby!" He picked her up and swung her around. "Daddy. Thats me!"

"Tom, what the hell are you doing?" A frazzled Bella ran into the room, muddy and bloody from the battle. Tom looked her up  and down with a raised eyebrow. Bella followed his gaze and rolled her eyes, waving her wand and cleaning herself up.

"Listen" He said to her and looked at Hermione.

"Daddy!" Hermione squealed and clapped her hands. Tears welled up in Bella's eyes as she walked over.

"She's talking" She whispered in awe. Tom nodded.

"Pay up" He grinned at Bella, causing her to scowl. She reached into her dress pocket and pulled out 20 Sickles.

"Who's idea was it to bet on our daughters first word?" She scowled as she handed him the money and then took Hermione from him.

"Yours"Tom laughed as she walked out and gave him the bird.

"Sirius, Don't bite your Sister!" Bella exclaimed as she shot up from the couch. She and Tom were trying to separate the two. Caeli burst out crying as Bella swooped her up and Tom picked up Sirius.

"Naughty!" Tom yelled at Sirius, who pouted. Bella shushed Caeli and rubbed her arm as Tom placed Sirius in the naughty corner.

Yes, even though they are the children of the Darkest Wizards of all time, they still have to be punished once in a while and are placed in the naughty corner.

"I'm going to put Cae down for her nap anyway, he can go after Lunch." Bella told Voldemort. She disappeared out of the room and walked upstairs. Tom stared at his pouting son.

"That was mean" He said. Sirius turned away from him and crossed his arms, Tom couldn't help but smirk at his son. Even when he was upset he was amusing. Soon Bella came back down the stairs and glanced at her son before turning to Voldemort.

"I'm gonna start Lunch, anything specific?" She asked him, he just shook his head.

"Anything will do" Voldemort shrugged and Bella turned to walk away. Sirius looked at her with big sad eyes as she walked past but she just walked into the kitchen. Sirius pouted again and began to cry.

"Mummy!"He yelled suddenly. Voldemort looked at him in surprise and a loud bang came from the kitchen. Bella came running out, eyes wide.

"What?" She asked, looking at Sirius in shock.

"Mummy" He hiccuped, holding his arms out. Bella gasped and tears weld up in her eyes, Tom rolled his eyes at her reaction but grinned at Sirius.

"Yes Baby!" Bella squealed, forgetting that Sirius was on punishment, and picked him up to give him a hug.

"Mummy" Sirius said again into her shoulder.

"This must have been how you felt when Hermione spoke for the first time"  Bella laughed softly, looking at Voldemort, who just laughed.

"Now we have to wait for Caeli to speak." He said.

"I wonder what she's gonna say" Bella mused.


Caeli and Sirius were sitting on Bella and Toms bed a week later. Caeli still hadn't spoken a word while Sirius had already moved on to 'Daddy'.

"Kids, Where is Your sister?" Bella asked as she came out of the ensuit, holding out Cissy's Necklace that she had 'forgotten' to give back. "She isn't answering"

They ignored her as they played with their toys.

"Great, I'm talking to two babies that can't even answer me.... Maybe Azkaban did mess with my mind" Bella sighed. "And Now I'm talking to myself, fantastic"

" Mione" A small voice said, pointing towards the corner of the room. Bella's eyes widened as she looked at the bed, Sirius didn't say that.

"Come again?" She raised her eyebrows. Caeli giggled.

"Mione" she said again, pointing to the corner of the room. Suddenly Hermione appeared, throwing off Voldemort's invisibility cloak. But Bella was too emotional to notice.

"Dammit Caeli" Hermione placed her hands on her hips, "I was gonna scare her"

"Hermione shut up" Bella said, causing her eldest to frown "She just said her first word"

"What?" Hermione gasped. "Her first word was 'Mione?"

"Yeah" Bella nodded, walking over to the bed and picking up the small girl. "I'm so happy! Wait no I'm not, They are growing up to fast"

Hermione laughed as she walked over to pick Sirius up.

"Come on, Lets go tell dad" She said. "I'm her favourite, she said my name first"

"Yeah, well Siri said my name first" Bella smiled at the boy on Hermione's hip. "And so did Draco, His first word was auntie"

"What was mine?" Hermione asked as they walked down the stairs.

"Daddy" Bella narrowed her eyes, causing Hermione to laugh.

"I'm Caeli's favourite" She said, walking ahead of Bella

"You are gonna gloat forever now aren't you" Bella shouted after her, but all she got in reply was a cackle.

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