I love you //brolby

By dolltearz

100K 2.8K 1.7K

Brennen and Colby always act like they are in a relationship. Like all the time, well what if a joke goes too... More

✖️Thirty-one✖️ (filler)
read this is you love me
Thank you for everything


1.6K 54 16
By dolltearz

Colbys POV

It's been around a week sense I've been staying with Nate and been in Kansas I've reconnected with some old friends and staying with Nate as been amazing and it gets to continue! But I think it's time to go back home to LA I feel a lot better and it's 100% real I feel happy I don't feel sad everything is just pretty it's no longer grey. Who knew all I needed was to be with my family, and I don't just mean my parents I mean everyone here in Kansas and yes of course everyone in LA is family but people here are more like family sense I've known them longer, It'd be better if sam was here but it's okay that he's not.

Nate and I were packing to go back to LA he seemed so nervous then again I don't blame him I  was too when I first went out to LA "nervous?" I said Putting a shirt in my suitcase "a little" He said kind of quiet, I breathed out a bit heavy and moved closer to him putting my hand under his jaw making him look at me "Don't be, everything will be perfect" I said giving him a soft smile "what if your friends don't like me?" He asked frowning "they won't  what's not to like about you, you're amazing" I replied "thank you" He said quietly. We locked eyes and stared at each other for what felt like forever until I pulled away "um so are you almost done packing we have to be at the air port in 15 minutes" I asked him trying to forget about what just happened "oh yeah I'm d-done" he said I shook my head and zipped up my suitcase sitting on his couch and he sat next to me "so...." he trailed off  "so" I said back "thank you" he said I rolled my eyes and smiled "now I know how annoying I sounded saying thank you all the time" I laughed "shut up!" He said in a joking way "so what are you gonna do with your apartment?" I asked him "oh my friend is taking it" he replied and I nodded "this will be strange" he said "that it will be".

          ~Time skip back to LA~

We got off the plane and walked around the air port for a second grabbing our Luggage "uh how do we get home?" He asked me raising a eyebrow "well there's this thing where you can park your car somewhere so that you have a way back home when you come back" I said laughing "that made no sense but k" he said and I laughed rolling my eyes "alright well let's go find my car so we can go home" I said walking to where i parked it, it took me a minute to find it but when I did we walked to it once we got closer I heard laughing come from Nate "what's so funny" I said looking back to him "you have the same c-car" he said laughing so hard he could barely breath "be quiet this car is amazing" I said opening my door and throwing my suitcase in the backseat and Nate did the same.

We were almost to my house and I saw that Nate had fallen asleep so I let him sleep until we got there.

I pulled into our drive-way everyone was home besides for Arron which I was fine with "Nate wake up we are here" I said tapping his shoulder "w-what" He said stretching in the seat "we are here" I said again "holy crap your house is huge" he said "thank you" I said laughing "well come on we will come back out for our suitcases" I said opening my door so did Nate, we were at the door I was about to open it before Nate stopped me "I'm nervous" he said not looking at me "here take my hand it'll be okay" I said and I grabbed his hand "go ahead" he said and I opened the door Sam and Elton were the first to come up to us "NATE" sam said running up to him and hugging him "COLBY" he said after hugging Nate then hugging me "are you guys dating" Elton asked I was confused at first then I realized we were still holding hands and at the same time we let go "no we aren't" we basically said at the same time "mmh" Elton said  not believing us "he's just like that" I said to Nate he nodded "so Nate what're you doing here" Sam asked confused and Nate looked at me "well a lot has happened sense we left he'll explain later but he's staying with us until he can find an apartment here in LA" I said excitedly and I saw sams face light up "YAY I've missed Nate" Sam said "I've missed you too" Nate said smiling "well let's go sit down" I said pulling Nate towards the tv room and sam followed us "Elton went back in The  garage?"  I asked sam and he nodded yes "where's Corey?" I asked sam sense his car is here "upstairs" he replied not taking his eyes off his game "COREY GET DOWN HERE" sam yelled knowing that's what I wanted, I heard someone coming down the steps I knew it was Corey "yo Colby finally your back, and who's this" he said looking at Nate who shyly waved "well yes I'm back and this is sam and i's friend from Kansas who will be staying with us for a while" i said smiling "well then hello Nate welcome to our house just warning you there is some crazy shiz that happens" he said laughing "well I mean Colby lives here so" he said in response and I looked at him like I was hurt "WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN" I yelled acting offended "oh nothing" he said back and I rolled my eyes "first time in LA" Corey asked and Nate nodded "well you'll love it, but devyn wants me so I can't be her makeup rat so I'll be back in a little bit" he laughed walking back upstairs "who's devyn" Nate asked "his girlfriend" I said he nodded in response.

From then on we all just played video games Nate met everyone everyone likes him he was more comfortable now, but I know that I have to deal with Brennen soon. But I'm not sad about it anymore I'm not upset. I've learned to begin to love myself over the past week and I know that no matter what I will always have these guys who will always love me no matter what the voices say, because I know they are lying.

It feels so good to be happy again, I just hope it stays

Hello this chapter was awful but oh well.

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