The Sands Of Thyme (A Tythan...

By SunWhispers

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Ethan is just your regular, run of the mill, fresh out of college 21 year old. He works at a quaint flower sh... More

Prologue- First Contact
Chapter One- Pottermore and Peonies
Chapter Two- Texts and Tiger Lilies
Chapter Three- Hangouts and Hyancinths
Chapter Four- Fluff and Foxgloves
Chapter Five- Dogs and Dianthus'
Chapter Six- Binge Watching and Belladonas
Chapter Seven- Swimming and Stargazer Lillies
Chapter Eight- Movies and Marigolds
Chapter Nine- Dinner and Dahlias
Chapter Ten- Pancakes and Pelargoniums
Chapter Eleven- A Kiss And A Kalanchoe
Chapter Twelve- Aftermath and Alyssums
Chapter Thirteen- Cake Baking and Candytufts
Chapter Fourteen- Invitation and Iberis'
Chapter Fifteen- Wedding and Wisterias
Chapter Sixteen- Respec and Rudbeckias
Chapter Seventeen- Cracker Barrel and Carnations
Chapter Eighteen- News and Nepetas
Chapter Nineteen- Starlight and Sage
Chapter Twenty-One- Steam and Saponarias
Chapter Twenty-Two- Accident and Aconitum
Chapter Twenty-Two: Darkness and Datura
The End / Authors Note

Chapter Twenty- Snow and Scabiosas

78 3 2
By SunWhispers

- One And A Half Weeks After The Events Of Chapter Nineteen -


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"Ughhh I fuckin get it."  Tyler muttered, wiping the sleep from his eyes and picking up his phone.

That Blue Boi™

E- Boi look the fuck outside I'm screaming

T- ????

Tyler ripped open his curtains, and gasped loudly.

Fluffy, perfect little flakes of snow were drearily drifting through the sky, lightly settling on his window and the ground.  It was snowing in LA, what next, extremely hot summers in Canada?  Actually, not likely, but the snow was really something.

He stayed by his window for a few minutes, just watching the flakes rise and fall with the wind, before he decided he needed to respond to Ethan.

T- dude we need to do something

E- Sorry T, we aren't in that stage of our relationship

T- I meant we need to do something with the snow

E-  Ooooh
E- I'll be over in an hour.  Get ready.
E- also


Tyler laughed softly, tidying up his house a little and throwing on a jacket and his beanie in preparation.  He wondered what his blue boy had in store for him.  One thing for sure he knew, it was going to be fun.  Anything he did with him was fun.

One hour later there was a knock on his door, and then Ethan was prancing in.  In his hands was a bucket of white, or more specifically, a bucket of snow.

"Did you just shovel your sidewalk into a bucket and bring it over?" He raised an eyebrow, and poked the cold substance.

" No, I shoveled my sidewalk, and I shoveled the green space around my apartment into this bucket!"  Ethan chirped, brushing some flakes out of his blue hair.

"I thought I'd take this over so we can have enough snow to make a snowman! This bunch plus your yard should be plenty!"  He kept explaining, and set the bucket down.

Tyler picked up the bucket, and walked outside, not wanting the precious snow to melt.

The blue boy came bouncing out after him, a bright smile on his pepperoni face.  He started collecting snow from around the small yard, adding it to the pile that Tyler had dumped out.

Soon, a nice collection of white fluff was gathered, and they started on their mission.

Ethans mission was to build the base, and help out on the torso, while Tyler's job was the head and torso.  Mainly he was given the two because he was tall, and could reach things to decorate the head with.

The taller male hummed as he worked, using as little snow as he could to make a perfect head.  He had a strange knack for being able to shape things extremely round, it was weird.

He reached up to one of the trees in his yard, and snapped off two tiny twigs, as well as a couple dead leaves.  He also collected two dead poppy heads from his garden, and headed back to where Ethan had finished the butt of the snowman.

"Wow, you managed to make an ass out of snow that's almost as cute as yours."  Tyler complimented, grinning when he saw the blue boy blush.

He silently placed the head on, added the poppies as eyes, the sticks as little arms, and the leaves as a smile.

The two stood back to admire their work, wearing identical grins.

" Uh, Ty, he uh, he's a little stunted."  Ethan commented.  As the tall male looked over their work, he realized a fatal mistake.

The head was at least three times smaller than the torso, and at least six times smaller than the base.  He had way too small of a head, so small in fact it was comical.

"I have no clue what your talking about, he's my son and I love him."  Tyler grunted, bending down to put an arm around their creation.  Yikes, there wasn't even enough snow to make it waist height.

"Take a picture of us!"  He chirped, and posed with his new son.  After the click of a photo, he huddled around Ethans phone, and checked it.

"Fabulous,"  Ethan breathed, and patted the snowmans head, "His name is Samuel, and I shall join you in custody of him."

Tyler smiled impossibly wider, then sat down on the ground.  Yes, it was really cold, the ground was kinda frozen, but did he care?  The answer, of course, is no.

He flopped onto his back, his beanie falling off his curls, and just stared up at the sky.  His hand raised up, and started tracing along the outlines of the thick clouds that were covering the deep blue he knew well.

In a shuffle of fabric, Ethan was suddenly next to him, his hand covering Tyler's own and guiding it along the sky.

To any other person, it may seem like the two were just crazy lovebirds holding hands, or two idiots playing outside in the snow.

No, it was so much more than that.  They were there for each other, just by touching hands and being silent, and enjoying each other.  Moments like these were times that Tyler really thought that his bond with Ethan was growing to immeasurable lengths.

Sure, they hadn't met that long ago, and sure, they hadn't been dating for that long, but Tyler could definitely say this was the closest he had ever gotten with someone.

Everything else was fading away, even the clouds they were tracing.  It was just the warmth of his boyfriends hand on his, the proximity of the two.  Oh how he just wanted to lean over and smother the blue boy with kisses.

And so he did.

And so the two stayed there, cuddling and kissing in the snow until they both got too cold.  Tyler's couch was a little more comfy than the ground, and that's where they took up temporary residence.

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