The Sands Of Thyme (A Tythan...

By SunWhispers

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Ethan is just your regular, run of the mill, fresh out of college 21 year old. He works at a quaint flower sh... More

Prologue- First Contact
Chapter One- Pottermore and Peonies
Chapter Two- Texts and Tiger Lilies
Chapter Three- Hangouts and Hyancinths
Chapter Four- Fluff and Foxgloves
Chapter Five- Dogs and Dianthus'
Chapter Six- Binge Watching and Belladonas
Chapter Seven- Swimming and Stargazer Lillies
Chapter Eight- Movies and Marigolds
Chapter Nine- Dinner and Dahlias
Chapter Ten- Pancakes and Pelargoniums
Chapter Eleven- A Kiss And A Kalanchoe
Chapter Twelve- Aftermath and Alyssums
Chapter Thirteen- Cake Baking and Candytufts
Chapter Fourteen- Invitation and Iberis'
Chapter Fifteen- Wedding and Wisterias
Chapter Seventeen- Cracker Barrel and Carnations
Chapter Eighteen- News and Nepetas
Chapter Nineteen- Starlight and Sage
Chapter Twenty- Snow and Scabiosas
Chapter Twenty-One- Steam and Saponarias
Chapter Twenty-Two- Accident and Aconitum
Chapter Twenty-Two: Darkness and Datura
The End / Authors Note

Chapter Sixteen- Respec and Rudbeckias

89 4 1
By SunWhispers

- Two Days After The Events Of Chapter Fifteen -

Ethan, being the smart bean he was, noticed something was off with Mark.

If you really payed attention, which the blue boy did, you could hear the Korean muttering things about 'respec' and random car words. Not to mention that Ethan had found him looking through eBay to find a mini fridge the day before.

He really wanted to confront his friend, but what could he do? Politely ask Mark to stop mumbling incoherent shit?  Yeah, wouldn't go that well.

And, it turned out that he didn't even need to ask, as Mark approached him at lunch time with a broad smile on his face.

"Eth, I need your help.  Well, actually yours and Tyler's." This got Ethan curious, so he let the other continue, "Alright so, I want to buy a van.

"Before you ask why, it's because i want the respec that vans bring, and also I'm in desperate need of a new car.  I also need a mini fridge to put in it so I can keep my snacks and drinks, and finally a tv so I can play video games and watch movies while on road trips."

To Ethan, this sounded awesome.  To Jack, who was eavesdropping nearby, it sounded crazy.

"Alright.  Let's do it.  When should we do it?" The blue boy took out his phone, ready to text Tyler and ask if he was able to help.

"Uh.... today after work?" Mark got this kinda guilty smile, shrugging his shoulders innocently.

Ethan sighed, so it was going to be one of those days today.  At least it wasn't a Monday.

Tyler responded almost immediately, saying that he'd love to chaperone their crazy adventure.  It was all going to plan.

So, Ethan and Mark scoured eBay and Twitter, searching for vans and accessories.

After an hour of searching, they finally found what they needed.  All that they could do now was wait until work ended.

After a painstaking four hours, Mark closed up the shop, and Tyler picked them up to go check out the va- oh no

Oh No, the person didn't mention that the van was white.  It was a fucking white drug-dealer van, that looked creepy as hell.

Mark seemed excited, clambering into the van and patting the wooden paneling, checking out the steering wheel and the bed in the back.  He seemed to love it, and Chica did too.

Did I fail to mention that our favourite borker came along? Well, she did.

Both Tyler and Ethan had their doubts, but ultimately it was Marks choice, and he chose to buy it.

So, with the tall and blue boys in tow, the Korean and his pupper drove off to the next stop, which was the tv and mini fridge.

They stopped at this nice house about an hour away.  Ethan could smell some fruity aroma, papayas? Limes? Figs? He didn't know, he just knew it was warm and delicious.

They were met by this really nice lady, who brought them around the back of her house.  Sure enough, a mini fridge and a boxy tv sat there, just waiting to be put in a van.

While Mark dealt with buying them, Ethans attention caught on Tyler.

The tall male was chatting with the girls mother, who was offering him some fruits.

"No, no.  Please, we're the ones buying from you, not the other way around.  I'd feel bad taking these fro-"

"We'd love some." He cut Tyler off, because he could see how much it meant to the woman that they take some of her fruits.

Sure enough, she had this huge smile on her face as she put about twenty in a bag, and handed them to him.

As they walked back to Mark, Tyler leaned over and murmured, "Mi rey, you always know how to make people happy, don't you?"

Ethan flashed the other a megawatt grin, a new bounce in his step as they were ordered to help move stuff into the van.

After everything was payed for, and loaded into the van, they drove away with high spirits.

" So, where do you guys wanna go with our van?" Mark called back from the drivers seat.

Tyler and Ethan were sitting on the bed in the back of the van, and the latter cried out "Cracker Barrel!"

All eyes were on the blue boy now, including Chica's.  Ethan held Marks gaze, a silent challenge in his blue orbs.

"Eth.... you do realize Cracker Barrel is like, three hours away?"  Tyler pointed out, a skeptical look on his face.

The blue boy whipped his head around, now challenging the taller male.  "Yes. Yes i do.  With the respec that this van gives us, people will just hop out of our way! We'll be at Cracker Barrel in no time!"

It was Marks turn to contribute this time.  " Yeah.... but, it closes at like, nine, and it's six thirty right now.  How are we going to make it?"

Ethan groaned, falling backwards onto the mattress.  Tyler gave a small laugh, leaning down and kissing the blue boys forehead.

"We'll just have to go tomorrow, eh?" He turned to Mark, silently confirming, "Then that settles it.  Tomorrow Mark'll drive us to Cracker Barrel, and we'll all feast on chicken dumplings!"

A series of cheers followed his speech, two human voices and one dog bark.

"Wait, what're we calling the van?" The Korean called over his shoulder as he pulled up to Tyler's house.

As said tall male stepped out of the van, he grinned, and whispered "The Barrel."

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