Christianity: More Than A Rel...

By DavidH429

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A book for believers and unbelievers. I hope that you can learn something from this book and that it can help... More

The Holy Spirit
How to be saved
The Flesh
Author's Note
False Prophets
God's Morality
Christianity is...
Questioning Christianity?
Feeling Hopeless?
The difference with Christianity
Christian Dating
The Gift of Singleness
A message to everyone!
Are we Christians?
Different sins for different people
Can we choose?
Sex After Marriage!
The Truth
Be The Bible!
Don't Lose Sight...
We Mess Up...
Second Chances?
You Cannot Do It Alone
Praying In School
Accountability Partner
New Me and Updates
Blue Letter Bible (BLB)
Merciful God
How do you view your sin?
Tell Me: Anything
How I am feeling
Christianity Is Different For Each Individual
I relapsed but what I learned

There is no God...

342 38 206
By DavidH429

There is no God...

It seems like so many people don't believe in God today or even believe in a "God" at all. I have friends in my group who don't believe in God and that can get tricky. There are times where I am on fire for God and there are times that I doubt that a "God" even exists. But the funny thing is I see God through my sin. So does that mean if we sin more we see God more?

People can use that as an excuse but let me explain what I mean. There is no God... that's what everyone says... therefore my sins go unnoticed. What I do when no one is watching nobody sees which means that I will fall deeper and deeper into sin with no accountability... In fact we can even call sin a God. A God that tries to control us... That tries to weaken us and make us do his will forcefully. We can call anything a "God" really.

I open my Bible and read a verse but then don't open it up for weeks. I'm busy. I have a lot going on! Things go well until some time later out of nowhere sin attacks. We can't beat sin... There is no God... we are hopeless. I turn back to the Bible after I sin... I read a little more yet continue to forget the verses I have read and tried to focus on. Sin attacks again and again and again.

What do I do?

What am I doing wrong?

I open my Bible and memorize a verse. I say it in my head over and over again and notice a slight change. But then I go back to sin.

What I believed in... can't even help me.

Suddenly I hear a voice that makes all the other voices in my head go away. The voices of doubt, that I'm not good enough, that I'm a failure, they all go away and I hear a still voice...

How can you expect to change when you don't take the time to read what can change your life?

It's true... I read my Bible yet I forget the verses I read. I memorize a scripture yet fall short and don't memorize the other verses that can help me. I read my Bible yet I don't take it to heart... Would you be shocked if I told you I sinned today? Let me ask you this

How can you expect to change when you don't pray to the one who changes you?

How can you expect to understand when you don't take the time to read what God has given you?

How can you expect to progress when you memorize one verse then decide to slack off?

It does not work!

I have all these questions... all these doubts... all these worries and anxieties... yet I don't go to the one thing that can make my questions not matter anymore, that can turn my doubt into faith, that can give me hope in a worried state, and that takes away all my anxieties with everything I have on my plate.

There's no God...

I refuse to believe that. If there is no God, who is going to judge me for everything I have done wrong? Surely when someone does something wrong and has to go to court the person gets judged. Innocent or Guilty. Let me stand here and lie to myself and say that I am innocent because I have done nothing wrong. I've never disobeyed anyone. Never lied to anyone. I've never lusted after anyone or stole from anyone. I could live this lie...

Or I can admit to what I did wrong. Maybe I will get my sentence shortened. I have disobeyed, lied, lusted, stole. Will the judge forgive me? He might but I will still have to do the time. But he isn't my heavenly judge. My heavenly judge is God and let me tell you God is such a great God he got rid of the time we were going to have to do for what we did wrong which was spending eternity in hell. I don't say this to scare you so you can repent. This is the good news. But we will still need to give an account to him.

Why would a God send me to hell? People ask. My response is why should a God let you go to heaven?

If there is no God then there is no meaning to life. Then life is empty. If there is no God I'd rather die than to spend another miserable day on this Earth going through life "hoping" for good things to happen. That there is a chance they might. What good is it for me to put my hope into the world? Nothing.

If there is one thing I've learned it's that we are all in or we aren't in at all. I didn't say Christians because Jesus died for ALL OF US! every single one of us! He gave us life!

So why don't we start praying?

Why don't we start reading our Bibles?

Why don't we start memorizing?

I'm tired of saying I'm going to change and no action. We have a God to help us through this. But we can't change if we don't take the time to build a relationship with him.

How can you build a friendship when you don't communicate with your friend?

God shows up through our sin because that's when we repent and see the need for a God. That's when God becomes real to us.

If there's no God we have to save ourselves...

How can we save ourselves when we mess up all the time?

We can't... and that's why there is a God.

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