Abelle- A Chinese Romance

By GarnetsPearls

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As everyone knows from the olden days to the present, people marry people that are up to their standards. It'... More

Abelle- Love Story
To Be Engaged (Part 1)
The Ball (Part 2)
A Song For Me (Part 3)
Close Encounters (Part 4)
A Partnership I Desire (Part 5)
The Reception (Part 6)
Escape in Taiwan (Part 7)
The Dangers of Falling for You (Part 8)
Teared Apart By Wealth (Part 9)
Forgive and Forget (Part 10)
What The Heart Wants (Part 11)
The Truth Hurts (Part 12)
Officially Over (Part 14)
We Meet Again (Part 15)
To Risk A Fortune (Part 16)
Forever Together (Part 17)

What Is True Love (Part 13)

239 8 0
By GarnetsPearls

"I can't believe you left me at that apartment!" Liu shouts over my head. I don't say a word and stare down at the palms of my hands. "When I woke up on the floor, I immediately looked to my left to see if you were there. And you weren't! Instead, I have to be informed by Chelsie that you left the apartment. She was crying like a baby! Jack was also there too, trying to comfort her....I don't remember where James was at that time...." In my head I imagine Chelsie crying against Jack's shoulder. At least they could end up as a happy couple..... "I was mad at her." Liu runs up to me and and practically shouts in my ear, "WHAT?" "I got angry at Chelsie.....and James....." I say quietly. Liu takes a seat next to me and hums a little. "So what's for lunch?" I gave her a surprised look. "Um I thought you would--" "Would what? Ask? You obviously don't want me to mingle in your business, Abelle and that's fine for me." I let out a sigh of frustration. "Look....I'm just really not in a good mood now. I hate James and Chelsie. They're too perfect for each other."

Liu gasps at me. "WHOA! Where did that come from?" "James was drunk last night." Liu laughs. "Yeah and?" She doesn't get it...not yet. "Before we all knew he was drunk.....James told me that he loved me. We were together in a small room....I thought he was for real but...." I look away so Liu couldn't see my teary face. Just talking about James makes me cry! "But then....Jina came and we all knew he was drunk. JAMES WAS DRUNK! Can you believe him? He was drunk when he told me that he loved me! It can't be for real...he wasn't even serious! When I confronted him this morning, all he could do was apologize and then....Chelsie came through the kitchen...wearing her nighties....oh my god...!" I start to cry with Liu just sitting there watching me. "So you're just going to lose faith in James like that?" I give Liu a serious look. "What else am I suppose to do? I really do love James, but....maybe he's not the same type of person anymore. If Chelsie really loved Jack, then she would have broken up with James ages ago." Liu shrugs at me. "So what are you going to do now?" I take a deep breath and made sure that not another tear would slide down my cheek. "I don't know...for now."

I pour myself a glass of lemon tea before I heard the doorbell ring. Out on the balcony and too tired to get up, I yell out, "It's open!" I don't turn around when I feel the person's prescence behind my chair. Why are you so freaked out? If it was a criminal, he wouldn't ring my doorbell. "Ah...I see what you're doing. Though I expected more." Jack takes a seat in the other chair beside me. Him? Oh great. "Why are you here?" I ask him in a suspicious tone. "Liu called me...she said you were very upset." I don't say anything and Jack goes on, "I expected you to be sober when I came in...but you seem to be enjoying yourself." I let out a small laugh. "Sober? Really...sober? Why would I...."Jack's face turns pinkish and I knew. "When Chelsie left you...you just cried and drank?" Jack frowns at me. "I wouldn't say I cried...but I did drink a lot. Up to the point where I was really tired and I took a long nap." I shook my head at Jack. "I don't want to drink, not anymore since the party." Jack stares at me with a funny expression on his face. "Liu says you're mad at James because he was drunk--" "THAT'S NOT THE MAIN POINT." Jack raises his eyebrows at me. "Look....he was drunk, so what? But it hurts me because.....I don't want to talk about it. I just feel jealous at how James treats Chelsie when they're together..." my words trail off.

Jack doesn't say anything and our conversation ends in a silence. The next time I opened my mouth, I spoke these words: "I know how you feel now Jack." Jack glances at me but still doesn't reply. "Betrayal...is what this is..." "Now Abelle," Jack says with a chuckle, "you weren't the one being betrayed. I was betrayed by Chelsie. In this kind of situation, you're just having a jealous fit. If you really love James--" "What if I don't actually love him?" I choke out. Jack makes a hand gesture at me. "Does your heart beat faster when you're near him?" I nod my head and say, "Yes." "Do you get defensive when he's around other women you don't know or like?" "Yes...." Jack gives me a smirk. "Last question, then. If he is your true love, then will you wait for him?" I take a sip of my lemon tea, my eyes were still on Jack's. "I--" "Just answer honestly and clearly." If he is my true love, then will I wait for him? "I just...don't know." I say with a sigh. "What am I waiting for? For him to leave Chelsie? For him to talk to me? I just don't know!" Jack rubs his eyes then says, "Okay think of it this way. Do you want James to be happy with whoever, that doesn't involve you?"

The answer comes out of my mouth faster than I thought. "Yes." Of course I want him to be happy, I said it before....

Jack gives me a smile and nods his head at me. So this is true love for him...I guess. Yet, I still don't know if James feels the same way. I gulp down the rest of my drink as my vision blurred with tears.


Days go by with me basically not talking to anybody. Believe me, I'm still angry and depressed of what happened at Chelsie's place. I really do love James, but if it's not meant to be then....... I sit on the couch with a glass of water and a magazine with Chelsie posing on the front cover wearing a big, white gown. When's the wedding? is what's on everybody's mind these days when they read stuff like this. "Oh my god, did you seriously just get that?" I look up to see Liu entering the living room with a plate of muffins. "Yeah." "I thought you hated Chelsie to death, and now you're going to read a whole article about her wedding?" I set the magazine aside on the couch beside me and chuckled. "Who says I'm going to read it? I just wanted to stare at the cover of Chelsie's face. I thought I could detect something...in those eyes of hers." Liu rolls her eyes and comments, "I totally dislike her...going to her party was a BIG mistake."

I stare at the cover one last time before flipping the magazine over to the back. "Yeah..maybe it was. But it made me realize something important." Liu takes a bite out of a muffin and gives me a curious look. "What?" "What if Chelsie and James are loyal to each other...I mean, come on. She's engaged to James! What kind of woman would want to leave him for someone who is less popular, rich, handsome--" "Is that how you view Jack?" Liu cuts in. "Comparing his status to James....yes." Liu shakes her head at me. "All this status thing, I get it if you're part of the middle class, but you aren't Abelle! You are equally rich and popular as to James. You always keep comparing yourself to James because of his role." "His role is being the heir of a large company, Liu! I am nowhere near to what he's becoming....." Liu sighs and goes, "Are you still stuck in that world Abelle? The one where Li Company goes down? I think you're comparing your status to James in the business world a bit too much. Where else, if you compared yourself in the fashion world, you would be the cherry on top of a sundae."

Man...Liu does have a good point. James and I play different roles in life. His profession is to become a CEO, while mine is to..... "Hey Liu, remember that one test question they gave us at our modeling school?" Liu nods her head. "The question was: 'What type of model are you aiming to become?' We could write in our own answer....what did you write?" Liu wrinkles her nose and thinks for a while. "Hmm...I don't remember if that was for a grade or not....I think I wanted to become a famous model. Other girls would have chosen beauty or wealth. You?" I give Liu a secretive smile and say, "An inspirational model." Liu gasps. "Oh that's good. So who did you inspire?" Who did I inspire? Well I can't think of anyone at the moment...possibly some fans... "I bet you inspired James." I give Liu a snort. "How did I inspire him?" Liu shrugs and goes, "Everyone inspires everybody. Think of it this way: how did James inspire you?" James has inspired me to become a lot of things, honestly. When I wasn't the heir to father's company anymore, it made me mad. I've worked so hard to become the position I am now...just so I could show James and the Chans that I wasn't befallen by their rise of wealth. I have my own wealth now.

"Gosh this is so hard," I wheeze out. Liu laughs. "You're imagining things, Abelle. So what if James is engaged to Chelsie? He could change that if he's willing." "But Chan Teng dislikes me." "I don't see what's so great about Chelsie..there has to be a catch." Truthfully, I don't know why Chan Teng loves Chelsie at all. Her personality and charm could be a reason, but I HAVE THAT TOO. Is it because of my family? "I bet she hates my mother....they use to be best friends." Liu then says, "She has to despise your mother....your mother was really upset when Chan Teng didn't give your father the loan. Li Hua probably said some hateful things towards her." I can only imagine what hateful things Chan Teng had said to my mother..... "So what are you going to do about James?" What else can I do about him? Absolutely nothing. There's no way I can change his mind about me, no way. "I'll just wait and see." Liu frowns at my answer. "What? But if you keep waiting....James and Chelsie might actually get married! You have to know James's answer!" I get up from my seat on the couch and take a muffin with me as I leave the room. "If he does get married...then I will have my answer."

"This sure is a nice place to eat," I say to Jack as we take our seats at a small table with lit candles, near the balcony. Jack smiles at me. "Your mother told me that you loved to eat here. Do you not recognize the place?" I look around one more time and then something clicked in my mind. The hanging plants above the ceiling, the rose petals scattered all over the carpet, the lit candles on every dinner table, and the jazz band I could hear below us.... "Zen Palace!" I exclaim. Jack chuckles and then a waiter comes over to take our order. After the waiter leaves, I go, "Thanks for taking me out to dinner tonight Jack...that's sweet of you." Jack folds his arms over the table and looks at me carefully. "Yeah...well you've been feeling down lately so one dinner date with me can't hurt." "I guess I'm not feeling so down anymore......I realized something being with you and Liu." Jack raises his eyebrows. "Oh? What--" "I'm learning how to be more confident in myself when I think about James. He's engaged to Chelsie, there's nothing I can do about that....but he can. I've already made my moves...it's time for James to do his. Even if he does reject me....it might break my heart, but I won't forget those times of our childhood when we were together Thanks for being so supportive of me Jack...you've helped me alot."

Jack nods his head at me and doesn't say a word until the waiter comes back with our food. I think I've stunned him with my words. Confidence is working! Jack and I both dig into our dishes of steamed pork, and chicken soup. "Actually, there's something important that I want to tell you Abelle....." My knife hovers over my cut piece of chicken as I say, "Yes?" Jack wipes his mouth with the white napkin and sighs. The candles' light wavered as Jack breathes out, "I think it's time for us to....drift apart." The sound of a playing saxophone echos around the whole restaurant. Jack gives me an apologetic look as I stare down at my plate of half-eaten pork. "Okay," I say and placed my knife and fork on the table, "so how did you change your mind?" Jack blinks at me for a second and goes, "Look I don't want to hurt you--" "Relax, you're not." We stare at each other for another few seconds before going back to eating our food. So Jack and I are breaking off the engagement huh? I always wanted to....but I would have to get my parents' permission before doing so. "Did Chan Peng allow you to do this?" I ask Jack, pointing my fork at him. Jack takes a sip from a glass of water and mumbles under his breath, "No."

"I just thought we would both be better off that way.....I just don't our parents to misunderstand the whole situation. Leading them on like this, is just cruel to me. They don't even know that we really love each other or not." "Hold on....I thought you loved me Jack, but I rejected you..." Jack laughs. "I did Abelle, for a while. But if you're not interested in me...then I'll just move on. Simple." I stare down at my food with a sigh. I don't know why I feel this way. I have no affectionate feelings towards Jack, but he was a nice guy. A really nice guy, any girl would love him. "Guess I took you for granted, didn't I?" I say with a nervous laugh. Jack smirks at me and I feel myself smiling inside. Yes....if we break our engagement, it's for the better. Jack wants to move on, and so do I. "You should be really happy, Abelle. Now that you're single, James will have the chance to own you." I stop smiling and give Jack a depressed look. "It doesn't matter whether I'm engaged to you or not Jack, there are a whole lot of different ways James can reach me. Besides, now that you're free and single....Chelsie can hit on you." Jack picks up his fork and takes a bite out of his chicken. "Really? She's going to hit on me? DId she tell you that? Oh boy....I guess I'll just pretend that I'm not interested." I throw a wadded up napkin at Jack, which hits his shoulder before falling to the floor.

"Abelle.." Jack starts to say then stops. His eyes wander from me to the balcony and below. I could see Jack's funny expression on his face as he stared down at the commotion happening. "What?" I look down at the balcony with him and see a pack of bodyguards walking behind a sparkling couple: James and Chelsie. Both of them look very nice in their suit and evening gown. I didn't even think of wearing anything nice tonight with Jack, just a top with some jeans while Jack wears his work clothes. The two of them stop beside an empty table with a vase of roses and candles and then they take their seats. The other body guards leave the scene with only two left that stand behind their chairs: one behind James, and the other behind Chelsie. "You knew they were coming.." I murmured to Jack. Jack glances at me and hisses, "I had no idea." For now, Jack and I can only whisper to each other....in hopes that the couple below won't be able to hear or see us. "So what to do now? I still hate him..." I say to Jack as I glare at James below. "Let's just mine our own business....come on, we have to order dessert." "Fine." I turn around in my seat and picked up the menu alongside with Jack.

Our desserts arrive on a silver platter as the waiter hands them to us. "Delicious it is!" I say excitingly. I take a spoon and eagerly stuffed scoops of fudge sundae into my mouth. Jack gives me a peculiar look as he takes bites of his fruit jello cubes. "I thought models go on strict diets." I wipe my mouth with a napkin and giggled. "Ice cream is good. It has dairy in it, which makes bones stronger. I just ordered a fudge sundae with no sprinkles or toppings....so less sugar that way." Jack rolls his eyes at me. I look back down below and see Chelsie laughing at something the waiter says; James just stares down at his menu not saying a word. What a flirt I think in my mind. Then I remembered what Chelsie had said to me a month ago.......that scandal. The waiter leaves their table and now I could see the focus of attention on themselves. James turns his head around and says something to the bodyguard who nods his head and leaves the table. Chelsie's bodyguard also leaves the table area. The bodyguards don't completely leave the restaurant, they stand 25 feet away from James and Chelsie by hanging out near a bar.

"You still focused on them?" Jack says in a bored voice. I ignore Jack's comment and watched as James talks in low voices with Chelsie. They were having a serious conversation.....in a public restaurant. "Your ice cream sundae is melting," Jack says with a snicker. I turn around in my seat and eat the last few bites of my dessert. "We should go," I tell Jack as he pays the waiter the bill. "Okay then." We both get up from our seats and push in the chairs before leaving. "Have a good evening," a waitress says to us and we say the same thing back to her. I follow Jack down the stairs to the bottom floor, where beautiful cello music was playing. "Come on," I urge Jack, taking his arm and pushing him forward. The glass doors of the restaurant were right in front of us...just a couple steps more! "Jack Ting!" Jack stops and jerks his body around to see who had called his name. "Oh, hello Bien Yuan. What are you doing here?" A tall man comes forward and gives Jack a quick handshake before giving me a kiss on the cheek. This man's name does seem strangely familiar...who on earth.. "Don't you remember me, Abelle?" I stare at the man who smiles back at me. "Abelle, this is Bien Yuan. You know him, we met him once at the ball--" "Oh you!" I say in a chirpy voice.

Bien Yuan winks at me just as a middle-aged woman in a sparkling blue dress walks up and stands beside him. "You've met my wife before already, Jack. Abelle, this is my darling Luna Troung." The woman gives me a smile and we both gave each other a small hug. "You are very stunning," Luna says with a giggle. Me? Of course I'm stunning...wearing nothing but an orange top, denim jeans, and a pair of heels. "So what are you doing here?" Bien laughs and thumps Jack on the chest. "This is Luna's favorite dining place. The food here is extravagant and the music is beautiful! She loves classical music, don't you darling?" Luna nods her head at her husband and then asks Jack, "When are you going to marry this young lady, your fiancee?" Jack looks at me for an answer, but all I could do was shrug. "We're not sure yet...." "Have a drink with us, then if you're not leaving!" Luna says with a smile. "Oh no..we were just about to leave," I say with a nervous laugh.

My laugh just happens to catch the attention of James and Chelsie who lean in their seats to get a better look at me. NO EYE CONTACT please! Luna and Bien smile at Jack and I nodding their heads and saying, 'I understand.' After the two leave, I look at Jack in the eye and whisper, "Let's go." Out into the night air I let out a sigh of relief. "Were you on edge?" Jack asks me. "Chelsie and James were staring at us! Did you not notice?" Jack sighs and we both walk towards the parked BMW. Jack gets into the car and says, "So what? Let them see us having a good time! And if my cousin does love you....I'd get to make him jealous!" I rolled my eyes at him and we slowly pulled out of the parking lot. "So how should we end this?" I ask Jack with an amused look on my face. If Jack seemed affected at all by my question, he doesn't show it. "Let's keep it to ourselves for now." "So we continue acting as a lovable pair?" Jack takes a left turn and we end up on a busy street back to my place. "Well...I wouldn't say lovable. I just don't want to break the news to our parents just yet. Forgive me, Abelle." I smile sadly at Jack and say, "I forgive you."

 I watch as Liu poses in front of me with a hopeful look on her face. "So you think this white dress will go well with my black Dior purse?" "Where are you going in that?" I ask her. "Shu wants me to have a lunch date with him and I agreed. So, how do I look?" Liu does look very elegant in her white long-sleeved dress...but I think she should aim for a different style. Maybe something that could bring his adrenaline rushing when he sees her. "Try that one on, it looks nice," I tell Liu with my finger pointing to a red spandex dress hanging inside the closet. Liu wrinkles her nose and shakes her head. "Seriously? Something that short in broad daylight.....I'm having a lunch date with Shu. This isn't the club." I throw my hands up in the air. "Hey whatever works for you, Liu! I just thought Shu would be happier if he saw you wearing something that showed more skin." Liu laughs half-heartily and makes a move to go back inside the bathroom to change AGAIN. "I'm actually really scared right now," Liu says after closing the door. "Why would you be?" I walk up to the bathroom door, so I could hear Liu better. "It's just that...it's been a long time since Shu asked me to go anywhere with him. We're both busy at our jobs with hardly anytime to see each other throughout the day."

I snorted at Liu's concern. Come on, it can't be that bad. I hardly see James in person for like a long time! For ten years actually, I hadn't spoken a word to him in person. "I know what you're thinking, but my relationship with Shu is not like yours with James. You and him were separated for a long time, Shu and I are together." I lean against the wall and say, "So what's the problem here?" Liu sighs and creaks open the bathroom door, sticking her head out. "I'm scared that Shu's going to break up with me. We've been together for more than a year now....this has to be one of the best relationships I've ever been in with someone. If Shu is calling a date with me out of the blue, it must be for a reason. A special reason, I'm hinting." I almost want to shout out at Liu that possibly Shu was going to propose to her but decided to keep my mouth shut. "Break up? Hahaha!" Liu glares at me while I laugh out loud. "I don't see what's so funny here!" she exclaims. I ease my laughter for a minute and say, "Liu, I don't think Shu would break up with you. He loves you so much, why would he do that?" Liu sighs and I could see the sad look in her eyes. "I love him too Abelle....but I'm still scared. Heck, if he's going to break up with me I should be the one doing the break up."

Liu comes out of the bathroom wearing her normal clothes--a t-shirt and shorts. "Oh well, if this is the end for me I might as well wear something casual. No use wearing a sparkly dress to impress your boyfriend if he's going to dump you. Besides, I can now have a greater chance of hitting him wearing a pair of shorts than in a dress." I sigh and watch Liu put away the white dress in the closet. "There's something I have to tell you." Liu doesn't turn around znd goes "Hmm?" I take a deep breath before letting out my answer. "Jack and I decided to break up." Liu whips her head around and stares at me with a shocked expression. "Abelle! Did Jack break up first or did you? Gosh! Why didn't you tell me earlier like when you first got here!?!" I take a step forward and out my hands lightly on Liu's shoulder. "Look, I'm sorry for giving out a late notice. Jack was the first one to mention it during our dinner date, but in the end we both agreed. I've always wanted our engagement to end, Liu....at least Jack is now on the same terms with me." Liu mumbles something under her breath. "Though, we haven't told our parents yet...for now. We're going to keep it a secret, okay?" Liu nods her head and whispers, "Do you feel sad?"

I stare at Liu with a blank expression on my face. What is there to be sad about really? If I didn't break up with Jack, we would be married by now! It's for the better...... "No, I'm not sad. I feel relieved to not have to marry him anymore. Jack feels the same way too, so no pity on him." Liu takes a seat on her bed and sighs. "What are you hoping that you get out of this short-term engagement?" "Uh, nothing," I blurt out. I'm not expecting anything miraculous to happen. No, not right away.


 I watch as my mother and Chan Peng walk around the room, avoiding eye contact at each other. I hope they're not mad. The only other male in the room besides Jack is his father, Ting Buo. "Is this really something to stress out about?" Ting Buo says with a sigh. "Yes," my mother and Chan Peng say together in unison. The two stare at each other for a second, then they lose eye contact. "I just don't understand why you aren't happy." Chan Peng glances at her son who looks away. "I found you a beautiful girl, with a beautiful heart that can ease your soul. She has so much to offer, more than what Chelsie Fu can offer you--" "Chelsie is not part of this mother." Chan Peng frowns at her son and shakes her head at him. "Why did you lie to me and your father?" I stare at Jack who lets out a moan. "For god's sake, mother.....I'm a grown man! I'm going to be 30 soon in less than 4 months, I can make my own decisions." Chan Peng opens her mouth but Ting Buo beats her. "Chan Peng my dear...our son is right. We have been nagging him ever since he became an adult. I think it's time for us to calm down and let Jack do whatever he wants. He's perfectly capable of finding a woman on his own."

Chan Peng stares at Jack with a morose look on her face. "I just want you to be happy with what we have to offer Jack. I don't underestimate your abilities, I would never! I just wished you would have told us sooner about this situation." Li Hua rounds herself to the other side of the sofa and takes a seat on the arm rest. "I'm sorry mother." Chan Peng nods her head without saying a word. Too bad my mother doesn't go soft on me. "Li Abelle, I am so disappointed in you. How could you defy me?" Defy her? IN WHAT WAY?!? But I am the good child I have to be.....rich Chinese girls don't shout at their parents. "Mother, I didn't defy you. You told me in the beginning that it was in my favor whether I would accept Jack or not. I did accept him....only so you would be proud of me." Li Hua clicks her tongue and mutters, "What is there to be proud about?" "Mother....are you going to tell father--" "Of course I'm going to inform Li Shan about this! He will be devastated..." The look on my mother's face shuts me up. My mother isn't heartbroken like Chan Peng...she's got to be furious.

I give mother a reassuring smile but she scowls at me. "Abelle, don't laugh about this. It isn't funny. If only you had told me earlier..then we wouldn't have to make fools of ourselves. Better yet, why couldn't you get along with Jack?" Jack shoots me a look but I ignore him. I've got to do this on my own. Jack and I agreed together to tell our parents tonight....we weren't going to mess up. "But I do care about this! Jack just isn't the right person for me mother.....I'm not being selfish or greedy. You don't need to worry about me. Would you have wanted Jack and I to marry only to divorce in the end?" Li Hua sniffs at me and says, "I am doing you a great favor, Abelle. I just want you to find a suitable man for yourself. You are our only child, your father and I expect much from you." Ting Buo looks at Chan Peng who doesn't respond to anything Li Hua says. "I don't love him, mother! I never will! You can't force me to marry him!" I didn't mean to ruthlessly shout at my mother...but it was already too late for me to take back my words.

Li Hua glares at me and hisses, "This may be your last chance in finding a great man, Abelle! While you are still young woman, I want you to find someone you're committed to before you reach your 30s. Jack has everything you need in a husband! Looks, wealth, charms, and a caring personality.... If you refuse to comply with what I'm saying Abelle, then you can expect nothing from Li Shan and I." I blink and stare at mother who glares back at me with a menacing look, but her eyes were full of sadness. You can expect nothing from Li Shan and I. What does that mean for me? Never speaking to my parents again? I won't be able to inherit my family's fortune at all? I don't utter a sound and watch as my mother's eyes filled with tears, but she still glared at me. What could she expect from me? Agree or disagree? "Why don't we settled down and drink some tea. It's more than an hour and--" "I'm not done yet." Li Hua opens her mouth but I blurt out my answer first, "What will make you happy mother? Tell me! If marrying Jack is going to make you happy, then that's fine with me. But it'll make me very unhappy! Do you want me to feel unhappy, mother? I'm fine with being single now......I don't want to marry right away!"

Li Hua closes her mouth and rushes to the other side of the room where a box of tissues was available. While my mother blows her nose with a tissue Chan Peng looks at me and says, "I understand what you want, Abelle. I'm sorry that our son wasn't able to match you." My eyes wander from her to Ting Buo, then Jack who stared down at his feet. I look at Chan Peng in the eye and whisper to her, "Don't be." I take my handbag off the floor and flung it over my shoulders. I'm leaving this mansion, the last time I will ever see them probably. "Where are you going? I'm not finished with you yet!" Li Hua cries out from the corner of the room and starts making her way towards me. She grabs me by the shoulders and shouts, "Don't act like you didn't hear me young lady...stay in this room right now! I can make this right for you, if I can't I'll find another great man for you to marry!" I would never ever hurt my mother, I love her to death but sometimes she can be too overpowering for me to handle.

"Mother, I will leave on my own free will. I'm sorry that I can't make this engagement work out for you," I say to her sadly in the eye, then I glanced at Jack and replied steadily, "I love someone else for now. Goodbye to you all." Mother's weak grip turns me loose and I spin out of her arms and run out of the room....

So here I am now on the balcony of my apartment. I stae up at the night sky and think calm, quiet thoughts to myself. I've lost two influential people in my life: my mother and Jack Ting. The news will surely cover this story tomorrow, I'm positive of it. I return back to my bedroom, with the thoughts of showering and sleeping early tonight when I see something on my drawer. The little white giftbox that James had given to me as a gift before. What was it doing here? I open the little white box with a note from Liu inside saying:

You left this in the bedroom where we slept at Chelsie's. Don't lose this.

How thoughtful of my friend Liu, I guess. I put the note back inside the little box but then found something else more surprising. There was a second note that was crammed on the bottom of the box that I hadn't noticed it before when I opened it the first time. I open the note and recognized the handwriting to be of James. He wrote me a note!

Li Abelle,

I want you to know that you will always remain as my best friend. I wish you well with my cousin Jack, and hope that you two will be able to live and celebrate happy lives afterward. My cousin is a great man, I have to say to you...he is very lucky to get a precious person like you.

I didn't want to ruin this for you and him, but I really do enjoy your company when I see you. We've been separated for more than 10 years, I'm sorry I haven't contacted you earlier. I just want you to know that Chelsie and I aren't really lovable companions. It may be too late for me to say this but...with all due respect from my heart....I use to love you Abelle.

Though don't take this confession as something serious; I'll always believe that you and Jack were meant for each other. I'm happy that you're going to be part of my family now, I really am! Best of luck and wealth in the future for you and Jack!

James Chan

I read the note over and over again. SO JAMES DOES HAVE FEELINGS FOR ME AFTER ALL?!? I go back to the second paragraph and read over the last sentence. I use to love you. Does that mean he loves me still? I had confessed to James in Taiwan after the reception party, which means that he sent this message earlier than I did to him. I read the last few sentences and feel my heart melt. "Though don't take this confession as something serious, I'll always believe that you and Jack were meant for each other," I whisper to myself. No one was around to hear me.

I slip the note back into the little box and make my way over to my bedroom window. Why? Why would James think that Jack and I are perfect for each other? If this is what James believes in then I have to shatter his dreams....Jack and I already broke up. He did reveal that Chelsie wasn't his 'lovable companion' but they could still have something going for each other.

I'm getting the feeling of what true love could be....but I'm still not as close as what true love should be.

-------------*End of Part 13*---------------------

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