The Snow Queen's Frozen Heart...

By Alpha-4-Ever

2.1K 54 2

Everything seems perfect. Ingrid and Elsai are happily married, with a baby on the way. However, a dark cloud... More

New Beginnings
Accident On Ice
News From Arram
Arriving in a Frozen Country
Elsai's Concern
Ingrid's Fear
Finding Kristoff
Haus Des Teufels
Realizing Mistakes
Old Rivals and New Alliances
Aaron loses his Temper
The Rescue
Birth of a Heir
A name for the Princess
Home Again
The Burial
Anna's Confession
Preparing for War
Entering The Fray
Family Disputes

The Final Chapter

77 1 0
By Alpha-4-Ever

Elsai and I walked together down a long corridor that led to a balcony overlooking the courtyard. A lavish blue gown with silver embroidery helped to hide bloody bandages and bruises. My hair was down to cover any injuries on my face that make up couldn't. Today was the day I spoke directly to my people instead of by guard or letter.

People had traveled from various parts of the country (Many of them soldiers who had fought with me and their families).

"You're Majesties." A maid curtsied and held out a burlap sack attached to a rope. I told it from her, slightly disgusted. The rope felt oily and had an odor to match and a dark red liquid seeped from the cloth of the bag.

"Why are we doing this again?" Elsai asked, watching the bag warily.

I smiled weakly, leaning up to kiss his jaw. "The people want confirmation that we can protect them and will protect them, no matter what the personal sacrifice. Most Arramians are superstitious. This will mean that his soul will never move on."

"It just seems barbaric. And slightly disrespectful."

"Yes, because beheading someone is such a civilized show of respect." I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"Different circumstances."

"Mhm. A different setting and audience perhaps, but the same man with the same sins tied to his name."

The guards at the doors nodded their heads to us in respect, opening the door for us and filling the hall with light from the outside. We walked forward, stopping before a huge iron peg that had been hammered into the railing of the balcony. I looked out over the crowd, and I saw the faces of past, current, and future generations of Arram. I wasn't the best Queen we'd ever had, but I was willing to do what I could for my people, and that put a form of understanding between us.

I rapped the end of the rope around the peg, making a tight knot, setting Aaron's head on the rail next to it. "Today, I am not speaking to you as your queen. I'm talking to you as a fellow Arramian. Another resident of our home. I see you. I see the generations who watched my grandparents and parents rule. I see the generation that watched me take their place when they died, God rest their souls... And I see the generation that will watch my daughter take my place when my husband and I are gone. We are all Arramian. And we have all fought to keep our land safe. We have all sacrificed. In the battle, some lost their lives, but far more lost brothers, sons, fathers, husbands, uncles, nephews, grandsons and friends. And as a fellow Arramian I feel your pain at these loses. And while those lost cannot be brought back, they will be remembered. And may the man who caused us this pain never find rest. Hell is too good for a man who cost so many of us so much."

I raised up the head and the crowd yelled and jeered. No at me this time...demanding that I give them what they wanted. So, I did. I dropped the head over the side and pulled a small match out of my dress pocket. Striking it against the rail, I let the small flickering flame rest against the rope until the oil set the entire rope and head along with it aflame. I stepped back and turned from the crowd. Elsai was right. It was barbaric. But it would sedate my people. I could smell the smoke from the fire and I could hear sickening cracks as things were thrown against the head to break the skull.

As the flame died out, I had no doubt that some of the bolder spectators would take it down and continue to damage it, likely disposing of it where my uncle's soul would never find it. But that was their business. I had quietly been praying for his soul since returning home. He had taken things too far. He had done things worthy of death. I hadn't lied when I had said Hell was too good for him. But he was still my blood. Still family. Even so, the more barbarous celebration was over. Now was the time for the upper class to have their compensation.

As can be expected anywhere, the nobility of Arram as well as that of the Southern Isles, Weasleton, Arendale and a few from France would be arriving to discuss political compensation but that would be dealt with later. For now, the first royal ball in years was being held in Arram. Some of Hans's brothers, Pierre, the generals, and most of the nobility of Arram were in attendance, though I expected not to speak with everyone.

Despite the party, I found myself distant from our guests. I spoke, but my words felt rehearsed. I danced with those who asked, but there was no life in my movements. As queen, I was expected to speak to people and be social, but all I wanted was to be alone. I wanted to curl up with my baby and rock her to sleep. I wanted to be back in Arendale, in the ice palace with Elsai and Marshmallow. I wanted to be anywhere where I could be just 'Ingrid' and not 'Your Majesty'.

As The night progressed and the guests began either to intoxicate themselves or retire, I slipped out into the gardens, away from the crowd and my title. I walked through the snow, the stars and moon illuminating the grounds. I made my way toward a stone fountain that had been frozen over and sat down. I pulled back my hair and took a minute just to enjoy the cold.


I looked up to see Elsai walking up to me. I sighed and moved over for him to sit with me, "Shouldn't you be inside?"

"Why would I want to be in there when my wife is out here in the cold?"

"Mmmmm." I hummed, an smile spreading across my face, "It's been a long day..."

"I know." He took my hand into his and kissed my palm. "But in the end, the people sided with you, we've got a beautiful baby girl, and I don't know about you, but I think that the worst part is over."

"You're right. We made it through."

"I always am." He smirked.

I scoffed and laughed. Elsai always had a way of making me feel better. He helped me up and held me close, keeping me warm as we strolled through the garden. I hoped that this would be how we would spend the rest of our lives. Together, leaning on the other for support and warmth, even in the darkest and coldest of times. I knew there would be bumps in the road. There would be fights and obstacles and the demands of the people we ruled. But with him...with our little girl...I finally had my happily ever after. And I wouldn't want things any other way

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