Falling Hard

By Rihloaded

155K 8K 5.7K

Rihanna is a new girl, in a new town, at a new school. Well, she's not that new. She feels like it. She feels... More

Chapter 1: Falling
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Chapter 2: Realizing
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Chapter 3: Giving Up
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Chapter 4: Coming Out
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Chapter 5: Falling Hard
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Chapter 6: Shattered
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Chapter 7: Broken
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Chapter 8: Glue
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Chapter 9: Repaired

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2.7K 138 108
By Rihloaded

Houston, Texas
October 17, 2013
Windell High School
Beyonce Pov

I was sitting down with the audience, observing Robyn's moves out on the court. Watching number 19 pass the ball to Robyn, who was half way down the court. Catching the ball she stop completely behind the three pointer line making the enemy fall backwards.

She's laugh cockily, shaking her head. She goes into her jump shot making the award winning sound and the score go up causing the audience roar out in excitement.

I smiled biting my lip, watching her jog down to the other side of the court, glancing back every now and then watching her enemies moves.

"She's good, Bey." Nicki complimented stuffing some cotton candy in her mouth that she brought from the store before she came here. I giggled at her comment.

"She is." I responded dreamily than I expected to.

"Yeah, she is." Nicki mock my tone. I face her, glaring as she busted out laughing. "I'm just teasing, Bey. Relax baby." She said said in a playful manner. "But you betta chill with looking at her like that, talking all dreamy like. She gon' think you like her." If only she knew. "Just saying." She stuff more cotton candy in her mouth staring off onto the court, focusing on the game.

I huff a silent breathe before going back to observe Robyn and only her. I feel like Nicki already know, I mean she's not dumb. Or maybe I'm just paranoid because I am catching feelings.

Faster than I thought.

Two weeks ago I thought the men of my dreams was Shawn. It was always him.

Now all I see is Robyn kissing me and touching me and...

Other things I'd rather not mention.

But it's funny how you don't feel for a person like that until a kiss tells you other wise. Funny how feelings work.


I feel like I am at war here. My feelings for Shawn are real, I know that. My feelings with Robyn is...desirable.

But that all I see. Desirable feelings. Nothing more. It's probably just a sexual attraction for her.

Well that sexual attraction is about to ruin my relationship with Shawn. If he finds out which I hope he doesn't.

I sigh deeply, smiling in disappointment with my head hanging down. I can't believe I actual thought I had real feelings for her. Deep feelings. I don't connect with her like that...like I do with Shawn.

I stood up.

"Whe–where are you going, Bey?" Nicki ask curiously glancing at me and the game before going back to focusing on the game. "Damn, she thought." She snickered covering her pretty smile. I hate when she does that.

I remove her hand catching her attention.

"I'm going outside real quick. I need some air." I explained.

"Yeah, it's too many black people in here. Take your time." She says as I laugh, saying 'excuse me's' trying to get by. I went down the steps hearing the crowd go wild again.

I felt eyes on me so I instantly found them, looking from the court. It was Robyn's intoxicating hazel eyes. We had a stare off for a few seconds until they announce the winner of the basketball game.

Breaking the heated eye contact, I finished making my way down the bleachers stairs. Heading towards the gym entrance. My instinct told me to look back.

And I did.

Her hazel eyes was still watching my every move like it was a movie. I can tell she wanted to follow me but she had to talk with the coach before leaving. Besides, no showing any signs about us seeing eachother on the low. We can't have that.


I leaned on the tan brick walls outside near the tracks. I need to start coming back out here to run but it feels weird now. Having to pass my 'secret lover' every Tuesday's and Thursday's to get where I need to be.

This week, I tried to get to the tracks. I couldn't. I would find myself making out with Robyn in the girls locker for some time before we actually go our separate ways.

I blew out air of frustration, leaning my head back on the wall before I heard the door open. I turn my head to the side seeing Robyn look both ways before walking down the stairs that leads to the tracks.

I was about to call her but then I thought to let her be a little lost. I don't know why, maybe because I feel lost.

Bringing herself back up slowly the long stairs that lead towards the gym door that leads into the gym.

I heard her sigh in disappointment feeling like she will never see me again.

"I'm right here, Rob." Her head snap to my direction before squinting her eyes. Once she realizes it was me, a big smile spread across her face and she starts her way over here.

I know what she wants.

"Hey, BeyBey." She greeted, hovering over me on the wall. "Can I have a kiss?" She ask cheery. I scoff a little.

"No, Rih." I look away.

"Did I do something wrong?" She grab my face turning it her way.

"No Rih...it just.."

"It just what, Bey? Spit it out." She push ons anxious.

"I don't think I want to do this anymore." I finally got out. "This seeing eachother on the low...isn't working for me."

"Bey it barely started, you didn't even give me a chance." She frown. Hurt. Sounded hurt.

"I know but..."

"But what Bey? You said you wanted to do it."

"I know."

"You said you wanted to do it." She repeated.

"I know." I sneered back.

"So what is the problem?" I look at the ground for an answer but doesn't get one. "Do you not have feelings for me?"

"Yes, that's exactly what it is Rih. I don't have feelings for you, only sexual attraction." I admitted. A little harsh don't you think? "I don't have deep feelings for you, Robyn."

"Don't call me that." She gritted. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"And why not? I been calling you that." I respond back with much attitude.

"Only the people I love can call me that."

And there I stood with nothing to say.

"You didn't even give me a chance, Bey." She distress. Again. It stayed silent as I go on my guilt trip. "What did I do wrong BeyBey? tell me so I can fix it." She begged while I see her threaten tears glisten in the darken sunlight.

"I...I have feelings for you, Rih." Which I do. "Just not...being in love feelings." She put her head down, shaking it.

"What do you mean?"

"Meaning I only feel sexual attraction with you. I only see you fulfilling my sexual needs." She look back up at me straighten up, pushing my hair back.

"When we were at The Diner Miner that night...what did you feel?"

Now that I think about it...I feel love. Something that can never die old. Now that I think about it. That night will always be with me because I loved that moment we had. Now that I think about it....I felt...in love.

"I want to take you out on a date." She brought me out me thoughts I wish I could relive. "If you feel that way then Bey we should be together. I saw it in your eyes, the way you had to stop just to tell me–if you was going to tell me, the way you bite your lip because it was something spectacular about that night." She explained making those deep feelings rise out of no where.

"That how I feel, Bey. Every time I'm with you." She added. It was a brief moment both of us was taking.

She ended it with a smooth kiss, knocking me off my feet. No tongue. Just passion, love, tenderness, devotion all in one.

I feel it. I feel it all now. The sexual feelings, the lost ones, the ones from the paintings.

"I feel it, Rob, a little." I whispered against her lip. "I–I...I want to give you another chance." And with that she smiled against my lips, lifting me up in the air, and bringing me back down.

"Finally." She breathe out.

We let our feelings do all the talking through our kiss, long before we had to break it up. We don't want people catching us. We can't have that.


Houston, Texas
October 18, 2013
Saturday Afternoon
Foot Locker
Rihanna Pov

"Getting ready to leave?" Taylor ask. I glance back and put the folded T-shirt and putting it in place.

"Yeah, you?" I ask stretching.

"Nah." She leaned on the counter near the cash register. "I stay here until 7:30." I nodded. "Part time?" I nodded again. "Lucky." She chuckle shaking her head.

Don't really see how I'm lucky. I'm still working regardless even if I get off early.


Walking through the woods being careful trying not to mess up my oldskool vans. Seeing the perfect blondie leaning on the tree, looking out to the grass field, I decided to make my appearance noticeable by smoothly wrapping my arms around her waist.

She quickly turned around placing her hand on my chest, frightened. I giggled at her sudden action as she roll her eyes playfully turning back around.

"Ahhh, so no kiss?" She peek back smirking at me before gazing back into the scene.

"How was work?" She ask ignoring my question. I bit my lip wondering.

How would that sound every day if we were adults? A couple?

"It was good." I raise my shoulders lazily. "But you know it was the first day on the job so it was fun at least. I just know that I'm going to get tired of going there." I admitted. It's always fun when you first start out.

"That's why you should pick a job that makes you happy and make you want to get up in the morning."

"True." I didn't really think about all that. It was all about money to be honest. "What about you, what you wanna do in the future?" She never really mentioned it. I nuzzle my face in her neck taking in her scent, waiting for a reply.

"If I'm being honest I don't know." She continue. "I mean I love track but I love taking pictures as well." I nodded letting her know I'm listening. "I'll even take art under consideration but I can't draw or paint like you."

"Hey." I say removing my face from her neck, grabbing her hand. I spin her around and pulled her into me. "I can always teach you, Bey. It's not too late." Nothing is never too late.

"Yeah but you have art already. I don't want to do what you do then you're going–"

"To think of us as a power couple who draw expressions for people who can't get their own feelings out." I interrupt her. "Besides, drawing is just a way of relief. Peace." I explained playing with her fingers. "Deep down I really want to design clothing....while-selling-paintings-on-the-side." I got out quickly making her laugh.

I laugh as well listening to her happiness.

"I guess."

"No, you know, Bey. You might not know now but deep down you already know." I turn her back around replacing her back on my front. "Just don't stress yourself and do what makes you happy." I said taking in her advice.

"You're right." She agreed.

"I know I am." I say cockily. She kiss her teeth. "Now can I have my kiss?" I ask hoping she will say yes.

"I suppose you can for giving such good advice."

I bit my lip waiting for her to turn around and take me already.

She turns around, her eyes going to my eyes. Now dropping it on my lips.

We both leaned in but she stop me. My eyebrows knitted for a quick second in confusion at her before focusing back on the kiss.

Taking her time teasing me, finally caressing her lips with mines, letting her take control.

Only for a few seconds until I grab above her waist, jerking her gently into me, giving into the sentimental kiss.

She moan lightly when she receive a gently squeeze on her bottom half.

I took even more control when she parted her lips, easily letting my tongue slide in her mouth. She wrapped her arms around my neck giving up her dominance.

My hands decides that they couldn't hold back any longer and begin to roam her body freely. She didn't seem to mind.

Well, when I got ahead of my self and smack her ass, gripping it roughly.

She jump, widening her eyes as I smile slowing down the ride of the kiss. She bit down hard on my lip for pay back, making it bleed.

"Ahh fuck, Bey." I groan stepping back some, touching my lip and bringing it back to my face. She was already glaring at me, rubbing her butt in circler motions.

"Well you hurt my butt." She complained. "That really hurts." She pouted and peek back at it.

"Oh yeah?" I ask her. She made an unsure expression. "Not as much as this will." I started walking over to her smiling.

"Rob?" She call me, backing up. My smile spread bigger. I wasn't going to do much but tickle her. "Rih?" This time she call me sternly. I grab her hand that was sticking out like she was trying to stop me. "Stop playing." She warned.

Once she figured that I wasn't going to stop she took off.

I will say. She's fast as hell. But I played football before, I did track in middle school and I play basketball now which all involves running. If she think she can out run me, she's thinking wrong.

It took sometime with her trying to shake me up but I caught her, accidentally tackling her onto the ground. Good thing it was a lot of grass.

"Owww, Rih." She hit my shoulder.

"Hey." I said as she tries to the grass out of her hair. "Maybe if you didn't bite my lip that hard this wouldn't have happen."

"It wouldn't have happen if you didn't smack my butt so hard." She rolled her eyes.

"It didn't even hurt anyway." I mumble sitting up.

"What?!" She exclaim sitting up next to me as well. I laugh at her expression.

"I saidddd." I dragged it out. "It didn't hurt that bad anyway. I loved it." I turn to face her so I can see her expression but it was blank with a hint of anger. I chuckle.

"So you had me running around like a chicken with it head cut off for nothing?" She ask furrowing her eyebrows.

I brought her into my embrace before her emotions get the best of her.

"Relax Bey. It just all fun." I assured her. She sigh deeply before wrapping her arms around my torso.

"I like you Bey. A lot." I confess. "My feelings for you go to hell and back." We giggled. "I just want you to feel the same." I put my head down.

"I will, Rob." She lift my head up and peck my lips. "You just have to bring it out of me."

And I will.

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