Thick thighs {Completed}

By Misguided_Angel843

608K 24.6K 7.6K

If you didn't know before know now that thick thighs drive the boys wild. Kayla didn't quite understand that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author Announcement!

Chapter 19

17.6K 749 146
By Misguided_Angel843



"Bitch did you see the news?!" April said hitting my arm.

"Ouch girl!" I glared at her. "And what news?"

"Read this," she said shoving her phone into my face. I grabbed it and saw she was reading a recent article about that architecture business.

It's called Jackson Industries. It was named one of the fastest growing industries of this year. Its background story was like any fairytale. The owner came from a poor background and was able to turn his life around and start a prominent business. Although, there were lots of discussion about the owner being a bit too aggressive. Plus he's not really mentioned or photographed a lot so he's kind of a mystery.

"Recently, the net worth of Jackson Industries skyrocketed in the past months," I read aloud. "From your neighborhood fix it man to running the most prominent state business in just a few short five years since the company opened. The owner, Boss Jackson, stated he has no intentions of retiring anytime soon. Although he spent many years in the military in his words, 'the grind never stops'. April this is boring," I complained.

"Bitch keep reading."

I huffed. "What type of business man talks like this though? 'The grind never stops'?"

"Read bitch!"

"Boss Jackson was known for living and growing up in Chicago. Due to his military involvement he moved with his family to better surroundings. Recently, there's been lots of speculations about his son who's known to be inheriting the business. The son is known to be a hot head with a quick temper and famous for fighting. It is said he'd rather beat his competition in a bloody one sided battle than in the wits of business."

"Keep going," she urged.

"Like father like son, he flaunts his power of aggression and 'thug-like' persona to intimidate others into doing what he wants. After recently critically injuring fellow students at his college the young man only got off with a warning and continues to walk the campus to this day. April-"

"Keep reading."

"There was much speculation of the Jackson Industries forming close bonds with its brother companies. Harrison Memorial Hospital and Walter's Research Facility. Though these companies are different, it was expected that united they'd be a powerhouse. Each company is three brothers?! Each of their eldest child is expected to run the business in their parents place. It seems the plans of three successful family businesses converging as one came crashing down...due to the antics of...Deandre Jackson?!" I looked at April in shock. "They mean Andre?"

"Bitch your man got hella cash! I did more research and their company is climbing ranks fast. Even though the critics don't like them and their antics the clients do. They're fast and reliable and work with people's budget. Ten percent of their revenue goes to charity too. Like now they're working on repairing urban area schools and building homes for veterans. And not only that, his mom apparently owns a restaurant company. Ten percent of her revenue goes to feeding the homeless and she's personally worked with the starving kids in Africa. Bitch you're so lucky."

"I had no idea," I said in shock. Why didn't he tell me he was inheriting his father's business? I knew about his past but I knew very little about his family. I had a suspicion that he had to have some affiliation with the business world considering this is the school he chose. The scholarships here are hard to get so there's very few people who's on the list of recipients. "What do they mean by brother companies though?"

"It's obvious isn't it? Chris and Josh's parents must own those."


"Yeah. Chris is supposed inherit the Harrison Memorial Hospital chain. While Josh runs Walter's Research facility. Those businesses have been around for many generations so I'm assuming they married into the business. Independently, they were good. But since they linked up it's like their net worth blew up. Walters is a leading research facility in medicine and with it pairing up with the most prestigious hospital gave them each a lot of benefits."

"Why would they align with an architecture company?"

"The hell if I know. I'm not a business major remember?"

"I never expected Andre to have so much," I said. "He always seems so humble. He works a lot just to pay for school and his apartment."

"Didn't you say he lived a hard life? Maybe that's what makes him humble. He doesn't flaunt his new found family wealth because he's been on the other side. Girl you got yourself a real one."

"I don't get why he didn't tell me. I mean, I don't really care he's about to be the CEO of a major business but it kind of feels like I'm seeing just how little I know about him."

"I mean, did you tell him everything about yourself?"

" but-"

"You guys are still new in the dating stage. You both are entitled to keeping personal things personal. Would knowing change anything?"

"I guess not," I mumbled. "But I would've liked to have known you know? It kind of feels like he doesn't want to tell me anything."

"Andre is the type of person who will only tell if you ask. How's he supposed to know you feel like that if you don't say anything? He's not a mind reader."

"You're right," I said. "I'm just reading too much into it. Don't mind me. And we're not-"

"Bitch yes you are! Like I ain't hear all that moaning the other night. And the nights before that."

I blushed. "That was the TV."

"Bitch I can't stand you," she laughed. I laughed with her.

"I guess I can't exactly deny it now huh?" I chuckled. It's been weeks since that night and Andre has given me head numerous times since then. And it seems every single time is as good if not better than the last. I'm a bit hesitant with going all the way with him and feeling a bit guilty of not being able to show him some pleasure every once in a while. "Who would've guessed I got a guy like Andre? It feels like a dream you know."

"I know what you mean," April sighed. "It's not every day you run into guys like them huh? I mean, most guys don't like to admit their love for big girls. Or they're all for it online somewhere."

"Seriously," I said. "I mean, what's wrong with loving a big girl?"

"You know what," she rolled her eyes. "Everyone is afraid of being judged. If a guy says he likes big girls then he's pressured into thinking that he can only pull 'fat' girls. No one can be big and beautiful."

"Society sucks," I grumbled. "Do people not realize us big girls have feelings? Is this just a part of human nature? Scrutinizing a group that is different from you? I mean it's everywhere. Slavery, segregation, light skin vs. dark skin, white vs. black. Why can't people just be unique and beautiful in their own way?"

"It won't help just questioning it. Anyways, what you about to do for the break?" It's been about three weeks since our last break and now we can finally go on Thanksgiving break.

"I don't know," I sighed. My mom wouldn't be able to celebrate this year because she just went on a job. She's a traveling nurse and is in California until after Christmas. So that's two holidays I won't get to spend with my mom. "My mom is the only family I got and with her gone...I don't know what to do."

"I would invite you but I don't think there's enough room." April is going to Tennessee with her family for the break. Shawn is supposed to fly out there with her but they'll return on Thanksgiving to be with his family.

"It's fine. I guess I can just stay here. I'll be fine." There was a ding and we both looked at our phone. "It's me. It's from Andre."

"Ooh, what did future husband say?" She looked over my shoulder to read the message.

Andre😍: Pack your bag, we leave tonight

Me: Where are we going??!!

Andre😍: My parents place

"Well damn," April laughed. "Looks like you got plans this break after all huh?"

"B-But," I mumbled. "I-I have t-to meet his p-parents."

"Uh yeah? That happens when you're dating."

"B-But it hasn't b-been long e-enough for t-that. Right? I'll tell him I'm busy. B-Be with my m-mom."

"Girl," April laughed.

Me: But I was going to be with my mom

Andre😍: Don't lie to me 😒 your mom was the one who encouraged it when I told her 💁🏾

"He caught your ass in a lie!" April laughed holding her sides. I ignored her.

Me: I'm nervous...

Andre😍: Don't be. I got you babe. And my parents will love you.

Me: You sure?

Andre😍: Yes. Now pack up. I'm coming to get you after work.

"Mrs. Jakayla Jackson," April hummed. "Nurse Jackson."

"Shut up," I blushed and laughed.

"It's cute bitch! Let's go get you some sexy outfits."

"Not too sexy. I am meeting his parents."

"Girl I got this."


"Pops is going to have your head," Shawn laughed after reading the article. "So much for staying low-key huh?"

"Fuck them tabloids," I yawned. My pops already said he wasn't expecting me to listen so I ain't too worried.

"Dude there's another story in here about a couple other businesses getting shut down and shit," Shawn said. "One company got hacked and lost everything. Another one was shut down by the FBI for tax fraud."

I smirked. "Is that so?"

"You're one evil bastard," Shawn laughed. "Instead of physically fucking them boys up you ruined their entire futures and livelihood. That's crazy."

"That's karma for being some fuck boys and following up Chris stupid ass. They thought they were untouchable after that but now they will see anybody can fall."

"True," he said closing out the article. "Anyways about this break, you sure about bringing Kayla? You know they're going to be there right?"

"Fuck them," I dismissed. "I'm not worried about them. This is about Kayla meeting my folks. Not those uppity bitches."

"I'm surprised they're still coming. I would've been running for the hills if it was me. You're one scary bastard." I grinned at him. "Iight stop that creepy shit," he laughed. I laughed with him.

"I'm not surprised they're still coming," I shrugged. "You know the only reason they want us as 'friends' is to link up with my pops company. In the end, that's all they care about."

"That's crazy," Shawn said. "They're more worried about their money than the safety of their kids. After you beat their asses you'd think they would back off a little."

"You know how they are," I rolled my eyes. "They ain't going to learn. At least I ain't got to deal with them for the first three days. Just my people and Kayla. I'm good with it."

"Is Jules coming?" He was talking about my older brother. We're not related by blood. His dad was a close friend of my pops growing up and when his parents died in a house fire my pops adopted him into the family. He's been overseas for the past three years so we don't see him much.

"Oh I didn't tell you. That nigga wrote me saying he was discharging soon." That man has been in the military since he was 18. He's about to be 30 so he feels like it's time to retire. Hopefully he gets a girl. Pussy ass.

"Oh word?! Shit about to get good as fuck now," he laughed. "That man a fuckin beast. You know he HATES Chris and Josh with a passion. And their parents. Dude got no filter."

"Right," I chuckled.

"So is he taking the company now?"

"Nah. He said he don't want it. I think him and dad got plans in motion though."

"Man I'm extra hype now. Thanksgiving about to be lit!"

I laughed. Shawn has every right to be hype because if you think I'm bad, my brother is twice as reckless as I am. I normally bite my tongue when it comes to them folks but him? Hell nah. The last time he was around he told Chris straight up, in his parents face, and I quote, 'you ain't nothing but a soft ass nigga, ole Teletubby Winnie the Pooh ass nigga. You scared of you own shadow. Just let these niggas push your ass around. Stupid asses.' Shit had us rolling for days.

"Is he home now?"

"Nah. He should be there by Thanksgiving though."

"Good cause I don't want to miss a second of the shit that's going to go down. We'll meet up at the house in a few days iight?"

"Alright. I'm going to finish packing and then be with Kayla until our flight tonight."

"Be breezy," Shawn chucked up the deuces.

I chuckled and went back to packing. Aside from the bullshit I know is going to go down at my parent's place, I was pretty excited. Before leaving Kayla's mom's place she told me how it would be the first holiday she wouldn't be able to spend with her. She travels a lot to make a decent living and she was worried about Kayla being alone for the holidays. I told her I had long planned to invite Kayla to meet my folks and she was down for it.

Being that she's the only girl I would introduce to my folks makes it a big deal. My sister is hyped because she believes Kayla is one step away from being my wife. My pops is anxious to see what girl I'm getting so much trouble into over. Either he'd be impressed and get where I'm coming from, or beat my ass for quote on quote 'going extra crazy over some ugly ass girl'. And my mom is more than ready to try and corrupt her. Jules doesn't know yet and I'm sure he'll be mad as fuck about me keeping her a secret.

I already know my family is going to love her if they don't already do. I learned from my pops to only go hard for the person you want to be with for real. And that if I'm going to go hard it better be for the right one. I believe Kayla is the right one. And they know I don't go crazy for just anyone. And being just like my pops means a lot.

I finished packing my things and headed out. Instead of driving my car to the airport I decided to just get us an Uber or something. I probably would've driven home but I'm sure Kayla didn't want to sit in the car for 12 hours. Especially if I'm going to bug her the entire time. I pulled up to her apartment and got out. We had a few hours to kill before leaving so I thought just enjoying some time to ourselves before being bombarded by the craziness that's my family would be best. I let myself in with the spare key she gave me.

"Yo!" I let myself be known just in case she's not in the best position.

"I'm getting dressed!" She called out from her room. I walked inside. "Ah! Andre!" She was wrapped in a towel. "I'm naked! Get out!"

"Awe babe," I smirked walking up to her. "Do I really have to?"

"Y-Yes," she backed up into the bed and fell down with a squeak. The towel opened up a bit where I could get more of a peak at her thighs. She tried covering herself up but in a second I was right in front of her pulling the towel open. "Andre-"

"Shush." I attached my lips to hers as my hands went into the towel. "Besides, it's not like I haven't seen you naked before," I smirked.

"That's not the point," she muttered into the kiss. I deepened the kiss as she moaned into my mouth. My hands traveled down to those thick thighs of hers. My hands finding her wet center. Slowly, I teased her clit with my thumb. Rubbing circles onto it as my fingers entered her. I felt her legs shake as she released a breathy sigh.

"You feel really good today," I said against her lips. As I moved my hand aggressively in and out of her she made slightly whimpering sounds. She grabbed my arm to try and push me away. "I wonder if you taste good too."

"Andre-ah!" she gasped as my mouth came in contact with her hot center. As always, she grabbed my dreads as she allowed the pleasure to take over. The more she pulled and tugged and pushed let me know she was close. But I didn't want her to cum yet.

"You wanna go all the way?" I came back up to her ear. When I pulled back to look at her face I got my answer. Her eyes were wide in panic and I knew right then and there the answer was the same. I sighed. "You're not ready right?"

"Uh...I-I'm sorry," she mumbled.

"Yeah," I said, not hiding my frustration well. I pulled away from her. "I'm going to shower in April's room."

"Andre-" I walked out before she could say anything. I know I'm being a jerk. I'm probably going to kick my own ass about this. I'm just sexually frustrated as hell right now. Once I'm done with my shower and get a drink or two, I'll apologize.

After my shower I put on more of Shawn's clothes. Why does it feel like this nigga got more clothes here than at our place? Feels like I need to bring some stuff over here for myself but since he has literally half his shit over here I might as well just use them. When I came out of April's room Kayla was in the kitchen. She looked to have a lot on her mind since she didn't even look up at me. I knew I was going to drink a bit before talking to her but when I saw she was damn near in tears that was the furthest thing on my mind. "Kayla," I went to her quickly.

She jumped when she heard my voice. "A-Andre," she ran into my chest. "D-Don't be mad," she mumbled. "I-I'm sorry. W-We can have sex j-just don't-"

"What?" I pulled her away from me. "What did you just say?"

"W-We can do it," she sniffed. "I-I don't care. I just don't want you m-mad anymore."

I got so mad and sad at the same time. Mad that she would propose such a thing and mad that I took her there. But also sad at how desperate she sounded. "Listen to me Kayla," I made my voice hard and serious. "Don't you ever say those words again. Do you hear me?"


"No buts. Don't you ever say no shit like that to me. Do you understand?"

"But I thought...that's what you wanted?"

"Kayla, never in my life do I want you to do something YOU don't want to do. I should've been more respectful to YOUR wishes. I don't care how sexually frustrated I am. If you're not comfortable, I'm not comfortable. I should be more considerate. I know you're scared because of what Chris did."

She was quiet with her head down. "B-But I shouldn't let him stop us right?"

"I don't want you doing anything for anybody else. If we're going to have sex and make love and do all that, I want it because WE want it. Not because you're trying to prove what happened won't or doesn't bother you. I know it still does and that's what makes everything worse. I should go by your pace." I was moving too fast for her. I should've known that the first time I gave her head. She was making progress but she wasn't fully there yet. "From now on, don't think about me. I'm going to let you set the pace okay?"

"M-Me?" she questioned.

"Yes. You've been way too passive with everything. You let others set the bar for you and you just follow. I like you and all short stuff, but that's not going to cut it. This relationship is only going to move forward because you want to alright?"

"So that means...?"

"I'm going to be the passive one. Whatever happens is going to happen because that's what you want. Got it? So if you want a kiss, you'd have to initiate. And the same with sex."

Her eyes got big. "M-Me?"

I smirked a bit. "Yup. You. But I will do you a favor and finish you off from earlier. Fair warning though, it'll probably be the best since you won't get any until you woman up."

"Seriously Andre?" She blushed. "C-Can't I just give you...uh head too? Until we get to the point of having actual sex?"

"As tempting as that sounds, no short stuff. It's time to push you out of your comfort zone. Now let's go woman. I want those pants off and them thick thighs open. I'm getting a bit dehydrated you know."

"You're making me feel like that guy in the video," she mumbled.

"What guy?"

"Eastside Ivo. He made a video about girls who would run out on a guy after getting some head."

I laughed at her. "Trust me babe, you're not running anywhere. My tongue game is too addicting and my stroke is even better. Besides, you can't run from me. You're stuck with me."

"Whatever," she mumbled getting on the bed. "And the head is not that good."

I raised my eyebrow. "Oh word? Well I'm going to have you speaking in tongues just to prove a point." I'm quite confident that after tonight, she's really going to be begging for it.

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