All My Fault... (BxB)

By Ruby_Gloom

204K 6.5K 1.5K

“Hey faggot!” I winced at the sound of the one and only star quarter back. He wasn't wrong, I was gay, but th... More

All My Fault... (BxB)
Chicks Are Crazy
Torn in two
Stolen Kisses
I'll Fight For Your Heart Seth Brogan
The Plan
Meeting The Burtons
The Dark and Twisted Noah Sun...
Ian to the rescue!
Teaser of what's to come! (Not a full chapter)
Forever And Ever And Then Some
Almost There

Let's start over...

9.8K 321 124
By Ruby_Gloom

WARNING! This has some pretty rough stuff, it's not exactly sexy time, but it is sexual of the non-consensual sort but I'll put the star squiggle to indicate it's gonna start and when it's over if you wanna skip it, and you'll probably hate me a little further on as well—pay attention to the star squiggle! Worry not—we are nowhere near the end of this biz-nitch! (story)


{still Seth}

Robin chattered incessantly about how things were going in Ireland and about how her all girl band Chalk Line were head lining at the local teens club, Last Call, how great the mashed potatoes were and then her and Nico (talk about a scary pair!) flirted the rest of the way through dinner. Apparently Nico wasn't gay, but bi and he had his sights set on myself and Robin. Unlike me, Robin seemed to be totally prepared to handle his sultry looks and Jack Sparrow charms. “So, Ian, what's so important that you had to call the whole family down?” Mrs. Burton asked, taking a bite of potato.

“Wha?” is Ian's oh so brilliant response.

“Well, you were going to tell us something, son, you called us all down into the entry hall? Than Robin showed up and we came in to eat...” Derek Burton trailed off, leaving Ian to finish the thought.

“Oh, well, um...” he stuttered. I reached under the table to grip his hand, he only stuttered on two occasions—when he was nervous or horny, and something told me it wasn't the latter. He threw me a grateful, if not loving glance then straightened his spine and faced his family. “That. Well, I'm, um, gay.” he shrugged uncomfortably then roughly stuck a piece of steak in his mouth, squeezing the life out of my hand.

“Oh, thank GOD!” his mother exclaimed, making everyone jump, tossing down her napkin and placing her hand on her forehead with a grin.

“You're...glad he's gay?” I ask, befuddled. My mom was okay with it, she loved me regardless and never treated me different, but she wasn't relieved like Lorie seemed to be.

“Well, it's not like I was praying he was gay, but I always knew he was and I was always worried that I would be the one to let it slip and scare him closer to Narnia.” she chuckled. Derek didn't look surprised, neither did Whitney, Rachael or Mallory, but Courtney looked disgusted and Stephanie just looked crushed.

“You''re gay?” the fairy child asked tearfully.

“You're a fucking faggot?!” Courtney bellowed.

Whitney gently placed her fork down and looked to her dismayed sisters in politely befuddled wonder. “You guys didn't see it?”

“Watch your mouth Courtney Elizabeth!”Lorie snapped.

“May I be excused? The thought of my little brother plowing the pretty boys ass here crushed my appetite.” Courtney sneered.

Derek banged his fist on the table, opening his mouth to yell at his oldest daughter. “No, it's okay.” I said quietly. “Some people need time to adjust to things they find...odd.”

“Sinister is more like it, how old are you anyway, thirteen? God, that's just sick. I bet with that pretty face of yours and clothes like that looking so unhealthy you spend your nights on a street corner somewhere.” she snapped. Tears of shame welled in my eyes as I had felt even earlier today that Noah was paying me to be with him.

Ian, who had spotted my tears in an instant was on his feet in a flash, grabbing the girl up by her hair. “That's it! Go ahead and tear the manky out of me, but you leave Seth alone! He's not a whore like you and just because he's skinny doesn't mean he's sickly! I love him and nothing you can say or do will stop that! And I swear to god, if you breathe or even so much as cross your eyes in his direction I don't care what mom and dad say about hitting girls I'll rip your damned head off, GOT IT?!” he screamed, giving her head a little shake her hair still fist-ed in his hand. She gave a little whimper and nodded. “Good.” he growled, dropping her head and watching her evilly as she took the stairs two at a time, eyes flooded with tears.

“I swear,” Derek said, mournfully shaking his head, “We raised our kids right. What in the hell went wrong.” My heart sank like a rock, tears streaming silently down my face. Here it comes... “I never thought that despite us teaching all our children that love is love and doesn't have a gender, our oldest girl is still homophobic.”

“What?” I asked, genuinely surprised. I thought he would side with Courtney and call Ian and I sins and me his demonic whore or something to that affect.

“I myself am bisexual.” Derek said with a smile. Ian looked flabbergasted, “I couldn't very well tell you before, Ian, back when you still thought you were straight. I mean, look what Seth coming out early did to you. At first it didn't matter to you, do you remember? Than Seth moved in to your school, you had a crush on him back then too, you would come home and tell us all about what the pretty guy at school did that day and then he announced to the school he was gay and the closet door you were just beginning to peek out of slammed shut. It took you another three years to re-explore those feelings and ended up hating that part of yourself.” I flushed bright red, trying desperately to piece together me and Ian's past.

We used to be friends and he always hugged me at the end of the day smiling, it was when I very first started crushing on him—in fact. It was Ian that made me realized I liked guys, it was his warm, muscular arms wrapped around me that made me see that I didn't like girls the way I liked Ian. Then last week when I crushed him up against a car and kissed him senseless—the exact thing that made him slam his closet door shut made him throw it right back open.

Flashback—after school, the day Seth came home and announced to his father that he was gay—

“Ian! Ian wait up!” I called, hot on his hells as he began to walk home. I had never been to Ian's house but he'd come to mine more than once, sense it was before his.

“'re gay?” he asked, nervously, coming to a halt a block away from the school.

“Yeah!” I said happily, in the boyxboy novels I had been reading, this is the part where Ian (my best friend and secret crush) tells me he's gay too, and then we kiss passionately before clasping hands and going to my house to talk about our feelings and when we first realized we liked the other one.

“Oh...” he drawled, shifting his feet and looking to the ground, looking like he was thinking hard. I mentally flipped through all the books I had read and remembered that sometimes it wasn't until after the kiss and a slap, followed by a week or so of avoidance that the other boy admits his feelings. I nodded to myself as a plan formed and braced myself for some sort of hit—Ian didn't strike me as the slapping type.

“I...Ian, I...” I blew out a frustrated breath and Ian looked up. I mumbled gibberish to get him closer, which of course he did.

“Wha?” he ask, getting about two inches away, cocking his head to hear me better.

I took a dramatic breath and lunged forward, capturing his mouth with my own, holding his face in my hands, I think he started kissing back ever before I flicked my tongue out on his lower lip and moaned. Then everything came crashing down, Ian shoved me away and punched me hard in the eye, his face screamed he was disgusted and he wiped away my kiss with the sleeve of his jacket. “WHAT THE HELL MAN?!” his voice broke on the last word and he kicked me hard with each syllable he spoke.

“Stay!” kick to the ribs.

“The!” kick to my stomach, instantly making me swallow back vomit.

“Hell!” kick to my mouth, I tasted blood.

“A!” kick to my head—I saw spots and fought to stay awake, crying out just a little. Ian hesitated for a second before his eyes fired back up and he continued.

“Way!” hard kick to my knee.

“From!” kick to my thigh—surely he saw all the blood pooling from my mouth and the cut on my forehead?

“ME!” he stomped hard on my groin making me shriek to put a banshee to shame. I sobbed where I lay for a full hour before getting up and stumbling home, crying and cursing my stupidity.

Ian was straight.

Of course he was, I mean, come on, the hottest guy in school gay? Not a chance. I could only hope my dad would take it better. I hated myself for ruining our friendship more than I could say—I just couldn't take it if my dad hated me too. I struggled to come up with an excuse, any excuse that would be believable.

Got in to a fight? Nah I'm not a fighter.

Mugged? But I still had all my stuff, and really, who would mug a kid? We never had more than five or ten bucks on us at all times.

Jumped? Kinda true, but why?

They....didn't like my face?

No, I sighed, making up my mind just as I reached the kitchen door home....I'd just have to tell them the truth and pray parental instinct to love your child regardless would kick in.

__End of flashback it's now after dinner Seth and Ian are in Seth's car outside Seth's house__

“You okay?” Ian ask me quietly, rubbing small circles on the back of the hand clasped in his with his thumb.

“yeah.” I whispered quietly. It wasn't really a lie...I wasn't sure if I was okay, but I wasn't going to tell him that. I liked Ian, I really did, but at the same time, I liked Noah. Admittedly, not as much as Ian, when I kissed Noah, there wasn't that fluttering fire in the pit of my stomach—tears didn't well in my eyes at the rightness of it all and I didn't shake at the power of his passion like when Ian and I kissed, but still there was a flicker of a spark when my lips met his. I had never been so confused in my short gay life.

“Do you want me to help you to your room? You're shaking pretty bad. Are you cold? Do you want my jacket?” I gave a shaky laugh and accepted his jacket, just for the amazing smell of it even though my shivering wasn't from the cold but the mental storm currently raging in my brain.

“I'll be fine.” I told him, smiling.

“See you at school tomorrow?” Ian whispered from my passenger seat. I knew what he was really asking; was I going to show up early tomorrow too?

“Yeah.” I replied without thinking, but strangely, even though I was dating Noah, I felt no twinge of guilt for agreeing to meet Ian early.

He beamed at me and pressed a quick heated kiss to my lips. “See you tomorrow.” he whispered, as if afraid talking at an average decibel would break the spell he cast over me and make me realize what we were doing.

That he was the boy that tormented my every waking moment for the last three years.

That I was already 'taken'.

That he wanted to steal me from said boy and I was all but begging him to do it.

I just nodded and he climbed out of my car whistling and got back in to his car, pulling out of my drive and making his way back to his house. I sighed and climbed out of my car myself, making my way to my room quietly, it was about ten thirty and mom and the girls went to bed at nine.

I gently closed my door behind me, the weak lamp by my new queen sized bed barely lighting my room enough for me to see the left side of the bed, a ghost of a smile still plastered on my lips as I shed Ian's jacket and pulled my shirt over my head. “Where have you been with Ian that you've come home so late at night?” I jumped and looked to my window where Noah's voice was coming from.

There, barely visible, was my boyfriend. The only time I had ever seen a man looked so enraged was when I came out to my father and he had been ready to kill me. “Ian's house,” I whispered, shakily, slowly preparing to pull my shirt back over my head, uncomfortable with being exposed to him when he was infuriated. “He needed help coming out to his parents.” I answered truthfully. “I didn't see your car...?” I trailed off.

Noah gave a short harsh laugh and swiftly moved closer to me.

Too close.

He had me pinned to the wall, roughly and not in the good way. “And that took six hours?” he growled. I shivered in fear. “I parked a block away and waited to see just how long you two were going to sit in your car. Why'd he even follow you home, Seth? Did he need just one more forbidden touch before bed?” I wanted to cry in fear, but restrained myself—this was the last thing my mother needed after our life turned for the better after it being so crappy for so long.

“No-Noah, have you b-been drinking?” I asked he laughed harshly, grabbing my shirt and ripping it away. He smelled harshly of liquor and cigarette smoke.

“What of it? Your drunken daddy left some pretty good shit in your basement. The only problem with being as drunk as I am is that now-” his hand ran roughly up my sides and tore into my hair. “My engine is revving.”

It took all of two milliseconds for his meaning to set in. My eyes widened and I shook my head vehemently. “Noah, please, no!” I begged, quietly, but he would have none of it, roughly pressing his mouth to mine.

He bit my lip hard enough to draw blood before pulling back his head a little, a sneer of disgust lighting his once pretty features. “You reek of HIM.” he hissed. “So tell me, when you fucked, were you top or bottom?” he chuckled humorlessly.

“We didn't-!” I began to protest but Noah slapped me across the face hard, had he not been pinning me to the wall I surely would've hit the floor.

“Don't you DARE lie to me!” he growled quietly. I had a feeling that the only reason he wasn't yelling was because he didn't want to be interrupted by mom or one of the girls.

“Please, Noah, you're scaring me!” I begged. He sneered again, his face red with rage.

“I better fucking hope I'm scaring you! Scare you away from that monster Ian Burton.” he spat Ian's name as if speaking it alone would soil his very soul. “Do you remember what all that guy did to you? And still you go crawling to him on your hands and fucking knees the second he has a moment of curiosity about who he's been beating the shit out of over the last three years?” I looked closely at Noah as he spoke, the only monster in my life right now other than myself was Noah, and he was only a monster because I made him that way, I invoked this demon laughing at me behind my once best friends eyes. He was in a deep dark scary place because of was all my fault, I vowed that no matter what Noah did to me tonight, I deserved it.


“Okay.” I whispered quietly, no doubt scrambling his inebriated brain.

Then the monster was back. “Damn straight it's okay!” he ran his hands roughly over my thighs, ripping away my belt and letting my pants fall to the floor. “I paid for you, whore, I bought you shiny things, paid your bills and gave your mum a nice job in a cozy office. You don't want all that going away do you? You're so fucking pathetic.” he told me as he spun me in to the wall, tying my hands behind my back with his posh skinny tie. “You want it, don't you? That why you won't scream for help, because you know this is what you deserve, that this is what whores do, isn't that right, Seth?” I whimpered and my face burned in shame. The monster inside of Noah was right, I was whoring myself out to my best friend in exchange for my family not having to struggle anymore.

Material things.

I nodded and he gave a dark chuckled, I could hear his belt coming undone and then it was folded in half and shoved in my mouth. “Don't wanna wake your angels would you now, Seth? I don't plan on being gentle, your only a slut anyway.” he spat the word 'angels' as if he were jealous of my love for them, that I would do anything to not have them suffer anymore. My boxers were ripped away from me and Noah's hand roughly pushed my neck against the wall, cutting off eighty percent of my air. “Ready, hooker?” he teased darkly before pain exploded in ever fiber of my being. I squirmed, thrashing as I tried to free myself from the awful pain penetrating all the way to my bones, sobbing and biting hard into the leather of Noah's belt. “You're pretty tight for a slut.” he grunted thrusting harder and faster—I had never felt pain like this in my life. He pounded in to me again and again, saying more and more horrible things until he couldn't get it up anymore then let my weak, broken body slide to the floor with a sob. “Not bad. I'll be back tomorrow night. Anticipate that you'll keep seeing me every night until I feel your bill has been payed. And clean yourself up, I don't like when my toys are dirty.” he spat on my cheek and ripped away his belt with new permanent teeth marks dug into it from hours of torture.


I lay there for another hour before I could move, then made my way to the shower, sobbing at the pain as I washed myself clean, my stomach churning at the sight of all the blood. Once the boiling hot water turned icy I flicked off the water, long sense out of tears and made my way to my room, pulling on the thickest pair of sweat pants and largest long sleeve shirt I could find, curling in on myself. Two hours later mom knocked on my door and called asking if I was feeling well. I eyed the blood stain on my carpet and called back no, that I was sick and wasn't going to school until I felt better. After telling her I didn't need anything she agreed to leave me be and took off with the girls, leaving me alone in my deep dark hell. I wanted to sleep, so badly I wanted to sleep, but I was afraid that if I did, I'd sleep through the day and wake to find Noah back in my room with a whole days worth of new torture methods to try out on me.


Where in the hell was he? School was due to start any minute now and every car that pulling that wasn't his just made me worry worse, the bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that I had gotten the second I pulled out of Seth's drive way intensified a million fold the second the triplets pulled up without Seth in tow.

Acting on impulse I chased after them, calling out loudly. “Hey!” The girls stopped and turned smiling faces up at me. Noah looked ready to spit fire.

“He's sick.” Nina said before I could ask.

“But it's way too adorable, you worrying, that we're not even going to point out he's our brother's boyfriend at the moment.” Nora continued, I swear these two shared a brain. Noah smirked at me, but I had a feeling it went deeper than him having the title of 'boyfriend', what though, I couldn't put my finger on it.

“I'm going over to his house later tonight, I'll be sure to send your regards...” he chuckled, something flashed in his eyes—something dark and demented, something that would laugh at Seth being uncomfortable or hurting. It was the same darkness that flashed in his eyes in the music room last week. “He's no doubt tired from being up with me...all...night....long.” he exaggerated the words, dragging them out and over enunciating them. He'd been there last night? Did he see me kiss Seth? Did he hear about meeting me before school?

Panic flared in me, but I beat it back down ruthlessly, telling my inner caveman that beating the fuck out of Noah wouldn't do any good...yet. “Whatever, Noah, I'm not going to hit you just because you act like you guys were fucking all night.” I sighed, acting like his taunting didn't bother me. The monster flashed in his eyes again, but just as quickly as it popped up, it sank back.

“What if I had proof we were?” he asked, making me freeze.

“What did you just say?” How come I can't breathe right?

“I said,” he began in a sing song voice, that smirking demon firmly in place in Noah's eyes, “what if I had proof?”

“Fine then, prove it!” I growled.

I wish I hadn't lost my temper, because three seconds later Noah whipped off his belt, even his sisters looked weary at the thought of where this was leading. He folded the strap of leather in half and handed it to me, getting up close and personal, whispering in my ear as my fingers traced over the deep groves etched in to Noah's belt. “He likes it rough.” Then he ripped the horrible belt out of my numb fingers and left me standing there stunned, hurt, scared and with the crushing sense that things weren't exactly as they seemed.

Teeth marks littered the leather.

How had I missed it?

Something was awfully wrong about the small piece of this picture that I could see and I was determined to see the rest of it before giving up on the love of my life.

____________________________DON'T BEAT ME UP!!!!! I did it, but, still, I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

For those of you wondering why there were teeth marks in the belt and don't wanna read the rape scene (so don't blame you there, that's why it's so short and why I marked it off clearly and on both ends) it's because while Noah was...doing bad things to him against his will he shoved his belt in Seth's mouth to keep him from screaming loud enough to get helped by his mom. Speaking of, while I'm in rant mode, I had no idea Noah would end up such a twisted a-hole! Really, I mean it, I know you're all like “but you're the WRITER!!! how could you not know?!?!” Well, it's easy, I plan this shit out then when it comes pouring out of my brain different things happen. I was planning on putting him and Wes together, ya know, a nice guy and a nice guy, but for some reason when I sat down to write it this came out...either way the book was going to be awfully short and dull with virtually no conflict, it was pretty obvious that Seth liked Ian in a way he didn't truly like Noah, so nothing there, and Ian wasn't attracted to Wes, just thought he was nicely built, so nothing there....well, ENJOY THE TWISTED JUNK MY BRIAN CHURNS OUT ON OCCASION!


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