Alpha of the Rogues (boyxboy)

By SugarxSpices

157K 7.2K 935

After unsuccessfully finding a dominate mate, a shy sub Liam, gets kicked out of his pack. And while running... More

Chapter 1: The Bad First Impression
Chapter 2: The Welcoming Ceremony
Chapter 3: The Humans
Chapter 4: What the humans shouldn't know
Chapter 5: The Devil's Playground
Chapter 6: A New Start
Chapter 7: Adjusting to Human Life
Ch 8: Making New Friends
Chapter 9: Eamon
Chapter 10: A Possible Mate
Chapter 11: A forced mating?
Chapter 12: Love at first Howl
Chapter 14: The Mating Hunt
Chapter 15: Outburst
Chapter 16: Snapped
Chapter 17: Uncertainty
Chapter 18: Anxiety?
Chapter 19: Trouble
Chapter: 20 Unsettling Expectations
Chapter 21: Handsome Devil
Chapter 22: Captive
Chapter 24: Handsome Devil Part 2
Chapter: 25 Bitten

Chapter 13: The Clash

4.9K 227 28
By SugarxSpices

The days without Liam around were the best days of Eamon's life.

And he couldn't help but feel slightly guilty about it. During this time, he had the chance to get closer to his crush. Much closer than he ever was the first time that Neil and Adam actually acknowledged him and befriended him. They've actually hung out as a group and even went to Neil's house and hung out together during lunch time. Eamon had to admit though he was worried about Liam a few times though...its been so long since he has stopped showing up to school when he barely started it. But if Neil and Adam didn't seem to be worried about it then why should he? After all, he and Liam weren't friends for very long only a few days really.

Eamon stood leaning against Neil and Adam's locker early that morning for school. He decided he was going to be brave for once in his miserable life and tell Neil that he likes him. He had the speech all prepared and memorized, he even has a piece of paper of his confession in his hands. Eamon hands were shaking as he was reading his lines that he so carefully practiced. 

"Hey Eamon! Whatcha' got there buddy!?" Adam cried out cheerfully as he slammed a playful hand on his shoulder making Eamon jump. He hastily crumbled up the paper and put it in his pocket. "N-nothing A-adam!" He laughed awkwardly, making Adam smirk. "Nothing really? Why am I finding that hard to believe? I want to see!" He joked as he tried to take the note out of Eamon's pocket even succeeding in making Eamon laugh a little.

"You can't! Its nothing, and i'm not gonna' bugger off slint head!" Eamon said playfully while pushing Adam away. Adam smiled at Eamon as he stared down at the firey red head. He liked how sassy he was for being so small.  "Adam leave him alone." Neil drawled out while popping up out of nowhere making Neil turn even redder. Adam laughed at how red Eamon turned, how can his older brother be so blind? It was clear as day that the kid had a cute little crush on him. He felt kind of bad for Eamon though, he knew his older brother had a thing for Liam since they first met. He just hoped that Neil wouldn't break Eamon's heart when he found about his little crush. The three boys opened their lockers and got their things out and ready for the new school day. When a loud roar of a car engine started rolling into the parking lot making Eamon the first to turn around curiously. 

He narrowed his eyes when a car with rock music playing loudly screeched to a sudden halt in one of the parking spaces.

"Now who could that be?" Adam said curiously while leaning against his locker with his arms crossed.

When Eamon looked around, he noticed that other kids in school were curious too. Even the bullies of the school stopped their chit chat to check out the newbies. What he saw coming out of the car made Eamon's jar drop. He couldn't believe who it was Liam! Liam was finally back. And he looked happier than he has ever seen him, and he didn't have the scars on his face. Eamon frowned when he noticed another guy come behind Liam and wrap his arms around him followed by two more intimidating but cool looking guys.  One of them though was really attractive out of the three to him and caught a lot of the girl's attention even Eamon's. It was the first time he found another guy really good looking besides Neil in a long time. He shook himself out of these thoughts. But they all screamed one thing...they screamed trouble. Who were they? And why were they with Liam? What kind of trouble has Liam gotten himself into while poor Neil was off worrying about him!? He clenched his fists to his sides at the thought of that. Did he already move on so quickly from Neil?

"No that Liam?" Adam said excitedly.

"Yup." Eamon muttered dejectedly, he dared to look at the corner of his eye for Neil's reaction and just as he thought Neil was pissed as fuck.  As if feeling someone's eyes on him, Eamon looked up with an arched brow as the one guy he found attractive was staring at him with a smirk on his face. He had an 80's rocker look to him going on, with a black t-shirt, denim jacket and denim ripped jeans. He was very muscular looking and could easily crush Eamon.  It didn't help that the dude had one man earring too. He gulped at the thought of that, all of the guys looked like they were making their way towards them. Mostly because of Liam...he bets. Its always because of Liam. Now that he was back, Eamon was quickly out of the picture, as soon as the new guys and Liam were close enough to them. Adam was the first one to jump in and hug Liam.

"Liam! We were so worried about you, welcome back I see you brought some new friends with you!" Adam said excitedly making Liam smile back at him. "Yeah! This is..." Eamon tuned everything out and suddenly felt really small compared to all these guys around him. As everyone introduced each other he remained quiet, he was sure no one's going to be interested in his pathetic self. He slowly began to turn around and walk to his next class early when Liam had to call him out on it.

"Eamon!" Liam said all bubbly like and came crushing into him from behind with a big bear hug. Eamon stiffened immediately and fought the urge to push him off. He knew that if he did push him off though that Neil would hate him for it, even his new little perfect boyfriend. "So that's the cutie's name..." A deep voice said making Eamon's heart involuntarily stutter as he looked towards the unnaturally attractive stranger that came towards him with a swagger. He wanted to wipe that smirk off his perfect face. 

"Billy...this is Eamon my best friend." Eamon's hard face fell at that...he considered him his best friend? It made him feel even worse for what he thought of Liam just moments ago. 

"Nice to meet you beautiful." Eamon's eyes widened when the Billy kid grabbed his hand and kissed it like he was some sort of girl. He was suddenly so stiff and found it hard to breathe when he took his other hand and placed it on top of his so that his hand was trapped in between. "I hope we can become well acquainted." Billy's smirk widened even more and he could only stare as he threw a bashful wink at him. Its the first time that someone has ever shown a strong interest in him before, and so publicly too. Sure there was Alec but its never been like this.

"I-I-I---I...." He was stuttering again, like a dumb fool. The bell began to ring, making it his cue to leave.  "Got to go..." He muttered while yanking his hand out of Billy's and clumsily running down the hall and passing another corner so that he could hide himself from the newbies and catch his breath. Once he did though, he rushed into his first period class, secretly hoping that Liam wouldn't sit next to him. Alec has become his new lab partner ever since Liam decided to go awol on him. He blushed again when the big and tough looking Alec smiled softly down at him and patted the seat next to him.

"Hey partner." He whispered making him blush...he was doing that a lot lately. Before, when Liam left he didn't think that Alec would voluntarily be his lap partner. Alec was the type of guy that liked to work alone during labs. And when he volunteered the two got closer. Eamon couldn't help but notice the little things about Alec that made his demeanor seem different from before. For one thing, he was kinder much kinder to Eamon when Liam left. And he was even sweet around him. It was strange...before he and Liam met, Alec ignored him all together and now they were as close as friends can be.   "Hi." He whispered back, Alec's normally cheerful mood around him suddenly darkened when he did something unusual. He stepped much closer to Eamon and sniffed him a couple of times.

"Dude, did you just sniff me!?"Eamon asked appallingly. He looked around the room as classmates started coming in and noticing how weird Alec was being.  Alec suddenly let out a low growl making Eamon stiffen in response. Did he just growl at him? 

"Be quiet for a second." He muttered and he sounded almost angry, he was never angry with Eamon before. He smelled him again making Eamon tense up at the closeness and when he was done sniffing he sat back on his stool seat and glared at Eamon.

"You smell different." He growled. 

"Smell? I have a specific smell?" Eamon asked incredulously as he cocked his head to the side, when he did that Alec's face softened at that and ruffled his curls. 

"Yeah, and I don't like it. Who were you with this morning?" He growled out lowly again making Eamon's eyebrows shoot up. 

"Just Adam and Neil like usual. Why are you being so weird?" He asked Alec while turning his stool around to face the notebook on his desk, he was reading the notes from yesterday's class. It was almost like Alec was being possessive over him, when there was no reason to be. Alec didn't own him, they were just...friends? Heck even he didn't know where they stood.  "Look at me when i'm talking to you." He growled out making Eamon narrow his eyes...Alec knew he didn't like it when he was trying to be demanding around him.

"What now!?" He said, feeling his patience growing thin again. He always felt like that around Alec for some reason. Even this weird magnetic pull thing that he couldn't explain, he wanted to talk to Alec about it before see that it was only his imagination but he couldn't bring himself to do it. A guy like Alec would probably just laugh it off...besides his heart belonged to Neil anyways.  He squashed the mushy unwanted feelings towards Alec down and glared up at the cocky son of a bitch. Ever since he started hanging out with Alec too, he also noticed that the bullying was almost non existent which was strange but a nice break at the same time.

The guys who bullied him before stayed away from him and some even apologized. 

"Whoever you saw this morning... I don't want you to see again. They're dangerous." He whispered lowly as all the seats started filling up one by one. 

"Dangerous?" He breathed was weird really. He had a bad feeling that the guys who came into school were dangerous and he didn't know why.

"Why?" He asked curiously. If Alec knew something surely he could tell him. "I-I can't tell you. But just promise... no, swear that you're going to stay away from them..him." He pleaded with him. Eamon was surprised, Alec never begged him for anything and he looked genuinely worried.  "How bad can they be?" Eamon scoffed making Alec sigh and grab his hand. Eamon arched a brow at that, some of the students were already staring. "Just swear it to me alright and i'll drop it. Come on Eamon." He begged again, making Eamon sigh and reel in. "Okay, okay  i'll stay away from him. Gosh."

"Good." He breathed but his eyes hardened again. "He even touched you here..." he muttered angrily and Eamon started feeling a little scared of Alec,  just what the heck was going on with him today!? "I'll kill him." He muttered lowly as he noticed the muscles in his body started shaking. Eamon gulped when his Alec's eyes narrowed and darkened strangely, he didn't let go of his hand from under the table even when class was starting. His eyes looked glazed and dangerous as they stared at something or someone from behind him.  Eamon tried to let go of his hand but he latched on even more. Alec even started doing weird finger caresses on the inside of their hands. What was going on with this douche bag!?

Jace suddenly appeared and sat down next to Alec. 

"Hi Eamon!" He said cheerfully, Eamon smiled and was about to say hi back when he grew serious too and looked at Alec.

"We got company Alec, we're not alone anymore." Jace muttered angrily. 

"I know." He hissed. 

"What are we going to do about them? Now that Liam's back there's more of them." He whispered harshly while clenching his fists.  "What do you mean there's more of them?" Eamon asked curiously making their heads glance at him, as if suddenly recognizing for the first time that he was there. "Nothing to worry yourself about." Jace said with a smile while Alec just stared at him worriedly. Both he and Jace's face hardened when the door slammed a little too loudly that morning making everyone in the classroom stop talking at once. 

Mr. Hawkings looked up in surprise when the newbies and Liam showed up to class. 

"Mr. Walker! What a surprise to have you back again! I can see you have new students with you as well." Liam blushed when his new weird boyfriend brought him closer to his chest as he smirked. 

"Yeah...its good to be back Mr. Hawkings."  He said shly, Eamon suddenly felt eyes boring into him again and he looked up to see that same guy from this morning staring at him hotly. Alec tensed beside him and refused to let go his hand. The stranger's eyes slowly went from Eamon's face to their interlocked hands and his smirk turned to a frown. 

"And these new students are?" He asked trying to diffuse the tension.

His new boyfriend spoke first.

"Arden Pratt, and that's Billy Harden." He said confidently. 

"Well..this is interesting, since there are new students here in the middle of the semester all lab partners are currently taken. Liam...i'm afraid that because of your absence Mr. Halsley has kindly offered to be Eamon's partner." Liam's face fell a little making Eamon tear his eyes away from them and look down at his notes. 

"Looks like you three will have to work together...hopefully you won't mind."

"No! Not at all sir. Glad to be back." Liam said excitedly, as they walked toward extra empty seats in a table. 

"Uhh...since we have no lab today, just lecture, you may sit wherever you like." Mr. Hawkings called out to them. Eamon's heart suddenly started beating with nerves when Billy stood right behind him. 

"Class please turn in your worksheets that are due today and get started on your pre-lab for tomorrow." He mentioned while writing something on the chalkboard. Damn they needed a new white board....he cringed. The class started talking among themselves..."hello beautiful." Billy said making Eamon gulp uncomfortably as he passed his homework to Sarah who looked at the two with an arched brow.  "Need something?" Alec growled out at Billy making Eamon's eyes widen as he passed down the homework. This was getting awkward fast, now he knew for sure that he wasn't imagining that growl from earlier. It almost sounded...inhuman!

"Yeah..I want to sit here." Billy said nonchalantly. Please...Eamon thought, anywhere but here!

"There's no room." Jace bit back. 

"Hmmm..." Billy hummed and clicked his teeth together. 

"Now that's not very nice, now is it beautiful." He said while taking a curl of Eamon's hair in his hands.

"Back the fuck off!" Alec growled while getting out of his stool and standing in front of Billy, he pushed his hand away from Eamon's hair.

"Alec control yourself!" Jace warned him.

"You hear that? You should control yourself, I just want to sit next to beautiful this morning since he's the first friend I made at this dump of a school."

"I've got a name..." Eamon suddenly said drawing Billy's attention. Billy smiled when he looked at him. And  Alec looked at him with a glint of pride in his eyes. Why? He didn't care, he just wanted this dude to back off of him and his friends. Friends? Was that what Alec and Jace were now? Yeah...they were. "What's that? Didn't hear you beautiful." Billy smirked. 

"You know my name asshole." Eamon glared at him. "Fucking use it!" His short temper was flaring up again, and to Billy he found it adorable and hot. 

"U-uummm." A soft voice suddenly spoke, making all heads turn towards it.  

"If this is all for a seat you can just sit here. I'll find another place to sit." Sarah said while pushing her glasses up and leaving the group. No! Don't leave! Eamon bit back a curse when Billy smiled victoriously and sat down next to Eamon. He could feel the tension between Alec and Jace as Billy sat uncomfortably close to Eamon as Alec fumed silently behind him. This was going to be an interesting semester, he thought as he tried to focus on the class.

Liam looked back at his friend worriedly, he knew that his friend had somehow captured Arden's beta's attention and he didn't know what to think.

"A-rden?" He asked making Arden hmm in response while looking at his mate lovingly. "Billy..." Arden frowned at Billy's name. 

"I warned him not to start trouble. If he starts anything he'll answer to me, don't worry." Liam still couldn't help but worry. Eamon was his friend after all.

"But the others?" 

"I'll handle the others later Liam. I told you not to worry." He tried to console Liam who relaxed slightly under his warm and loving gaze. He wondered what Eamon thought about him coming back to school with new friends who were rogues. He could already tell that Arden didn't take a positive liking to them and neither did Jace. But what about Adam and Neil? His heart squeezed in his chest when he thought about Neil.  Neil was so cold towards him when he returned he didn't even acknowledge him or say anything to him.  He could only hope that after the two had a chance to talk that they would still be friends after all this.


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