Yoonmin; Unexpected

Par xHopeWorldEnthusiast

3.2K 203 49

In which Park Jimin may or may not turn gay for the mysterious Min Yoongi Plus

01) Summer Time!
02) Hanging out
03) Shopping and Flirting
04) Coffee?
05) I Hate You
06) Jimin needs Jesus
07) First date?
08) Damnit!
09) Netflix and chill?
10) Sleepovers
12) The Morning After
13) Distant
14) Confusion
15) Unexpected(ly Affectionate)

11) The Min Yoongi Household

222 11 1
Par xHopeWorldEnthusiast

It had been a week or so of Yoongi and Jimin spamming each others phones. Every day, one or the other would send at least 50 random selfies, and when neither of them were busy, they'd have the longest conversations over such random topics.

Jimin briefly remembered them talking about how all the Disney movies may be secretly connected - that was his favourite late night conversation.

Now, after several days of Yoongi begging his parents, they had finally allowed him to invite his date round for a sleepover.

Jimin never usually liked the idea of sleepovers too much - the mere thought of sharing someone else's bed, the fear of accidentally needing a number two while staying over and not being able to flush or the possibility of not liking their parents cooking and seeming rude always frightened Jimin off. But for Yoongi, he was more than ecstatic, and for some bizarre reason he'd had a craving to see the boy more lately. To touch the boy...

Poor Jimin's mother had to give him a debriefed conversation of 'the birds and the bees' once he had asked her permission to sleep over. "Omma, I promise it's just hanging out, like if I slept over at Jungkook's place. I'm not even legal age!" he had blushed, "I know you like this Yoongi... but don't let him force you into anything you don't want to do" she had patted his shoulder reassuringly, to which (of course) Jimin had replied; "Omma, he just wants to hang out! He's lazy so he doesn't like going out much, that's all".

Now, however, Jimin was a little nervous as he got out of his mother's car. They had followed the directions Yoongi had texted him previously, and Jimin now stood outside one of the several, medium sized houses in a remarkably cute, small neighbourhood. Jimin waved off his mother before hauling his backpack onto his back, with all his needed possessions inside, and shyly knocked on the door.

"Ah! Chim Chim" Yoongi chuckled, kissing the boy's forehead gently before leading him inside the house. Jimin leant down to take off his shoes and nearly toppled over as he remembered the weight of his backpack, which he was still wearing. "Woah woah, did you just fall for me, Jimin?" Yoongi stifled a laugh, smirking like the cocky little shit he was.

"You know, a normal guy would offer to hold my bag for me" Jimin huffed, regaining his balance once again. "But where's the fun in being a 'normal' guy?" Yoongi chuckled, leading Jimin out of the hallway and over to the living room in order to introduce him.

"Mom, dad, this is Jimin, my...friend" he said cautiously, not wanting Jimin to get the wrong idea and feel pressured.

Yoongi had actually found out that he was bisexual a few years ago, and although his mother in particular was slightly bothered by it (fearing she wouldn't have grandchildren), his parents had gradually grown to accept and support their little man.

"Ah, it's nice to finally meet you. Yoongi's been keeping you all to himself!" his mother chuckled, accepting Jimin's shaky hand as he held it outwards to be polite.

"Oh... hehe" Jimin laughed awkwardly, feeling his legs waver slightly out of nerves. "Will you guys be joining us down here to watch this super interesting cooking show?" his father chuckled, voice laced with sarcasm. That must be where Yoongi gets it from - Jimin thought to himself, smiling at the thought. "Hey! It's a good show!" his mother slapped her husband, all of them chuckling slightly.

A small silence fell upon them before Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand; "I'll go show him up to my room, call us down for dinner, yeh?". "Of course, you do like fish cakes, right Jimin?" his mother asked. "Oh, yes! Yes thank you" Jimin smiled before Yoongi began leading him upstairs.

"Wow... your room is so..." Jimin pondered, thinking of a nice way to word it. "Greyscale-themed?" he chuckled. Not only was Yoongi's bed a sleek black colour with grey pillows, but his walls were also a light shade of grey, with one contrasting wall opposite his bed a dark grey colour. His wardrobe was mirrored but still black - even his carpet was grey.

"Yeh, yeh, I know. I like simple; simple and neat keeps the mind calm, you know?" Yoongi smiled, taking Jimin's bag in order to place it by his wardrobe. "Come on, sit, i'll find us something to do" the elder patted his bed, noticing how Jimin looked a tad nervous.

"Woah, you do take studying seriously" Jimin gasped, instead walking over to his - not surprisingly - black desk, with many lose sheets and books upon it. "Actually... I only really do my homework there" he chuckled, feeling slightly anxious as Jimin began snooping around. "Oh? Then what's all this?" Jimin traced his fingers lightly over some of the various sheets of paper. One of which read;

How can a person be like this? I start to feel like I'm the only one living in this world. You pass by my side; a sweet wind called you is blowing in my heart <3

"Yoongi... did you write this?" Jimin asked in shock, it was almost like a small poem, making butterflies erupt in his stomach. "Yah... don't make fun! I like to write sometimes, I used to dream of being a rapper... I know it's stupid but, it's just a hobby I have..." Yoongi shifted awkwardly from left to right foot, not daring to look Jimin in the eye.

"Yoongi, that's... amazing! How could you not tell me?!" he grinned, "What? So you could tease me for writing cute lyrics about you?" Yoongi smiled, a blush arising on his cheeks. Jimin just chuckled quietly, fidgeting with his fingers as he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"You know... I really care about you Jimin, talking with you these last few weeks has been... well, I've never had someone treat me as nicely as you do" Yoongi admitted, grinning as he saw Jimin's cheeks redden.

Jimin opened his mouth to speak, to express how he had been feeling recently too, wanting to tell Yoongi that he'd finally come to terms with the fact that he's not as straight as he'd have liked to believe, but he only managed to start his sentence when Yoongi's mother called them down to eat. "We'll... talk again later" Yoongi grinned, patting Jimin's head.


After filling their rumbling bellies however, the boys started playing some board games, and were pretty occupied until Yoongi was nearly losing at monopoly, complaining that he was simply too tired to keep playing. Jimin had rolled his eyes at that, grinning to himself  "So, I win then?" "No! No one wins because we didn't finish" Yoongi stuck his tongue out, walking over to his closet to pick out some decent pyjamas to wear.

Yoongi decided his Kumamon shirt and a pair of loose bottoms would have to do, whilst Jimin had picked a clearly coordinated outfit - a matching blue and white checked button up shirt with long bottoms. He didn't buy them new just for this evening did he?

"Yoongi, this drama is boringgg" Jimin giggled, his butt seated quite a bit away from where Yoongi was comfortably laying. Truthfully, Jimin wanted to cuddle up closer; he imagined Yoongi's arms around his waist, and his head tucked cutely into his neck. But he had had so much desire to touch his hyung lately that he didn't want to mess anything up.

Though, he felt like he was about to lose it, having him admit his feelings earlier and not being able to say it back, as well as seeing more of Yoongi's pale skin whilst he made himself comfortable under the covers; Jimin was surprised he was keeping himself in his pants.

"Well... I like this drama, so shut up" Yoongi laughed when Jimin kicked him in response, suddenly noticing the gap between them. "Don't you want to snuggle? I'm cold" Yoongi pouted, cuddling one of his pillows instead. "Uh... y-yeh, okay" Jimin stuttered, his nerves getting the better of him. "Huh? Is something wrong?" Yoongi asked carefully, noticing how tense the younger was. "What you said before... about, how you felt about me" Jimin began, his palms sweating slightly. "Yeh?" "I didn't get a chance to tell you how I feel" he frowned, choosing his words carefully.

Yoongi sat up slightly as Jimin stayed silent for a minute, as if his mind was having an internal battle. "I don't know what it is... but I... I want you, Yoongi. Every time I see you I just want to hug you, kiss you- touch you... and whenever I don't see you, I miss you so much! I don't want you to feel weird about me because I wasn't sure of my feelings before, but... I really really like you, hyung" Jimin confessed, feeling heat rise over his body at the strong gaze Yoongi held on him.

"Jimin... that's so sweet, I'm so fucking glad you feel the same way! God, I've been wanting to ask you for ages" Yoongi giggled, inching closer.

"Ask me what, hyung?".

"Jimin... will you, be my boyfriend?" Yoongi asked cautiously, the fear of rejection still lingering in the back of his mind. "I... I would love that" Jimin beamed a wide grin, his eyes glossing over slightly as his mind finally came to realise that he was in fact interested in guys.

For the first time, he had admitted it out loud.

"Jimin? Don't get upset!" Yoongi pouted, bringing him to lay down on his chest, his arms naturally circling around the smaller's waist. "I'm sorry... It's j-just that it's the first time confessing that I like guys too, this is all new" he sniffled, but a huge weight felt like it had been lifted from his shoulders.

"Don't dwell on it too much, Chim. As your first ever boyfriend, I promise to treat you like a prince!" he cutely scrunched up his face in an attempt to do aegyo. "Yoongi... you're cute and all, but being corny doesn't suit you" he chuckled, hugging him closer for more warmth. "I know... I'm a tough guy after all, 'Min Yoongi the scariest rapper that ever lived', that's what they'll call me in the future" he laughed, genuinely laughed with a gummy smile too when he saw Jimin's body shake with laughter.

"Yah it wasn't that funny! Come on, let's get some sleep, kid" Yoongi smiled, pecking his lips lightly before switching off the TV.

"Do I get morning kisses though?" "No, because you made fun of me" Yoongi scowled cutely. "Alright little miss moody ass" Jimin chuckled, "Hey! That's your name!" "Nope, my name is 'The Adorable Jimin'!" he snickered, poking Yoongi's cheek. "It's a good job you're so cute or I'd push you off the bed right now" "Shhh I'm trying to sleep!" Jimin shushed him, kicking his feet lightly.

"That's it" Yoongi laughed, trapping Jimin by tangling his legs around his waist. They both burst out laughing, quieting down once Jimin's eyelids began to droop. "Let's just... stay like this" Jimin slurred, holding Yoongi tightly as he buried his face into his warm chest. "Yeh... yeh alright, sleep well, Jimin" he smiled.

But Jimin had already fallen asleep.

A/N - Sorry for not updating in so long! I leave school in less than 6 months so things are pretty crazy, I hope this longer chapter made up for it! There will be a spicier part 2 to this invade you felt the fluff in this was too much 😂 I know I feel like I've rotted my teeth now, but who doesn't like a cuddly Jimin?? ❤️

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