constellations ☆ colby brock

By m-otionless

45.7K 1.3K 1.1K

a story of star-crossed lovers and their future only the constellations can know. {COMPLETED} (not fully edi... More

chapter one: the big move.
chapter two: meeting the roomates.
chapter three: anxiety.
chapter four: 3 am.
chapter five: panic attack.
chaper six: baja blast.
chapter seven: the fair.
chapter eight: head over heels.
chapter nine: tickles.
chapter ten: creating a channel.
chapter eleven: vlog footage.
chapter twelve: pans.
chapter thirteen: day out.
chapter fourteen: date night.
chapter fifteen: lunch.
chapter sixteen: bowling alley- part one.
authors note.
chapter seventeen: bowling alley- part two.
chapter eighteen: the grove.
chapter nineteen: dinner for three- part one.
chapter twenty: dinner for three- part two.
chapter twenty one: her story.
author's note.
read this
chapter twenty two: the first video.
chapter twenty three: email.
heads up!
chapter twenty four: vidcon- part one.
chapter twenty five: vidcon- part two.
chapter twenty six: vidcon- part three.
chapter twenty seven: vidcon- part four.
chapter twenty eight: vidcon- part five.
update i guess?
chapter twenty nine: broken promises.
chapter thirty: true love.
chapter thirty one: karma.
chapter thirty two: hunger.
chapter thirty three: lovebirds.
chapter thirty five: japan- part one.
chapter thirty six: japan- part two.
chapter thirty seven: japan- part three.
chapter thirty eight: hero.
chapter thirty nine: constellations.

chapter thirty four: good news.

780 28 21
By m-otionless

*stephanie's pov*

"so, any trips coming up for you and the guys?" i asked as colby and i walked out of topshop, bags in hand. he brought me to the grove, being the big spender he likes to be.

"actually, yeah. i told you that we were going to japan, didn't i?" he turned to me.

"yeah, you said that you were going with elton, jay, and brennen." i replied, remembering that he was going to be gone for a long time. god, i was gonna miss him.

"no, we are going to japan. you're coming with me." he gestured back and forth from me to him.

"wait, what? how? since when?" i started to freak out a little bit.
okay, a lot.

"well, i know how much you've always wanted to go to japan, so i called in a favor with elton and he snagged you a ticket. i knew i wouldn't be able to last a day without you, let alone being across the world." he smiled.

"this isn't a prank, right? you aren't joking?" i stopped everything to make sure.

"nope. you're flying out to japan with me." he chuckled.

"oh my god, i love you!" i squealed and threw myself at him, his lips meeting mine right as i did.


"DEVYN!" i screamed at the top of my lungs from my room.

i heard light footsteps and then my door flung open.

"WHAT?" she shouted back.


"SHUT UP YOU GUYS, IM TRYING TO DO BUDDY'S BIT!" aaron hollered from his bedroom in that funny, nasally voice he always makes.

"SORRY AARON!" we both screamed back.

"okay, okay, my throat hurts," devyn giggled.

"well, first can i say that i'm sorry i haven't talked to you in a while and i miss you and i'm a bad friend and i apologize for being so shitty?" i blurted out.

"you aren't a bad friend, steph! you've been busy, and i know things have been hard for you lately with what happened with corinna and colby and all the stuff you're dealing with, so i gave you some space. but if you're ready to have me back in your life now, please tell me, because i really miss my best friend," she moved from the doorway to the foot of my bed.

"i missed you more," i jumped off the bed and tackled her with a hug.
it felt good to have her back.

"you'll always be my best friend, okay?" she pulled away from my hug.

"you'll always be mine." i smiled.

"okay, enough with the sentimental stuff. tell me about what's happened while i wasn't around,"

i caught devyn up on my overly dramatic life and then i finally told her about my trip to japan with the boys.

"wait, so you're going to japan? holy crap, that's awesome! you've wanted to go there for so long!" she nearly screamed.

"i know, i'm so excited! colby said that we're leaving in two days, so i have to pack," i replied excitedly.

"oh my god, i'm helping you pack! i'll need to help you cut all your send it merch into crop tops because it's gonna be hot and elton will want you to rep his merch, and you need to look cute, i'll give you makeup and stuff- oh, this is gonna be so much fun!" she laughed.

"okay, well, i'm starving, so how about we order some take out and we can pack later?" i suggested, my procrastination kicking in.

"sounds perfect."


devyn sat across from me, both of us shoveling chinese down our throats.

"i wav sthoooo stharving," i mumbled, my food barely letting me speak.

"me doo!" devyn giggled, her having the same problem.

i swallowed and started taking again.

"so, what should i bring to japan? it's gonna be a lot of walking, colby gave me the whole run down. we're gonna explore a crap ton of places and also do stuff in the city."

"well, it's gonna be hot, so pack jeans and shorts, and steal send it shirts because you know elton. it might get cold at night though, so a warm jacket is necessary," she replied, "but also bring your own clothes and stuff. balance out your things. and bring shampoo and all that basic traveling stuff."

"okay, i can do that. i'm not gonna pack a lot, i'm just gonna bring what i need and i'll wash stuff every few days," i added.

devyn just nodded, still eating her chinese.

we sat and talked a little longer, until we eventually finished the food.

"okay, no more procrastinating- time to pack." devyn quickly scooped up the cartons and threw them away, immediately dragging me upstairs to my room.


*colby's pov*

today we're leaving for japan, and i'm pulling everyone's luggage downstairs to the car.

"hey, cutie!" i heard my girl's voice pop into the garage.

"hey," i smiled, my heart flipping the second i saw her (god, why does that happen every time?), "got yourself all packed up?"

"yep, right here. i'm so excited," she piped up, a big smile spreading across her lips as she patted her suitcase.

"mkay, pass it." i told her.

"no, it's okay, i got it!" she smiled and dragged her suitcase over to the trunk of elton's car. i watched her walk away.

there she was, right in front of me.
a simple girl in a crop top and black jeans with curly hair and a big heart.
you could call her an angel. i know i would.
a girl that i loved more than any words could say.
and i was traveling across the world with her.

god, i'm lucky.
so, so lucky.


*stephanie's pov*

"alright guys, so our flight is in an hour. go do whatever and meet back at the gate in 45." elton stated, and we all ran off.

colby immediately dragged me to the starbucks, being the basic white girl he is.

"what do you want, babe?" he grabbed my hand gently, his touch sending sparks through my fingertips. i looked to him as he looked at the menu, and my head started to spin as always. my lungs froze and my brain stopped working, and the only thing that i could think about was him, and how much i love the way he just simply...exists. how he's just there. him and his beautiful smile and his cute little dimples proudly sitting upon his cheeks.

"dimples," i said, immediately snapping out of my dreamy phase, but it was too late. my face turned bright red.
god, why'd i say that?

"w-what was that?" colby raised his eyebrow and giggled slightly, knowing exactly what i sad.

"nothing," i looked down at my hands, twiddling with my fingers that were still entwined with his.

"were-were you staring at my dimples?"

"let's- l-let's just order, okay? okay! cool! good!" i tumbled out, my voice high and squeaky.
god, i always find a way to embarrass myself.

"okay, dimples." he kissed my red hot cheek, doing nothing but making my heart beat even faster.

"i hate you." i mumbled.

"i know." he chuckled, stepping up to the counter and ordering our usuals- his tea and my frappuccino.

i stood by the entrance while colby waited for our drinks, trying to calm down after my mishap. i did a couple breathing routines and got myself back together just in time for our orders to be called.

"thank you!" colby smiled at the barista, and he returned with my drink and his. he laced our fingers again and we walked out towards the gate so we could relax and wait for the flight.


*colby's pov*

as the plane began to take off, i felt stephanie tighten her grip around my hand. i tried to hold back my laughter as i looked at her, because her face was pale as a ghost's and her knuckles were white.

"are you okay, steph?"

"i hate taking off." she laughed a little, her body loosening up as we got into the air.

"well, it didn't take long. we aren't dead...yet!" i joked.

"i'm so excited for japan, this is gonna be so much fun," she smiled happily.

"i'm really glad i get to take you with me." i told her.
god, just looking at her makes my heart swell.

"how many times am i able to say i love you before it gets annoying?

"i'd say that it'll get annoying after about...never."

"well then, i love you. i love you, i love you, i love you." she grabbed my neck and pulled me into a kiss that was better than the last.

to be honest, every kiss is better than the last when it's with her.


[AN: yay i love fluff chapters !!

wow, i updated again. you all must hate me, i'm the worst at updating, lmao

soooo JAPAN !! this trip is gonna be so fun, i'm so excited to write the chapters for you guys. it'll probably take a while to get through, so bare with me ! 😇

thank you all so much for reading this story, because like i always say, you'll never really understand how happy it makes me to know that there are people who like my writing.

i love you all so much, and i hope you keep reading constellations. bc i really like this story tbh.

stay safe and healthy and happy, loves !! have a good morning or afternoon or night, wherever you are !! 💙


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