Drunk Love || Jack Barakat||

By parx_bois23

2.5K 129 3

Book 2! Brook 1 Stupid for you ||Geoff Wigington|| Big changes happen in Chloe Jones life as her and Jack b... More

Work outs
Break up
The hurting
The i love you's
The healing
Control me
Mitchy's party
New Years
Lay low
Full of surprises
Pass out
Baby Daddy
Epilogue I
Epilogue II


75 4 0
By parx_bois23

I woke up to a pounding headache and a runny nose. I turned the light on to see my pillow in a pool of blood. I plugged my nose and ran to the bathroom. "J- Jack" I mumbled

I grabbed the tissues that were on his sink counter and covered my nose. "Hey just a nose bleed, don't stress." He Said rubbing my back.

"My head hurts." I Said softly.

Jack put the cover of the toilet seat down and sat me down. "Are you light headed? Do you need water?" He asked.

"No no, I'll be fine, this happens all the time with me." I Said throwing the tissues away.

"Well Good morning beautiful." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes at him and sat back. "I have to buy you new sheets." I Said

"How about we go shopping and you pick out sheets and I'll get them" He smiled.

"Jack... no, I have my credit card, and I will run away from you if I have to buy them." I Said.

"Follow me." He Said grabbing my hand.

"Here is your suitcase, go clean up your self, and I will be back in like 2-3 hours." He Said kissing my cheek.

"Wh- where are you going?" I frowned

"Meet up with some friends and the tour manager." He smiled.  

"Alright I love you." I Said

"Bye." He Said walking down stairs.

"Love you too Chloe." I Said to myself.

I grabbed my phone and looked through my recent text messages. Awsten sending me random emojis like normal. Otto making sure I'm still alive Jenna telling me my mom hasn't come out yet. I called Crystal and waited for her to answer. "Crystal's phone." A man said.

"Hi Mikey, um I have Jack's house to myself, do you and Crystal want to come over and swim?" I laughed.

"Crystal is sick from last night but maybe a different time." He Said

"Alright hope she feels better." I Said hanging up.


I took a shower and put my hair up in a bun. I scrolled through my emails seeing multiple job offers. I went to my music and played '100 letters' by halsey and walked down the stairs. I took off jacks shirt and my shorts and grabbed my medicine from the cabinet and brought out a bottle of Hennessy.
My music stopped as as I looked at my phone to see Jack calling me.

"What." I Barked

"Hi, so let me explain, I love you I didn't say that when I left my head is still all over the place." He Said

"I love you too."

"Secondly I don't know if you know this but I have cameras In my house, and when ever there is active moving it alerts me, so I'm watching you dance half naked and singing your little heart out in my house drinking out of my cabinet." He chuckled.

"Where are you?" I asked setting down the bottle.

"In the parking lot waiting for our tour manager." He Said.

"Well I'm bored, also angry you didn't take me." I frowned.

"Sorry princess, we can go out again tonight if you want, Luke is having a party at his apartment tonight." He Said.

"Send me his address, because you might have a big house but i am extremely bored Jack." I laughed.

"Okay go to the front door and pick up the green set of keys and take the black car with red leather it's in one of the garages." He Said.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Can I ask you something." He Said.


"If we were to find out you were pregnant, would you be happy?" He asked.

"Jack, Yeah I'd be happy but I'm just scared... can we talk about this later please?" I asked

"Yeah Of course, I love you Chloe."  He Said. "So much." He sniffed.

"Barakat, why are you crying?" I laughed.

"I don't know honestly." He laughed.

"Alright send me Luke's address then hurry your ass to his house." I laughed.

"I'm on it Jones, I got a shit ton of paper work." Jack said.

"Thank you." I smiled.

Jacks pov

I waited in the car with my seat undone waiting for our tour manager Travis to come out. I sent Chloe Luke's address And threw my phone in the little compartment. "Morning Jack." Travis Said.

"Hey dude." I smiled.

"So what are we doing again?" He asked

"Okay, See this girl?" I Said hanging him my phone.

"A girl with brown hair and green eyes?, hit the Jack pot?" He laughed.

"Well she's the love of my life Travis, and I want to make her happy." I smiled.

"You're going to marry her!" He asked.

"Slow down, not yet, not till March, I have it planned out." I smiled.

"Well shit congratulations on making a big decision." He Said shaking my hand.

"But now I have to go pick up a dog she's been looking at and sign a bunch of papers, so you're going to keep me company." I laughed.

"You... Jack Barakat Who didn't want a House dog with the boys now wants to buy your Girlfriend a Dog?" He giggled.

"Dude Like, I don't know how to explain how much I love her, she's been wanting this dog for like 5 years." I smiled.

"How old is she Jack?" He asked.


"Damn, do you want her to move in?" He asked.

"That's another problem, her and her best friend share a house and I was going to ask her when I cleaned out a closet for her, but then I got scared she'd say no." I Said.

"Is she coming with us for the added tour dates?" He asked

"Shit, I didn't tell her." I mumbled.

"Jack we leave in fucking 4 days how did you forget." He yelled.

"I fucking don't know she makes me like block everything." I smiled "if you saw her you'd probably forget your plans for the rest of the week." I laughed.

"Let me see your phone." He Said pulling his phone out.

I gave him my phone as he called Chloe off his phone.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked

"Just be quiet." He laughed putting her on speaker.

"Hello?" She asked

"Hi my name is Travis Andrews and I am All Time Low's manger." He Said

"Oh hello."

"So Jack is currently going over a list in the building, do you have time to answer a few questions for me?" He asked

"Um, sure I'm currently at a friends place but go ahead." I laughed.

"Alright first question, are you noted that the boys are going on another tour in 4 days." Travis asked.

"Yeah actually I did know that Hack didn't tell me but I still have the bands updates on." She laughed. "I'm joining later in New Jersey." She said.

"Well we could squeeze you in if you'd like." He smiled.

"I'll pass, I have some family problems I have to solve, but I'll be in New Jersey for sure." She said

"Alright, and a bit on the personal side, are you and jack living together?" He asked.

"Oh boy, no no not living together, I have all my friends at my house and I let them stay whenever. I don't think he's ready to settle down for a period of time, and I feel like he's going to want me to move to Baltimore and I can't express how much I hate the snow. It's probably snowing in Jersey... shit, I have to buy a coat." She giggled.

"Would you call jack slow?" He laughed. I hit his arm and flipped him off.

"Not really, he likes to get to the point I've realized, but he's a good guy, sometimes he's too good." She laughed.

"Well since I've gotten into this car he would not shut up about you." He laughed.

"A lot of people won't shut up about me." She Said.

"He loves you Chloe, and I'm married and I've never seen a man love a woman so much like jack dose." He smiled

"You're going to make me cry, Jack is my everything and I owe him for it one day. He's given me nothing but happiness." She sniffed.

"It was nice talking to you Chloe, and I will see you sometime soon."

"You have a nice one Travis." She hung up.

"Alright lets go look at this dog." Travis said.

"Doesn't She sound beautiful." I Said.

"I'm married, but sure." He laughed.

We got out the car and walked in to the pet shop. "Good morning." A woman smiled.

"Good morning, um I'm here to fill out paperwork for your pomeranian Bella."

"Barakat?" She asked

"Yes, Alright, this is the dog that is being flown to New Jersey correct?"

"Yes, I've taken care of that part and I was told to pick up all information here." I Said taking my jacket off

"Alright would you like to meet her?" She smiled.

"Please." I smiled back

Chloe's pov

I walked up to Luke's apartment number and knocked lightly.

"Fuck off Arzaylea." He mumbled.

"Well I'm offended." I laughed
I opened the door and smiled at Luke.

"Well damn I should be greeted by an angel more often." He smiled.

"I can never tell if you're drunk or not." I Said taking my jacket off.

"And you look good." He smiled.

"Wanna know something?" I asked

"Tell me" He Said pulling me closer.

"You being all grabby actually makes me want to stab your dick, and I'm into older guys Aussie." I giggled.

"Or guys that are almost 10 years older then you?" He laughed.

"Jack is 8 years older then me shut up." I laughed.

"You guys seem happy, that's all that matters." Luke said hugging me.

"Thanks Luke." I smiled

"So, what made you come here?" He Said taking a seat next to his dog.

"I was extremely bored and jack is out doing some last minute things for the tour." I Said

"That's it?" He laughed.

"And I missed you." I Said

"Why aren't you and Jack married yet, on your instagram you posted like a promise ring or something and everyone thought you were finally getting married, Hell so did I."  Luke said making a seat for me.

"I really don't know Luke everything seems complicated, I know what but I don't know what Jack wants." I Said resting my head on his shoulder.

"Tell me what you want" He Said looking at me.

"Jack brought up the topic of kids today." I Said

"Are you pregnant!?" He yelled

"No." I laughed.

"Well are you ready for kids?" He asked

"I've been ready for kids since I was 18." I smiled.

"Then If Jack seems ready and if you think you're ready then I say fucking go for it." He smiled

"B-but I don't want to sound desperate god." I chuckled.

"He loves you Chloe... shit he treats you as his wife at times." He laughed.

"I called him on Husband once, I got scared and it just poured out." I smiled.

"Further proof that you should get married." He laughed.


"Chloe come sit with me!" Luke yelled.

"No I don't want to go live with you." I laughed.

"Please." He begged.

"Fine." I mumbled.

Luke smiled and moved over so I could sit by the piano. I hit a key or two and read the chat. "No Luke and I aren't together, oh my god." I laughed.

"Sadly." He frowned.

"Shut up Aussie." I laughed

"How long have you been here for?" Luke asked

I looked at my phone and looked at the time. "Almost 4 hours it's 3:50 right now."

"Sing me a song." Luke smiled.

"Move over. Hope you like Sad songs."

I didn't bother putting my hair up just moved it it to the side. "Um... this is Sorry by Halsey." I smiled.

"And I'm sorry to my unknown lover, sorry that I could be so blind...didn't mean to leave you all the things we had behind." I smiled. "Some one will love you... some one will love you... but someone isn't me..."
I looked up from the keys to see Jack standing by the door smiling. "someone will love you, but someone isn't me." I smiled.

I took my hands off the keys and had my arms open for a hug. Jack came towards me and picked me up. "Hello beautiful." He laughed.

I put my hands on the pack of his neck pulling him to my level. "I love you" He smiled.

"I love you too." I smiled.

"I love you more Jack." Luke smiled.

"I love you too Luke." Jack laughed

"I love you too Aussie" I smiled.

"Way too many I love you's" Luke laughed.

"Alright I'm not busy the rest of the day then tomorrow morning i gotta be at the airport." He smiled.

"Luke end your stream." I Said

Luke picked his phone up and waved. "I love you guys." He smiled. He threw his phone on the couch and grabbed the bag of chips we were sharing.

"Am I taking you to the airport?" I asked

"No not this time but you're coming to New Jersey the 18th right? For Rian's birthday." He asked

"Yeah I should be in around the morning." I smiled. "Um you're covered in dog hair." I laughed.

"Yeah, we went to Travis's house before I came here."He smiled.

"Oh Travis, he seems like a nice guy, we spoke a little bit on the phone, he's um very outgoing." I laughed

"What'd he say?" He asked

"Just about our relationship, and if we had a house together." I said moving my hair to the side.

"You know I never see your hair down anymore, it's nice." Jack said kissing me lightly.

"Hey if you're going to have sex in my place at least late me leave with my dog." Luke laughed.

"Better grab her then." I Said taking my shirt off.

"Holy shit." Luke laughed.

I rolled my eyes and got off Jack. "I'm gonna go for a run." I smiled

"In jeans?" Luke asked.

"No, I never leave the house without spandex on." I laughed.

"You left the house without spandex before." Jack laughed.

"Nope, you never notice because you're so focused on ripping my pants off." I laughed.
Jack looked down at the ground and chuckled. "Maybe." He smiled.

"Actually know what." I smiled

"What."  Jack asked

"I want a tattoo." I smiled.

"Alright, shorty." Jack said handing me my shirt.

"What are you going to get?" Luke asked.

"Something on my Finger." I smiled.

"Well what do you want you can't just go in there and ponder." Jack laughed.

"I just want something on my finger." I laughed.

"I'll get the letter C if you get the letter J." He smiled.

"Okay." I smiled.

"Alright then let's go." Luke said grabbing his keys.

"Wait don't you have a party?" I asked

"Oh I made that up so you'd leave the house."  Jack said kissing my head.

"Okay whatever I don't want to drive right now." I Said grabbing my jacket and walking out the door.

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