Sincerely Zanobia [Book 1]

By MakeupxJunkie

179K 10K 1.3K

Follow the journey of a girl who lives in a group home, she doesn't know much about her mom but she has a few... More

Copyright | Note
Sincerely Zanobia
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Preview of the sequel!

Chapter 6

8.2K 529 91
By MakeupxJunkie


I parked my car and hopped out, the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. It was a nice day, I walked up to the building and scanned my card. The doors opened and I walked in going straight to the front desk.

As usual I greeted the woman who worked at the front desk, she nodded in response something she does a lot. I shoved my hands in my pockets and waited for her to acknowledge the fact that I actually wanted something and it wasn't just to say hello to her.

"Oh I'm sorry, go ahead up"

I thanked her and adjusted the bag I had on my shoulder. I hate this place so I know they do to.. the halls were so dim, this place had no life to it at all. I continued down the main hall..

I glanced down at my visitation card, to see I was roaming the wrong floor, I was supposed to be on the second floor. I turned around and headed towards the steps. so much was on my mind, because I never know what to expect when I come here..

I kept going, until I reached the second floor which was a lot brighter than the first.. I found the right door and went in, everything was the same. The room was clean and cool, bed sheets  were changed.. floors sparkling indicating they had been waxed.

I looked around searching until I found a figure sitting by the window, with his palm against the glass. I approached slowly and sat down, not once did I receive a look, stare, wave.. nothing which was unusual.

"How are you today?"

.... nothing, not even a slight movement.

"Are you feeling better are they treating you good?"

I got a look that I couldn't really read, he grabbed my hand and placed it on the window..

"Where is Nobia, you promised... you'd f-find Nobia!"

He put his head down clearly becoming frustrated, he calmed himself by playing with the charm in his hand.. watching the people walk by.

"I did find her, she's fine.. I'll keep her safe. You have to get better before you can see her"

He snapped his head in my direction and glared at me.

"June bug, is better! I want my Nobia!!"

He was started to get loud, I sighed and moved away from him. He just doesn't understand that right now he's not in a position to see her. He has to get better first, and I'm doing my best to make sure he gets there.



It was going on three days since that incident, I've been in the house every since then. Surge comes to my window everyday and I ignore him. How do I face him with a swollen lip and face. They kicked my face, my back.. just anyplace they could kick.

Tonight was no different I was up putting lotion on Eliza when there was a knock at my window. I started to ignore it but it didn't stop, Mr. Daveli is back to his nasty ways.. apparently he had a health scare and now that everything's fine he's back to being the devil he is.

I sighed and glanced in the mirror the swelling hasn't gone done at all. It seems like it has actually gotten worse and my bruises have darkened. I opened the window and walked away.

"Zanobia! Wh-" He lowered his tone once he saw Eliza.. I kept my head down as I continued to lotion her.

"What's up? What did I do?"

"Nothing Zaire"

"Using my real name?.. and look at me when I'm talking to you"

I snapped my head up once I had fully dressed Eliza and put the bottle in her mouth.

"Is this what you want to see Zaire? Huh?"

I spoke loud, but low enough not to disturb the baby. He got up and sat by me and gently touch my face.

"Who did it?"

"Its nothing.."

"Nothing? Its something if your face looks like this"

He took the baby from my arms and continued to feed her.

"I said I'm fine.. I just got jumped"

"By who? Stand up"

"A group of guys"

His facial expression never changed but I know he was  definitely thinking of ways to hurt who did this. I stood up and looked at him, not sure what to do next.

"Take your shirt off"

"M-my shirt? But why..."

"Just do it"

I lifted my shirt slightly, but the pain was too intense. I continued to lift ignoring the burning sensation in my  ribs.

"I can't.. it hurts too bad"

He sighed and came over to me and lifted my shirt with his free hand. He observed the bruises..

"How long ago did this happen?"

"A few days ago.."

"Get some stuff for you and the baby and meet me outside"

He grabbed a blanket and strapped Eliza in her seat, covering her with the small pink blank and left back through the door. I silently prayed that Mr. Devali was asleep or I'd be in big trouble.

I started to pack a bag for Eliza making sure I didn't forget a thing.. then there was my bag that took much less time to pack. The moment I was finished I went over to the window and sat the bags in the grass.  I looked back hearing a noise from the hall, then it was quiet again.

I closed the window, picked the bags up and walked over to the car. I had no idea where we were going but if it was going to get me away from that house for a while I was fine with it.

Surge reached over and grabbed my hand, softly rubbing it. He had a hard look on his face.. not once did he speak during the ride. The moment he realized he had been holding my hand he stopped and turned the music up.

I didn't understand him most times. In the beginning he was just like most guys.. saying inappropriate things and staring at my body. And now he's so much different, he helps me.. and acts like he cares.

We pulled up to the hospital, I was afraid to go in.. he noticed that I was afraid and tried his best to calm me.

"Its ok.. there just going to check out your ribs and give you some pain meds"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm very sure"

He glanced at me and looked away, going to grab the car seat from the back. I followed behind him slowly.. he turned around and grabbed my hand so that I'd be by his side.

"Don't ever walk behind me, stay beside or in front of me"

I nodded my head and stayed by his side..



I was laying in the hospital bed with an IV in my arm and oxygen in my noise. I kept telling them I didn't need oxygen, but they claim after monitoring my breathing I needed it for a short time. I've been here for at least five hours, they have me on some sort of medication to ease my pain.

They won't let me leave until my pain level is down to a five or less.. they'd like to lower the chance of me coming back with complaints of pain. They even gave me ice to apply to my upper body.. so far it's working.

Zaire  .. well Surge but I love calling him by his real name now, was laying across the little coach with Eliza on his chest. I always wonder why he helps with her so much.. maybe he's just a good person, if they still exist.

I lifted my arm and looked at the IV and looked up at the machines. I was ready to leave this place I hate it here. The nurse came in and smiled at me, I smiled back weakly.

"How are you feeling? Any pain, nausea, or dizziness?"

"Not at the moment but I feel kind of weak"

"That could be from the pain medication but it'll go away.. you can go home I just need a signature because you are a minor"


He opened his eyes and sat up. "What?"

"I need you to sign this paper so we can leave"

The nurse walked over to him and handed him the paper. He signed it and continued to rub his eyes, he looked tired. Surge put Eliza down and shut the door, helping me get my clothes on.

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