Decimo's Destiny (KHR Fan-fic...

By Wusstig03

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Sawada Tsunayoshi has become the Vongola Decimo and has moved to the main Vongola base in Italy along with a... More

Chapter 01: I Don't Know
Chapter 02: Tsuna
Chapter 03: Memories Within A Dream
Chapter 04: Intruders
Chapter 05: Vindice Appearance
Chapter 06: 3 Rules
Chapter 07: This Isn't Goodbye
Chapter 9: How Far Are We From You Now
Chapter 10: Most Wanted In The World
Chapter 11: Not Your Fault
Chapter 12: Shame
Chapter 13: What The Hell Did You Do
Chapter 14: Another Brat

Chapter 08: 'I Salvatori'

425 21 3
By Wusstig03

When Tsuna and the gang arrived at an airport in Italy, a man in a suit was holding a sign with Tsuna's name on it. He greeted them and took their luggages and placed it in a limbosine waiting for them outside while they all got into vehicle. Their destination, none other than Vongola Headquarters.

Everyone arrived to Vongola mansion within an hour. Gokudera, Chrome, Ryohei, Lambo, Fuuta, and Tsuna all looked at the huge building before them holding their breath.

"So this is Vongola's headquarters? Nice." Bianchi smirked.

Gokudera's eyes were shining, "As expected of the number one mafia famiglia!"

"It's so extreme!" Ryohei yelled.

"Hm!" Fuuta and Lambo nodded with amazement.

Reborn pulled his fedora down and smirked.

They were welcomed by many maids and men in suits. Even Nono, himself. There was a welcome party ready for them after they settled down.


"Th-that's Vongola mansion?" Giotto and his Guardians' jaws all drop, except Daemon and Alaude who just narrow their eyes.

Daemon smirked, "Nufufufufu. Vongola seems much stronger in this future."

"Yeah, probably since Vongola is a mafia group now." Lampo said lazily while sitting down.

"I pray for all their souls," Knuckle mumbles in a low voice.

Asari laughs, "This is unexpected. -de gozaru."

Alaude held his gaze on the shy brunette in the memories. Alaude saw how Tsuna met with many people. His future self actually taking it seriously as he meets each Vongola guest and branch members yet his heart was pounding wildly.


After the party, Tsuna wasn't given any much free time, thanks to a baby tutor. The brunette was continuously studying and training. And if he did have free time, he'd be in his room all day, rearranging papers and strings on his walls. As for the people who came with him, they had their own studies and training, but had no idea about the brunette's plan. Everything began fast forwarding.


"Hey! What's happening? Why is it moving so fast!" Lampo shouts.

"Oi Melon! What's going on?" G yells at the purple headed Melon.

"Nufufufufu. Watch it pinky. And I'm just skipping things. I'd rather skip the boring parts." Daemon glared at the red head.

"I don't mind looking at important events, but...Vongola sure has changed a lot in the future." Giotto says in a low voice, but enough for his Guardians to hear it.


Two years pass, Tsuna and his friends have become well educated with the mafia world.

*Knock Knock

"Tsuna-nii?" A soft voice calls out from the other side of a door.

"Huh? Oh! Hold on a minute, Fuuta!" Tsuna's voice nervously replies.

A minute passes before the door swings open, "Fuuta, do you need something?" Tsuna questions the young teen while allowing him inside his room

Fuuta glanced around Tsuna's room. Of course this doesn't go unnoticed by the nervous brunette. Then, Fuuta's eyes land on a curtain covering one side of the wall.

"Tsuna-nii, I've been helping out a lot with Vongola. Also, I've been trying out hacking other famigla's top info. I think I'm pretty good." Fuuta says while walking towards the violet curtain.

Tsuna frowns, "Hacking? Do you know that's dangerous Fuuta. If other mafia groups find out that you're hacking into their systems, then they might come for you."

"I know, but... Tsuna-nii, I was curious about some things that deal with your Guardians," Fuuta brushes his hand against the curtain.

Tsuna flinches when the young teen touches his violet cloth, "Is that so? What for?"

Fuuta holds his hand against the curtain and looks down, "Well... I only did research on Mukuro."

Tsuna raises an eyebrow and walks to the side of the little boy, "Mukuro... Is that so."

Fuuta frowns and looks at the bottom of the curtain, staring at a string lying on the floor. In a low voice he says, "Yeah, after what he did to me and you guys, I never really understood why you would accept him as your Guardian, but since you were okay with it and so was big sis Chrome, I pushed the thought aside. I..." He bit his lip.

Tsuna stared at the boy and sighed, "It just happened..."

Fuuta remained silent.

Tsuna continued, "And you know, I don't really regret that I accepted him. Sure he may be creepy at times, and may have done bad things before, but I don't mind forgiving him and giving him a second chance. After all, after everything he's been through, I don't think I'll be as forgiving as I am now if I was him."

"So it was out of pity?" Fuuta says in a low voice.

"Pity? I guess there was some of that, but if I had to say the reason, than I guess it was because I was just scared." Tsuna lightly chuckles.

Fuuta cocked his head up to look at the brunette with a surprised expression, "Scared? Why? What for?"

Tsuna smiles at the confused teen, "I was scared that if I left him alone he'd never come out from that darkness. I was scared of... what he would become."

"Darkness? You mean the Estraneo family? When they did experiments on kids like him?" Fuuta questions the brunette.

Tsuna's eyes widen, "How'd-"

The young teen interrupts the brunette, "From hacking. It was difficult to find information on him since there really wasn't anything. The information I got was actually from Vindice."

Tsuna's jaws literally drop, "Fu-Fu-Fuuta! Vin-Vidice! The Vindice? Why would you do that! You could have gotten caught and dragged to the bottom of their base and locked away like Mukuro! Don't ever do that again!" He scolds.

Fuuta frowns, "I'm sorry Tsuna-nii... I won't do again..."

Tsuna catches his breathe, "Make sure. But anyways," he pats Fuuta's shoulders, "that's pretty amazing for someone your age," he complemented.

Fuuta's eyes sparkled, "Hn!"

"Just never do it again," Tsuna says seriously.

"Ha-Hai," Fuuta sweatdrops.

Tsuna leads Fuuta back to the door. Before he leaves, Fuuta hugs Tsuna and walks out the door.

"Oh and Tsuna-nii, I'm okay with Mukuro already. He was the one who helped me escape the detection of the Vindice before they can find me. Now they're hunting him down again because he snuck into one of their entrances to their jail." Fuuta says before dashing off with a snicker.

Tsuna blinked once, then twice, and at the third time he shouted, "Mukuro!"


"I'm actually getting curious about this Mukuro guy that keeps being mentioned. -de gozaru." Asari smiles.

G speaks, "If I recall, wasn't he the one who covered Tsuna's eyes in his memory when he was with that Will guy?"

"That Pinapple?" Lampo says lazily.

"Hm." Alaude says.

They all look towards Dameon who just raises an eyebrow, "Oya? That's not even funny guys."

Giotto sweatdrops, "Yeah..."


The memories flash forward again and stop at Tsuna in front of the baby outside the building.

"Well Dame-Tsuna, I guess this is goodbye." Reborn tilts his fedora down.

The air becomes tense, and everyone present can feel it but don't understand why it's so tense.

Tsuna was about to cry when a green mallet almost hit his head, but he dodges it. Reborn smirks.

"Don't cry, Dame-Tsuna."

"Juudaime must be really sad, since he really looked up to Reborn," Gokudera frowns at his sad boss.

"He's been with Reborn-san the longest," Fuuta adds.

"I'm gonna miss my love," Bianchi cries.

"It's been a really long time since we met Reborn huh?" Lambo cries into Chrome's arms.

"Hn." Chrome agrees.

Tsuna smiles at his Guardians' words. Nono and the others say their goodbye to Reborn. After that, Reborn starts walking out of the Vongola gate. Everyone watched his receding figure as the gates close.

As the gate is halfway closed, Tsuna runs to the front of the group and bows down ninety degrees and shouts, "Reborn!"

He catches everyone attention.

His voice loud and clear, "Thank you for everything! I will always be grateful for your help and teachings! I won't ever forget it! Also!"

He chokes on one of his sobs as men secured the gate, the sound of metal hitting each other causing a lump to form in his throat, "I won't let you down! I'll become a great boss before we meet again!"

He clenches his fist, "And when we do... I will fullfil rule number one! I'll come at you with everything I've got! So when it's all over... we can finally have a drink with one another as equals!"

Everyone was confused, but nonetheless all smiled as Reborn waved without turning back.

Tsuna is holding in his sobs as he bows and whispers when the Hitman is far enough to not hear him, "So Reborn... Please... Please... Let's... never meet again. I... Don't want to kill you. I'm sorry Reborn, but... I'm still Dame-Tsuna after all... And... you're also part of my family." He cries harder.

Tsuna than stands up straight and looks at the empty road beyond the gate and tears stream down his face one after another, "We're family, right? You'll come back and everything will be alright right? We won't have to kill each other... right? Because... Reborn... You're..."

Gokudera places a hand on his boss's back, "Juudaime..."

Chrome and Lambo stand beside Gokudera and looks at their boss's eyes shadowed by his bangs. Fuuta then comes and hugs the other side of Tsuna and looks up at the brunette. Bianchi also walks to Fuuta's side and stops when she sees Tsuna smile.

Tsuna looks up, his eyes red from crying, his cheeks stained with a pale blush. He gripped his chest and stares at the setting sun. The brunette lightly laughs and then it gets louder causing the retreating men in suits to look back at him. His friends are flabbergasted by his sudden laugh. His laugh slowly dies down as his grip softens.

"There goes the sun..." Tsuna says in a low voice.

Nobody hears it but Gokudera who's close to his boss. The silverette frowns. Also Fuuta.

"He was never my sun anyways, but... He was like..." Tsuna's voice is swept away with the wind, but everyone hears it.

Tsuna gives one last smile at the sun before it completely disappears and then smiles at his friends, "It's getting dark, let's go inside."

They all smile at their sky, "Hm!"

They all turn to the mansion and start to walk towards it. The wind continued to blow in many directions. As they took a step onto the first stair step they all stopped when a squeaky voice says, "Make me proud my son."

Tsuna and them all froze. The brunette immediately turned around, his friends following after. Their eyes all widen as they held their breathe. Before them was the last light of the day; the sky painted with different shades of red to yellow; the clouds stretching to the sides of the setting sun and beyond.

Time seemed to slow down as the wind came to a halt and the warmness filled everyone's being. No one spoke, not one word. But they all felt something at the same time, a tugging in their chest screaming out to them 'This is just barely the beginning.' The sun then disappeared leaving everyone frozen in the dark cold night.

Tsuna lips slowly formed into a smile, "Come on Minna."

With his words, everyone snapped out of their trance and all smiled, "Hai!"

They all walked into the building.

'My father.'


"You felt that right? -de gozaru." Asari says while gripping his chest.

G grunts, "This is why I hate goodbyes."

"Nufufufufu, Oya? I didn't know you're so sentimental pinky." Daemon laughs, but he glanced at the brunette laying in Giotto's arms.

Alaude also stared at the boy.

"I'll pray for them to the maximum!" Knuckle says in a pained voice.

Lampo is crying on the side, "That's so sad! Why does it have to be like this!"

Giotto frowns as he tightens his grip around Tsuna.


[A/N: Now the words are in Italian.]

Tsuna's memories fast forward again to where he has already taken up the seat as Vongola Decimo, and stops at when he's standing in front of his wall that could no longer hold anymore information. His plan had been put into action the past year since Reborn left, and has already brought down more than a handfull of mafia groups. The brunette finally gathered enough information to find the vital piece in his plan. Yet...

"This is..." Tsuna's face pales, "Impossible!"

The said boy clenches his fist and throws all his papers off of his desk nearby. His breathing becoming ragged. A lamp falls to the ground and breaks like glass, the sound lingering through the silence and panting.

"Decimo-sama! Is everything alright!?" A voice shouts from the other side of the door while the person is knocking.

Tsuna picks up his chair and throws it to the papers on his wall. It breaks into pieces from using his full strength.

"Decimo-sama! Someone, come immediately! I think something's wrong with Decimo-sama!" The voice shouts from the other side of the door.

Tsuna glares at the papers and starts throwing nearby objects to it. A box of pens. Books. Cushions. Chairs. Pillows. He then took out his gun and starts shooting a certain paper multiple times. The first gunshot scared the living hell out of the servants outside his bedroom door.

"Oh my god! Decimo-sama!"

"Oh no! He needs help!"

"Decimo-sama! Open up please!"

"What's going on!?" A loud shout can be heard coming to the door.

"Oh! Gokudera-sama! Something's wrong with Decimo-sama! We heard things breaking and then we heard gunshots!" A servant replied hurriedly.

"Juudaime! Open up! It's me!"  Gokudera bangs on the door.

"Tsuna-nii!" Fuuta and Lambo are also shouting, scared for their big brother.

"Uuuuugh!" Tsuna shouts in frustration, making everyone's imagination of what's going on run wild.

"Bossu!" Chrome shouts too, her voice filled with worry.

Hearing her voice, without hesitation, Tsuna lit his flames. He then glared at the torn up paper in front of him, gritting his teeth, he punched the paper, destroying his entire room. Immediately there was a commotion throughout the entire mansion as flames were sent into the sky from Tsuna's bedroom. Men in suites were running around with both horrified and serious expressions.

'Is Vongola under attack!?' they all thought.

Tsuna's bedroom was on fire, the bottom of the walls slowly fading into ash. A door no longer separated the brunette from all his worried friends and servents. Men looked up to from outside in the garden. Tsuna's back was facing everyone inside the building. He was panting really hard.

"Juu-Juu-Juudaime?" Gokudera takes a step toward his panting boss with a gun in his hand.

Tsuna remains quiet.

"Tsuna-nii?" Lambo shivers in Fuuta's arms, while Fuuta is being held by Bianchi who seems to be protecting them.

Tsuna doesn't reply and continues to pant.

"Bossu?" Chrome is right behind Gokudera, gripping her spear.

Tsuna flinches at Chrome's voice. He slowly turns around and stares at his frightened friends. He stares at them one by one, and they all shiver when his eyes land on them, but his gaze remains on Chrome in the end. His pants slowly dying down; the fire still raging around him. He closed his eyes and then opens them.

"I'm sorry guys... I just... I wasn't feeling too well just now." Tsuna smiles at them.

The all frown since they know Tsuna is hiding something, but remain silent as they help the brunette out of the flames and towards the infirmary.

Everyone follows the group while some remain behind to clean up the mess.


"What just happened? I wasn't able to make out any of the information in the wall." G complains.

"I'm just as confused, it seems like someone doesn't want us to see the information and blurred it all out. -de gozaru." Asari states.

"Nufufufufu. I agree, and I have a feelings it's little Tsunayoshi here who's doing it." Daemon laughs.

"Huh? Why?" Lampo asks, confused.

"It's probably something really dangerous if it makes him act like that." Giotto answers.

"Hn." Alaude says.


After taking Tsuna to the infirmary, somebody starts looking through the burnt rubbish.

That somebody kneels down and holds the only piece of paper left. The words on the paper were unreadable, but somehow this person was able to make out the words. The person stood up and dialed a number.

"Kufufufu." A laugh is heard from the other side of the phone line.

"Mukuro-san, I found something." A gentle voice says.

"Oya? Kufufufu. What exactly did you find?" Mukuro questions with a smirk.

"Something to deal with 'I Salvatori.' The boy answers.

"Oh~ It seems Sawada Tsunayoshi knows about them too. Kufufufu." Mukuro says aloud so the people around him hears.

"Mukuro-san, I think Tsuna knows a lot more than you and I put together," The boy says.

"Oya? Why do you say that?" Mukuro raises an eyebrow.

The boy looks up at the sky, "Because he destroyed his entire room before trashing it."

"..." Mukuro remains quiet.

"And he when we saw him after he burnt down his room, just from looking at his back... He somehow felt... Dark..." The boy says in a low, confused voice.

"Kufufufu... Kufufufu... Kufufufufufufu!" Mukuro laughs loudly.

"Mukuro?" Ken questions his friend's odd behavior.

"Mukuro-san?" The boy also questions.

"Kufufufu. Nothing. So far as Decimo, Tsunayoshi hasn't disappointed me one bit." Mukuro laughed.

"..." The boy talking to Mukuro on the phone remained silent.

"Anyway, thanks for the information," Mukoro says.

"Hn! I'll do anything to help Tsuna-nii as much as I can!" The said with determination.

"Kufufufu. Good boy... Fuuta." Mukuro hung up.

Fuuta also hung up and crumpled the paper in his hands, leaving the burnt room filled with ashes.

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