Teenage Vampire

By xmobboyce

442 78 0

"Where are you taking me?" I said while he dragged me through the forest "Shut up" he said More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter nineteen

Chapter Eighteen

10 1 0
By xmobboyce

Iyana's POV

"We will take her to see Alpha Zachery" the brown hair guy said as he held my hand firmly.

"Or we could just kill her right now" the one with the white hair said.

"We cannot kill her she's needed for the sacrifice, remember she's the only born vampire everyone else was turned" the brown hair one said.

"Please let me go" I beg as I tried getting up off my knees. They pinned me down and with one punch I'm out cold.

I gasp as I take a look around my surroundings and realize i was in my room. My heartbeat has went back to normal as I wipe the sweat that trickle down my face. My shirt is wet and so is my hair. My hair clung to my face and my shirt clung to my body.

"Why do I always have this same dream over and over again" I question myself. I've been dreaming that dream for the past two years and I always wake up whenever they punch me. Is it some vision or sign?

I sigh as I went to take a quick shower and got dressed. As I head downstairs, the smell of fresh blood linger in the air causing my taste buds to dance with excitement.

"Here" Stephen said pushing a blood bag in front of my face. "I just stole this from the hospital" He said with a smirk. He started drinking his as he held the bag in place. I stare at mom and Ron with a puzzle look across my face before taking it. My mouth engulfs around the tube and I started sucking up the deliciousness of the blood. I moan as my taste buds dance and Stephen watched me with a smirk.

Ever since Stephen is here it's like my whole life has changed. As I finish the last of the blood, I lick my lips wanting more but Stephen said having more than two pints of blood can make me gassy. Even though I already had one.

"Mom I keep having the same dream again"

"I thought those dreams had stopped" he hands caress her sides.

"They didn't stop I just stop telling you that I'm having them" I said monotonously. "Anyways I'm off to school" I said and left in haste.


As I stand at my locker, I sip on my coffee so I don't get the urge to grab people and drink their blood. My phone vibrated in my back pocket and I quickly grabbed it.

"Hey lora" I answered when I saw its my friend.

"This is not Lora" A strong manly voice said and immediately the coffee cup slip from my hand. The whole student body stared at me and I glared at them. "If you want Lora to live, you'll come in the woods near the back of your house and come alone" he said. I heard lora scream in the background and the call ended. My heart began racing like a race horse as I thought about what they will do to her.

Not thinking at all, I quickly rush out of school and use my vamp speed to go their. My heart leap when I saw the condition my friend is in. Her hands tied behind her back and a piece of cloth tied around her mouth. She stared up at me with fear and I felt as if I should murder them right now.

"Let her go" I demanded as I stare up at the brown hair guy and the white hair one.

"If you insist" the white hair guy said and pull the rope behind her hands. She ran over to me and held me in an embrace and suddenly I feel overprotective of her.

"Are you OK?" I asked and she nod while sobbing.

"So we let her go" the brown hair one said "now we want you"

"Well you can't have me, you can't handle all this" I said and watch as a smirk plaster across his face.

"Either you come with us or we take both of you" the while hair one said 

"You can't let them take me and neither will you go with them" Lora started crying.

"Its OK lora go" I said and she shake her head. "Now" I screamed at her and she did as she is told.

"Lets go then" the brown hair one said.

"I'm not going anywhere with you" I said through gritted teeth and he smirk.

"So I guess its a fight then"

"Bring it" I said challengingly

"Nice but too bad I'm going to have to destroy that pretty face of yours" He said

"If you can catch me" I said and ran off with vamp speed. I heard him growl and then he started changing.

Damn I need to get to Stephen right now. Whoa!!

My foot is stuck between two rocks. I tried pulling it out but its of no use. How can this happen and right in this situation.

I heard growling coming my way and suddenly I'm surrounded by two wolves. A white one and a brown one.

"I guess I will have to destroy your face now" He said and then they change back to their human form.

This stinks on ice.

The brown hair one came over to me and with one pull, my leg is free from between the rocks.

"Jasper why did you free her?" The white hair guy asked.

Oh so his name is jasper.

"Because Jake she's needed alive" he said through gritted teeth. I can tell that they both don't really get along. Jasper pinned me down so that I'm on my knees.

"We will take her to see Alpha Zachery" Jasper said as he held my hand firmly

"Or we could just kill her right now" Jake suggested.

"We cannot kill her she's needed for the sacrifice, remember she's the only born vampire everyone else was turned" Jasper said and suddenly I realize something.

This has either happened before or its my dream. Wait a minute its my dream. The dream I've been having for two years. How could I not see this coming.

"Please let me go" I beg as I tried getting up off my knees. They pinned me down and with one punch I'm out cold.

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