Drunk Love || Jack Barakat||

By parx_bois23

2.5K 129 3

Book 2! Brook 1 Stupid for you ||Geoff Wigington|| Big changes happen in Chloe Jones life as her and Jack b... More

Work outs
Break up
The hurting
The i love you's
The healing
Control me
Mitchy's party
New Years
Lay low
Full of surprises
Pass out
Baby Daddy
Epilogue I
Epilogue II


61 4 0
By parx_bois23

"I don't wanna do this, worst decision of my life." I whined.

"I know Baby but we just have to see how day one goes okay."

"Mom is still in surgery and no one has called me to let me know how she's doing." I mumbled. 

"I'll call Geoff after your testing is done." He Said.

"Miss. Jones we're ready to see you." The woman said.

I grabbed Jack's hand and held onto his arm. The smell of cleaning supplies made me nauseous and the white walls made me uncomfortable.

"My name is Dr. Smith I'll be with you every day for the next week, if you would please take your shoes off, jacket off, and your ring and step into this room and we'll get started." I did what she asked and handed Jack my ring. "I love you, I'll be right around here" Jack said

I smiled and walked in to see a big mirror across the wall with a table. Off to the side were weights and pull up bars.

"Chloe can you hear me?" The woman said.

"Yup" I sighed.

"Please State your whole name, date of birth, and where you are from."

"Chloe Ash-Lin Jones, July 25th 1996, Buffalo New York." I stated.

"Alright, Please take a seat at the table and pick up the purple pen."

I picked up the purple pen and waited for further instructions.

"Please Open the booklet and put your name on the top of page 3, I will then read off a list of alcohol, crime, or drug and you just say yes or no if you have done the following, this is a safe place, only I will have these details." She said








"psilocybin mushrooms"









"My favorite" I smiled.





"Any I have not listed?" She asked.

"Rum, tequila, Vodka, mhmm bourbon that's all."

"Alright, when did you start to smoke?" She asked

"When I was 17, smoked a cigarette, didn't like them, moved to weed, then I stoped again because I got pregnant then after I had a problem with her birth I coped with smoking again around March."

"When did you start to drink?"

"My 21st birthday."

"Alright, you're doing great Chloe." She said.

"Is Jack still there?" I asked

"I haven't left." He Said

"Do you have a criminal record?" She asked

"Yes." I mumbled.



"Alright, Ready for part two?" She asked.

"I guess so" I laughed

"Jack has stepped out of the room for a moment to take a phone call." She said

"Oh alright."

"Tell me what makes you happy, or the type of people that make you happy."

"Jack makes me happy I don't know what I'd do if I was alone right now, he's the greatest person to be around and he cares for people, he loves me so much he started to cry." I smiled.

"Are you married?" She asked.

"No... that'd be pretty cool though, one time I thought he was going to ask but he didn't, I don't think he's in a rush." I smiled.

"Tell me what makes you mad."

"When people bring up my past life thinking they know everything, or if I feel uncomfortable, I don't really like when people hug me unless I mentally prepared myself."

There was a long period of silence All I could only hear the air vents blowing. "Alright Chloe, Stand up and grab the pink binder that is about to come through."

The door open as a man in all white gently set it on the ground. I walked over to the binder and instantly felt uneasy. The name 'Emma' was marked in sparkly pink sticky letters.

"Please take a seat."

I set the binder on the table and looked through the pages. "Who is Emma?" She asked

"My daughter."

The photos that were in the photo were from the beginning, my first pregnancy test to her grave. I haven't seen these photos for about 4 years now. "How did you get these photos?" I asked

"Please go to your booklet and open page 4." She said

"Where DID YOU get these photos!" I Said.

"Pick up the black pen and solve the next 5 problems."

"These photos were in my old house in a box my mom hid from me, who the fuck went into my belongings."

"Please do what I asked." She said again.

"NO!" I screamed. I threw the binder at the mirror and kicked the table over.


"No no no no, HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET THESE!" I cried.

A man in white came towards me as I fell to my knees protecting my head. "Don't fucking touch her." A voice said through the speaker.

The man in white picked me up and set me back in my chair. "Get away!" I Said.

"Chloe please pick up the booklet and follow the instructions on page 4." The Doctor Said again.


"Please come to the mirror and pick your medicine."

A slot opened as I walked to it kicking the binder out the way. "In front of you is cannabis lip balm, or edibles, you also have medication you are to take every morning and every night." I picked the small white bag up and put the orange bottle inside along with the lip balms. "Your shoes and jacket are outside the door you may return home."

"I don't have to stay?" I smiled.

"No, you did not complete testing." She said

I tied the bag up and grabbed my pink binder.


"I'm sorry." I mumbled

"Don't be, Chloe... she pushed you, and I told her not to but she ignored me."

"It's 5:00 no one has called me and I don't even know what to do anymore." I Said.

I open the bag and applied my lip balm. Jack placed his lips on mine and smiled. "This is going to be interesting." He Smiled.

"Luke's car is still here." Jack mumbled.

"Well damn, that sucks for you." I giggled.

"Maybe he'll get the memo and leave."

"Then Crystal snd the other boys have to leave." Jack mumbled.

I rolled my eyes and stepped out the car. I walked in to see Crystal and Michael sitting on the couch watching game of thrones.

"You're home?" Crystal smiled.

"Yeah, i got let off."

"Well Luke and Cal are out with Ashton buying some stuff." Michael said.

"Okay jack and I will be upstairs."

"Is that code for we should leave?" Michael asked

"Oh boy you don't think sometimes Baby." Crystal laughed.

"Oh got it, alright." He laughed

"Hey Mike." Jack said taking his shoes off.

"Bye Jack." He said running out the door.

"Luke and Calum?" He asked

"Out with Ashton."

"Damn you're good." Jack said picking me up.

Jack kicked the door open and set me on the bed leaving marks on my neck. I pushed him down and sat on his waist line. My phone started to buzz in my back pocket and I yanked it out and looked at the caller.

"Who is it?" Jack asked.

"Hey Justin what's up?" I asked

"Chloe I can't find Emma's grave." He cried.

"W- What, she's row 27." I Said.

"Chloe I just spent 2 hours with 10 other people looking for her in the rain."

"Justin I'm not at my house I don't have documents, just keep looking I'll call some people to help you look." I Said. I hung the call up and threw my phone on the desk top.

"What going on now?"

"Justin can't find Emma's grave." I Said holding tears back.

"He'll find her." He smiled.

"I need to stop stressing, but I'm afraid." I Said

"What do you normally do when you're stressed?" He asked


"Okay, well can't do that now, try the lip balm again, change your clothes and we can head to the hospital." He Said sitting up.

"Alright." I smiled.

"What's your ideal date?" He asked me.

"Oh... um I'm not sure normally I never pick out what I want to do." I Said

"Do you want to go bowling with a few guys?, they rented the bowling alley for the night till the morning." He smiled.

"Who's going?"

"The 5sos boys, Crystal, my friend Mitchy Collins, Josh Dun." He Said

"Ugh... Jenna dated his brother." I laughed.

"HOLY SHIT THATS HOW I KNOW YOU!" He yelled in my face

"Excuse me?" I laughed.

"Josh told me that after Jordan and Jenna broke up it was because of you." He laughed

"Well shit He was hitting her. So I was just being a good friend"

"Alright go get dressed pretty lady." He Said connecting his lips to mine.


"Why hasn't mom come back?"  I asked

"Um Chloe take a seat." Geoff said standing up.

"Chloe, um... the doctors are saying it's bigger then what they thought."  Geoff said.

"Okay, then I guess I'm staying here." I said.

"No, you have plans tonight." Jenna said.

"But what if she comes out." I Said

"Then I will call you, I don't want you to worry, I'm your best friend... trust me." She smiled

"Okay." I Said grabbing my phone.

"You look nice where are you going?" Geoff asked

"I'm wearing ripped jeans and a Calvin crop sweatshirt, I'm just going bowling with a few boys." I laughed.

"Go have fun and don't worry about here I'll call you." Geoff said pulling me into a hug.

"Thanks G." I smiled.

"Anytime C." He Said back.


We got to the bowling alley and saw Calum and another man sitting on a slab of stone sharing a cigarette.  I grabbed my phone and got out the car and greeted Calum. 

"Mitchy this is Chloe." Jack said.

"Chloe... as in Chloe Jones?" He Said shaking my hand.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Well shit." He mumbled.

"Jack let me talk To you for a few seconds." Calum Said

They walked off as I took a seat next to Mitchy. "You're in a band right?" I asked.

"Yeah, you heard of our music?" He smiled.

"Hell yeah, you guys play my hometown in like 2 weeks." I smiled.

"Where ya from?" He asked

"Upstate New York."

"That's fucking cool." He laughed.

"I should see you in concert some time." I smiled

"Hey you and Jack didn't come to my Halloween party." He Said nudging my leg

"Woh That was 2 months ago." I laughed.

"Well you're dating Barakat and the boys always do an awesome New Years party at Jacks house, so it should be a good one this year." He smiled.

"Alright Babygirl." Jack said standing me up.

"Apparently Andie is in there, so at anytime she talks to you, try not to punch her, unless she hits you first then I'd love to see you beat her ass."  Jack laughed.

"Hold my phone." I Said throwing jack my phone.

"Don't mind me." I Said taking my shirt off.

"Well shit." Calum laughed.

Mitchy laughed and pointed at me. "Her sports bra says Bitch."

"You're plotting something." Jack said.

"Oh PTV is in there too." Calum Said.

"Jamie's here? Dude he's like my best friend." I Said wrapping the sweatshirt around my waist.

Calum put out his cigarette and open the door for me.

"JONES IS HERE!" Calum yelled.

I let go of jacks hand and walked towards Crystal and Mike. "Shit about time." Luke smiled.

"Jones come give me a hug." Jaime smiled.

"Hey buddy." I smiled.

"This is Chloe?" A girl asked.

"She's to pretty to be with Jack." She laughed.

"I'm Dani, that's Alysha, Erin, and Jess, you can stick with us and the boys if you'd like."

"Okay." I smiled.

"Hey boys." Jack said walking over to Vic.


"Want another beer?" Jack asked

"No, can you get me a cup of water though, I've played 5 games and I'm sweating." I laughed.

I rested my head on Luke's shoulder as he wrapped an arm arm around me. "My head hurts." I Whined.

"Mind not rubbing all up on my date." A woman said

"Andie I told you so many times today that I don't want to be with you." Luke said.

"Chloe come here." Jaime said grabbing my hand.

"Stay in your lane!" She yelled.

"Go back to where you came from, California isn't for you." She laughed. The music got turned off as everyone was looking at Andie.

"Here, drink." Jack said handing me a cup of water.

"Jack I know you still love me. I made a little mistake let it go Baby, just admit it, let the drunk you out." She smiled.

Jack placed his hands on her shoulder and smiled. "Stay the fuck away from My family, and that means Chloe too." He said tapping her waist. Jack dipped me into a kiss and grabbed my hand.

"Whatever, fuck you both." She said.

I threw my drink at her in anger as everyone laughed and backed away.

"YOU BITCH!" She screamed. She attempted to hit me as I ducked down and laughed.

"You're fucking slow." I laughed.

She tried to hit me again as I caught her hands. "Well you're to tall, so you kinda have an advantage." I laughed.

"LET GO OF ME." She cried.

"I'm not even trying." I laughed
"Fine, watch the metal poll that's on the ground." I Said reaching for her back presser point. Her head dropped down to her chest as I let her down easily.

"Did you kill her?"  Someone asked.

"No, I did hit her wrong point though, she'll be fine, in about 5 minuets." I smiled.

"Yo Barakat! you better marry this one real soon" Ashton yelled.

"I kinda feel bad." I Said flipping her over on her stomach. I lifted the back of her shirt up and pushed down till she jumped.

"Hey, are you okay dear?" I asked.

"W- what happened?" She said sitting up.

"You had a fall, are you with family?" I smiled.

"No- I don't know these people." She said standing up.

"You are Andie a modal in the Chicago area visiting your friends Chloe." I smiled.

"That sounds about right." She laughed.

I think you have something on your neck, do you mind." I Said standing on my toes.

"Oh go ahead." She said bending down.

I pressed around for her soft spot till she dropped her head down to her chest.

"Okay I'm done playing, she'll remember everything now, think a restraining order is good enough?" I smiled.

Everyone laughed as Andie quickly sat up and looked around.

"Hi princess, do me a favor and back the fuck off my boyfriend." I smiled "cause if I find you at our house, by our house, by our family, I will fucking twist your nerves till you are paralyzed you're lucky I stoped." I smiled.


"Yes, Chloe." She flinched.

"Bye-Bye" I smiled.

As the bell rung telling us that she had left the place everyone started to laugh. "Chloe fucking Jones, god damn I think I'm in love with you." Luke smiled.

"Sorry Aussie, Maybe in a different century." I smiled.

Jack walked over to me and helped me up. "I think you just saved my life." Jack said picking me up.

"Shut up." I Said bringing his head to my level.

"Wanna ditch?" He smiled.

"Hell yeah." I smiled.

"We're gonna Head out." Jack said grabbing my sweatshirt.

"Jacks about to get laid again." Mitchy laughed

"Oh- uh-." Jack stuttered

"Fuck Yeah He is." I smirked.

"Ash hotel keys" I Said clapping my hands. He shoved his hand in his pocket and grabbed the blue keys and tossed them toward me.

"Thanks Aussie." I smiled.

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