Loving Bad

By donawriter

1.1K 57 65

Coming down the middle of the hallway is a tall handsome guy. He has silky dark brown hair with captivating g... More

• c h a r a c t e r s ♡
• b e f o r e s t a r t i n g ♡
chapter 1 // i love you, mama♡
chapter 2 // aspen starr ♡
chapter 3 // speechless ♡
chapter 4 // changes ♡
chapter 5 // alex ♡
chapter 6 // detention buddy ♡
chapter 7 // i'm fine, just fine ♡
chapter 8 // my bed may look small, but there's room for two ♡
chapter 9 // attraction, not a crush ♡
chapter 10 // superman underwear ♡
chapter 11 // this one's for you ♡
chapter 12 // mayfair carnival ♡

chapter 13 // geez LOUISe

50 2 9
By donawriter


I'm finally out of detention, thank God! I still feel a little bad since I left Aspen all by himself, but who cares? I'm free!

Right now, I'm at my locker with Kena and Dakota. Who knows where Nora is? It's very rare for us to see her in the morning.

"Why didn't you call me afterwards?" Kena pulled a face. Kena is angry at us because we didn't call her after the 'double date' as she liked to call it with the boys. "Well we told you now, did we not?" I smirked, placing my geography textbook in my locker.

"It's girl code! Tell each other everything ASAP!" Kena informed. Dakota and I shared a look before we shook our heads. "What's up, ladies?" Liam said, walking up from behind and banging the locker next to me, scaring the living daylights out of my body.

"You stupid idiot!" I scorned, slapping him on his shoulders and head. He ducked for cover behind his hands while laughing wildly. "Well hello to you too..." Liam muttered before giving Kena a quick peck.

"Liam, now is not the time for your shitty jokes." Dakota rolled her eyes.

"Kena, are they on their period?" Liam 'whispered' loudly. This earned him a slap on the back of his head from both of us while Kena cackled like a witch.

"Come on, babe! I thought you were supposed to stick up for me??" Liam groaned. "But you deserved it, ya big numb skull." Kena chuckled. "Today must be 'bully Liam' day, huh?" He joked and we nodded in response.

"Before I was attacked, I was going to ask if you guys wanted to go to Lily's party? It's on Friday," Liam slung an arm around Kena.

"Barf! No!" Dakota pretended to throw up.

"Agreed." Kena and I said in unison.

"C'mon! You guys have never been to a Lily Bore party. don't you want the experience?" I giggled at the last name he had given her.

"Absolutely not! i want nothing to do with that trash bag." I retorted. I looked to Dakota and Kena for backup. Dakota got my hint and nodded at Liam while Kena looked like she was thinking, something she never does.

"Please don't tell me-"

"It might not be that bad," Kena cut Dakota off, "Those parties are jam-packed AF anyway, I doubt she'll notice us." Kena reasons. "besides, we need to get out more."

"I guess you're right, but we can always go to another party!" Dakota argues.

"Please. We all know the only lit parties are Gray's and Lily's. And those are pretty rare." Kena deadpans.

I tune them out since they're about to start bickering like children. It's ear-piercing when Kena and Dakota go back and forth. Blood never spills out of my ears, which I'm always extremely surprised it doesn't.

I see Aspen by his locker in the distance. I start to walk over to him but pause when I see Lily beat me to it. Obviously I couldn't make out what they were saying because for one, I was so far, and for two, I was in a high school hallway during advisory! It's noisy as hell!

Lily gestured for Aspen to bend down and she wrapped her arms around his neck, whispering something to him. Her long locks secured together in a high ponytail swung behind her as she giggled in his ear. He straightened back up with an unreadable expression once she was done and she handed him a card. She subtly touched his biceps before walking down the hall in the opposite direction.

I strolled over to Aspen, watching him put away unnecessary things in his locker.

"Yo, yo!" I shout, standing behind the opened locker door. He slightly closes the locker to see my face, and starts laughing. "'Yo, yo?' Well that's a first," I pinch his arm lightly and he laughs more.

"What's up, buttercup?" Aspen pops the 'p' as he closes his locker, still holding the card in his hand. "Talk about firsts. 'Buttercup?'" I snicker. "Don't lie. You like it." Aspen preens. "It's so adowable, so cutsie wootsie!" I pinch his cheeks, tinging them pink.

"Uncomfortable." He deadpans, sliding my hands down to my sides. I smile cheekily before he starts walking me to my first period class.

"What's that?" I question, pointing to the card he is holding. Who knows what that card holds. Lily's number? Her nudes? Can you blame me? Who wouldn't kill to have the most popular girl in school's nudes? It's great blackmail. Who am I kidding, seventy percent of the school has them.

"Just some invite from-" he paused to look at the card, "Lily Moore. She's having a party." I groan internally. I wanna be a good friend and tell him that she is bad news, but who am I to tell him how to judge someone based on MY experience with her. Then again there is no reason for her to act that way towards me...

"You goin'?" he gives me a nudge. "Nah, I think I'll pass on this one. Parties tend to give me headaches." I lie, knowing very well that Lily is the cause of my headaches. "Great! So I'll see you Friday." Aspen totally ignores my answer and pivets in front of me, causing me to trip into his hard chest. I back up, flaring my nostrils at him.

"If you wanted a hug you could've just asked me." His infamous smirk etched it's way onto his face.

"Goodbye, Aspen," I groan, shifting my weight while placing my hand on my hip, my other clutching my books to my chest. He pokes my nose before continuing on to his first period class.


First period, maths. I'm intensely taking notes, knowing I will need it since trigonometry has been killing me this year. I label my page neatly at the top of my paper and write the date.

As I am writing down a formula, a paper ball comes flying my way. It hits my left temple, and I swing around angrily to see who the attacker is.

From across the room, Joseph Cunningham is trying his hardest to suppress a laugh. Others around me and around him start to snicker too, making Mrs. Lu turn around and furrow her brows. The snickering stops right away and she turns back around, continuing what she was saying.

I clench the paper ball in my fist, and when I am positive she won't be turning around soon, I "spike" the ball as if I'm playing volleyball. It hits Joseph's nose, and he glares angrily at me while they whole class unsuccessfully keeps in their laugh. They laugh uncontrollably, knowing what I was referring to.

Mrs. Lu snaps her head towards us, a mean glare consuming her fragile face. "Can someone let me in on the joke?" She says, folding her arms as her glasses slide perfectly down her slim nose, giving her the teacher look. "Cal-"

"I fell out of my seat trying to pick up my pencil." Liam covers for me. I send a dagger at Joseph. Mrs. Lu obviously doesn't believe it, but she goes on with her lesson.

Throughout the period, a paper ball would occasionally fly towards Joseph from different areas of the classroom.


Once I am back in my haven, I drop my bag by the door, and Dakota follows suit. "You get the pop-" My eyes are stuck on Alex and some random boy, getting it on on the couch. I try to reavert my eyes somewhere else, but to my avail, I fail.

Alex pops her head up once she hears my voice, laughing aloud, showing no shame. The boy, obviously frightened and embarrassed, evident with the redness of his face, digs his head into her bare waist.

"I didn't know you were gonna be early," Alex giggles. She GIGGLED. As if she is not half naked, and had not just got caught in the middle of having sex! I would've turned redder than the boy!

"So you decided to have SEX on the COUCH?" Dakota deadpans, obviously not as phased by the current scene in front of us.

"My room was too far, we were just too eager. Right Louis?" Alex winks down at him, prying his face from her side and giving him a kiss on the lips. "Yeah, totally not like your mom or my dad could've walked in..." I mutter.

"They won't be home until 11pm," Alex walks around the couch to give me a hug. I awkwardly hug her back, still focused on the fact that she has barely any clothes on. She hugs Dakota before going back and slipping her shirt and pants on.

"No worries, guys. Louis has to go anyway." She says, staring down at Louis who has already put his clothes back on. He stands up and finally faces us, scratching the back of his neck. I take this moment to take in his features. Louis is a fine young man if you ask me. He has jet black hair with green eyes, pale- but not too pale- skin and the perfect sized lips. His strongly chiseled face gives off the athletic vibe, but then again his other features show softness.

"Yeahhh, sorry 'bout that," Louis's strong British accent is revealed, making Dakota melt beside me since she swiftly grabbed and squeezed my arm. Louis was obviously older than us- maybe 19 or 20.

"No problems," I chuckle, slightly relieved the scene is gone, but still horrified from the permanent image that will forever roam my mind.

"I'm Callie by the way. This is Dakota," I help Dakota out because I know if she even tried to say a single syllable, she would stutter like a kid who just broke his mother's make up and is now confessing. Louis offers a smile and shakes our hands. Surprisingly, Dakota doesn't melt like olaf and keeps it together. I internally applaud her.

"I gotta run back to work, I'll see you two around," Louis shows another smile, "Bye babe." Louis winks. "Bye!" Alex blows a kiss towards Louis before he closes the door. Alex starts to head upstairs, but is pummeled on to the couch once Dakota practically yanks her arm off and pounces on her.

"Who is that thick, juicy, piece of MEAT?" Dakota stares directly into Alex's frightened eyes, cradling the sides of her face in her hands. "Um, my boyfriend. So don't even think about it." Alex replies, struggling to remove herself from underneath Dakota. I assist her by peeling Dakota off.

"Besides, don't you have a boyfriend?" Alex asks, remaking her messy bun. "We're not officially dating, just talking." Dakota corrects. "Same difference." Alex rolls her eyes. She pads her way upstairs with no problems this time.

"As I was saying before Alex's 'sexy time,' you get the popcorn, I'll start up season two of Stranger Things." I order. Dakota nods her head rapidly before speeding off to the kitchen.


It's now 10:42pm, and I am doing my homework. Usually I'd do it earlier, but Dakota and I got wrapped up. It was way too good to take a break just for homework. Finn Wolfhard, I tell ya! 😍

"Alex! Callie! Come down sweethearts!" My dad calls from downstairs. I open my room door the same time Alex does, and we share a 'do you know why?' look. Neither of us answer, so we walk downstairs with an unknowing frown etched onto our faces.

Diane and my dad are cuddled together in the chair, his arm around her while her legs overlap onto his. I mentally puke at the image, but my face consists of the same frown.

"Uh, what's up?" Alex clears the air. "Well. . . Diane and I have been thinking," Well this won't end well. "We're supposed to officially be a family soon, yet we never talk! Have you guys noticed that?"

I nod slowly along with Alex.

"We want to take a family vacation! We're going to Bora Bora, just to escape the weird weather of Mayfair!" Diane's lipstick covered lips form into a smile. I really didn't want to, but I couldn't help it. I had to join in.

"This is gonna he so fun!" I exclaim, prancing around the living room. Dad and Alex start laughing while Diane's smile turns into a slight frown, and she forces out a fake laugh.

"Callie," she catches my attention, "You should invite your Aspen friend! Seeing as though Alex is not too familiar with people in this area of Mayfair, it would be extremely helpful if she made a new friend!" Diane says enthusiastically.

"They've already met, no need to invite him on a FAMILY trip." I chuckle. Besides, I wouldn't want an irking brat to bother me in my dream place. I already have Diane, definitely don't need two.

"Oh I insist! Invite him!" Diane cheeses TOO cheese-ily, revealing the fakeness behind it. I don't know what her obsession is with Aspen, but there is no way in hell he's being invited without some agreement.

"Alright, but only if I can invite my three best friends." I compromise.

"That's fine," Dad agrees.

"But they'll pay for theirselves if they come, Aspen won't have to since he was invited by me." Diane informs in the sweetest voice possible, removing her hand from dad's chest and folding it over her own. "Three-thousand dollars each."

"But that's not-" She raises her eyebrow at me, slightly sitting up straighter. I figured there would be no point in arguing with her, and I'd just make things worst.

"Great! Now go make your calls." Diane shoos us away with the motion of her hand, returning back to her comfy position on my dad's chest.

I angrily whip out my phone and text the group chat, praying they can afford to go. I can't be stuck with Aspen, I just can't. He's a great friend and all but he annoys the living daylights out of me. And Bora Bora is supposed to be heaven on earth, not hell.

All of them are for it, until I tell them the pricing. It's a sudden no, almost leaving me in tears. I ponder on whether to actually tell Aspen or pretend I did. But Diane being the creep she is would probably seek him out herself. I relentlessly did so.

A few minutes later, Aspen responds with a yes. Surprise, surprise. What I am confused on though is the fact that he did not ask why I was inviting him. I hope he's not getting a big inflated ego, because I do not like him one bit.

Yes, that's right. I thought I liked him, but I don't. Aspen is an attractive, and generally great guy, but it just won't work out for us. It's just an attraction that will eventually fade away. Lust.

Lust is temporary, romance can be nice, but love is the most important thing of all. Because without love, lust and romance will always be short-lived.

That's exactly what's happening. It's just temporary. Infatuation I guess you could call it.

Which is why I've vowed never to catch feelings for Aspen Starr.

No matter how tempting his messy mop of dark brown hair, or hypnotizing green eyes are, I will never fall for Aspen Starr.

Oh well.



Hey guys! Thx for reading if u did 😘 but I am honestly starting to have mixed feelings about this book. Sure, it has 600+ reads, but I am not sure if u guys are ACTUALLY enjoying the book.

I honestly need feedback because I don't want to drag a book out that no is going to enjoy.

Please, I'm asking u not to be a silent reader just this once and tell me how u honestly feel about this book in a comment!

I hate to be one of those authors, but school is keeping me very busy, & I need to know if this book is enjoyable to a few people so I can either stop wasting time on it and focus on my school work and another book, or continuing writing for those that enjoy.

It takes about 10 seconds to comment!! So thank u for reading if u did, love u lots! x 💋✨❤️

- Dona 😜❤️💋

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