
By the_origami_raven

61.4K 1.2K 471

Perennial (adj.) lasting for a long or seemingly infinite time; enduring or continually occurring Tessa Dunb... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 23

1.1K 28 1
By the_origami_raven

Liam, Mason and Tessa were going to a club. Mason had an inside person who would let them in. Tessa was excited. She needed a break from all the supernatural drama going on in their lives.

Apparently, Liam wasn't quite as excited. He was too wrapped up in everything going on in the supernatural world. Tessa was just trying to forget about the supernatural for a second and have fun.

"Can you put your phone away for five minutes?" Mason asked Liam as the latter almost ran into a lamp post while looking down at his phone.

"Yeah, Li, Scott can howl if he needs you," Tessa told him.

"I just feel like I should be doing something," Liam said.

"You are," Mason stood in front of him. "You're my wingman tonight. And considering the state of my dating life, I need a wingman, co-pilot and a really hot flight attendant."

Tessa chuckled.

"Well, I'm definitely not your hot flight attendant," Liam said.

Tessa scoffed, punching his arm jokingly. "Of course not. That's me, idiot."

Liam rolled his eyes but Mason just nodded. "Exactly."

Tessa smiled. She didn't actually expect him to agree with her.

"Okay, our choices are limited, but at least here you can get drunk," Mason pointed out.

The back door of the club opened and Liam and Tessa froze as a familiar face greeted them with a scowl.

"I said I'd let you in. Not them," Hayden scowled at Mason.

"You said I could have a plus one," Mason argued.

"Not that I'm complaining, but I'm pretty sure we count as two. Either Mason needs to retake basic math or we've somehow merged into the same person without either of us noticing," Tessa muttered to Liam.

Liam just rolled his eyes.

"There's two of them and I didn't say plus Liam or Tessa."

"Lovely to see you too, Hayden," Tessa rolled her eyes. "You're welcome for trying to save your life at school the other day."

Hayden ignored her.

"Well, they're basically one person, like a package deal, you know? Most people mistake them for twins. And plus—"

"We're his flight attendants," Liam spoke up.

Tessa facepalmed.

"What?" Hayden asked, confused.

"Wingman," Tessa corrected, "and woman."

"Forget it, I don't have to go. Just let Tessa in, I'll go home."

"No, no, you're coming," Mason grabbed Liam as he tried to walk away. "Okay, how about, me, them..." Mason pulled money out of his pocket, "plus fifty?"

Hayden snatched the money angrily and stepped aside. "Welcome to Sinema."

Mason smiled as Liam and Tessa followed him inside.

"Wow," Tessa gasped.

Mason gripped her arm excitedly while Liam looked unimpressed. Tessa looked around at the crowded club. This was going to be fun.

Liam let out a deep breath. "We don't look old enough to be here."

She sighed. Buzkill.

"Neither does he," Mason gestured towards the back wall.

Tessa's mouth fell open. Brett Talbot was there, dancing on a random girl.

"So is this club mixed?" Tessa asked Mason, watching as Brett turned around and began dancing with a shirtless man.

Mason tilted his head to the side. "Ish."

They continued watching Brett for a minute, Mason and Tessa with much more interest than Liam.

"Alright. That's enough of that," Liam said, turning the two of them away from Brett.

Tessa sighed. "Okay. I need a drink anyway."

Liam sighed but he and Mason walked over to the bar with her anyway.


Tessa had lost Liam somewhere in the crowd. Mason and Tessa were very tipsy and had ended up making their way over to Brett.

"Wow, Dunbar, you clean up nice from the field," Brett smirked at Tessa.

She rolled her eyes but she couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips, or the words that came next.

"You're not too bad yourself, Talbot. Though I do have to say, I prefer you without a shirt on."

She didn't have time to realize what her drunk self had said before Brett was standing up. Downing his drink in one gulp, he set it down before moving closer to her.

"We can make that happen," he said.

Tessa had to crane her neck to see his face. His close proximity and extreme height with her lack of height made for an uncomfortable angle for her neck. Not even the five inch heels she was wearing made much of a difference. She didn't mind though.

He smirked down at her and she barely noticed that Mason had wandered off to dance with another guy. Before she knew it, she and Brett were on the dance floor, grinding against each other to the beat of the music.

She'd lost count of how many shots she'd done and at this point, her mind was a blur.

Tessa felt Brett's lips on her neck and she tilted her head back, reaching back to wrap her arms around his neck while his were wrapped around her waist.

He spun her around, pulling her even closer. His lips found hers and she lost track of time as their mouths explored one another and the music carried on. They kept dancing and Brett's lips went back to her neck, his hips grinding against her.

Tessa threw her head back when he hit a particularly sweet spot with his lips and he smirked, gently biting and sucking on the area until her legs felt like jello. As her eyes fluttered shut, a strangely familiar sound echoed through the loud music.

Opening her eyes, Tessa saw that behind Brett was a tall, strangely dressed man. He held a cane in one hand and as he stared at her through his old fashioned goggles, she felt a chill run down she spine.

She didn't even realize that Brett was calling her name.

"Tessa? Tessa!" He shook her slightly.

Tessa's eyes snapped to his face and then back to where she had seen the man—The Doctor, her mind said but she didn't know why, he didn't look like a doctor—he was gone, just a shirtless man dancing where he had once stood.

"Are you okay?" Brett asked her, pulling her towards a less crowded area of the club.

She let out a shaky breath. "Yeah, sorry. Just kinda zoned out for a second."

He looked at her strangely, pulling her over to a couch and sitting her down. He sat down beside her, turning to face her.

"Tessa, you said something."

She looked at him in confusion. "What?"

"You said, 'they're coming,'" Brett explained.

Tessa shook her head, having no memory of saying anything.

"You don't remember, do you?" Brett asked.

She shook her head again. "No," her throat felt dry as she croaked out the single word.

"Alright, hang on. I'll go get you some water and see if I can find Liam or Mason. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere, okay?"

Tessa nodded. It was strange, she had never seen this side of Brett Talbot.

Brett rushed off and Tessa sat patiently waiting for him to return, refusing any drinks that were offered to her.

When she heard a sound that didn't fit in with the usual noises of the club, she looked around in confusion. It was a roar. A werewolf.

Immediately standing up and rushing toward the sound, something in her mind clicked. Brett. It was Brett who roared. Tessa didn't know how she knew but somehow she did.

She rushed into the back room, seeing Brett bleeding on the floor while Liam attacked a guy with strange spikes coming out of his arms. Rushing to Brett, Tessa knelt down beside him.

"Are you okay?" she asked. Dumb question, of course he's not okay you idiot.

"I'm fine," Brett gasped out.

Tessa nodded, starting to stand up to help Liam but Brett pulled her back down.

"Look out!"

Tessa ducked and something whooshed over her head. Turning around quickly, she kicked and sent the boy stumbling backwards. He regained his balance and punched her across the face, sending her tumbling to the ground.

"Rude," she muttered, wincing.

She managed to get up as Scott and Kira arrived.

"You're a little late!" Liam shouted at them as the other boy pinned him against the wall.

Kira whipped out her sword as Scott lunged at the boy. Tessa grabbed Liam, helping him up and checking over him for injuries.

"What's this kid's deal?" she shouted over the noise.

"His name's Lucas," Liam answered, "that's all I know."

Tessa nodded and turned, quickly sending a kick to Lucas' knee as he approached them from behind. Liam sliced at him with his claws as Scott jumped towards him.

Kira took over, a good match for the boy with her sword. Tessa rushed back over to Brett where Mason was crouching beside him.

Grabbing Brett's hand as he gasped in pain, Tessa watched as Liam slammed Lucas to the ground. The boy stayed down for a second and Liam stood up.

Kira advanced towards the immobile boy, a fiery aura taking over her body. She yelled something in Japanese, spinning her sword before bringing it down towards the boy's chest.

Scott rushed forward, stopping her killing blow from landing. The aura vanished and Kira returned to normal, looking confused. Everyone stared at her as she looked around. Scott turned.

"Is everyone okay?" he asked.

Tessa nodded along with the rest. Even Brett who had Mason's hands pressed against his abdomen to stop the bleeding, nodded.

"We need to get him out of here. Liam, give me a hand," Scott said as Lucas began to stir.

"They're here."

Brett and Mason looked at Tessa strangely as she whispered those strange words, her eyes suddenly glazed over.

Scott and Liam lifted Lucas up by the arms and legs. As they started to move, something flew through the air, piercing the unconscious boy's chest.

Tessa's eyes widened in fear as the familiar figures appeared on the landing above them. They began to reel the arrow back by a cord attached to it.

They stared down at them, no expression readable past their masks.

"Why did you do that?" Scott asked.

Tessa's breathing picked up as she stared at their faces but she couldn't figure out why. Sure, they were kinda creepy and they had just killed a kid, but she had faced worse. But something inside of her told her that she should be afraid of these people—if that's even what they were.

"His condition was terminal," the echoing deep voice sent shivers down Tessa's spine.

Tessa slid from her crouched position, down the wall, landing ungracefully on the floor. Flashes of images she didn't recognize flew through her head. She could feel the stares of the two boys next to her. Her skin felt clammy and she was sure that she was as pale as a ghost as she stared fearfully up at the three figures above them.

"What does that mean?" Scott asked.

They didn't answer, turning to leave.

"What does that mean?" Scott yelled.

One of them turned back.


That single word made Tessa's stomach drop. She closed her eyes for a second. She hadn't felt like this since...

They didn't make it. Your parents are gone.

The words bounced around in her head, the sympathetic police man's voice being replaced by the deep echo of the masked man standing in front of them.

Condition terminal.

Those words triggered something in Tessa's mind that she had hidden away years ago. She tucked her knees into her chest, trying to stop what she knew was coming. She closed her eyes.

"No. They're not dead. They're not dead," the words repeated in a voice barely above a whisper.

Brett who was healing now, looked concerned. Mason's face looked panicked.

"Liam!" he yelled as the masked men disappeared. "Liam, it's happening again!"

"What? What's happening?" Brett asked as Liam rushed over closely followed by Scott and Kira.

"They're not dead. They're not dead. They're not—they're not. They're not—" Tessa couldn't stop, her mind was unable to think of any other words in any different order.

"When her parents died," Mason said quietly, looking at Liam for permission.

Liam nodded, grabbing Tessa's hands and trying to get her to breathe.

"I didn't know them yet but Liam told me. She was six, she didn't cry for days. She just sat there, repeating the same words over and over again like she was in shock." He gestured to her shaking figure as the words kept spilling from her mouth.

"They're not dead. They're not dead. They're not de—"

"Sometimes, when I sleep over at their house, she wakes up screaming in the night. And she always repeats those same words. Liam can usually get her to calm down pretty quickly but..." he gestured to Liam who looked panicked.

"Not dead. Not—they're not—not dead," Tessa stuttered.

"Tessa, you have to breathe," Liam tried, pulling her into his chest.

But it didn't help.

"They're not dead. Not dea—not—they're not—"

Scott knelt beside them, looking at Liam for permission before reaching out for Tessa's hand. He took it in both of his, his eyes slowly beginning to glow red as black veins started to run up his arms. He groaned in pain, clenching his teeth as he refused to let go until all the pain was gone.

Scott took deep breaths as the veins started to fade. Tessa felt the pain that she hadn't even realized was there until now fade away. Finally, she was able to breathe. Her body relaxed and she gave Scott a look of gratitude, unable to speak now that she had stopped.

Tessa's breathing slowed to a normal rate and she leaned into her brother. She took deep breaths as he held her close, stroking her hair as she squeezed her eyes shut. Her eyes grew heavy and before she knew it, the world went dark.


They sat outside Tessa's hospital room, most of the pack, even Brett was there. Malia had shown up a few minutes ago, saying that she left Stiles at school, asleep with his face in a book.

Liam paced worriedly. He quickly ducked around a corner as he saw his stepdad walk by. He hadn't told their parents that Tessa was in the hospital. They didn't know about the supernatural and he wasn't sure if what was happening to Tessa was something to do with the strange little world they had been introduced to not long ago. 

"Dude, give it a rest," Mason said. "Wearing a hole in the floor isn't going to help her at all."

Liam sighed, sitting down. He was right but he couldn't help it. Tessa was the only sister he had. Sure, she wasn't his sister by blood, but she was as close as anyone could get. He don't know what he'd do if anything happened to her.

Scott's mom poked her head around the corner, motioning for them to follow her. They all quickly stood up and tried to inconspicuously follow her to the vacant room she had brought Tessa into. Sometimes Liam wished his parents knew as much as Mrs. McCall. It would make everything so much easier. But on the other hand, it would put them in danger.

Mrs. McCall opened the door and quietly ushered them in. Tessa was asleep, several machines hooked up to her. A purple bruise was forming on her cheek from where Lucas had punched her.

"Alright," Melissa said. "I gave her a sedative for now so she won't wake up for a while."

"What happened to her, Mom?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, she just stopped responding all of the sudden," Mason added.

"I haven't seen her that bad since the night her parents died," Liam said quietly.

Scott put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure what would cause her to react like that. PTSD, maybe. But I'm not sure what could have triggered it so suddenly," Melissa explained.

Liam frowned. "It's usually a nightmare but since she wasn't asleep... I don't know."

Melissa nodded. "Well, she's okay for now. It's just strange. Was she triggered by anything, something that reminded her of the night her parents died, maybe?"

Liam shrugged. "I mean there were those weird men in masks but that doesn't have anything to do with that night."

"They killed Lucas, though," Mason pointed out.  

"Yeah, but she's seen people killed before. She's seen dead bodies before. We all have. She's never reacted like this," Scott reasoned.

Liam nodded. None of it made sense.

"There—there's something else too," Brett spoke up carefully.

Everyone turned to look at him.

He cleared his throat. "When we were dancing," his voice wavered slightly under Liam's glare, "she kinda just zoned out for a minute and she said something."

"What did she say?" Scott asked.

"She said, 'they're coming.'"

They stood there, dumbfounded. What did that mean? Did she know the masked men were coming? Did she know something bad was about to happen? Predicting things was what Lydia did, no one ever said anything about Tessa being able to make predictions.

"She said she didn't remember saying anything afterwards. I made her sit down and went to get her water but that's when I saw Lucas," Brett finished.

Everyone seemed to think this over for a minute.

"Maybe they did something to her," Malia spoke up. "I mean, they came after Tracy and Lucas, who were both something we've never seen before—the scorpion thing and how Tracy just ran past the mountain ash—maybe they have something to do with that."

"So what does that mean for Tessa?" Melissa asked.

Before anything else could be said, a small cough came from the bed. Liam rushed over as Tessa began coughing. Melissa brought her some water.

When she could finally breathe again, Tessa looked around.

"What's going on? Why am I here?"


After she woke up in the hospital with no idea why she was there, Scott, Liam, Mason and Brett attempted to explain what had happened. Tessa vaguely remembered seeing the masked men killing the boy they had been fighting—Lucas—but after that, everything went blank. They filled her in on the details and left her to rest when Melissa shooed them out.

She was discharged from the hospital after several hours when they realized there was nothing wrong with her. They labeled the watered down version of her episode that Scott had partially fabricated, as a severe panic attack and sent her on her way.

So here she was, on her way to meet up with Lydia and Malia before first period, wondering what the hell had happened and why she couldn't remember anything.

Tessa caught up to them in the hallway. Lydia was holding a paperback book.

"Whatcha got there, Lyds?" Tessa asked, jogging to catch up with the girls.

"The Dread Doctors, by T.R. McCammon," Lydia said, passing her the book.

Tessa's steps faltered as she glanced down at the cover of the book. Lydia and Malia stopped in front of her, turning around.

"What?" Lydia asked.

Tessa's heart beat rapidly in her chest. She took several deep breaths to calm herself.

"Nothing," she replied quickly, shaking off the strange feeling.

Lydia took the book out of her hands, gently leading her by the arm so they were walking again. She studied the cover.

"Has anyone actually read it yet?" she asked Malia.

"Just me," Malia replied. "And I didn't understand any of it."

"We should probably all read it," Lydia said.

"Kira's working on that."

They reached Malia's locker and waited for her to grab what she needed from it.

"Stiles can't find anything on the author," Malia continued to explain. "He thinks it's a pen name."

Lydia flipped the book over, reading from the back cover, "'In a small New England town, teenagers are taken in the night and buried alive...'" Lydia trailed off, looking at Tessa and Malia.

"The hole Liam fell in," Tessa realized.

Lydia nodded. "'Days later they emerge transformed, wreaking havoc and spreading terror, commanded by an ancient order of parascientists known only as the Dread Doctors.'"

Tessa's heart raced again at that name. The Dread Doctors. Why did that sound so familiar? An image flashed through her mind of a masked man leaning over her, the large needle in his hand slowly lowering towards her neck. She blinked, coming back to reality, confused by what she had just seen. It must have been a dream or something that she had forgotten. It had to be just a dream.

Tessa realized Lydia and Malia were staring at her expectantly. She shook her head slightly.

"Uh sorry, what?" she asked, not having heard whatever they had said.

"We asked if you need to stop by your locker," Malia said, raising her eyebrows at her.

"Oh, uh, yeah sorry. You guys go ahead though. I'm supposed to meet Mason before class."

"Alright. See you at lunch," Lydia quipped before the two girls walked towards their first class.

Tessa sighed, pulling the strap of her bag higher on her shoulder and making her way towards her locker. Maybe she was just tired. A good nights sleep would fix all of this.

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