Two Years Apart | LuNa

By Chess-chwan

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COMPLETED The Straw Hats began their two years training that were needed for them to survive the New World. T... More



14.5K 261 43
By Chess-chwan

The sun had just sunk into the seawater, leaving the half dark sky colored with red and purple. The heat from over the day perished, a cool wind now blowing.

Nami and Luffy were sitting around the fire they made while the orange haired girl was cooking the monster her captain brought. It was so quiet between them but none of them seemed to be bothered by that. Luffy's hand was tightly wrapped around Nami's waist. He literally denied to let go of her ever since they finally made up and, well, not like Nami wanted him to.

-Here, she said while handing him the meat she just finished cooking.

-Hm? Nami, aren't you going to eat? Luffy asked while stuffing his mouth full.

The orange haired girl just shook her head while making herself more comfortable in her captain's arms.

-It's fine. I'm not hungry.

She was smiling as the, now small, fire was lightening her face and the only thought that crossed Luffy's mind in that moment, seeing her like that, was "I love her". He started feeling a little awkward when he barely held back the impulse of kissing her. Nami looked up to him after he tightened the grip around her and she couldn't help but giggle at the sight of his facial expression.

-What's with that face? She laughed, then yawned. She was really tired and was fighting the urge to close her eyes.

-Uh... n-nothing! Luffy startled, his face turning red. I-I'll stay on watch so you should go to sleep, he then said after getting up.

-You can do than from here too, right? Nami said while holding tight to his shirt and tapping the place where Luffy stood just moments ago. She could've bet she was like a tomato, but she didn't care. She really didn't want Luffy to let go of her and little did she knew, it was the same for him. Having that said, the raven haired boy sat back down and hugged his navigator close.

-Good night, Nami! he grinned while placing a kiss on her forehead. This time he couldn't hold back.

-Good night, Luffy!


After an hour or so, it started getting pretty cold outside and Nami was trembled as the wind touched her soft skin. Luffy who, most surprisingly, didn't fall asleep, stood up and placed his shirt over Nami's shoulders. He also added some woods to the fire that was about to go down.

He made a few steps closer to the water, careful not to touch it and stretched his arms and legs to wake up a little as it was real hard to stay awake while laying down in such a comfortable place.

-Luffy... Nami whispered half awake while placing her hand on there sand where Luffy had to be.

The raven haired boy smiled, his heart beating really fast. "How can she be so damn cute?" he thought while laying back down and hugging Nami again. The next second, the orange haired girl fell back to sleep while holding tight to her captain.


The first ray of sun that lightened the night sky, nicely fell on Nami's face and hair, making it glow like gold. She slowly opened her eyes to a snoring Luffy and smiled out of instinct when feeling his hands wrapped around her.

-Of course he fell asleep, she giggled.

Looking at the fire, she only saw a grey smoke lifting from the burned up fire wood. Moving slowly so she wouldn't wake up Luffy, she stood up and made the fire again, thinking she should start cooking the half of the monster that was left from last night, as her greedy captain would wake up with a huge hole in his stomach that had to be filled up. 

As she was cooking the meat while watching the calm, morning ocean, a thought popped into her mind. The baby Den Den Mushi she always carried with her, she knew she had it on her when the storm struck their ship! Pf course she lost has lost it in that chaos but they might have the luck and it maybe drifted on the shore along with them. Even if it wasn't made to make long distance calls, being able to make contact with other ships, may be them marine ships or not, it would be useful if they would, at least be able to find out where they are. She thought she had to go look for it later on the day.

The meat was almost done and her stomach was growling when Luffy didn't give a sign to wake up in the nearing future. Even so, she restrained herself from eating and decided to wait for her captain as she knew how much he hated eating alone.

She sat back down, holding her chin with in the palm of her right hand and just looked at the raven haired boy sleeping like he was dead. She smiled a bit, thinking of the position she was in.

-From all the people, him and I end up alone on an abandoned island, she thought, somehow amused. Oi oi now, there's a limit to my luck too! she then said, smiling.

A limit to her luck? No. Her luck just begun. For years and years she suffered while stealing here and there, while laughing along with the killer of her mother, making him have success, all these to free the village she grew in. And just about when all of her work and pain was about to go waisted, Luffy along with Zoro, Usopp and Sanji came and not only they freed her village but also her. She considered herself to be too lucky to be part of that crew, thinking she didn't deserve it. She fell for her captain and now she got to be alone with him here. What she did to deserve all these? She didn't know but she was treasuring everything she had.

Her smile faded when she saw Luffy start moving like he was captive in a cage. He was probably having a nightmare. She stood up, getting closer to him and kneed in front of him, wanting to wake him up. She shook his shoulder and called his name, but he didn't look like wanting to wake up. Instead, he started looking more and more desperate while kicking the air. Nami's heart stopped when she heard him scream Ace's name. She started shaking him even harder and sighed relieved when he opened his eyes. For a few seconds, he just stood there, trying to realize where he was. Then, wrapping his hands around Nami's waist, rested his head on her chest and sighed relieved.

-It's fine, Luffy, the orange haired girl said while holding him tight. It only happened once, she then whispered. Never again.

-I... haven't had a dream of this kind for some time now, he said, a little bit troubled.

Nami looked at him confused when seeing his sudden change in mood.
"Is he blushing?" she thought confused.

-C-can you... uh, maybe, not, um, not get up before I wake up? Luffy startled, avoiding eye contact.

-B-because I sleep a lot better with you, he completed when seeing Nami hesitate.

The only reason she remained silent was because she was took by surprise by Luffy's words. Her heart felt like it was about to jump out of her chest while a visible blush has imprinted on her cheeks.

-I promise I'll stay with you, she smiled widely, making Luffy grin happily. Now come on, breakfast's finished.

-And I'm so hungry too! Nami, you're the best! he laughed while taking a big bite of the delicious meat.

The orange haired girl giggled as she started eating her portion, as well. She really was hungry.


The Sunny was now sailing along with the Kuja Pirates' ship.

-Alright! You said you were sailing east but the wind and currents made it really hard for you. That means the wind was blowing west. Then that's where we should look! Hancock concluded with determination.

-We already said that the wind was blowing northwest, Usopp swat dropped.

-Did you really? the raven haired woman asked.

-How did Luffy put up with her for two whole years? Zoro said annoyed. Oi! Turn the bastard back to how he was! he then said, addressing Hancock. It's time for breakfast and I'm starving! He's our cook, by the way.

-As I said! We are to sail west and look every nearby island! she continued, not listening to poor Zoro.

-Is having a conversation with this woman completely impossible?!


-So, as I said... Luffy? Luffy! Are you even listening?

Of course he wasn't as he was too busy stuffing his mouth full.

-Hm? What did you say, Nami?

-Argh! Can't you pay attention to me for one second? I was talking about the baby Den Den Mushi! It could've drifted ashore with us. If we find it, maybe-

-If we find it, what? Even if we manage to contact nearby ships and find out where we are, it's not like we would be able to communicate it to the others and well, if we have the luck to contact them, I'm pretty sure they'll be able to reach us in no time, Luffy concluded while swallowing the last piece of meat, grinning satisfied. Phew that was some of a meal! Shishishi!

-Luffy... are you really you?! Nami asked, astounded.

-Hm? What's with that look on your face?

-I can't believe you actually said something smart for the first time in your life! We've gotta remember this day! Write it down or something.

Really, all Luffy wanted to do was adventure on the island, not look all day long for a stupid Den Den Mushi. Not to mention that it being there, on that island, was just a presumption. There was no way he would spend time looking for something so insignificant and, to say it right, so not useful.

-Well then, I guess it's no use looking for it, Nami said while watching the morning ocean.

-Then, can we go exploring! Luffy grinned with star shaped eyes.

-Luffy, we can't. What if the others come while we're gone? It'll only make their job harder to check the whole island. We've gotta stay put.

-Come on, Namii! Please! Luffy begged, hoping for an affirmative answer.

-No. We have to sta-

-Do you really wanna stay here the whole time? What if it takes a week or even more for them to find us? Are you still not going to leave this place?

Nami hesitated. For the second time in that day, Luffy was right. She looked in her captain's begging eyes and started thinking if maybe she should let him go.

-But... why won't you go by yourself if you want to explore so much? she tried to convince him.

-If you're not coming, then I'm not going at all.

-But, Luffy-

-No! I wanna go with you!

Nami didn't say anything for a few seconds before sighing and admitting defeat.

-Fine, let's go.

-That's more like it! ADVENTURE! Luffy shouted happily while heading to the forest.

Nami smiled at his excitement while following her captain's lead.

"Since when am I the one to give in?"


Late and short, I know, but I still hope you'll like it! I'll try to post the next one sooner.

See ya next time! =>

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