Change Me

By kidrauhljustin365

4.2K 48 7

Intro Noelle is a shy girl that happens to be Scooter Braun's daughter. Noelle has always been a self con... More

Change Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors Note
Authors note

Chapter 12

184 3 0
By kidrauhljustin365

Noelle's POV 

"So you want to find your mother?" A social worker asked me. I nodded. Justin and I were at a social workers office trying to track down my Mom. Justin is on break for three days so we are going to try our best to find her. 

"Can we kepp this on the down low. I only want us three knowing about this" I said. 

"Of course. I just need to ask you both a few questions" The social worker said. 

"So when and why did your mother leave?" The social worker asked. I took a deep breath and then answered. 

"My mom left when I was eleven years old. She leaft because I took all the attention away from her" I said. I felt a tear run down my cheek. Justin took his thumb and whiped the tear off  my cheek. 

"What is your mothers first name, last name, and Maiden name?" The Social worker asked. 

"Marie Braun or Marie Adams. Adams is her maiden name" I answered. 

"Are you two in a relationship?" The social worker asked. 

"Yes. It's been around six months" Justin smiled. the social worker smiled back at him. 

"So Noelle, why would you like to find your mother?" The social worker asked. 

"I just want to see her. I am really angry at her, but I miss her too" I sighed. 

"Okay well we are going to do everything in our power to find your mother. I'm going to get started right away. I will call you as soon as I find anything" The social worker said. Weboth thanked her and walked out. She looked at my stomach weirdly. I looked down and saw that I was beginning to show. I just smiled at her awkwardly and walk out quickly. 

"Whats wrong?" JUstin asked once we were out of the office. 

"She noticed my stomach" I whispered. 

"well you are getting bigger. How many weeks?" Justin asked me. 

"ten" I blushed. Justin smiled and kissed my cheek. 

"I love you" Justin said. I kissed him and then walked out to the car. 

*Back at the Hotel* 

Pattie, Justin and I decided to all have lunch together. Dad has just been giving me nasty looks lately so Justin and I have been " minimal talking with him.

"So Noelle how many weeks are you?" Pattie asked me as we sat down at our table. 

"eleven" I slightly smiled. 

"Really? You look bigger than eleven. No offense or anything. Are you sure you don't have two or maybe three in there?" Pattie asked me. JUstin and I both stared at eachother wide eyed. 

"You think I could be having two or three?" I asked Pattie nervously. 

"I mean you are big for eleven weeks" Pattie said.

"What has the media been saying about all of this?" Justin asked me. 

"They're saying I'm getting really fat and you're leaving me because of it" I said. 

"Those assholes. I would never leave you no matter what size you are" Justin said and kissed my cheek. 

"So Pattie what should I do?" I asked. 

"I'll scedule an appointment with the doctor" Pattie said. I really hope I just have a really big baby. I heard my phone ring. I looked down at my phone and then back at Justin. 

"Mom we'll be right back" Justin said as we both got up. Pattie gave us a weird look but nodded. 

"Hello?" I answered my phone. 

"Hi this is Lisa your Social Worker. We found your mom and I already contacted her. She doesn't live too far from here andshe is on her way to my office" Lisa said. I put the phone on speaker phone before she started talking so Justin could hear. 

"Thank you. We're on our way" I said and then hung up the phone. 

"I'll tell my mom we have to go" Justin said. I nodded and got in the car to wait for him. Two minuetes later he came back, got in the car and started driving. 

*At the office* 

We pulled up to the Social Workers private office. My heart was pounding. Justin held me close to him. 

"Babe its gonna be alright. I'll be by your side the whole time" Justin assured me. I nodded and proceeded to walk in. I took a deep breath before opening the office door. I closed my eyes and opened the door. Justin was holding my hand the whole time. When I opened my eyes the first thing I was was a beautiful woman with brown eyes and brown hair. She gave me a weak smile. It was my mom. I felt tears coming out of my eyes. 

"Hi Noelle" My mom smiled. 

"I don't know if I should hug you or slap you right now" I said. 

"I think I deserve a slap more than a hug" My mom siad. 

"Can't argue with that" I said. 

"Noelle can I talk to you?" My mom asked. 

"Yeah sure" I said as I sat down with Justin. 

"You must be Justin" My mom smiled. 

"Nice to meet you" Justin said. 

"So Noelle, I'm really sorry. I know I was a shitty mother to you and you deserve better than me. Back then when I left you, I was depressed and doing drugs and all that. I knew I had to go to rehab to sober up and get better, but I didn't want anyone to know so I made up a whole big thing so I can leave. I know it was a stupid idea. I didn't realize how much I had hurt you until I left. My plan was to leave, go to rehab, and then come back. When I was ready to come back, I didn't have the courage to do so. I felt like you guys would hate me more than you already do. So I started my life all over again. There hasn't been a day where I haven't thought about you. I really missed you" My mom said. By the time she was done talking, me, her, and Justin were all crying. 

"You could've just told us you had a problem. We would've excepted that and helped you" I told her. I decided it was time for a hug. I let go of Justin's hand and Wrapped my arms around my mom. 

"I've missed this" My mom said. We eventually broke the hug. 

"So how's Scooter?" My mom asked me. 

"uh I don't know. I haven't talked to him in a while. He's really busy. He doesn't even talk to Justin anymore" I sighed. 

"oh that doesn't sound like him. Anyways Noelle I've been hearing that your putting on that wieght" My mom said and then patted my stomach.  

"Oh uh yeah. I haven't really been myself lately" I sighed. Justin placed his hand on my back and started rubbing it softly. 

"Aw why?" My mom asked. 

"Stress I guess. All the media and stuff gets to me sometimes" I lied. I rarely read that shit. 

"well I have to get going for a doctors appointment but I love you and I hope we can talk again soon" My mom said. She gave me and Justin hugs and then left. when she left I walked into Justins arms and cried into his chest. He wrapted his strong arnd around me and just held me there. \

"We should start heading home. It's getting late" Justin said. I nodded and started walking out with him. 

"You Okay?" Justin ased me as we got into the car. 

"Yeah" I lied. I just say my mom and she just left so easily. 

"We'll talk about it later. Lets just head back to the hotel and go to sleep" Justin suggested. I nodded. Justin started the car and drove us to the Hotel. 

"Justin my stomach hurts" I complained once we got in our suite. 

"Whats wrong? Are you okay? Do I need to take you the hospital? Is something wrong with the baby?" Justin freaked out. 

"Justin calm down. I'm just having a little pain. I'm just gonna go to bed." I said. 

"I'll come with you" Justin said as he led me to the bed room. We both got changed into PJ's and went to bed. Justin fell asleep instantly and I was having a bit more trouble. Eventually I got comfortable and fell into a deep sleep. 

*Three A.M* 

"Ahhh" I yelled. My pains in my stomach got worse. 

"Noelle whats wrong???" Justin freaked out. 

"It hurts so bad" I yelled.

"I need to take you to the hospital" Justin said. I nodded. Justin lifted my sheets and freaked out. 

"Oh my god" Justin gasped. 

"What?" I aksed. He's freaking me out. 

"Your bleeding. A lot" Justin said. My eyes went wide. 

"Just take me to the hospital! Quick" I stressed. Justin nodded and helped me out of the room, downstairs, into the lobby, and to our car. As soon as we reached the hospital, there ws someone there to carry me in a wheelchair and to the pregancy wing of the hospital. I guess Justin must of called when I was freaking out in the car. I let out another screem in pain. 

"Hello I'm doctor Jacobs and I will be you doctor this evening. So we are going to have to do some tests right away" Doctor Jacobs said. We both nodded. Justin pushed me in a wheelchair following the doctor to the testing room. It took the doctor about ten minuetes for all the tests. 

"Alrighty you can go back to your room. We'll be back with results as soon as possible" The doctor assured us. We both sighed and went back to the room. JUstin helped me back onto the bed. I started sobbing uncontrollably. Justin wrapped his arms around me and sobbed too. 

"May I come in?" The doctor asked. We pulled away from our hug and Nodded. 

"So I don't really know how to say this." The doctor said. MY heart broke when she said that. This can't be good. 

"So unfortunatly you have had a miscarrige. This is no ones fault its just bad luck. I'm really sorry. We are going to have to do an evvacuation procedure" The doctor said and the walked out to give us some alone time. I had tears spillig out of my eyes. I looked over and Justin and he looked really pale. His face was compleatly expressionless. 

"I love you" I said. He didn't reply. 

"Justin?" I said his name. I still didn't reply. I started sobbing. 

"Justin can't you hear me?!? Justin?" I yelled. He didn't move

"Justin I need you" I cried. This time JUstin moved, but not to me. He walked out of the door leaving me alone.


So this is the last chapter of this book :(. I felt like it was time to end it. But I promise there will be a book two to this series coming very soon so stay tuned!!! I'll notify when that is up. 

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