Anakin & Ahsoka: Two Souls...

By MercuryBoySW

59.5K 1.2K 149

Witness the immediate aftermath of Ahsoka's heartbreaking departure from the Jedi Order, and the deep effect... More

Memory Lane
The Message
The Calm Before the Storm - Ahsoka
The Calm Before the Storm - Dooku
Last Stand of the Betrayed
Old Friends


2.4K 56 7
By MercuryBoySW

Ahsoka couldn't sleep. She'd tried everything, but she couldn't sleep. It was dark, quiet and boring, the kind of conditions where sleep should have been easy, but she couldn't sleep.

And yet, therein lied the answer, she was bored. She wasn't used to this life. She should have been on the front lines, deflecting blaster fire, slicing through droids, leading the Republic to victory with her master by her side, but that life was over. She was used to coming home feeling physically and mentally exhausted, to the point where sleep became involuntary. Instead, she was restless. She found herself pacing up and down her room, over and over again, waiting for something, anything, to happen.

As if the galaxy was answering her prayers, the doorbell rang. She was sceptical. Who could that be at this hour? she thought to herself.

"Coming!" she announced, while hurriedly slipping on some evening attire.

As she walked towards the door, she felt a strange presence. The room suddenly felt cold, even darker than before.

Just stress, she thought. Just stress.

Having eased her mind, she went to greet her guest.

"Who is it?" she called.
No voice replied.
"Who's there?" she asked again.

She began to wonder if it was all just a joke, some kids playing 'knock n' run'. She bent down, and peered though the crack underneath her door. There was undeniably someone out there, so why wouldn't they answer. Ahsoka started feeling nervous, something wasn't right.

Suddenly, the door sprung open and Ahsoka was thrown to the ground. She staggered to her feet, in time to see a dark, hooded figure walking slowly towards her. The figure spoke with a voice that Ahsoka knew, and it frightened her.

"Good evening, Padawan Tano," said the mysterious assailant.
"You're wasting your time!" Ahsoka backfired. "I'm not a Jedi anymore!"
The man removed his hood, revealing a face feared by millions, the Sith Lord, Count Dooku.
"That is of no concern to me," Dooku said sinisterly. "My Master wants you brought in," he explained while grabbing his elegant, curved lightsaber, "dead or alive!"

With that, he ignited its crimson blade, lighting up the room with its terrifying glow. Ahsoka reacted instantly. She'd made sure to keep hold of her own lightsabers in case of a situation like this, and she activated them quickly and decisively. This caused a look of amusement to appear on the Sith's face, as though he wasn't expecting a fight.

He lunged forward, with his deadly blade of light stretched out in front of him. Ahsoka barely parried it in time before it pierced through her chest. She immediately followed it up with an attack of her own, aiming straight for the Count's throat, which Dooku easily defended himself against.

The duel went on, with the former Padawan giving it everything she had, but it was taking its toll. She had been in many battles, as well as her fair share of lightsaber duels, but this was something different. She had never faced a Sith Lord before, and his skills with the sword were unlike anything she'd ever experienced before. She wasn't going to win this fight, she knew that, but if this was her last battle, she was going to fight to her last breath. One last offensive, she hurled herself at her opponent, with her sabers held high, determined to stop this evil once and for all, but before her blades could even connect, disaster struck! A flash of blinding blue light hit her, causing her to collapse to the floor. She looked up to see the Sith Lord with his arm outstretched. Then, from his very fingertips, came again the light, and again the pain. This was the forbidden Force Power that so many feared... Force Lightning.

A final burst came from Dooku's fingers. Ahsoka screamed, writhing in agony. All she could see was blinding, painful, blue light. She experienced this pain for a few short seconds, and then she experienced nothing, for she was now unconscious.

Dooku stood over his defeated adversary's motionless body. The temptation to just kill her right then and there was unbearable.

No, he thought. I must obey my master.

With that, he bent down, picked up her body, and carried it away.

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