The Art of Courting

By flying-person

251K 7.5K 1.1K

Chelsea O'Hara has always prided herself at being practical and confident. But when you have a dad that still... More

Copyright Statement
The Art of Courting- Prologue
The Art of Courting- Chapter One
The Art of Courting- Chapter Two
The Art of Courting- Chapter Three
The Art of Courting- Chapter Four
The Art of Courting- Chapter Five
The Art of Courting- Chapter Six
The Art of Courting- Chapter Seven
The Art of Courting- Chapter Eight
The Art of Courting- Chapter Nine
The Art of Courting- Chapter Ten
The Art of Courting- Chapter Eleven
The Art of Courting- Chapter Twelve
The Art of Courting- Chapter Fourteen
The Art of Courting- Chapter Fifteen
The Art of Courting- Chapter Sixteen
The Art of Courting- Chapter Seventeen
The Art of Courting- Chapter Eighteen
The Art of Courting- Chapter Nineteen
The Art of Courting- Chapter Twenty
The Art of Courting- Chapter Twenty One
The Art of Courting- Chapter Twenty Two
The Art of Courting- Chapter Twenty Three
The Art of Courting- Chapter Twenty Four
The Art of Courting- Chapter Twenty Five
The Art of Courting- Chapter Twenty Six
The End

The Art of Courting- Chapter Thirteen

6.9K 232 29
By flying-person

Hey guys,

Thanks to everyone commenting and voting!! You guys are amazing and I loooove you!

This chapter is dedicated to farawayfromnowhere because I adore her story Never Have I Ever, just like everyone else on wattpad! Read it if you haven't! It's sad but good!

The song for this chapter is Psycho Killer by Talking Heads. It's not for everyone, but I like it <3

This chapter is a bit of a filler...

Kay, bye!


You start a conversation you can’t even finish it

You’re talking a lot, but you’re not saying anything

When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed

Say something once, why say it again?

Psycho killer

Qu’est-ce que c’est

Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-far better

Run run run run run run run away- Psycho Killer, Talking Heads

AT SCHOOL ON WEDNESDAY CHELSEA was quietly content. She was sitting next to Jay at one of the tables outside, his arm around her, with Jordan and her friends.

“Uh oh, weirdo alert!” Eliza giggled. Her brown eyes widened at something behind Chelsea. Turning around to see what everyone was looking at, she wasn’t surprised that May and Dani were heading over to their table. Their arms were linked and big smiles were plastered on their faces.


“Oh yay,” Jay muttered, echoing her thoughts.

Even so, she still elbowed him. “They’re my friends! Make an effort!”

“Only one of them is your friend, and these days you’re closer to my sister then you are to her.”       

“That’s not true! Shut up!” she whined just as the two girls arrived. May sent her a confused look.

“What’s not true?”


“That Chelly spends more time with my sister then she does with you.”

Dammit! Why can’t he have a filter on his mouth?

“Um…” May looked around awkwardly. “Sorry?”

“You should be,” Jay pouted. “She’s your best friend and you’ve been neglecting her.”

The more they talked the more Chelsea sunk into her chair. Dani was glaring daggers at her (not that she knew why) and it was making her more uncomfortable than Jay talking. His arm was still around her as he scolded May, his hand drawing small circles on her exposed arm. It sent shivers through her entire body, even though she was sure he didn’t realize that he was doing it.

Jay was a toucher. He always had some sort of physical contact with her, whether it was bodily contact or just standing unusually close. She also found that he had an obsession with twirling her hair around when he was bored.

Normally him touching her wouldn’t cause such a potent reaction, but it was finally March and the weather had gotten better. Much better. It was almost sixty-five degrees outside, and for early spring that was amazing. Therefore, she went as far as ditching her turtlenecks for a sleeveless shirt.

And because of that, his hand was seriously distracting her. Skin-on-skin contact was so much better than anything else. It was driving her insane.

“What do you think, Chels? Am I neglecting you?” May suddenly cried. Confused, Chelsea just stared at her.


“Am I neglecting you?”

“I don’t know. Are you?” She was still puzzled. She couldn’t recall when she entered the conversation.

“No! I’m not!”

“Yes! She is!”

Both Jay and May said this at the same time.

“Okay. Don’t include me in this conversation, please.”

They went back to arguing while Chelsea checked her phone. Sadie had been texting her about how much her friends- her real friends, Abby and Whitney- liked her new necklace. Her sister’s birthday had been last week and Chelsea had bought her a diamond teardrop pendent with a white gold chain. For the weekend their dad was taking them to a resort in the Hudson Valley in celebration of all of their birthdays. He always took them somewhere new on during their birthdays.

“I give up!” Jay cried. “I seriously give up!”

“Yes!” The redhead fist pumped the air.

“Come on Chelly, we’re leaving!”

He stood and dragged her away from the table.

“Jay,” she snapped. “Jay stop it!”

“Shush!” he snapped back.

“Shush? Don’t you dare shush me Jay Derrick Frost!”

“I just did.”

By now they were in a deserted corridor. Chelsea ripped her hand from his and backed up against the lockers. She was furious. Sure, he had lost a fight with May that he probably should have won but that didn’t give him the right to drag her away from her lunch. The salad they offered at the cafeteria was high quality and she wanted to enjoy it!

“This is so un-”

“Shush!” Jay cried again and pressed her up against the wall. She finally noticed how agitated his face was. From what she observed, he hardly ever got angry. And usually it was over minor things that were forgotten in the span of ten minutes.

This time, though, she could tell he planned to keep a grudge.

“Calm down,” she whispered softly and ran her hand through his hair. His expression relaxed slightly. 

“How can you not be angry?”

“Why would I be angry?”

“She practically said that you were no fun to hang around! You’re heaps of fun!”

“Jay,” she sighed. “I didn’t hear her say that. Are you sure she did?”

“It was implied!”

Keeping her hand in his hair, Chelsea brought his face down to hers and planted a kiss on his lips. His arms immediately went around her waist and he sighed into the kiss. She held in a laugh. Jay was freakishly adorable sometimes.

“Okay,” she giggled against his lips. “That’s enough Lover Boy.”

What was he doing to her? She never giggled.

“Will you be my girlfriend, Chelly?” he asked timidly, drawing her out of her mind.

“I thought I was already your girlfriend?”

“Well, yes.” He frowned thoughtfully. “I thought I had to ask you, though.”


“So… Will you?”

“Will I what?”

“Be my girlfriend.”

“Um… Yeah. Sure.”


He kissed her again, only this time it was more passionate. Nibbling on her bottom lip, he confidently slipped his tongue in and slanted his mouth. They both let out a shaky moan.

“EXCUSE ME!” someone screeched. The couple instantly jumped apart.

Dani was standing to the left of them with a murderous expression on her face. Her arms were crossed against her chest and her lips were pursed. Chelsea found herself wrapped in Jay’s comforting embrace after a couple of seconds. At least they weren’t up against the wall anymore.


“What on earth do you two think you’re doing making out in the halls? That’s disgusting and feral! Please, have some consideration to the people walking by you!” Dani cried, waving her arms around.

“The hall was empty,” she replied awkwardly. “Jay and I checked beforehand…”

“Don’t worry Chelly, we don’t need to give an excuse to her. You’re my girlfriend and I’m allowed to kiss you whenever I want to.”

“Oh. Alright.”

“Kay. Bye Dani!” Jay dragged her down the hall before she could hear the other girl’s response.

“Ugh, she’s so annoying,” he grumbled as they entered their math class. Chelsea couldn’t help but laugh at him.

“You think both of my friends are annoying.”

“No. I think Dani’s annoying. I hate May.”

“You hate her? Seriously?” She sent him a disapproving look.

“I swear to God she’d not what you think she is!”

“Jay, I know her. She’s amazingly bubbly and sweet. I don’t understand how you can hate her.”

“I just do! There’s something fishy about the way she jumps between you and Dani, especially with the whole rivalry thing you’ve got going on.”

“We’re both her friends and she shouldn’t have to choose!”

He let out a loud groan. “I give up. You’re insufferable.”

After school had finished and Chelsea had parted from Jay with a small peck, she was approached by Dani and May. Will was still in detention and Sadie had cheerleading tryouts so she planned to leave and get a coffee before coming to pick them up. Hopefully she would also have been able to start on her new history assignment. The one on ancient Japan that Jay and her had handed up came back with a solid A, which she was happy with. Now they were moving on to the Victorian era.

“Hey Chels,” May greeted cheerfully.

“Hi guys, what’s up?”

“Oh, nothing much. Kelsey’s throwing a party at her place on the weekend and we were wondering if you wanted to come.”

“I would, but Dad’s taking us somewhere for our birthdays.” Chelsea pulled a sad face, though she didn’t really want to go in the first place. Thank God for their traditional vacations.

“Aw, that’s too bad!” Dani replied sweetly. “I was really riding on you and Jay being there!”

Translation: I really wanted Jay to be there so I could steal him away from you!

She fought not to roll her eyes at the other girl. It was like she thought she had a chance, when Chelsea was pretty sure that Jay would never cheat on her. He just wasn’t that type of guy.

There was an awkward silence until May’s phone vibrated.

“Oops! I forgot to pick up my English homework from Miss Wellington!”

Just like that she was gone, and it was only Dani and her.

Okay, things just got ten times more awkward. Time to do that weird turtle thing.

“Alright, let’s just get this over and done with,” Dani started.

“Um, okay.”

“Jay is mine. I don’t know what’s going on between the two of you but he will always come back to me. Our parents have known each other since high school so our families are super close. I swear my mom’s already planning our wedding. Nothing is going to stand in the way of that happening.”

“Well,” she replied hesitantly, “I kind of am.”

“I’m warning you know, O’Hara. If you keep stealing Jay away from me- even though he’ll always come back to me- I will have to do something about it. My family will have to do something about it. Did you know my dad is of Italian descent?”

All was silent again as she processed this.

“Are you trying to say that you’re part of the mafia?” she asked, trying not to be as amused as she felt.

“I’m not trying.”

Chelsea held in a laugh. “Um, okay.”

“This is serious, Chelsea!” Dani cried. “I will kill you if you don’t back off. I will! I swear!”

“Alright. You’ll kill me. I get it,” she replied and held her hands up.

“It’ll be at your loss that you’re not taking this literally. It’ll be at your loss.”

“Uh huh.”

Dani let out another exasperated huff before leaving. Getting in her car, Chelsea started laughing loudly. That was all too funny. Part of the mafia?

Honestly, that was the best she could do?

After she had picked up Will and Sadie, she helped everyone pack. Their dad had had a random spur of organization and ordered them to get prepared.

“Should I pack these?” her little sister asked, staring down at her pink suitcase.

Chelsea glanced at the booty shorts she had clutched in her hands. “If you want to, you can.”

“Yeah, but will I wear them?”  

“Will you?”

“Don’t answer me with a question!”

Sadie glared at her as she observed the white jean shorts, looking them up and down. In truth, Chelsea was only doing it to get on the other girl’s nerves. She was surprisingly funny when she was angry.

“Yes, you’ll probably wear them. There’s an indoor pool and you can put them over your bikini,” she decided.

“Okay! I’m done now!”

“Good for you.” Rolling her eyes, she walked out to check on Will. He seemed to have picked everything out that he was going to pack… Only it was pretty much just a messy pile on the middle of his bed.

“Oh Will,” she sighed. “Couldn’t you at least fold them?”

“No,” was his clipped answer. He had been getting quite snappy lately. Chelsea assumed it was because he was under a lot of pressure with the baby. Which was fair enough. He wasn’t even with the girl.

“How is Poppy?” she asked as she folded his clothes.

“She’s alright.”

“Have you been with her to an ultrasound yet?”

His face instantly lit up. “Yeah. It was pretty amazing. The doc said that they couldn’t tell what sex the kid was and that she was officially two and a half months along. They should be able to find out soon, though. The gender, I mean.”

“Wow, that’s exciting.”

“Yeah but… Don’t worry.”

“But what?”

“Don’t worry.”

She decided to let it drop. “Okay.”

It took another ten minutes to get Will all packed and ready to go. He put his suitcase under his bed and ordered her to go make dinner. She sighed loudly.

“Why do I always have to make dinner? Can’t you?”

“Do you want me to blow up your kitchen?”


“Then don’t ask again.”

Sighing again, she exited the room and made her way to the kitchen. They needed to go grocery shopping so she wasn’t really sure what to make. She was searching through the fridge when the doorbell rang.

“Yes?” Chelsea answered without really looking.

“I’m here for dinner,” Jay replied happily and let himself in. He sat himself down on the couch in her living room.

“I really should just give you a key,” she observed before leaning down to kiss him.

“You really should.”

He pulled her down into his arms so he could kiss her properly, making her fall onto his lap. The kiss was pretty hot and heavy, different from their usually sweet ones. Chelsea had to fight to remember where she was.

“Okay, that’s enough,” she mumbled and pulled away. Somehow, Jay’s hair had gotten so messy during their short make out that it was sticking up in every direction. His lips were swollen and red.

“Aw,” he pouted.

“No. I have to cook dinner. Will and Sadie are in the TV room, I think. Tell them the food’ll be ready in around an hour.”

“Alllriiight,” he drawled and stood up after her. They walked down the same hallway together before separating into different rooms. Already she was feeling slightly lost and cold without him near her.

What the hell is happening to me?

There were enough ingredients in the fridge to make spaghetti Bolognese and Chelsea quickly set to work. Making the sauce was pretty easy and soon enough it was sizzling away. She was officially bored. Walking into her lounge room, she turned on the TV and at down on the couch.

Back when she was younger, this had been her mother’s living room. They had sat there together, watching the news and parliamentary talk shows. Her mother had explained everything to her from a young age. Chelsea was sure that if she were to study law now she’d finish in less than two years. She had been reading law books since she could sit up.

Usually it would make her sad to be in this lounge room, but nowadays it just reminded her of Jay. Jay eating macaroni, her and Jay making out on the couch while everyone was out… It was all Jay. She could hardly remember what it was like there with her mom.

“Hey, are you almost done cooking?” the guy in question asked.

“Yeah,” she replied with a big smile. “Thank you.”     

“For what?”

“For being here.”

“Where else would I be?”

She laughed. “I don’t know. You could be anywhere you want to be.”

“Well,” he mused. “I’m pretty sure that I’m happy right where I am.”

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