Beast Mode (RWBY harem X grim...

By Username19870o

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After being abandoned by his parents left to be torn to shreds by grimm he is instead treated as one of there... More

Left Behind (prologue)
Chapter 2: Store of dust
Chapter 3: The New Team
Chapter 4: learning
Chapter 5: Opposites attract
Chapter 6: Hormones
Chapter 7: lust of animals (18+)
Chapter 8: new faces and flavors
Chapter 9: Getting Prepared
I'm sorry
Chapter 10: It's go time
Chapter 11: double trouble (18+)

Chapter 1: Time flys by

28.3K 268 771
By Username19870o

(P.S. this is what you wear for now. And all credit to artwork goes to there original creators)

(This is your mask)

(And finally your weapons)

(It was hard as hell to find these pictures any way on to the story)

I sat on a tree as I spotted my next prey. I was sent by the clan to gather food and patrol for enemy clan members. I aimed my bow at the creature under me and released the arrow. It penetrated through its skull killing it instantly. Even though it was dead the nerves kept it moving which slightly startled you so you quickly jumped off of the tree and formed a dagger then ran up to it and slit it's throat to make sure it was fully dead. After it had stopped twitching you sat next to its corpse and petted it as a sign of thanks for providing you and your clan with energy to keep it going. Once you were done with that you picked it up and threw it over your shoulder and started walking back to your tribe.

*5 Minutes later*

After the long tiring jog back home it was quite relieving to see the little ones again. They always were excited to see someone come back from a successful hunt. You greeted them then headed to your family's den.
(P.S. you speak in grimm language)

Father: back from hunt son?

(Y/n): yes father I get kill.

Father: good bring to your mother she distribute equally to rest of clan.

This was something you liked about your family and clan when ever there was a problem or when someone got a successful hunt everyone either helped out or got an equal share you knew that not many other clans did this. You walked over to your mother and dropped the large animal finally allowing you to stretch.

Mother: good hunt son you thank it?

(Y/n): yes mother.

It was always a rule to thank every thing you kill and you understood why. In order to live you had to take the life of something else. Nothing wants to die that is fact so once you took the life of something that you needed you thanked it so it knew it would not be put to waste. You how ever didn't do this for your enemies.

*time skip twenty minutes*

You were sitting by your family's den eating your share of the kill when your father sat by you.

Father: (y/n)?

(Y/n): yes father?

He looked dreadful as if he was afraid to keep talking. This made you scared and worried because you have never seen him scared not even when you almost lost your home to a rival clan. You put your hand on his back showing it was ok to speak. He quietly inhaled and spoke.

Father: would you like to know about your real parents?

You stopped and looked ahead and began thinking, when you finally grew to an age where you were able to think properly you knew you weren't like your parents you've known you were different but you eventually got over it and continue life. But now you would finally be able to hear the truth.

(Y/n): no.

Your father looked at you surprised.

Father: are you sure?

You turn to him and speak.

(Y/n): They mean nothing to me. They were never there for me when I was growing up. But you were. Even if the whole world is against us and hates us I will still stand by your side as you did for me when I was growing up. You guys are my true parents and nothing can make me change my mind about that.

You look at your father to see his red eyes glowing brighter and a red liquid coming out of them. You then hug him as he hugs back.

Father: thank you son.

(Y/n): no thank you dad for being there for me.

You enjoyed moments like these bonding with your family. Even if they weren't biological they were still your family to you...

But all good things come to an end as both you and your father heard a war cry from one of your clan members in the distance meaning there was intruders on your land. You let go of your father as he prepares to run you grab his shoulder.

(Y/n): let me take care of this.

Father: son?

(Y/n): the clan couldn't survive without you. Don't worry I'll come back I promise.

He turns to you and smiles.

Father: you always were a fighter go get them son.

You nodded and went full sprint in the direction of the war cry with a few other clan members running with you. You form your bow in your hands and a arrow quiver on your back. With your fellow clan members giving there war cry's as a sign to the one patrolling the area help was coming.

*time skip two minutes*

Adjusting your mask you spot 6 of the faunuses that wear the strange mask fighting the one who was patrolling. You signal for your team to make a circle around them. You watched and waited for the right time to strike the one they were attacking was holding his ground vary well. You saw a faunus readying his gun at your clan member's head you quickly readied you bow and shot. The arrow when through one of the eye holes on his mask killing him instantly. It the process of falling down his hand tighten on the trigger of his gun causing him to shoot one if his friends in the arm. All of the faunuses turned to there fallen team mate. This was the perfect time to strike I let out a howl signaling for my team to strike they each got out of there hiding places and proceeded to slaughter the faunuses I walked over and helped my injured brother he smiled and gladly accepted my help once he was on his feet we both headbutted each other we both fell down laughing. She each got up and he spoke.

Clan member 1: you show at good time brother me thought I would die.

(Y/n): we here whole time just wait for right moment.

Clan member 1: I know I smell they.

You and your family spoke more fluently around each other at home but when you were out on the field you spoke a little as you could to still get your point across your father said it save air and made you less winded when running or fighting. You heard another one of your team mates walking up behind you so you turned to him knowing he had something to say.

Clan member 2: one left breathing what do we do with him?

(Y/n): I speak to him tell him to warn others not to come back.

They nodded and stepped out of the way you saw two of your team mates holding him up by his arms. As you started to walk up to him he looked at you with fear in his eyes, he was shaking uncontrollably. Once you finally got up to him you lifted him by the neck as the others let go of his arms. Though you knew a lot of there words it was still hard to speak in their tongue(language).


The faunus quickly shook his head up and down but before you let him go you took a big whiff of his sent so you could track him later. You then dropped him and he quickly scurried off into the woods away from your sight. You turn to you team as they were all looking at you.

(Y/n): we head home now.

They all nodded and proceeded to go except for one so they could take watch. You help the wounded one stand up and you proceeded to head home.

*last time skip for this page*

You finally made it home and inter of your clan members took the the wounded one to treat his injures. You head home to see your father with a happy yet stern face.

Father: I am glad you all made it out ok but what are you planning?

You mentally sigh your father always knew when you were up to something but how you never knew.

(Y/n): I'm planning on stopping the strange masked faunuses from bothering us.

Father: and how do you plan to do that?

(Y/n): by getting rid of the source. By killing there leader.

Your father went wide eyed and quickly walked up to you and grabbed your shoulders.

Father: you are forbidden from doing that do you understand do you want to end up like...

(Y/n): like my brother and all the other members that died by their hands.

It was true though it may not seem like it you have lost several clammy members to them only now you have reduced that number by having your whole clan train extremely hard but before that you had lost several clan members and even your brother. Yes you had a brother he wasn't a biological brother of course but you still treated him like one. He was your main teacher he taught you how to speak walk and fight. But one day there was a war cry and he ran off to help he promised you he would come back...

And he did but not the way you wanted it. The memory still haunts you to this day. You were sitting by your dad eagerly waiting for him to come back. You saw his team mates walk come back from the woods. At first you were ecstatic but once they got closer you saw how badly damaged they were you jumped up from where you were sitting and ran up to one of the clan members.

(Y/n): where's my brother?

The person you were talking to lost the color in his eyes. He turned to another person who was carrying a large bag on his back he nodded to him and the person carrying the bag set it down in front of me and slowly backed away. I opened the bag only to see black dust and bone. It hit me like a train I felt so many emotions at once anger,sadness, and pain. I stayed up the whole night crying my brothers last wish was to make an armor out of him to be given to me so he may always protect me. Flashing out of the memory I looked at my father. I was in tears but I still spoke.

(Y/n): no I'm going to stop people from ending up like him.

I say gripping onto my armor. My father looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

Father: I know I cannot stop you from doing this but please promise me this.

I looked at him waiting for him to speak.

Father: promise me you'll come back once you are done.

Now this was something you hated doing. You didn't like making promises expectantly sense this was basically a suicide mission but you decided to do it anyway.

(Y/n): I promise.

You then went on to tell your mother and as you expected cried her eyes out but didn't fight you to not go only asking you to stay for dinner which you gladly did. After dinner you kissed her forehead and hugged your dad telling them you'll keep your promise. You then turned around and ran into the woods following the scent of the person you let go earlier before you fully made it out of the area your heard your parents say.

Mom&dad: WE LOVE YOU (Y/N)!

You felt like crying but kept running with the one thought running through your head.

(Y/n) I'm keeping my promise.


(Authors note thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed tell me what I messed up on or if you just want to praise me but anyways awesome pyro signing off see us later. P.S. 2004 words!)

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