Meeting with my darkest side...

By SadisticSinnerrr

10.4K 305 251

Abby is a normal girl till she finds her soulmate. With their love and bound, she discovers a part of herself... More

Meeting with my darkest side...
The beginning of my destruction...(Part one!)
First encounter...
Starting up
You? No...Not again!
A life without meaning...
Losing myself...
The arrival
This is not goodbye
Feels like home
Date me...
Bridges burnt to the ground...
Be mine...
Who knew...
Problems approaching...
Family business...
Unknown man...
This can't be happening...
Close to an end...
Slowly dying...
Author's Note

The beginning of my destruction...(Part two)

416 16 11
By SadisticSinnerrr


I grabbed the matches from my bedside table and set the letter on fire, rushed into the bathroom threw it in the toilette and flushed the water. Watched as the almost burnt piece of paper disappeared. My whole life passed before my eyes in seconds. I was totally calm and knew exactly what I had to do.


I had to become that powerful creature my mom told me so I could face the threat they said was coming my way. I had to talk to Helen. I already knew I could hear Andrew thoughts so I assumed I could do the same with other people.

I grabbed my cell phone and dialed Helen’s phone number.

“Helen I know.” I stated.

“Good. When do we start?” she asked sounding determined.

“As soon as possible.”

“Great. But you have to know that I can only teach you very little. You have more powers than I do and most of them you will have to figure out on your own. Albeit, I suggest you seek for all the help you can get. Oh and I shall try to teach you how to hear other people’s thoughts. I can’t do it myself but I knew that soon enough the time would come. So I made my research. You shall need a few things.” I heard her giggle.

“I am hearing.” I stated.

“I will text you the address of a store. But for you to find it you must use your vision.”

“Ehm…Helen do you remember that I am not blind?” I laughed.

“Yea I know you ain’t blind. But I don’t mean that vision. You must see with you heart. Not with your brain. When you reach the store search deep into your heart and when you are sure you have found yourself cross your hand in front of you eyes. Then you shall be free of the spells.” she firmly stated.

“Just like I did with the necklace?” I asked.

“What?” I could hear the terror in her voice.     

“Look…when you left it seemed transparent. So I crossed my finger over it and it disappeared. Then I did the same and it reappeared.”

“Tomorrow after school you have to buy a few things and come right into my place. You know where I live?”

“No not really.” I stated.

“Okie dokie. I will text you both my address and the store’s. You are more powerful than I thought. You can do things without even trying. This is why we have to start as soon as possible. Tell no mortal about you or our world. You got it?”

“Promise.” I smiled to myself. She hanged up the phone and after a while I received a text where she was giving me the address of her house and of the store she told me.

My dad was not my dad, my mother was dead because of a contract with Lucifer, I am not a mortal but no one knows what I am. ‘For now I am just a bit tired…’ I thought and giggled. Stripped of my clothes dropping them on the floor and hopped into my pjs.

‘Well the only good thingy is that we won’t cook anymore. School’s restaurant rocks!’ I laughed with my thought.  When I finally closed my eyes to get some sleep I instantly fell asleep. I had no dreams which was weird. ‘Yea…like this is the only thing that’s weird in your life!’ a voice in my head commented making me giggle. Check my alarm and found out that it was six thirty and I has enough time to get ready. I would never get up that early.

I jumped off of my bed, stretched my muscles while yawning and whispered to myself. “Let’s go to school baby girl!” I checked my window and saw that the sky had few clouds but it was sunny as h*ll. I hoped into my room’s lovable bathroom deciding to have a wonderful morning shower. However, I didn’t really want to mess my adorable straight her so I set it into a messy bun and started showering letting the warm water loosen my muscles.

When I was done I grabbed the towel and brushed of the water from my body and the steam from the mirror and started doing my makeup. A rouge to make my pale skin look a bit warm, applied my favorite brown mascara and lined the base of my eyelashes with some black eyeliner making the line really thin. Spread across my lips a pink girly lipstick and headed off towards my wardrobe.

“Okay now here’s the difficult part.” I laughed. I grabbed a white, tight t-shirt and a shirt with a chess print, brown-white colored and a pair of denim shorts. Searched through my drawers and grabbed a pair of socks and as I was wondering what shoes should I were my eyes landed on my favorite shoes. My cowgirl, brown, worn out boots were sitting there waiting for me to wear.

I grabbed them and started dressing. I left my shirt unbuttoned so my white t-shirt was uncovered and completed the look by wearing my shoes, combing my now straight hair and wearing my mom’s necklace. Well, I firstly made it disappear and then wore it.

Checked myself on the mirror and I found out that I totally loved my look. My green eyes were shining as I giggled. Thanked god that we didn’t have to wear school uniforms. “I love my principal!” I burst out laughing. I stuffed my books inside my bag, checked again if I had anything I needed and grabbed my cell phone setting it inside the right pocked of my shorts.

I run down the stairs and threw my bag on the couch. “Let’s make some breakfast!” I whispered happily and Rocky came close to me wagging his tail. I laughed at my sweet clumsy dog and set him on his little bed. Washed my hands and made breakfast as soon as I could. I was done twenty minutes later and the pancakes were making my stomach growl.

When I thought I couldn’t take it Marian came running down the stairs wearing tight jeans, a black t-shirt with her name on it written in pink letters and pink ballet shoes. I gave her, her coffee and we started eating. Washed the dishes and Marian headed towards the car while I set Rocky’s bowls down with clear water and new dog food which he totally loved. He thanked me by licking my nose, I grabbed his head and kissed him right on his sensitive nose. He barked warningly and I giggled.

“Now you don’t like that do you? Don’t do other’s what you don’t want them to do to you!” I warned him and kissed him again but his time on the top of his head. Run towards the car and threw my bag in the back sit.

“Let’s go!” I giggled. We took off and I saw Marian looking at me threw the corner of her eyes.

“What?” I giggled.

“I totally love your outfit! You look so hot today!”she laughed.

“Thanks. But hope not too hot for school.”

“Nah. It’s just the right amount of hotness to rock once world but not look… you know! By the way how did you do that? I mean how did you manage to dress so nice? Not your thing!” she laughed.

“Scr*w you!” I joined her session of laughter. When she finally stopped she just left a huge smile spread across her face.

“So…the hunt is on?” she giggled.

“Sure thing.” I smiled evilly. She parked outside our school and locked the car as we got out. She reached her pocked and passed me a small key.

“Your new locker.” She winked. We walked towards a row of red lockers.

“Please tell me this is not my new locker.” I tried to look scared.

“Nope. Ours are over there.” She pointed at a row of black ones.

“Cool.” I giggled. When we reached them I saw that mine was full of posts, cards, there was a huge sticker with my name and a white rose. Every card had a wish. Guess my friends were really happy to see me at school. I grabbed the rose and stared at my sister.

“What does he want?” I whispered.

“I think you know!” she stated smiling. I brought it towards my nose but my hand reacting like it had a soul of its one and dragged it away from my nose, dropping my hand on my right. I opened my locker stuffed the cards, the rose and my books inside and my eyes caught my reflection on a mirror. There was a small bag of new cosmetics and my favorite perfume.

“What?” I giggled.

“Thought I could make you a small welcome back gift!” she blushed, grabbed the perfume and sprayed a few drops on my skin. I locked my locker and started walking towards my sister.

“Hey beautiful! Mike winked at me gave me a big kiss on the cheek and then left with Bill who smiled apologetically while his crazy best friend dragged him to their first lesson.

“Hey Abbs…” Nate came next to me.

“Don’t worry I am fine today. Ain’t gonna tell you to move from my way.” I stuck my tongue out at him and let him walk with us. A few minutes later Ramon run towards Marian and I saw the hatred in Nate’s eyes while he stiffened and walked away.

“Hey girls!” Ramon laughed and kissed my sister. “What’s up Abbs? Good to see you alive and kicking.” He winked at me. I smiled kindly.

“Abbs could you do me a favor?”

“Tell me first and we’ll see.”

“Well could you please keep an eye on Andrew during classes?”

“We don’t have the same program.”

“Yes you do. The principal made him swap programs with Mike.” He shrugged.

“Well in that case I’ll see what I can do. I should leave you guys a moment alone okay? Sis I’ll be in class!” I yelled while running towards the classroom. Our first lesson would start in less than ten minutes. I paused as I reached the door and scanned the class. I saw him sitting next to Bill. When my classmates saw me standing there they smiled and welcomed me.

Andrew was playing with his pencil. ‘Andrew?’ I spoke inside his head. The moment he heard me he raised his eyes and met mine. Are gazes locked.

“Can I talk to you for a second?” I asked. He stood and walked slowly towards me avoiding my eyes.

“Now, what the h*ll is wrong with you?” I yelled as I pulled him in the hallway.

“Me? Nothing. I am good. What the h*ll is wrong with YOU?” he asked popping the you.


“Yea. You. and what on earth is that that you are wearing?” he glared at me. I was surprised to see that the flower was visible to him, I knew I had vanished it this morning. I took the necklace off of my neck and held it in my hand. Crossed my hand over it and the flower appeared. Andrew seemed a bit shocked.

“Bulbophyllum nocturnum!” he whispered and the flower’s stone turned white, its leaves gradually opening.

“Sh*t no!” he yelled and instantly crossed his hand over the flower. Its opening stopped, the leaves closed and the stone slowly turn green again while the flower faded away with every passing second until it turned transparent again.

“What on earth was that? What did you just whisper?” I was freaking out.

“You have totally no idea right?” he stared inside my eyes.

“No! this is why I am asking you!” I yelled.

“Yell I shall tell you later.”

“What? No! You are going to tell me right this moment!” he glared at me grabbed my arm and pinned me against the wall coming way to close.

“It has to be night!” he said angrily. “Don’t you get it? Now stay away from me. Keep your sexy presence away from me and stop changing colors at your eyes.”

“What?” I trembled. “I didn’t change the color of eyes.”

“They are yellow because you are furious. Learn to control that or else they will soon find out that you are not a human being.” He glared again. He left my arm turned on his heel but this time I was the one to stop him.

“What the f*ck is wrong with you? I am bored of you mood switching! Why did you leave a flower on my locker? The red rose?” I cried.

’Abbs get out of my. Now please.’ He spoke inside my mind.

‘I am not going anywhere!’ I stated.

‘Abbs just leave me alone. For your own good.’ He begged.

‘F*ck off Andy. You are the biggest j*rk I ever got the chance to meet.’ I yelled inside his mind and without thinking I clenched my fists, my jaw stiffened and I closed my eyelids really hard. I didn’t realize what was happening and the only thing I could feel was the darkness growling from the bottom of my heart.

‘Abby stop it! You can’t control it, not yet! Abbs you are hurting me!’ Andrew whimpered inside my head and I couldn’t help it but open my eyes and look at him. He was kneeling on the floor, both hands holding his head, his face had formed a grimace of pain and there was blood running from his nose. I blinked and tried to relax. When I finally did, he blinked as well and wiped the blood from his nose.

I heard footsteps and realized Ramon was coming our way.

“What the…” he looked from me to Andrew who was still kneeling and right back at me. “Hope he didn’t propose.” He joked but he received no laughter.

“What was that?” Andrew glared at me while standing on his feet.

“Abby turn your eyes to normal. They are freakin’ black!” Ramon stated a bit scared.

“What? Andy I am so sorry I didn’t do that on purpose I have no idea how it happened.” I cried.

“Dude didn’t we say that we should be careful?”

“She is the one that used her freakin’ powers!”

“What? Ramon you know what we are?” I tried to put one and one together but there were still pieces missing.

“Well I got no idea what both of you are. But I sure as h*ll know that I am a wizard and I could both of your stupid a**es if you don’t behave. We are at school remember!” he gave me the ‘duh’ look.

“Yea girl. You don’t know how to use your powers right? Go f*ck yourself.” Andrew glared at me.

“I am so sorry I really am. I truly have no idea how I did that.” I whimpered.

“Marian is coming.”

“How do you know?” I smiled.

“I can sense her.” He gave me a smile full of pride when Marian showed up from the corner. Right at that moment Andrew whispered in my ear. “After midnight I expect you to be in my apartment. I have to inform you about that stupid thing you are wearing.” He said angrily.

“I am so sorry…” I shook my head. I headed towards my seat with my sister by my side who for a strange reason didn’t say a word.

‘I am so sorry. I really am!’ I whispered inside Andrew’s mind.

‘Fine. Just try to block your thoughts. I really don’t wanna know every single thing you are thinking.’ I could tell there was a moment he sounded like my Andrew, like the old Andrew.

‘Old Andrew is back!’ I giggled inside his mind.

‘No kiddo. There is no old Andrew anymore. I will never be the same. Neither you, nor us. There won’t be an ‘us’. Get it?’ he trailed off inside my mind. I tried not to think of his words. The lesson started and I watched as the teacher kept on writing numbers on the board.

‘Good Got I am bored!’ the little voice inside my head screamed.

‘Abbs I asked you something.’ Andrew spoke inside my head.

‘Hey! I am not doing it on purpose. And for the love of dead fairies stop entering my mind! I am sure you are the one doing it on purpose.’

‘I swear I am not. You are the only person on earth that I don’t try to listen to your mind and your thoughts just fly towards me. I swear! For everyone else’s thought I have to try. For yours…it’s like you are open book waiting for me to read!’ he seemed confused.

‘Well for your own sake DON’T LISTEN TO MY THOUGHTS!’ I screamed inside his head as high as I could and then crossed my arms in front of my chest.

At the end of the next hour, I was so tired to pay attention at our chemistry teacher so I grabbed my notebook and started drawing. After a few moments of boredom and tiredness I scanned the class and my eyes rested on Andrew who seemed thoughtful.

‘You okay?’ I whispered in his brain.

‘Trying my hardest. I just can’t seem to understand how you can hear my thoughts. I mean you don’t even try! Without training.’

‘Well I can’t hear your thoughts. I only hear you when you are talking to me through your head. You know…I can’t hear what you are thinking any time of the day.’

‘Have you tried to?’


‘Then how do you know that?’

‘I just know.’ I shrugged. My sister grabbed my arm when the bell arm and drag me towards our lockers. I stuffed my books inside and noticed a small piece of paper.

“Abbs don’t forget about tonight. Nobody will never be the same after tonight.’ It was from Ramon. I folded the paper before my sister could see and threw it inside my bag. Rested with my back against the locker, pushed my head away from my face and opened my eyes.

“Don’t look. You don’t wanna see that.” My sister whispered and rested her forehead against her own locker. And she was right. I totally didn’t wanna see that. There he was pinning a beautiful redhead girl against his locker, with an arm around her waist and the other was settled next to her head that was leaning against the locker. He bended and gave her a passionate kiss. I span around risking to hit my head against the locker and clenched my fists.

‘Stupid son of a b*tch!’ I screamed inside my head hoping he wouldn’t hear me. I started walking away as fast as I could.

“Abbs wait!” I heard him call for me.

‘Scr** you Andy boy! Stay away from me!’ I yelled inside his mind. He stopped chasing me and I felt my sister’s hand on my arm. She span me around.

“Abby what’s wrong?” she seemed terrified. “My god you eyes!” I felt my pupils change and blinked a few times to make sure she wouldn’t see what had just happened.


“Oh nothing. I thought…” she hesitated. “Nothing it just seemed that you had no pupils.” She giggled. “But nah!” she laughed. “Well are you alright?”

“I am good.” I smiled kindly.


“Sure sure sure!” I giggled. “Don’t worry. I just saw him kissing and unknown girl!” I laughed to myself.

“Nobody knows anything about her. And she is neither a student nor a teacher.” She shrugged.

“Could we please go grab a cup of coffee? I don’t think I can make it through the whole day without one. Think I am gonna pass out or something.” I faked a sweet smile.

When we entered our school’s restaurant I saw the petite redhead hugging Andrew and kissing him on the cheek. “Never mind…” I stepped back turned on my heel and walked away when the redhead grab my arm and made me turn around by force.

“Abby follow me.” She glared.

“I am not going anywhere with unknown people. And how the h*ll do you know my name?” I yelled. The petite girl drag me by force towards the girls room and when she made sure no one was there she passed her hand in front of her face and in front of my eyes she changed. Her hair turned purple with green highlights, with lots of flowers and leaves and her whole body was covered from some kind of a plant.

“What the…” I whispered.

“Hush! You are gonna ruin the whole thing!” she seemed scared. She placed her thumb on my forehead and told me to relax. However he pink eyes weren’t much of a help. I felt my body sinking into the darkness and then there I was watching Andrew passing a note to the girl. Then I returned to reality.

“Now you get it?”

“Nope not really.”

“What you saw at the lockers was an illusion for the mortals. But when Andrew saw you he lost control and instead of making everybody see that he was just hugging me he thought of you. And that he wanted to kiss you right at that moment. The illusion got spoilt and everybody saw us kissing because he wasn’t focused enough.”


“What do you think would happen if they saw me looking like this? Huh? Try to see things with your inner vision.”

“Yes but…” she cut me.

“No but. Andrew is magnetized by you. The passion and the attraction he finds himself in are way stronger than any spell he tried on himself to make him stay away from you.” she smiled. She turned back into the petite redhead.

“I am Linda by the way. But they call me rocket!” she giggled.


“Yea. I can move really fast. Faster than I vampire.” She winked. We walked off the toilettes and my sister approached looking angry as h*ll.

“Hey Linda!” she spat out grabbed my arm and drag me away from the redhead girl.

“What was that?”she glared at me.

“Andy did that so I would be jealous.” I spat out.

“Childish!” she yelled.

“I know right?” giggled. ‘Linda?’ I tried to reach her mind.

‘Rocket please. And how can you do that?’ she thought and her thinking came right into my mind.

‘Have no idea.’  I laughed.

‘Andrew?’ tried to speak inside his mind.

‘Stop doing that. I figured out that you don’t hear thoughts. You enter people’s minds. Do you have any idea what this could cause to a mortal?’

‘No need to be a j*rk.’

‘Yea sorry. So what did you want?’ heard him laugh inside my mind.

‘After midnight?’ I tried to remember what time I was supposed to be at his place.

‘Yes.’ He answered immediately.

“So we have drawing right now.” My sister stated.


“Calm down he is cool!” she giggled. “Whatever you will need is in your locker.” She winked. We grabbed our things and headed off to his class. After a few minutes the free time started and I was really happy to be able to draw whatever I wanted to. We didn’t have free times like this very often. So I was really excited. I started drawing.

“Abby I am really glad you are with us today. Welcome back.” His smiled kindly. He was a really handsome guy.

“Nice to be back Mister Sebastian!” I smiled right  back at him and return to my drawing. He leaned in and took a pick of the thing I was drawing.

“Abby think I could have a word with you when you are finished?” he nodded reassuringly.

“Sure why not?” I shrugged. When I finally finished my drawing I looked at the final picture. There was an orchid in the middle of the paper that looked just like the flower in my necklace. The sky was jet-black with bolds of lightening ,on the background there was a woman laying on a rock with dark red hair which winnowed, eyes of a snake, fangs that seemed ready to suck one’s blood. All around here there was chaos. Trees were broken and in flames, a part of a dried lake and dead men were scattered all around her seductive body.

On her lips, a small nasty smile had formed making her yellow cat-snake eyes look dangerous and disastrous. From the other side of the flower, the sky was blue and birds were flying. The other half of the lake was full of water and a small deer was freshening. The contrast between those two parts of my drawing wandered around my head.

I wasn’t planning on drawing anything close to that, I only tried to create the place where Andrew had taken me before I made a fool of myself and passed out.  “What the…” I whispered to myself. My sister bended over to check it out but I instantly turned it around.

“Don’t bother. It totally sucks.” I joked.

‘What on earth are those images you keep on sending me? Do you have any idea who that b*tch you are thinking about is?’  he glared at me.

‘I swear I had no intention of drawing that thing. Remember I told you I can’t draw anything but strange characters? I can’t draw landscapes. I was trying to create the place where you’ve taken me I have no idea how this came up. And no, I don’t know who that woman is.’

‘Well let me inform. That woman is Adam’s first wife, Lilith.’

Lilith? She was coming for me, I could feel it.

Hello people. Thanks for reading and if you liked my story please comment, vote fan. Maybe pass it to your friends if you want. Place it in your library and follow me while I try my best to make Abby’s life a complete misery. Nah I am joking. Well her life will be a bit of a misery in the next chapters but I promise nothing too much. Just to give you hint : Abbs is no longer a human. Her powers have started to grow since she found love. I bet you know who her lover will be…;) and as her mom said : true love hides behind the greater you will face :’D


IMPORTANT: yes yes this is the important thingy. From now on, whenever they speak in each other’s minds or whenever they think their dialogue or their words will be in these things ---à ‘……’ and in Italics of course. Well if you have any better idea about the “mental” dialogues or their thoughts, I mean where to include them let me know. I was thinking maybe placing them into --….—something like that or ~….~ that one. But no (…) seems a bit lame xD so thanks for reading and please fan comment vote support me and maybe promote if you liked my story J Ain’t gonna beg. Quote of the day? Well… I have one…True love hides behind the greater pain you will face :’) enough of the talking my dearest friends. Is there anybody that could imagine what her other powers will be? :D :D

 And sorry I know it's a bit big :/ will try and make them shorter if you find it hard to follow. :) loves you <3

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