All Kinds of Therapy ( Bellar...

By HeidiButler3

15.4K 737 95

Clarke & Octavia are from two different worlds but fit perfectly together. Bellamy is a Marine, brother to Oc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 5

633 32 0
By HeidiButler3

The music was so loud you couldn't think, Weekend's were always busy there.

Octavia went up and got a hookah, buying the flavored tobacco. She tapped Clarke to follow her as she headed for a booth.

"I'll get drinks" Bellamy stated heading to the bar. He ordered a whiskey and coke for himself, and two vodka and cranberries for the girls. Paid and grabbed the drinks heading for the table they now occupied.

He set the drinks on the table. Clarke pulled one to her, sliding the other to Octavia.


"Yeah, no problem" he replied watching her smoke the hookah.

"That stuff's bad for you" he smiled.

"So's whiskey" she replied taking a longer drag. He laughed shaking his head and sliding in the booth next to her. She pulled her tip off the hose and passed it to Bellamy who took a short drag and stuck his back in his pocket. Clarke and Octavia smiled at Wick and Lincoln as they approached.

"Hey good looking." Wick greeted her.

"Hey, where's Raven?" she responded.

"She's somewhere around here. Getting a drink I'm sure"

"How's that going?" Bellamy asked.

"I owe you a thank you, that's going exceptionally well" he smiled. Clarke was happy her friends were happy. Lincoln slid in next to Octavia kissing her cheek.

"And this, whats this? Bellamy questioned, his voice increasing in volume.

"We are seeing each other" Octavia responded hesitantly.

"No your not." Bellamy snapped, Clarke pinched him under the table. He glanced at her and looked back at Octavia, he opened his mouth to say something and felt another pinch.

"Stop doing that" he snapped turning towards her.

"Or what?" she smiled, he took note of her finishing her drink.

"Or your going to be sorry" he replied she could see he was mad but he couldn't hide the amusement in his eyes. Someone cleared their throat as another drink was slid in front of her. Clarke sighed glancing at the person.

"Thanks" she said pulling her phone from her purse and scrolling obviously uninterested in his presence.

Bellamy turned to face the person.

"Wow Sgt. Blake, didn't take you long to make friends." Sgt. Emerson... The other Sgt. in his Platoon. That's why it sounded familiar.

"Actually Octavia is my sister and I've known everyone here for quite a while" he replied easily. He nodded before shifting his gaze back to Clarke.

"Clarke, want to dance?"

"No I'm good" she replied, her eyes never leaving the screen of her phone. Bellamy pulled it from her hands, turning it off before handing it back to her.

"Be sociable" he teased. Raven and Octavia smiled watching the two of them. She shoved it in her purse.

Emerson slid in next to Lincoln.

Raven shoved Bellamy, squish her, we are moving in. He slid closer to her draping an arm over the back of the booth. He was surprised Wick, Raven, himself and Clarke all fit in that one seat.

Clarke downed half the drink. He pinched her leg, her eyes shot to his.

"Slow down, I don't want to have to carry you." A few minutes of conversation passed and Emerson stood going to the bar. He came back with another drink for Clarke and himself and one for Bellamy. Bellamy looked up at him.

"Ease up on the drinks for her" Bellamy stated.

"She's a big girl, if she doesn't want them she can tell me, don't worry, If it comes to carrying her, I can take her home" he offered arrogantly.

"That won't be necessary"

"Oh I see now, wait, that makes sense...Blake, like on the back of her shirt" Clarke snapped to attention.

"What shirt?"

Bellamy was instantly seething, and it was evident.

"Wick, outside now" Bellamy's voice was low but rumbled through Clarke. Wick stood, Bellamy slid out with Clarke right behind him.

Bellamy was so focused on Wick he never noticed Clarke beside him.

They weren't even all the way outside yet.

"You told me you deleted that picture, how does he have it?"

"What picture?" Clarkes voice startled them both.

"Go back inside" Bellamy stated.

"Fuck you, I'm not a child, or your property, what picture Wick?"

"I may have taken a picture of you the first night I met you and shared it with a few people, I did delete it but by then the damage was already done."

"Show me" he sighed pulling his phone out, a few swipes and there she was, all legs in Bellamy's T-shirt.

"Send it to me" she stated catching them off guard.


"Send it to me and get that shit off your phone, before I tell Raven" she watched him send and hurry to delete all evidence of it ever existing.

"All gone" he showed them.

"Good now go back inside" Wick wasted no time heading for the door. She turned on Bellamy.

"You! you knew he took it, the night you demanded your shirt back, embarrassed someone might think you gave it to me. You should have opened your mouth then and told me!"

"I thought I ended it there"

"Yeah well you thought wrong, now I have Sgt. Asshole with a copy. It's bad enough he won't leave me alone, he has a picture of me!" she stated angrily.

"This isn't my fault, you parade around half dressed when people are over."

"It's my house!" she yelled.

"I was staying there!"

"Oh, does it all of a sudden make you uncomfortable?"

"Clarke, that's not the point" his voice softened bringing her eyes to his.

"Your a friend of my sisters, and me, sometimes. I don't need the platoon having pictures like that"

"And if it wasn't your shirt?"

"It's still not something everyone needs to see" he snapped. A breeze came through dragging cooler night air with it. Clarke ran her hands up her arms.

"Go inside, your cold. I'll handle Emerson"

"Yes, great idea, seeing as you have proven you ability to end things" she replied dryly turning on her heel and heading for the door. He fought the urge to hit something. She infuriated him. He's gone to war and never come across something that makes him as angry as she does. He could handle terrorists, but the five foot tall blonde in his life was another story.

He let the cooler air calm him for a few minutes before heading back in. He could see Octavia, Lincoln, and Wick on one side of the booth. Raven, Emerson, and Clarke on the other.

"We didn't think you were coming back" Emerson.

"No such luck" Bellamy replied looking to Clarke who had her body pressed up against the wall avoiding coming in contact with Emerson. A pretty blonde approached Bellamy.

"Hey, want to dance?" she asked.

"Sure" he smiled letting her lead the way. Wick pulled Raven up and out with him to dance also. Octavia sent her an apologetic look before standing with Lincoln. She downed what remained of the last drink.

"I'll go grab us another one" Emerson smiled grabbing the glasses. Clarke sat there watching her friends when she almost felt dizzy for a second. Her body felt tingly, something wasn't right, she could feel her heart rate pick up, her limbs felt heavy. She looked out at the floor. Her eyes connected with Bellamy's he gave her a concerned look before excusing himself and heading in her direction.

"Looks like you had enough, How bout I give you a ride home?" Emerson slid in next to her.

"Bellamy" Clarke called.

"No, you don't need Bellamy I can handle it." he said standing.

"Your not leaving with her, I got it from here, take a hike"

"Your gonna need to carry her, I can do it" He stood eye to eye with him.

"I told you I got it. "

Emerson moved to the side, and walked towards the bar.

"Clarke, look at me. You alright."

"Bell, something isn't right"

"What do you mean?"

"I felt...dizzy. I feel like my arms are hundreds of pounds. I can hear the music and you but it sounds muffled and I keep getting a tingly feeling"

"You normally drink like this?"

"More usually"

"Emerson normally bring you drinks"

"Normally the waitress brings them" she replied her head falling back onto the seat.

"Alright time to get you out of here."

"She okay?" Octavia asked.

"Give me the keys, Lincoln get her home safe, I think someone drugged her drink."

"Had to be Emerson" Raven stated.

"Probably, he was in an rush to take her home. I need to get her out of here though before she passes out completely"

"Ready to go?" Bellamy asked her.

"Yeah" she replied struggling to move.

"O grab her stuff, Raven open the doors" Bellamy delegated. With one quick scoop he lifted her into his arms and carried her bridal style to the car.

"You want me to come home?" Octavia asked.

"Nah, I got it, She's just got to sleep it off"

"Thanks big brother" she said shutting her door and watching him pull away.

"Bellamy?" his name leaving her lips was quiet and slurred.


"I'm sorry I yelled at you"

"I'm sorry I deserved it" he replied taking her exit.

He drove them to the front door, purse around his arm keys in hand and managed to lift her out of the car shutting the door with his foot. He unlocked the house and took her straight to her room. He flipped the light on and set her on her bed. He set her purse on the dresser. His eyes moved across her stuff, an open sketch pad on the desk. He flipped through seeing a hand drawn picture of his sister, flipped a few more and there he was, like a mirror reflection staring back at him. He glanced back at her.

"I will find out if this was Emerson, and I will end it" he whispered to her, but more to himself. He felt responsible for the whole thing even though he had no part in it, but it was his friends who invited Emerson along.

He sat down opening her laptop and bringing up google, everything he read said she needed to sleep it off and lots of water. He went to the living room and grabbed a pillow, stopped in the kitchen filling a glass with water and taking it to her room to set on the nightstand. He laid on the floor of her room switching the t.v on and turning the light off. If she needed him he would hear her, it's not like he slept much anyway.

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