Her Arrogance ,His Humbleness

By Humylash

109K 15.7K 552

she comes from a wealthy family, He has nothing, she never had to worry about where her next meal will com... More

chapter 1
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Not An Update
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty Five

2.5K 396 6
By Humylash

Family over everything🌼 miss-shaheeda this one is for you ,thanks for the love ! Antarctica_lover thanks to you too I appreciate the love .


Taseer practically forced me into plaiting my wild, easily dishevelled and untamed hair under the condition that he's going to loose it for me ,not help me loose it but totally and single handedly loose it for me .
I choose today to make my husband  loose my hair ,since it's a Saturday and we mostly spend our Saturdays indoors .
" Like seriously you're abusing me Hayatee, husband abuse which is totally illegal " he whined.
" Says who " I asked with an evil smile.
" Says the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria "
" Hahhahha I'm not a law student but I can swear that there's nothing like that in the constitution" .
" Says who ?" He nudged me
" The constitution ,the proviso is in section 989 " I retorted stifling a laugh. Taseer burst out laughing ,clutching his stomach.
" You're wired upside down wifey,you need to see a Dr " He said in between fits of laughter while I playfully glared at him.
" You're wired half way and side by side also" he winked at me and got back to his position .He kept teasing me ,calling me senior advocate  Manalie, constitution drafting committee chairwoman and all sorts of things that will make me angry but they didn't, I feel happy and very lucky, Taseer is the kind of person you'll never get bored when he's around, we play a lot and that strengthen our love ,   on weekends Taseer brings me breakfast in bed and feed me , its my favorite day of the week because he is so busy with the company he hadly gets time to spend with me but he is trying his best ,always texting and calling me, taking me to and from work .Taseer is the best gift and I am always thankful to have him in my life.
After loosing my hair, Taseer insisted that am not going to the saloon to wash it, he's going to do it himself. " you've never done that Taseer, please don't mess with my hair ,I only let you loose it coz you've done that countless times for Hajia "I said with a pout.
" Then let me learn how to do it , besides what's there in washing hair ?just apply shampoo , use water to rinse  it" he explained and I laughed ,I had to oblige seeing his enthusiasm  . He washed my hair, blow dried it and applied hair cream .My hair had never smelled or looked better .
" thank you habiby , God bless you with a beautiful mansion in jannah " I said high fiving Taseer .
" Ameen and same to you habibaty, now don't be a lazy girl, let's go cook lunch " with that we went to the kitchen and made a simple lunch of jollof spaghetti  with veggies and beef pepper soup with ginger drink .
Simran called, telling me that mama isn't feeling too well ,she just came back from the hospital .
"  subahanallah ! Allah sarki ,may Allah grant her shifaa ,I will meet you at the house " I said giving Taseer a pleading look .
" Don't worry , we will go there then branch to Hajia's for dinner " I felt happy because I've only visited Hajia at her new house three times since she relocated mostly because I'm always busy at work coupled with the fact that Taseer isn't the type of person that loves it when I go out often .I just wore an abayah on top of my shirt and leggings and off we went .
" will you be a sweetheart and help me with whatever it is you've been munching on since you came into this car ?" Taseer was referring to the potato chips I was enjoying alone and I want it to be so .
" Must we share everything ? " I cocked a brow even though he can't see me .He made an attempt to stop the car and forcefully collect the chips so I saved us the trouble and gave him some.
" God saved you yarinyah , da anyi world war 3 right this instance " he said munching and driving without a Care in the world.
" Whatever, kill joy meanie monster evil witch vampire warewolf" I muttered feigning to be annoyed .
" Say it out loud if you really aren't afraid of the boss"
" I didnt say anything just drive and leave me in peace "
" I heard vampire witch werewolf " he said and I looked at him surprised at how sharp his ears are .
" I wasn't referring to you , I was talking to my self "
" whether you're referring to me or not , you're stuck with me till jannah in shaa Allah , and I will punish you tonight till you learn to control this stubborn mouth of yours that calls the love of your life a witch " his dimples betrayed him and made me realised that he ain't serious.
" Can't wait to be punished sire " I mock salute him.
We stopped at a store and bought some provisions for Mama before heading to Simmy's parent's house, mama really Is in a bad condition and I pray to Allah azza wa jaaal to grant her quick and complete shifaa.
" thanks for dropping by Manalie , God bless you dear " That was Simran's dad thanking us when we were about to go .I noticed some changes with simran so I took it that she's worried about mama not knowing that the new couple are having their first real fight .
" What's wrong dear?she's going to be okay in shaa Allah don't worry too much kinji?" I consoled and she burst into tears .
" Haba mana  what's wrong ?"
" It's Ameer, he hates me Manalie? " she wailed and I stilled for few seconds in shock.
" why will you say that habibty ? He doesn't hate you , he might be angry at you but he doesn't hate you. Taseer is waiting for me , get yourself together, calm down and don't even let anyone at home know that you're having a fight with your husband ,I will call you as soon as we reach Hajia 's house " I patted her back while she nodded and I left .
" It seems like there's trouble in Paradise "Taseer observed the moment I Locked the door behind me .
" They are having the first fight, and simmy isn't taking it lightly and from all indications she's the one at fault " I said entwining our hands.
"I think I know the cause ,but let's wait for her side of the story " he squeezed my hands and I recalled him telling me about how incessant Ameer kept complaining about Simran not cooking for him and her excuse is always work , work , work ,I called her and adviced her to learn how to take good Care of her husband ,besides he's her top priority not work ,she promised to change but it seems like all the things I've told her went into deaf ears .
" Our first fight was in Amsterdam and I never wanna  relive that memory ever again in my life " I said recalling how hard it was for me to cope living without his love , care and affection ,without seeing his beautiful face and smile. Without his kisses and touch , without listening to his melodic voice that sounds like music to my ears .Taseer chuckled ,shook his head and said " Me too Hayatee ,you have no idea how much I had suffered and I never want that to repeat itself ever again "
" I am glad that we are on the same page at least I wasn't the only one that suffered " I teased and he squeezed my little finger with force making me wince in pain .
" we are here, home sweet home , lock the car sweetheart lemme run to my momma and hug her before you come in " he gave me a wink , throw me the keys and  dashed inside before I could even open my mouth to protest .The nerve of that man , I'm so gonna murder him in front of his Hajia today lemme see the the end of mother - son love .I hmmmed and  stomped my legs going inside to see the cutest sight I've ever seen .Taseer was lying his head on Hajia's lap while she's playing with his curls .I control the softer side of me and glared at him. With a pout I greeted Hajia .
" Come here my daughter , Muntaseer is feeling like a baby today " she chuckled and I gave Taseer another glare but he seem not to Care or know what I was insinuating with my looks .I gave Hajia a smile and excused myself to call Simran giving the mother and son some privacy. She picked at the first ring as if she has been waiting for me to call, I imagined her clutched with her phone, looking at it every single minute for miss calls.
" Hey what's up ?" I asked not wasting time on the pleasantries since she's not a stranger to me .
"Manal how do you manage to live in peace with Taseer, like you never hurt him or get into any fight that I know of considering how haughty and proud you're ?" She asked ,though if we're in a different circumstance I will tell her off for answering my question with a question but I'll let it slide for just today.
" I've changed Simran and you know that , I'm no longer that arrogant girl who's too proud to admit she is wrong or gets angry easily without giving the other party the benefit of doubt , marriage change us in a way you'll soon get to understand, you'll give up your dreams for the sake of the one you love, you'll go extra miles just to please that person besides your key to entering paradise is underneath the feet of your husband , I've learnt to change the hard way but I'm glad I did , what you fail to understand is that Ameer is now part of you , he has his expectations of you before you married him and he'll be disappointed to find out otherwise, I know that you hardly cook at home but mama made sure she taught you how to cook , I know that you're lazier than I am but you have to give that up since your husband is the type that wants his meals to be made by his wife , then why not give up your laziness,woman up and make something for him? Don't let your career get in the way of your marital life, you can balance the two together perfectly besides a lot of women have done that and they succeeded. You know how I battle with Taseer, he sometimes asked me not to cook but Ammy taught me to never let my husband eat out , you're no longer a Lady at  her father's house but a home maker in her husband's house , be a diligent wife and don't argue with your spouse when you know that he's right and whenever he ask of something from you which isn't haraam make sure you give him that , ko kina so before your 1st anniversary you'll get apart because of your carelessness? This is a huge problem but very simple to address" I stated calmly while only the sound of her breath made me know that she's listening from the other end .
" marriage has changed you so much in a good way Manalie , but I always know that beneath that  cold stone facade you're a very good person, you just give me the solution to a problem I didn't even tell you about and I'm really grateful , it's just that sometimes I feel like Ameer should  be the one making sacrifices not me but thanks to you am seeing that in another light, I love the new you more  and I'm glad to have you , now tell me what should I do to make this right? We are not even on talking terms and it drives me mad " I feel sorry for simran coz I've been there once and I know the feeling.
" Go home now , cook his favorite, clean the house, make the atmosphere romantic, dress in his favorite and wait for him to come home. Start by apologising to him and telling him your reasons for doing what you've done , he's your husband ,he loves you and he won't judge you and never ever repeat that mistake again " I adviced.
" Alright queen of Taseer's kingdom ,I have a lot of things to take care of so bye take care love you miss you and you're the bestest best , best of the very best " she hung up before I could answer her, I was glad she's back to her over jovial crazy self .I turned to find Taseer leaning casually on the door looking at me with a proud smile .
" what again? Already tired of making me feel like I don't take care of you ??" I blurted giving him a glare .
" I never knew that my wife is so clever and a very good friend " he said walking  towards me .I shifted back a little till my back is to the wall .He held me by the waist and kissed my forehead with so much affection , he don't need to explain, he overheard my conversation with simran.
" eavesdropping is haraam zawjee" I said with a stern voice .
" unintentional eavesdropping isn't haraam , it's excusable so am sorry,I didn't mean to pry but then I thought you're mad at me that's why I came to say sorry not knowing that you're saving someone's home , I'm proud to have you hayatee and I love you so much , I wish I can open up my heart for you to see how much you've occupied every nook of it " he said in his oh soo low husky voice that turns my legs to jelly .
I just held him close to me feeling his heartbeats for a long time before we broke the hug and went inside .Dinner was lit and we left Hajia's house .instead of going home my  darling husband headed towards my home and  I have never been happier .Abby was at home which makes my pay back more fun , I jumped and hugged the life out of Abby he gave me a are you sane look and asked what the occasion that warrants such a  show of affection is " can't a princess show some love to her Darling daddy ? Besides I've missed you so much Abby " I pouted and he chuckled " You never grow up Manalie, you've seen me yesterday and the day before that " he said while Ammy looked at us with amusement.
" Ammy " I squealed and gave her her share of a bone crushing big hug , she patted my back and head " You're welcome " she said referring to Taseer who's already engrossed in a serious convo with Abby .
" Men and their business talks " I whispered while Ammy smacked my arms " ja'irar yarinya come and bring them refreshments, we didn't know you guys are coming and we've finished our dinner"
" don't worry Ammy we are from Hajia's and I'm full to the brim " I said holding her by the shoulders .She always complained that I have no respect for her ,holding her like my little sister whenever I get the chance. I took the drinks and snacks to the bosses and went up to talk with Ammy.
" Manalie ,are you happy ? I am your mother you can tell me anything and I trust Muntaseer to keep you happy till the end but I have to ask " she said with motherly concern ,who said mother's aren't angels? They are the best gift to mankind.
" am happy Alhamdulillah Ammy , nothing is wrong it's just that am afraid maybe I'll never be able to conceive " I voiced out my fears , I didn't even realised that it bothered me until I voiced it out .
" I know my dear, but be patient and prayerful In shaa Allah you'll conceive and give birth till you have a few dozens of kids running around the house ,besides the Doctor assured us that there's no problem, it will take time sweety but it will happen in shaa Allah " she soothed.
" We were only blessed with you and you're worth a dozen male children we could  have , we love you so much and we are proud of the woman you've become  Manalie. May Allah continue to bless you and give you the taqwah to keep going on " she said while a tear fell down my cheeks, it was a tear of joy, a tear of fulfillment that I made my parents proud ,what more can I ask than to thank Allah azza wa jaal and pray that this happiness, this peace , this love and this bond will remain the same forever. With Taseer beside me every step of the way, having my parents and the kindest woman as a mother in law , two friends that can do anything to make me happy I feel complete, it's quality not quantity that matters and I'm proud to puff my chest out anywhere and say these people are my family and I love them to bits, I can take a bullet for them .To the world they are just people but to me  they are the world .
Taseer later came into Ammy's room to properly greet her and we end up listening to Ammy's stories when she and Abby were poor , it was devastating but she said she's glad they went through that phase and now they are happy and it's all that matters , she prayed for us and kept telling us about the ups and downs of marital life, I feel happy to spend the weekend at home and made a mental note to thank Taseer for surprising me with a family time Saturday .


Assalamu alaikum ! Hope you're all doing good ? If so then Alhamdulillah Allah kara mana lafiya .Sorry for the kind of long wait I travelled and then the writer in me went to sleep .Hope you enjoyed this chappie .Thanks for giving this book a chance God bless you all with a cute home in jannah . lemme go back to my beauty sleep and Post this when I wake up its 9:54am .
Love always Aishatu.

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