The Lady Knight (on hold )

By pianoforte

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silver wood is a beautiful country , with so many trees , animals and brave knights . in one of it's villages... More

the lady knight chapter 2
the lady knight chapter 3
the lady knight chapter 4
the lady knight chapter 5
The Lady Knight chapter 6

The Lady Knight

440 8 5
By pianoforte

“Get down here young lady, now!”Shouted the ex-knight sir timothy or Tim as his close people call him

“No way, not until you agree, Uncle Tim “was the answer he got, from the girl who happens to be the cause of all his headaches, why he loved her beyond imagination, this girl who stole his honor medal, and climbed a tree, he don’t know.

“But you are a lady!”

“That didn’t stop me before, did it?” she said smiling wickedly.

“Ugh! You will be grounded for real this time “

“Not going to happen, you love me too much “damn her, she knows he is wrapped around her little finger, but none the less he was not going to lose to her this time.

He looked at her again and was lost in his thoughts, Robin, an innocent child who was a gift from his best friend Arnold, a man he shall never forget, she even has his stubbornness, but she has her mother’s beauty.

“Oh I see you are at it again!”

“Welcome back Aunt Tina, how was the shopping?”

“As always sweet heart “Tina, Tim’s wife for 20 years said smiling at the child that seemed to steal everyone’s heart.

“So, do I need to know why you are on a tree?”

“He won’t give me the ok “answered Robin, pointing at Tim.

“Well, it’s a matter of time “

“Hey!” Tim tried to save his dignity, but how was he kidding, he will give robin anything she asks for, even his life.

Tim sighed, finally giving up, as Robin jumped fast hugging him “thank you, thank you!”Her blue eyes were showing their silver color, her dad eyes that used to make everyone enchanted, he remembered how his friend’s eyes were always honest, always full of life, just like robins were.

“Ok now, you have to stay with Race, no funny business, you know this trip is going to be long, the capital of the kingdom is a dangerous place, especially the woods on the road.’

“Oh uncle, you know I am the best fighter here “she said smiling, heck she won many medals, in fighting with both hands and swords.

Tim was so proud of her “of course I know! I trained you after all, you are my lady knight ‘

“Ok now, honey go take a shower I need to have a word with robin “

“Alright “Tim kissed robin and Tina’s foreheads and went to his house.

“So auntie what do you want to talk about?”

Tina smiled adoringly at Robin “well, I have something to give you “

“Ok!” they both walked to the house, before they got inside, Robin heard Race’s voice shouting at her to wait

“Did you pack yet?”

“Not yet I just got the ok “

“ pffft, you are losing you charm sis “ Race , was the son of Tina and Tim , he was tall and strong with jet black hair that was exactly as his parents’ , he always referred to Robin as his little sister , since the day he saved her from some bullies when the both were five .

“If I didn’t love you so much, you would have been dead by now “

“I know that “Race said smirking.

“Race go change “Tina said “we are having dinner in 5 “

“sure mom” Race ran into their small  white house that had some green plant growing on it , Robin adored this house , it was rounded by a field , where lots of trees were planted , but what was the thing she considered her treasure was the love those people who were not related to her gave her , it was what saved her , when her parents died in that horrifying accident , their carriage was moving fast and the driver lost control over the horses , and as the carriage fell off the cliff , her parents' lives ended , and because she was left in the care of Tim and Tina that day , she was still alive .

“You ok sweetie?” Tina’s voice got Robin out of her thoughts.

“Yeah, ok now what are you giving me?”

Tina started digging in her little black box; it was where she kept her most valuable accessories

“Ah! Found it, here you go sweet heart “

She gave Robin a small beautiful pendant that was exactly the same color as her eyes,blue with a tint of silver ,  on the pendant there were some writings that robin couldn’t help but read aloud:

if you can imagine it , you can achieve it , if you can dream it ,you can be it , all you have to do is to never give up _ your parents A& R “

Robin was speechless , but her aunt encouraged her to open the pendant , her eyes met an old picture of three families she saw her parents , she truly looked a lot like them , she was a baby , held by her mother , the same way Race was held by her aunt Tina with Tim standing , but the ones she didn’t recognize were  the huge man with grey eyes and black hair  , the lady that he had one of his arms around , she was a beauty , and who she assumed to be their one year old son , who was happily sitting on his dad’s shoulders , he looked so precious.

She was about to ask who those three were, but her uncle calling for them interrupted her.

“Come on ladies we are dying here!”

“Yeah mom, we even prepared the table “

“Uh oh! That means we are going to be eaten alive if we don’t get going “Tina said laughing

After dinner Robin went to her room, and all she could think of was the pendant, and the people inside it, she felt they will be really close to her.

With that thought she fell asleep, waiting for tomorrow that will be the first day of a journey that would change our robin’s life forever. But she didn’t know it yet.


Ok this is obviously a new story , I was thinking of leaving it till I finish the others but I couldn’t help it after all , so here is chapter 1 , I hope you like it guys.

Sara <3

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